This is a ruthless world, and one must be ruthless to cope with it #25 EXPLORE 01.06.2021

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This is a ruthless world, and one must be ruthless to cope with it  #25 EXPLORE 01.06.2021

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Taken on: May 16, 2021
Sets appears in:   URBEX - Dystopia: the world after humans    Plane addicts    more » EXPLORED    DRONE    SA226/227-Metroliner    « less
Groups appears in:   urban explorers    Aviation    more » beautiful decay.    Eerie Creepy Encounters    Dark Places    planes, trains and automobiles    Urban Exploration - Exploring Abandonments    Airplanes and Airports    Decay    DARK - 暗い    Airplanes    Plane Spotting    Pilot's Lounge    Airline: Turboprops (Propeller)    europeanurbanexploration    derelictlight    Art of Urbex    ~Artistic Aviation~    Abandonded Urban Decay    Urbex    PLANE Interesting!    Abandoned Dark Creepy    Abandoned Structures    Abandoned Beauties    28 Days Later    Abandonment (Moderated)    darkclub    Urbex - HDR    remains of a past grandeur    Abandoned, Decayed & Forgotten    JUDOJUDO E LA FOTOGRAFIA    Fairchild Swearingen Metro, Metroliner, Merlin & Expediter    in explore    Abandoned - Art of Decay    Aviones (Sin limite de grupos)    exploring lost places    Urbex & Infiltration - EUROPE    -- Volare..    Rust Crust and Dust!    THERE IS NO LIMIT FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC CREATION    BEAUTY PHOTOS AROUND THE WORLD    UFO OSNI BODIES PARANORMAL PHENOMENA AND PHENOMENA NOT EXPLAINED    Abandoned lands    EXPLORER PHOTOS FROM 2021 AND ALSO OF THE PAST,    PHOTOS FOR CURE, MEDITATION AND DISCOVER THE GIFTS WE HAVE AND D    INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION AGAINST THE MANIPULATION OF THE SKIES    DISCUSSION MEETINGS ABOUT THE REALITY UFO IN SPAIN AND THE REST    LANDSCAPES PEOPLE AND HISTORY OF A COUNTRY CALLED SPAIN.PAISAJES    IMAGES OF COMMERCIAL COMBAT AIRCRAFT HELICOPTERS AND AIRCRAFT OF    WORLD DAY OF PHOTOGRAPHERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD.DIA MUNDIAL D    THE IBERIAN PENINSULA CRADLE OF THE ATLANTIS AND OF THE PROGRESS    GRANDES COMPOSICIONES DE LA FOTOGRAFIA MUNDIAL.LARGE COMPOSITION    SECRET SOCIETY OF THE SON OF ATON IN THIS IF THE FORMER CAN JOIN    ZEUS GOD OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE HORACLE OF DELPHI.ZEUS DIOS DE L    « less
Camera: DJI FC7203, f/2.8, 1/120 sec, 4.5mm, ISO 100 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: DJI FC7203
Aperture: f/2.8
Exposure Time: 0.008 sec (1/120)
Focal Length: 4.5mm
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash function
Exposure Program: Program AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Spot
White Balance: Auto
Light Source: Daylight
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Adobe Photoshop 21.2 (Windows)
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