Atlatl Rock
Valley of Fire State Park is a public recreation and nature preservation area covering nearly 46,000 acres (19,000 ha) located 16 miles (26 km) south of Overton, Nevada. The state park derives its name from red sandstone formations, the Aztec Sandstone, which formed from shifting sand dunes 150 million years ago. These features, which are the centerpiece of the park's attractions, often appear to be on fire when reflecting the sun's rays. It is Nevada's oldest state park, as commemorated with Nevada Historical Marker #150. It was designated as a National Natural Landmark in 1968.
Valley of Fire is located in the Mojave Desert 50 miles (80 km) northeast of Las Vegas, at an elevation between 1,320–3,009 feet (402–917 m).[5] It abuts the Lake Mead National Recreation Area on the east at the Virgin River confluence. It lies in a 4 by 6 mi (6.4 by 9.7 km) basin.
Complex uplifting and faulting of the region, followed by extensive erosion, have created the present landscape. The rough floor and jagged walls of the park contain brilliant formations of eroded sandstone and sand dunes more than 150 million years old. Other important rock formations include limestones, shales, and conglomerates.
Prehistoric inhabitants of the Valley of Fire included the Ancestral Puebloans, also known as the Anasazi, who were farmers from the nearby fertile Moapa Valley. Their approximate span of occupation has been dated from 300 BC to 1150 AD. Their visits probably involved hunting, food gathering, and religious ceremonies, although scarcity of water would have limited their stay. Fine examples of rock art (petroglyphs) left by these ancient peoples can be found at several sites within the park.
The creation of Valley of Fire State Park began with transfer of 8,760 acres (3,550 ha) of federal land to the state of Nevada in 1931. Work on the park was initiated by the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1933. During the years of their employment, which continued into the early 1940s, the CCC workers built campgrounds, trails, stone visitor cabins, ramadas, and roads. The park opened in 1934; it achieved official designation by the state legislature in 1935.
The Valley of Fire State Park has a dry and warm climate typical of the Mojave Desert in which it lies. Winters are mild with daytime temperatures ranging from 54 °F (12 °C) to 75 °F (24 °C). and over night lows in the mid 30 °F's to low 50 °F's (3-12 °C). Storms moving east from the Pacific Ocean occasionally bring rain during winter months. Daily summer highs usually range from 100 °F (38 °C) to 115 °F (46 °C) and on occasion may reach near 120 °F (49 °C). Thunderstorms from the Southwestern Monsoon can produce heavy showers during summer. The average annual precipitation is 6.50" (165.1mm).
Valley of Fire Road
Valley of Fire Road is the main road accessing and traversing through the park. The 10.5-mile (16.9 km) section of the road between the east and west entrances of the park was officially designated as a Nevada Scenic Byway on June 30, 1995.
Activities and amenities
The park has a visitors center plus facilities for picnicking, camping, and hiking. Petroglyphs are seen throughout the park, with Mouse's Tank and Atlatl Rock two areas in particular with numerous petroglyphs that are relatively easily accessible. The park also preserves three stone cabins built by the Civilian Conservation Corps.
Film history
Valley of Fire is a popular location for shooting automobile commercials and other commercial photography. It has provided a setting for the following films and television shows:
Viva Las Vegas starring Elvis Presley had multiple shots filmed in the park during the racing scenes for the film's finale in 1963.
The Professionals with Burt Lancaster, Lee Marvin, and Claudia Cardinale was filmed in 1966. Valley of Fire was one of three locations used in the film. All that remains of the set is a portion of a rock wall of a hacienda.
The outside Mars scenes from Total Recall, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, were almost totally shot in Valley of Fire.
The scenes from planet Veridian III from Star Trek Generations were filmed here in 1994. The Silica Dome is particularly highlighted for Star Trek fans as the site of iconic starship captain James T. Kirk's death and burial.
An atlatl (at’-lat-l) is a device used for launching a spear; usually a short cord wound around the spear so that, when thrown into the air, the weapon will rotate. The ancient Indians used these weapons and they are depicted in the petroglyphs (rock carvings) located at Atlatl Rock. This area has outstanding petroglyphs that should not be missed.
Der Valley of Fire State Park ist der älteste und größte State Park Nevadas und wurde 1935 eröffnet. Der 141 km² große State Park liegt 80 Kilometer nordöstlich von Las Vegas auf einer Höhe von 610 bis 790 m. Er liegt westlich angrenzend an das Lake Mead National Recreation Area an der Mündung des Virgin River in den Lake Mead.
Das Valley of Fire leitet seinen Namen von den roten Sandsteinformationen ab, die sich vor 150 Millionen Jahren aus großen Wanderdünen formten. Komplexes Heben und Senken der gesamten Region, gefolgt von extensiver Erosion haben die gegenwärtige Landschaft geschaffen. Weitere bedeutende Felsformationen bestehen aus Kalkstein, Schiefergestein und Konglomeratgestein.
Die Winter sind mild, mit Temperaturen, die von Frost bis 25 °C reichen können. Tagestemperaturen im Sommer können bei bis zu 47 °C liegen. Zwischen den Tages- und Nachttemperaturen im Sommer kommt es zu großen Schwankungen.
Der durchschnittliche Jahresniederschlag liegt bei 100 mm und kommt durch leichte Schauer im Winter und Gewitter im Sommer zustande. Empfehlenswert sind deshalb Besuche im Frühjahr und Herbst.
Flora und Fauna
Die Pflanzenwelt dieses Gebietes wird vorrangig von Büschen und Sträuchern bestimmt. Dazu kommen verschiedene Kakteenarten. An Blumen kommen u. a. Ringelblumen und Eibisch vor.
Verschiedene Vögel sind im Tal heimisch, darunter Raben, Finken und Kuckuck. Die meisten Wüstentiere sind nachtaktiv. Im Valley of Fire sind das zum Beispiel Kojoten, Füchse, Skunks, Kaninchen und Eichhörnchen. Eine sehr seltene Art ist die Kalifornische Gopherschildkröte, die deshalb auch unter gesetzlichem Schutz steht.
Prähistorische Nutzer des Tales waren die Basketmaker-Indianer und später die Anasazi-Indianer aus dem nahe gelegenen fruchtbaren Moapa Valley. Die Dauer der Besiedlung wird von 300 v. Chr. bis 1150 angegeben. Gründe für die Besuche im Tal waren vermutlich Jagd, Nahrungssuche und religiöse Zeremonien. Felszeichnungen der Anasazi können noch heute im Valley of Fire im Visitor Center besichtigt werden. An einem besonderen Felsen, dem Atlatl Rock kann man die Petroglyphen über eine Treppe erreichen.
Für den Film Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen wurden einige Szenen im Valley of Fire gedreht.