La CIUDAD cuenta lo que sus muros hablan - The CITY tells what its walls speak.

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La CIUDAD cuenta lo que sus muros hablan - The CITY tells what its walls speak.

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Taken on: March 5, 2023
Groups appears in:   ART DISTRICT    Graffiti    more » ! streetART ►poster ►paste ups ►installations →URL /-_-    Graffiti Art    graffiti streat art    graffiti - hall of fame    Flickr Graffiti    *Graffiti, Tags and Street Stickers    Art in Public Spaces - 3 per day    graffiti walls    Graffiti / Street Art    artAttack!!!    Graffiti Hunters    Graffiti Anywhere    A WRITING on the WALL    Graffiti Photography    GRAFFITI NATION    Beautiful Streetart    C H A R A C T E R Z    ART ON THE WALLS    * STREETART    Graffiti of the world    GRAFFITI AWARDS! (Worldwide)    Endless Canvas (Graffiti / Street Art)    Carpet Bombing Culture: Street Art and Graffiti    Graffiti is art.    Walk The City    Fine Wall Art Murals    Arte urbano (plantillas, posters, pegatinas, murales...)    The Masters of Art ~ Comment 2    Universal Art    Graffiti & Art in Forgotten Places    URBAN ARTE (P1 - A1)    Dope Ass Graff!    Graffiti kunst    Flickr Unlimited - No Rules, No Limits    Show All Your Photos From Around The World. NO SL/AI    The best picture of the world    Street art from around the world    艺 ▲SKERO▼ɢʀᴀϝϝɪᴛɪ ⅋ ѕᴛʀ⁅⁅ᴛ▼ART▲    ㋡ SMICKR = SmugMug + Flickr ㋡    !!!Post Your Bests!!!    graffitiowin    Street Art portraits    « less
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