PADDY: “There, there Daddy! Don’t worry, we are here to assuage your sadness. Here let me give you a big little bear hug and a snuffly kiss!” *Wipes tears from Daddy’s cheek and gives him a big little bear hug and a snuffly kiss.*
DADDY: “Thank you, Paddy. I need that today.” *Sniffs.*
SCOUT: “Daddy! Daddy, please don’t be sad!”
DADDY: *Wipes eyes with a Kleenex.* “Oh I’m sorry, little Scout, but I can’t help it. I’m sad because our Queen has died at the age of 96. That makes my heart very heavy.”
SCOUT: *Gasps and puts paw to mouth.* “Daddy! Oh Daddy that is awful news! Here, let me give you a big little bear hug and a snuffly kiss to help make you feel better.” *Gives Daddy a big little bear hug and a snuffly kiss.* “How sad!”
DADDY: “Thank you, Scout. Your big little bear hugs and snuffly kisses are indeed very welcome.” *Sniffs again.*
SCOUT: *Thinks deeply, and then gasps loudly.*
DADDY: “What is it, Scout?”
SCOUT: “Daddy! Daddy!” *Urgent.*
DADDY: “Yes Scout?” *Wipes eyes with sodden Kleenex again.*
SCOUT: “Daddy, I need to borrow your bearphone right now!”
DADDY: “Why do you need to borrow my mobile phone, Scout?” *Sniffs.*
SCOUT: “I’m sorry but I need to make a very urgent bearphone call to Ma’am as in Ham, right this minute! If The Queen is…” *Looks around a whispers.* “Is dead, then I want to make sure that Ma’am as in Ham is alright!” *Worried.*
DADDY: “Oh! Yes of course, Scout.” *Sniffs and wipes eyes with Kleenex again.* “I’ll get it for you now and I’ll make some tea for you, Paddy, Cousin Paddington, Bogart, Jago and Freddy.”
PADDY: “Oh no Daddy! You are sad.”
DADDY: “That’s alright, Paddy. The Queen was very much about keeping calm and carrying on. I think she would want me to be useful to all of you, especially since you have been taking such good care of me. Anyway, I don’t want Scout or any of you bears to worry about Her Majesty Queen Lilibet! I’ll get the phone, Scout.”
SCOUT: “Oh thank you Daddy.”
PADDY: “I’ll gather the others, Scout.”
SCOUT: “Good idea! Thank you Paddy!”
DADDY: *Makes tea and sets out tea things for Paddy, Scout, Cousin Paddington, Bogart, Jago and Freddy. He gives Scout his mobile phone.*
SCOUT: *Dials Her Majesty Queen Lilibet’s special bearphone number in England whilst Jago holds the phone.*
PADDY: “Good evening, Your Majesty.” *Bows to HM Queen Lilibet.*
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “Why Paddy! What an unexpected pleasure! And Jago and Bogart too!”
JAGO: “Good evening, Ma’am.” *Bows to HM Queen Lilibet.*
BOGART: “Hullo Ma’am!” *Bows to HM Queen Lilibet.*
SCOUT: “Hullo Ma’am as in Ham!” *Waves enthusiastically.*
HM QUEEN LILIBET: *Chuckles quietly and smiles.* “Why little Scout! There you are, and Dolly too. Tell me, are Freddy and Cousin Paddington there too?”
JAGO: “They are Ma’am. I’ll just turn the phone for you.” *Turns phone and Freddy and Cousin Paddington who bow to HM Queen Lilibet.*
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “Now, why have you rung, my dear bears and fox? What can We do for you?”
PADDY: “Well, it was really Scout’s idea.”
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “Scout’s idea? What is it, little Scout.”
SCOUT: “Well Ma’am as in Ham, I was worried. You see, the Queen of Great Britain died.”
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “Oh yes, We know little Scout.” *Sad.* “It is a very sad time for bears and their Mummies and Daddies the world over.”
SCOUT: “Oh yes Ma’am as in Ham! Daddy is very sad, and well…” *Blushes pink beneath woollen fur.* “I… I just wanted to make sure that you were alright. I was frightened that maybe… well maybe when The Queen died, you might die too.”
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “Oh that is very sweet of you, little Scout. As you can see, We are hale and hearty and very well indeed. We are here at Bearingham Palace and are about to have a cup of tea.”
SCOUT: “Thank goodness! It’s so good to see you Ma’am as in Ham!” *Relieved.* “I’m so glad you are alright!”
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “And do you all have some tea, dear bears and fox?”
SCOUT: “Yes Ma’am as in Ham! Daddy made some tea for us between crying for The Queen.”
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “We are sorry to hear that Daddy is so upset, but We are hardly surprised. Which makes you telephoning Us rather timely, as we have a very important message to convey to you all.”
SCOUT: “Yes Ma’am as in Ham?”
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “Dear bears and fox, is a very sad time for many of our Mummies and Daddies, Grandmammas and Grandpapas around the world with the passing of a great monarch, lady and stateswoman who has been a steadfast rock for so many during tumultuous times over the past seventy years - Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her Majesty was kind and loving to all people and bears around the world, no matter what the colour of their skin or plush fur. She had a good sense of humour, and liked marmalade sandwiches.”
SCOUT: “I do too Ma’am as in Ham! Grumbly tummy Ma’am as in Ham! Grumbly tummy!” *Rubs tummy vigorously.*
PADDY: “Shhhhhh, Scout!” *Puts paw to mouth.* “Her Majesty is speaking. We must listen to her.”
SCOUT: “Oh!” *Puts paw to mouth.* “Sorry Ma’am as in Ham!”
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “That’s quite alright, Little Scout. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth was a woman of grace and dignity, stoicism and strength. I am now calling upon all of you to embrace a little of Her Majesty's strength as you comfort your Daddy during this time of great loss. Help him to mourn the passing of Her Majesty with dignity. Show him you love him by giving him lots and lots and LOTS of big little bear hugs, wipe his tear sodden cheeks, and make him smile. Remind him that whilst tomorrow is a day of the unknown after seventy years of stability, it is also a new day and a new era, and it is one of infinite possibility. Most of all, give your Daddy lots and lots and LOTS of snuffly kisses. He really needs them right now, for his heart is heavy.”
SCOUT: “Yes Ma’am as in Ham! I’ve already been doing it lots and lots!”
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “That’s good little Scout, for Daddy needs your love right now to mend his broken heart and look forward to the new Carolean Era of King Charles III with positivity and hope.”
SCOUT: “Ma’am as in Ham?”
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “Yes, little Scout?”
SCOUT: “Will you still be our Bear Queen, Ma’am as in Ham?”
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “Of course We will, little Scout – for a very, very long time yet. Don’t forget that we bears live for a very, very long time indeed!”
SCOUT: “That’s good Ma’am as in Ham! Now I can enjoy my tea and be happy.”
HM QUEEN LILIBET: “That’s good, little Scout. Well, We have to go now as we are receiving the new Bear Minister Liz Gruff in a few minutes. Goodbye everybear and fox! We will see you soon.”
PADDY, COUSIN PADDINGTON, BOGART, JAGO and FREDDY: “Yes Ma’am!” *Bow to HM Queen Lilibet.
SCOUT: “Yes Ma’am as in Ham!” *Curtseys to HM Queen Lilibet.
God bless Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, (21st April 1926 - 8th September 2022), Queen of the United Kingdom from 6th of February 1952 until her death on the 8th of September 2022, reigning monarch of of 70 years and 214 days, longest reigning British monarch, second-longest recorded of any monarch of a sovereign country, monarch, teacher, daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, Defender of The Faith, instiller of hope around the world.
This beautiful Willow Pattern nursery tea set was made in England by the Shell China Company in the 1920s. It features four cups and saucers as well as a tea pot, coffee pot, milk jug and sugar bowl. Each piece is gilt edged and decorated with the Willow Pattern in blue, just like the life-size equivalent. It has two sister sets: a 1920s Shell China Company nursery rhyme tea set that I was given as a gift some years ago by a close friend who knows I collect nursery ware and children’s tea sets and a faerie tale set from the 1930s Shell China Company faerie tale tea set that I have built up from various sellers over time.
My Paddington Bear came to live with me in London when I was two years old (many, many years ago). He was hand made by my Great Aunt and he has a chocolate coloured felt hat, the brim of which had to be pinned up by a safety pin to stop it getting in his eyes. The collar of his mackintosh is made of the same felt. He wears wellington boots made from the same red leather used to make the toggles on his mackintosh.
He has travelled with me across the world and he and I have had many adventures together over the years. He is a very precious member of my small family.
Scout was a gift to Paddy from my friend. He is a Fair Trade Bear hand knitted in Africa. His name comes from the shop my friend found him in: Scout House. He tells me that life was very different where he came from, and Paddy is helping introduce him to many new experiences. Scout catches on quickly, and has proven to be a cheeky, but very lovable member of our closely knit family.
Travelling all the way from London, Cousin Paddington was caught in transit thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic, but now he has decided that he is stopping with us permanently. That makes me happy, as the more I look into his happy, smiling face, the more attached I am becoming to him.
Bogart has travelled all the way from Georgia, via Alabama as a gift to me from a friend. He has lovely Southern manners and seems to be a fun and gentle soul with an inquisitive nature.
Jago was a gift from a dear friend in England. He is made of English mohair with suede paw pads and glass eyes. He is a gentle bear, kind and patient who carries an air of calm about him. He is already fitting in with everyone else very nicely.
Freddy Fox is made by Merrythought in England. I bought him, of all places, from a men’s accessory shop in Melbourne’s Block Arcade, called Mr. Wares. Freddy Fox is made of English Mohair with felt paws and glass bead eyes. He has so much charm and charisma that already he is winning hearts with anyone whom he meets, and he is kind and sweet, which makes him an ideal member of our family.
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Commemorative Bear was made by Merrythought in Britain. She has been hand made from customised, platinum-tipped diamond white mohair plush, and she has The Queen's blue eyes and a hand stitched nose and enigmatic smile. Her left paw is embroidered with the years 1952 and 2022, in between which sits the royal crown. She is wearing a coronation robe of purple velvet, featuring satin lining, ermine trim, and extensive golden embroidery. Keeping true to the original Imperial robe, it is accessorised with two satin bows and luxury Italian tassels to finish. Her crown is a silver-plated replica of the Imperial state crown, which Her Majesty wore as she left Westminster Abbey after her coronation. It is studded with twenty six gemstones, has a purple velvet lining and white ermine trim. Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Commemorative Bear is number 557 of a worldwide limited edition of 1952.