60087 passes Clitheroe

Ross Taylor 2501
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60087 passes Clitheroe

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Taken on: July 10, 2015
Sets appears in:   Ribble Valley Line    Colas Rail    more » Colas Class 60    « less
Groups appears in:   Canon DSLR User Group    England    more » UK    UK Flickr users    Trains and Trolleys    public transport    planes, trains and automobiles    trains    Caminos de Hierro    Trains and railways    Railroads    Train    Railway    Railway and all the things around    Trainspotting    uk united    Canon EOS    European Railways    This    train railroad    Train、Station & Terminal    I Love Trains    25 Views (-50)    UK Railways    *GreatPixGallery 50 Faves+    Great Britain    canon digital photography.    trains in action    railfans    Train pictures    Main Line Railways: photos/videos, past/present. No 30 / 60 !    Transport In The Frame    UK Photography Club    Trains, planes, boats and automobiles    I Love It!    Trens !(trains !)    Travel to & in England - UK - Ireland    Only In England    Rail Rider    Train Engines and Locomotives    Railways and trains of Scotland    Railways    Pictures Of England    Train Porn    UK and Ireland!    Train Photography    Canon Camera Users - pictures with EXIF    TRAINS AND TRAIN STATIONS AUSTRALIA    This Is England    railway curiosity    Trains and Trams - Railway Lovers    Your Very Best Railroad Photos    Rail Archive - Photos    BRITISH RAILWAYS    RailwayWorld    england,uk    Anything trains    Trains of age    British Diesel & Electric Trains    World Trains    UK...TODAY !    North West England Photographers    Classic trains    Trenes y locomotoras. Trains and Locomotives. Züge und Lokomo    Pictures from the RailHead    TRAINS Gone WILD    LIFE ON THE RAILWAYS    UK Trainz (Freight)    National Railways    Railways of Britain    UK Trainz (Diesel 'n' Electric)    UK Class 60    anything will do    Trains in the uk    UK Trainz - Diesel    England, This is England    TRAINS & STATIONS in the UK    UK Rail    Trains & Tracks    Anything Freight of North America    England v Scotland    Trains of Gold    UK Trainz - Locomotives    UK Trainz    RAILWAY PHOTOS    Railway's for Picnikers    Runs On Rails    Britain As Seen    GB Railways    Everything Nice    england at its best    CANON-NO LIMIT    Classic UK rail traction    Trains and Planes    Anything & Everything    Any Thing Trains    Trains, Rails and Railroad Equipment    Trains-new and old-past and present    UK Rail Photography    anyone and anything    Down By The Railroad Tracks    The UK Photographer    MADE IN ENGLAND    TRAINS AND TRACKS    UK Train Pics    England, Beautiful English Scenes    UK Travel (iknow-uk)    Rails in the North West    Seeing England: through the eyes of tourists and citizens    The Everything And Anything Group    Freight trains    Awesome Trains    cars, trains and buses    'Views: 0    Anything!!!!!    One A Day UK    Trains Deluxe    Freight trains of the UK    Around the world ? ? ? ?    Britain at its Best    Trains, Buses and Trams of Asia    Diesel train the world    Canon Digital Camera    Classic Transport    UK Rail Photography & London Underground    PLANET EARTH TRANSPORTATION    Trains, Planes, and Automobiles    SUPER FREIGHT TRAINS    If it has to do with trains    DB + DRS + FREIGHTLINER + EWS + ARRIVA + VIRGIN    Great Britain in photos    ANY PHOTOS YOU WANT    uk train shots    Train art    Train and Railway/Railroad Lovers - photos and videos.. (No 30/    Colas Rail    Planes Trains and Trams    After British Rail (the post privatisation era).    Freight Train Logos    Trains in General    U.K Trains    Transport events    Train.    Worldwide Trains    Trains - Steam, Diesel & Electric    North-West, UK    All about the UK    england i love you    Railway Enthusiasts Camera Club    Got Views?    Uk & Ireland modern Railways    TRAINS & LOCOMOTIVES    Rail-UK Forum    UK Railway' Foto's    Fave Fave Fave    Railways in the UK    Anything Railway    Trains Galore!!    Dieselpower Europe    +Trains around the World    Class 60 "Tugs"    Railways & Locomotives    UK - Photography    British GM Free Railway Shots    Trains of the UK    trains and railroad tracks    Railways of the World    Train Engines & Rolling stock    British And European Railway And Train Photography    UK Rail Gen    ❥ ENGLAND + NEW ENGLAND ❥ Please Award 2 Photos!    Colas Rail Locos    JUST TRAINS-no 30/60 limit    High Quality Train Pictures    Blackburn - Hellifield Line    WNXX    Train Trails    Canon 6D User Group    England P1/A2 - Daily Award Group    Canon EOS 6D    Rail Pictures Worldwide Net    Railways, trains and train stations    Canon EOS 6D--- ZERO EDITING---    Rails around the North West.    Flickr UK    Blackburn to Hellifield line (Ribble Valley Line)    Railfreight in the UK    Play Trains!    UK Train - Best Shots    Trains past and pressent    PLANET EARTH TRAINS AND RAILROADS    Class 60 Porn    views and favorites    Trains!!!    freight trains in the uk    Class 60 Diesel Locomotives    Rail Enthusiasts Worldwide Opted out 30/60    Tracks and Trains Across Australia    Faves of the Day    Trains, Subways and Stations    Trains for all    Canon Users DSLR    [UK] British Locomotives    Uk Locomotives    All Line    Anything Photographic    Train 4 ever    Worldwide Trains And Planes    North of England    UK Railways Past and Present    Trains 60 Years and Older (No PEOPLE IN PHOTOS)    Northern England Rail    Trains Winter/Summer (No 30/60 limit)    RAILWAYS OF THE WORLD AND METRO STATIONS.FERROCARRILES DEL M    UK Freight    Anything to do with UK Railways    Colas Rail Freight    Railway - trains    Colas Class 60.    « less
Camera: Canon EOS 6D, f/5.6, 1/800 sec, 84mm, ISO 200 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Canon EOS 6D
Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 0.001 sec (1/800)
Focal Length: 84mm
ISO: 200
Exposure Bias: +1/3 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Shutter speed priority AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Manual
Color Space: sRGB
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