DANNY BOY: *Reading* "The Wolf sniffed at Little Red Riding Hood's Basket, and, after finding out just where the grandmother lived, jumped into the bushes and disappeared."
SCOUT: "Oooh! I just felt a shiver. I can almost feel the Big Bad Wolf breathing down the back of my neck." *Shivers again and rubs back of neck with paw.*
PADDY: "That is because Danny Boy is such good reader, Scout. He really breathes life into the characters."
DANNY BOY: "Aye begorra! That's most kind of you Paddy! I do enjoy reading stories, almost as much as I enjoy singing songs."
SCOUT: "No!" *Pauses, shakes head and looks over shoulder, sees nothing and turns back to Paddy and Danny Boy.* "It is true, and thank you Danny Boy for reading me Little Red Riding Hood, but it's something more than that. I can really feel the breath of the Big Bad Wolf hot on my neck!"
PADDY: "That's because you have a very active imagination, Scout. That is why Peter likes to play with you so much. Your imaginary games are always so much fun!"
SCOUT: "No! You don't understand Paddy!" *Pauses and looks over shoulder again, but still sees nothing, so shrugs, shakes head and turns back to Paddy and Danny Boy.* "It's like I really can feel the Big Bad Wolf breathing on me!"
Danny Boy: "Yes, Scout." *Pats Scout's shoulder comfortingly.* "Of course you can."
SCOUT: "No! I really can, Danny Boy!" *Pauses yet again and looks over shoulder, but still sees nothing, so and turns back to Paddy and Danny Boy.*
PADDY: "Scout? Scout why do you keep looking over your shoulder?"
SCOUT: *Pauses yet again and looks over shoulder, but still and cuddles Dolly tightly.* "Because Paddy, I have the funny feeling that someone is watching us!"
PADDY: "Oh nonsense, Scout! I can't see anyone. Come on Danny Boy. Please read some more of the story."
DANNY BOY: "Of course, Paddy." *Reads.* "Little Red Riding Hood had never met a wolf before, but she did not like his looks, however she was a brave girl and was not frightened."
Danny Boy is reading from my first 1916 edition of "All About Little Red Riding Hood" retold and illustrated by Johnny B Gruelle, who was an American artist, political cartoonist, children's book and comics author, illustrator, and storyteller. He is best known as the creator of Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy dolls and as the author/illustrator of dozens of books.
This beautiful faerie tale pantomime nursery tea set was made in England by the Shell China Company in the 1930s. It features eight cups, saucers and plates as well as a teapot, coffee pot, milk jug, sugar bowl, platters, sandwich plate, a lidded soup tureen on its own dish and a gravy or cream jug. (Only part of the set is being used today). Each piece is gilt edged and decorated and feature different faerie tales including: "Cinderella", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Dick Whittington and his Cat", "Jack and the Beanstalk" and "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" amongst others. The set I acquired from England, and it is a sister set to a 1920s Shell China Company nursery rhyme tea set that I was given as a gift some years ago by a close friend who knows I collect nursery ware and children’s tea sets. There are also doll (bear) sized tea spoons which are sterling silver salt spoons, and the sugar ladle in the "Cinderella" sugar bowl are from the Eighteenth Century and are sterling silver.
My Paddington Bear came to live with me in London when I was two years old (many, many years ago). He was hand made by my Great Aunt and he has a chocolate coloured felt hat, the brim of which had to be pinned up by a safety pin to stop it getting in his eyes. The collar of his mackintosh is made of the same felt. He wears wellington boots made from the same red leather used to make the toggles on his mackintosh.
He has travelled with me across the world and he and I have had many adventures together over the years. He is a very precious member of my small family.
Scout was a gift to Paddy from my friend. He is a Fair Trade Bear hand knitted in Africa. His name comes from the shop my friend found him in: Scout House. He tells me that life was very different where he came from, and Paddy is helping introduce him to many new experiences. Scout catches on quickly, and has proven to be a cheeky, but very lovable member of our closely knit family.
Danny Boy, made by the same friend who made Jago, Daisy-Maud, Algie and Orson, has a touch of the 'Oirish' in him with his emerald green scarf. He has an open mouth as he likes to sing and comes with his own songbook, "Irish Airs for Teddy Bears". He has a wobbly head to give him animation when he's talking to you. He is made of English mohair, has paws of ultra suede and eyes of glass. Quite a happy-go-lucky little character....
Charles the Wolf (Le Loup Charles) has been hand made by the French toy manufacturer Moulin Roty and comes from their "l était une fois" ("Once Upon a Time") collection. He wears a removable purple coat with a black furry trim and smart fur lined boots. He also has a big mouth and sharp teeth - all the better to eat you with, my dear!