Europa, Deutschland, Berlin, Charlottenburg, Hardenbergstraße Ecke Hardenbergplatz

Bernhard Kußmagk
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Europa, Deutschland, Berlin, Charlottenburg, Hardenbergstraße Ecke Hardenbergplatz

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Taken on: October 1, 2017
Sets appears in:   Berlin 1979 - 2025    Berlin Straßenbahn    
Groups appears in:   Photography    Germany    more » Trains and Trolleys    Berlin    public transport    Rail    Flickr Addicts    Germany, Deutschland    Berlin *L!FE*    Trams/Streetcars    Public Transportation    A Streetcar Named ...    Photojournalism & Photojournalists    Views: 75    Urban Mobility    Trolley    tram    Trams All Over The World !    Public transport / komunikacja miejska / doprava 🚏    Urban Rail    Tramways2007    Tranvías, Trenes y Subtes    Trains and Trams - Railway Lovers    Trams & Buses    Mein Berlin    Urban - Photography    Transportation Of The World    YES, GERMANY! DEUTSCHLAND!    Zielanzeiger (öff Verk) // destination indicator (publ. transp)    TRAM TRAMWAY TROLLEY by AP    Sporvogne, Straßenbahnen, streetcars, Trams    Capitals of the world : Transport    Tramvaje, šaliny, lokalki a socky...    All Locomotives, Trains and Trams    Your photo of the day ~ tu foto del día    PLANET EARTH TRANSPORTATION    A Photographer [No AI or SL]    your photo du jour    Tram-spotting    Subway, Trolley, Tram & Rapid Transit Trains of the World    TRAM Worldwide    Straßenbahnfreunde - Tram friends - Tram des amis    Metros y Tranvias del mundo / Subway and trams of the world    Tram*Subway*Train    TRAMS TRAMS TRAMS    Tramway Holidays    Openbaar Vervoer in de Wereld/Public transport in the world    Trams/Straßenbahn/Tramway/Tramvej/Sporvogne    ÖPNV Berlin (BVG / S-Bahn)    Single truck Trams - Twee-assers - trams à deux essieux    JUST TRAMS    Trams in the world    World railways! Trains, trams and subways!    ♥ GERMANY »Ⓓ« DEUTSCHLAND ♥    tram bus en metro in europa    Trenes, materiales y paisajes ferroviarios (Sin limite de grupos    ALL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION.    Worldwide Train's and Tram's    Wow! I saw this! (Post all things in the eyes view)    The Trammist    « less
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