Das Labyrinth

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Das Labyrinth

© All Rights Reserved
Taken on: August 21, 2011
Groups appears in:   Experimental Dream    ART DISTRICT    more » Depression and BiPolar    Art and Artists.    Flickr Addicts    Photoshop collages    Your Art - Not Photography (No SL images}    fantasy    art gallery    Surrealism    Surrealist pictures    SURREAL    surrealime in photography    Photoshop Graphic Montages    PHOTOSHOP ART 2019 - No Second Life    PhotoShop Creations    ArtTherapy    Surrealist    Adobe Photoshop    The surreal life    Surreal Images    artAttack!!!    ART, THERAPY, PSYCHOANALISYS AND AESTHETICS    Artists Without Borders    like a dream    Artists of flickr!    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    Surreal / Postmodern    Eye Candy Art Post (moderated queue ~*~ post 2 - award 2)    MY MANIPULATIONS (of other IMAGES)    PHOTOGRAPHIES COLLAGES    Collective Dream Journal    SURREALITY    Fantasy Worlds    Surrealismo    photo collage / montage    Dream a Little Dream    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    Are You Man Ray Enough? Surreal for real!    "Out of this World!" (Unlimited Posting - Award 3)    Salvador Dali and photography    Lulu: ExtraOrdinary Art    Manipulations    !! Photographers Without Limits (P1, A+F5)    ~ The Award Tree ~ Post 1, Award 3 ~    eure exklusiven fotos-- your exclusive photographic pictures    Art of Images ~ AOI L1~ ( Post 1, Award 3) NO "AI Portraits"    Alternate Realities: Surreal & Mystical Images    Photo Manipulation Business    Artistic Treasure Chest (Read the rules)    The Best Captures AOI~AOI L2~ Admin Invite) (P1-Award & Fave3)    !Art and Photography (seriously18+) INVITE ONLY    The Dreamers Group "If you can dream, you're in it"    Moon's Eclipse P1/A2    Artistic Expressions ~ Photography and Manipulations ~ 1(one) p    Surreal Creations    FINE ART GALLERY ~ P1-C1    Surreal Shots    Artistic Manipulation Group (Post 1/Award 1)    Arts & Minds Network    :: Arte De Luz ::    Theater of Surreal,Weird and Strange /P1/C1    Magic Universe P1/A2 - Active Sweeper    Photomanipulators    ModErN SurREaLiSTs    Digital ArtFX2 - Post 1 ~ Award 1 (Required)    Magik Troll Artistry *Moderated & Curated*    Surreal and Contemporary art lovers <3    AT YOUR BEST(EACH PHOTO NEEDS ADMIN. INVITATION)    Photograph Manipulation & Experimentation    The Elite Gallery AOI~AOI L3~(Admin Invite) (NEW RULES)    " ARTSHOW " - Quality images only - P1/C1 -    * * * Art&Digital Virtual Gallery Adm. Invited Images Only P1/C3    # # # EXOTIC IMAGE (ADM. INVITE) post 1, comment 1.    ethers    No rules only photos    Dreams, visions and nightmares    ***ART 2025 GROUP***ART FROM 2025 ONLY!    Manipulation Photography    Texture Infinite Book P1/A3    ArtNet@flickrworld P1-C1    Shock of the New!! By Invitation. Comment 2.    !* TEXTURE MON AMOUR ♥ Adm choice P1-A2 NO 2nd LIFE    EXCELLENT GALLERY ( P1, C2 )    some things are better than others!!!    BRAVO 55555 [P1-C2]    MUSEUM QUALITY Only | P1-P2 | Invite Only    World Artists (For All)    A New Art & Photo Gallery - Post 1/Award 1    Fotomontages / Collages / Surrealism    Building A Mystery    TRES CHIC    JURIED EXHIBITION - P1-A2    Fine Gold    THE ONLINE MUSEUM OF ART MODERN P1, C-1    Collage CopyPaste    Library 50,000 views or 100 favs (30/60 free )    !* ART♦ CLASS AND VALUE ♦ Artistic work only ♦ P1-A2 ♦    The Masters of Art ~ Comment 2    NET@ART Artistic Virtual Space II (post 1 comment 1)    BEAUTY IS POWER ~ By Admin Invite ~ post 1, comment 1 ~    Photoshop Forever - P1/C2    Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin-Geddon    The Surrealism of Childhood    !* Enchanting Atmospheres & Evocative Sensations C2    My favorite works of my Flickr friends    ₪ GAGA 4 ARTS ₪ Please Award 2 Photos!    Magnificent Manipulated Masterpieces - Admin Invitation Only    The Dark Side of Mind    Universal Art    Anto 's and Maïclo's Friends    !* Selected Art by Admins • 18+ • NO 2nd Life •    VisionAria: * Invitation Only *    CrëÅTïvë ÅnÐ mØØÐ phØTØgrÅphŸ ÅrT    conceptual inspirational art & photography    ₪ FELIX + FRIENDS = FUN ₪ Please Award 2 Photos!    Your Preferred Photo CLOSED    Christabelle's Art Group    The Rave- Post 1 Award 3 (NO 30/60 limit )    The Totality of Reality ~*MANIPULATION GROUP* *Post 1, Award 1*~    The Blind Pig Speakeasy    Conceptual Surreal Portraiture    The Dark Side Of The Light - No Second Life    Art Museion    Surreal World    A FEAST FOR MY EYES (Public Group)    The Blue Moon Gallery-Opted Out    Les Arts et Nous    FORMER ART - No Second Life Images    Sweet Shot Level 1 (P1, A3)    Worlds Of Thrylium - NO SECOND LIFE    Manipulation ,Composite & Fine Art    AWAKE - ART FOR A CAUSE    Artist.Com    seasoned - expired, CLOSED    Art Dreamed ¤ No Second Life Images    Vita es Splendor and friends    Life Soaked    Masterpieces at Second Sight (add one, comment two)    GLOW !!    Ghoya Arkhan - Surrealism Gothic And Futuristic Surrealism    *VIVID ART* Post 1 Comment 3**    Surreal & Abstract    Express Art - For Abstract, Surreal, Creative Art    Winged Lion - Mystic And Art Group ~ NO Second Life    ₪ VIRTUAL ☀ WORLDS ₪ pls AWARD tnx    Portugal Creative Fine Art    Any Way the Wind Blows    The surreal vision    Piece De Resistance-Opted Out!    Visual Poetics    Visual Delights    Exquisite Imagery.... Submit your BEST for invite    ₪ DÉJÀ-VU 見 SEEN AGAIN 曾 ṾẸĆ ṾḷĐẸṆỌ ₪    Mystic Surrealism    New surrealism on Flickr (photos)    PORFOLIO LOOK ! Quality Pictures Only!    BIZARRE ART CLAN (out of 60/30)    etwas anders    * THANK YOU FOR SHARING... (please award favorites)    seasoned    Experimental Creative Art Photography    Silver Dark - Art Mystery Group - No Second Life    FREEDOM - СВОБОДА - ÖZGÜRLÜK - 自由    Photo of the year 2018* P1 - A3    quiet in the woods    Elite Artists - Art of Photography‎    The Art Room ~ An Online Gallery    The Big Wow Group (Invite Only) - (No group limit)    !!!EXQUISITE PAINTOGRAPHY must list editing technique!!    Coffee is Ready! - Share your Art with Us! (Opted out)    !* Virtual and Real Art, your fantasy *! CLOSED, we need rest.    The Golden Horse Impressionists - Only your BEST ARTWORK!    ATRHON - URBAN ARTS Abstracts Group    Mystic Futurism    MYSTIC FANTASTIC VIVID COLOR - (opted out of 60/30)    Second Life Poetry and Art    World of Artistic and Photography Artists - (Admin Invited Only)    Elite Artists Artistic Creation Arts    & out of chaos borne a dancing star....    flickr: Inspiring captures and art. 2019    Art With Your Heart    Ramblin 2    Opt out no limits for art work!    City Artists@Free Art    Mystic Art Society - Flickr    MODERN GHOST (Opted out of 60/30)    The Prophets Of Ion - Ion Mystical World    The hidden face of the fire ( El rostro oculto del fuego )    ίt's αrt βecαuse you ςay ίt's αrt    Show me your EXIF!    Gallery II    !* Museum Quality Art 18+ NO Second Life P1/A2    *The Moody Moodpepper* ( Admin invite only)    Visual Artistry    ***Painting the World - (Award 2) Texture    quarantine art    Diversified Arts United/closed for some period    « less
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S5500, f/8.0, 1/30 sec, 5.7mm, ISO 100 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S5500
Aperture: f/8.0
Exposure Time: 0.033 sec (1/30)
Focal Length: 5.7mm
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Aperture-priority AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Manual
Color Space: Uncalibrated
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4 Macintosh
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