self (portrait)

Wölfel Michael
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self (portrait)

© All Rights Reserved
Taken on: September 10, 2017
Groups appears in:   The Photographer's Club    Small modern art work    more » Funny Ha Ha!    Colors of the World    Street Performers    Art & Theory Nobs    Art and Artists.    BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO HEAVEN!    StreetPhoto    Art of Photography - The Eye of the Beholder!    Of Me    Magic Moments    Artistic Photography    Love    Metaphotography    Flickr Addicts    STREETART    take your own picture...    A Piece of Me    Four Thirds Users    People of the World (no AI !)    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Amateurs    Creative    Self Ego    art gallery    Ostwestfalen-Lippe    iFlickr    Street Stuff    Life    Surrealism    Streetshots (people in the street)    People in the City    Conceptual photography    Urban Life    Less is more    Four Thirds Photography*    Street Art!    Creative Photography    Photographic Art    Imagination    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    Street art trade    GREATPIX    Self Portraits    Digital Minimalism    lustiges & skurriles    street surreal    500 Views    simple    art show    This    NRW Nordrhein-Westfalen    Deutschland im Alltag    Art on the Streets    Nice pictures    Street Art on Flickr    Art: The revolution!    Deutschland    Beauty is Simple    LOVE & PEACE > READ THE RULES OR...    STREET STORIES    art school dropouts    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    ! * Urban LIFE in Metropolis ////    My Everyday Life    Art — Life    SELF-PORTRAIT    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    Abstract by selection    Olympus Users    Self With Camera    Wir sprechen Deutsch    ART / REAL    Views: 500    Banalities    Life is Art!    genie & wahnsinn    Creative Artists    OLYMPUS Zuiko Digital & M. Zuiko Digital Club (Please TAG)    Just me and my camera !    CREATIVE MINDS    Deutsche Foto-Gruppe    something wicked this way comes..    The surreal life    MAX Magazine    ART-X    Photo 4 beginners    Wir bauen Scheisse.    Global Urban Art    Your mind, your photos    Fine Art Photography Young Team #1    STREET shots making you SMILE    The Elegance of Simplicity    Dark ART    The Portrait Group    Digital Photography School    The Streets    Your_minimal    Creative Director in Advertising    finally we are no one    photo collection    Simple and minimalistic    We love Deutschland!    Beginner's Digital Photography    The Flickr Photo Blog    Photo Fans    like a dream    Streets of the World    SELF-PORTRAIT OBSESSIONS    Kaputt → Die Ästhetik des Hässlichen    TUAW Desktops    colourful minimalism    kunstkreis    Photoshop,art    Emotive Photographs    Babel Deutsch Revolution ÄEsthetik    Life is GREAT!!!    :: Just Art- "Be Creativ" ::    desolate germany    *** Flickr's Most Creative Shots ***    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    Art Squared Wonders    An Awesome Shot! Invited Photos ONLY!!    1 day we'll have the most photos on Flickr    Olympus E-System Community    VirusPhoto    People pictures    Daily Life    Street Composition (Fine Art Street Photography)    Life is Good®    Occult    Olympus Cameras (SLR & Rangefinders)    Life!    CCCP (Creative, Composed, Cellphone Photography)    FELT LIFE    deutsche fotografen    Art & Technology    Art Threat    Street People Situation    Flickr-Fotografen- Deutschland    RAW Street Photography    Ordinary Life    Picture Collection    Art of Photography    Get noticed    One Of A Kind    Street Portraitist    Abstrait / Abstraction    street photography - feet    Call to Artists    Creative concepts    So simple, so beautiful!    A Simple Memory    Self Expression (Moody Self-Portraits)    Your Best Photography    German Langeweile    Life on the Streets    Circle of Arts *no video*    art or not art? - Kunst oder nicht Kunst?    Keine Zensur!!! secret submission society    This Wicked World    Art - Photoshoprealismus    Fotokunst-Gemeinschaft    Picture Fantastic    über    PHOTO NOW    Pensive Abstractions    Me and my camera entering the world    Crafting 365    Art is what we make it!    Four Thirds Photography    kwerfeldein: die flickr gruppe    Score Your Masterpiece    AESTHETICALLY PERFECT (only exact squares - P1/C1)    Flickrs Finest Fotos Contest on now !!    Creative & Superb photos    SIMPLE.    kreativ    Beautiful Photos Only ( Post 1 Award 3 )    Streets In The City    Street Photographers    flickr in full color [No Black & White !]    Fine Art Photography (pls read description)    ART circle    Art - Fotografie / Art - Photography    ART BULLY    Funny self portrait    L•O•V•E    Popular Photography Magazine    Deutsche Fotowelt    Creative Every Day Challenge    * Simple Things *    urban poetry    Deutschsprachig    PHOTO SMILES - Photos That Make You SMILE! Post 1/Award 2    Positive Magazine    Picture at an Exhibition - Quadri di un esposizione    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    worldwide street photography    Fotoart Rosario/Marcos Juarez    LIFE AND CAMERA    N.E.E.T. Magazine    Fine Art Photography (in the footsteps of the masters)    deutsche dissonanz    Creative Spaces    Sardi    Cityscape and urban scenery    The best moment.    " All Photo "    ~ keep a smile ~    ! I Love My Pics No 2nd Life Pics!!    mygall - Artists and Friends    Contemplative Photography    Art of Digital Photo Painting Masterpieces    Olympus & Four Thirds - España    Art from All Artists    Just Self Photo    Beautiful Expression    Deutsch mich nicht voll!    LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL ! Share pictures that make you HAPPY!    Self Centered Sunday    Kunst - Arte - Streetart - Actionmalers Award    *****Street Photography*****    SUPER CANDID ~ the best candid photography    Street Photography and Photographers Rights - Post 1 - Comment 1    Life in the slow lane.    WE ARE CREATIVE PEOPLE!    Fotografie - Eins der schönsten Hobbies der Welt    Pictures from my friends *no animals* use award code please!    The Biggest Group! - Playground For Psychotics    **The Street Photography Society** only 2 shots per week    House of Illustration    Self portrait.    Deutsche Olympus E System Gruppe !!! P1/C1 : O)    Kunst ohne Ambition: Gemälde fürs Ego    ~~WOW of the day~~    Streets of mine    Kunst----exklusiv----art #1    The Art of Photography Podcast    Kunst ist Interpretationssache    Olympus Amateurs    Things I Love Thursdays!    Surreal Shots    Amazing+Photography    GERMANY COMMUNITY    I, Me, Mine - Pictures of you    Art Team    Photo Unlimited    Elegantly Minimal    *Photo Artwork    Arts & Minds Network    as beautiful as you want    All Street Photography    Olympus Manual Focus    Fuel Your Illustration    ***Flickr Global    Your pics and shots [No AI or SL]    ▲Monster puke▲    *poetry of images    ★★★Shutter Bug - Tips & Tricks★★★    ▲ cult    *That's MY Photo ! *    Olympus Pen E-P1, E-P2 & E-P3 and All Other Olympus Pen Cameras    Creative Photographer on Flickr! (Post 1 - Award 1)    Das ist sehr schön    No Culture Icons    The Flickr Underground    Flickr Community (INVITE ALL CONTACTS)    Fotokunst    Best Photos Around the World    Micro Four Thirds (Micro 4/3)    Art Initiatives    Life's Art    Shoot the Street    Share YOUR Own World!    Street Photographer    Street Creed (street photography)    moments in our life    Abstract and Open    Stadtleben    Street Shooter    100 photos    Self-Portrait Café (SPC)    Your photo of the day ~ tu foto del día    In The Streets    MY FLICKR FAV's (Invite a Friends Photo) P1/C2    Self Exploration Through Portraits    STREET ART IN THE WORLD    seltsames    Street Photography International - The SPI    KUNST DURCH NARRATIVE WERKE !    this is how I feel today*    Photo is Art    art for non-snobs    ★ Creative, Individual, Unique ★    Life in City    Konstruktive Kritik - Deutsche Fotografen    show me the art    The D-Photo    I shoot anything.    Einfach (nur) ein Foto....    FINE Magazine - Photographer Search    EXISTentialism -- Emotions, People, Portraits    Art of Crafts    Colour Street Portraits of People    Digital SLR Photography Magazine    Minimalist Matt    Olympus Pen    I Use Olympus Cameras    LIFE ON STREETS    Life in the Street Photography    Deutsche Hobbyfotografen, die einfach gegenseitig helfen und ler    Aspiring Street Photographers    Photo Artists    Self Reflection (self portraits in a mirror)    Modern Art - Moderne Kunst    Foto-Zirkel    LOVE PHOTOS    The Street Photograph (Black and White Street Photography)    Street Photography - Image of People.    art - kunst p3c3    NASTY MAGAZINE | the charme of the mess    Flickr OBSESSION'    the world i see    ART GALLERY - ABSTRACT    Street with Feeling    Street photography & Candid photo group    Life is a Photo !    Still**Life - Street Photography    Life now    Street!    Your Preferred Picture **WELCOME! **    OLYMPUS PEN E-PL3    Love & Love    Minimal Street    !Excellent Photos    photo A-mateur    Photo Contest!    VIENNESE COFFEE HOUSE ☕ Where You Meet Your Friends | P1-C1    Life_photographers    PHOTO photo PHOTO photo PHOTO    Universal Art    Street, candid photography    flickr (unofficial)    conceptual inspirational art & photography    Street Photos ONLY    *Perfectly banal    Avibase    Amatuer photography DSLR group.    Your Life In Photos    Photo Our World Gallery    Street Life, Real Life    Street Photography    "Streetlife"    Fotografie Deutschland    Selected minimum    The Street Of Life (street photo)    Olympus Micro 4/3 Cameras With a Prime Lens.    Flickr Flick    Street Photography Magazine    Kunstgallery-Photoshop    DSLR Fotografie Minden Lübbecke    Flickr-eyes    Fine Art Photoshop    Art dans tout ses états    Digital Photo Mag    *MADE IN GERMANY*    Flickr No1 Pics    Your best of the best    Creative View    Photo's passion of the world    Life Around The World    Everything Creative    Olympus 25mm F/1.8 Lens (Micro Four Thirds)    Photo Nation    The Best ...    Olympus 14-42mm EZ    Olympus M.Zuiko 25mm f/1.8    !*ALL ARE WELCOME*!    Photography And Manipulation    Photos de rue - Street photography by "No Awards"    Olympus MFT streetphotography    Flickr Social    Street Portraits Close Ups Only    Today's Flickr    !*Flickr All Stars*!    World's Pictures    Pictures of the World.    Colours of Flickr    Wow! I saw this! (Post all things in the eyes view)    World Street Photography! Full Color and Monochrome.    Momentos para no olvidar    Photographers in the New World    Attrape Mon Âme (street and soul) no limits    FotoSphäre    EYE-Photo Magazine Street Photography    « less
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