SCOUT: “Ooh look! A twisty twirly fence!”
BOGART: “Shall we climb it, Scout?”
SCOUT: “So long as there are no evil witches about to chase us with a broom.”
FREDDY: “I can’t see any, Scout.”
SCOUT: “Goody! Then let’s climb!”
BOGART: “I’m ahead of you Scout!” *Giggles and starts climbing.*
FREDDY: *Giggles and puts paw on a curlicue to start climbing.*
SCOUT: “Jago? Jago, are you going to climb too?”
JAGO: “Oh I don’t think so, Scout.”
SCOUT: “But why not, Jago?” *Concerned.* “Are you feeling alright?”
JAGO: “Oh I’m feeling fine, Scout.” *Looks up at curlicues.* “I just think that in this case, discretion is the better part of valour for me.”
FREDDY and BOGART: *Look perplexed at Jago.*
SCOUT: “What do you mean, Jago? You are valiant and brave, like the Valliant Little Tailor in the faerie tale who defeated giants and captured a unicorn.”
BOGART: “Where is the giant?” *Looks about concerned.*
FREDDY: “What about the unicorn?” *Looks around with interest.*
PADDY: “Oh there aren’t any here. Scout was just talking about those in the faerie tale about the Valliant Little Tailor who killed seven flies with one stroke.”
BOGART and FREDDY: “Oooohhh.”
JAGO: “What I mean, Scout, is that this fence looks a bit much for me.”
SCOUT: “But Jago! You love climbing!”
PADDY: “We all enjoy climbing, Scout, but like you, Jago isn’t very good at getting down again.”
SCOUT: “But what does that have to do with valour and dis…dis…?”
PADDY: “Discretion, Scout.”
SCOUT: “Gesundheit, Paddy!”
JAGO: “Oh discretion isn’t a sneeze, Scout. It’s a word. And what I mean when I says that discretion is the better part of valour is that I am choosing to avoid a sticky situation by not climbing this fence. If I do, I will probably get stuck, and then Daddy will have to rescue me.”
PADDY: “I’ll stay down here too, Jago, and keep you company.”
JAGO: “Thank you Paddy.”
SCOUT: “Well that’s alright Jago. You and Paddy could still climb anyway, even if you get stuck, because I am going to get stuck and will need Daddy to rescue me.”
BOGART: “And so will I, Jago.”
FREDDY: “And so will I, Jago, because I’m not good at getting back down either.”
SCOUT: “So you see, Daddy can rescue us all when we get stuck!”
JAGO: “Oh! I hadn’t thought of that. Oh well, let’s all climb then!”
PADDY: “Oh yes! Let’s!”
PADDY, SCOUT, BOGART, JAGO and FREDDY: *All climb the curlicues of wrought iron on the fence until the reach the top.*
JAGO: “Well now what, Scout? We are all stuck up here.”
SCOUT: “That’s easy, Jago! We wait for Daddy! When we see him, we call for help to get his attention!”
PADDY: “Oh look! Here comes Daddy now!”
PADDY, SCOUT, BOGART, JAGO and FREDDY: “Oh help! Help Daddy! Daddy please help us!”
DADDY: “Hullo you five! Whatever are you doing there?”
SCOUT: “We decided to climb this tall fence, Daddy!”
BOGART: “It was lots of fun, Daddy!”
FREDDY: “And exciting Daddy!”
JAGO: “And then we all got suck, Daddy.”
PADDY: “So we are hoping that you might rescue us, Daddy. Can you help get us down please? Only if it isn't too much trouble Daddy.” *Blushes pink beneath plush fur.*
SCOUT, BOGART, JAGO and FREDDY: “Oh yes please Daddy!”
DADDY: *Tutts and shakes head as he reaches for Paddy, Scout, Bogart, Jago and Freddy to rescue them.*
PADDY, SCOUT, BOGART, JAGO and FREDDY: “Oh thank you Daddy! We love you Daddy!”
DADDY: “And I love you all, very, very much, Paddy, Scout, Bogart, Jago and Freddy.”
SCOUT: “Now that we have been rescued, let’s all go and play hide-and-seek! Daddy, we will hide and you can seek us out!”
PADDY, SCOUT, BOGART, JAGO and FREDDY: *Giggle as they run down the footpath to find places to hide.*
DADDY: *Sighs and shakes head as he follows bears resignedly.*
Now that the colder weather is here, Paddy, Scout, Cousin Paddington, Bogart, Jago, Freddy and I are taking advantage of the days when there is sunshine by finding adventures in the crisp outdoors. Even our own front garden provides beauty and adventures in abundance for little bears and foxes!
Being slightly colder here now, Paddy and Scout are wearing hand knitted scarves, Paddy and Bogart are wearing hand knitted hats and Freddy is wearing a hand knitted cape, all made by Lorna's Lovely Looks. Paddy sports a crown pin and Scout insisted on wearing a pink striped teacup one, which seems most appropriate for him. Both pins were gifts from a good friend who is very fond of Paddy and Scout. Jago’s hat is an antique doll’s beret made of good quality red and black houndstooth.
My Paddington Bear came to live with me in London when I was two years old (many, many years ago). He was hand made by my Great Aunt and he has a chocolate coloured felt hat, the brim of which had to be pinned up by a safety pin to stop it getting in his eyes. The collar of his mackintosh is made of the same felt. He wears wellington boots made from the same red leather used to make the toggles on his mackintosh.
He has travelled with me across the world and he and I have had many adventures together over the years. He is a very precious member of my small family.
Scout was a gift to Paddy from my friend. He is a Fair Trade Bear hand knitted in Africa. His name comes from the shop my friend found him in: Scout House. He tells me that life was very different where he came from, and Paddy is helping introduce him to many new experiences. Scout catches on quickly, and has proven to be a cheeky, but very lovable member of our closely knit family.
Bogart has travelled all the way from Georgia, via Alabama as a gift to me from a friend. He has lovely Southern manners and seems to be a fun and gentle soul with an inquisitive nature.
Jago was a gift from a dear friend in England. He is made of English mohair with suede paw pads and glass eyes. He is a gentle bear, kind and patient who carries an air of calm about him. He is already fitting in with everyone else very nicely.
Freddy Fox is made by Merrythought in England. I bought him, of all places, from a men’s accessory shop in Melbourne’s Block Arcade, called Mr. Wares. Freddy Fox is made of English Mohair with felt paws and glass bead eyes. He has so much charm and charisma that already he is winning hearts with anyone whom he meets, and he is kind and sweet, which makes him an ideal member of our family.