SCOUT: “It’s a lovely autumn day, Paddy! Let’s go for a walk and go exploring!”
PADDY: “What a capital idea, Scout!”
EMMETT: “Exploring? Can I come?”
SCOUT: "Oh yes, Emmett! We can show you all the exciting things around your new home!"
EMMETT: "Oh goody!" *Claps paws with delight.*
ROSIE: "Oh, I want to come too, Paddy and Scout! I'm a tenacious bear!"
SCOUT: “Oh of course, Rosie! I need a band of tenacious bear offsiders like you and Emmett!”
ROSIE: "Oh goody!" *Claps paws with delight.*
JAGO: “Oh-oh!" *Looks at Daisy-Maud.* "Did you hear that?"
DAISY-MAUD: "Oh! yes I did, Jago. We better go along to support Paddy. It make take you, me and Paddy to keep an eye on three tenacious little bears like Scout, Rosie and Emmett as they go exploring." *Nods seriously.*
JAGO: "Ahem!" *Clears throat.* "May Daisy-Maud and I come too, Paddy?”
PADDY: “Of course Jago. Please do. We can all help Emmett become acquainted with the neighbourhood!”
PADDY, SCOUT, EMMETT, ROSIE, JAGO and DAISY-MAUD: *All go for a walk outside.*
PADDY: “It’s such a perfect day, don’t you think?”
DAISY-MAUD: "Now that I am more used to the fact it is autumn and not spring here, yes it is, Paddy.”
JAGO: "I told you that you would get used to the different seasons here, Daisy-Maud."
DAISY-MAUD: "You did, Jago. It has only taken two years!" *Giggles.*
JAGO and PADDY: *Giggle.*
SCOUT: “Look everybear! A big pile of crisp autumn leaves!”
ROSIE: “Oh how wonderful!”
EMMETT: "Why is that so wonderful, Rosie?"
ROSIE: "Don't you know, Emmett?"
EMMETT: "Know what?"
SCOUT: "Piles of crisp autumn leaves are great for jumping through, Emmett!"
ROSIE: "And we can collect leaves and press some in Daddy's big books in the library, so that we can look at them in years to come and they will still be beautifully coloured!"
SCOUT: "Come on Emmett, let's jump! You too, Rosie!"
ROSIE: “Oh yes, Scout!"
SCOUT: "Ahem!" *Clears throat.* "Excuse me, Daisy-Maud?"
DAISY-MAUD: "Yes Scout?"
SCOUT: "Daisy-Maud, can you please hold on to Dolly for me?"
DAISY-MAUD: "Doesn't she want to go jumping through the leaves, Scout?"
SCOUT: "No, Daisy-Maud! Dolly... Dolly." *Lowers voice and whispers.* "Dolly doesn't actually have legs, Daidsy-Maud. She only has another funny Grandmamma head which I don't like as much as Dolly's head. So Dolly can't actually jump through or over anything. But ssssshhhhh!" *Holds paw to mouth.* "Don't tell her that."
DAISY-MAUD: *Whispers.* "Alright Scout. I promise not to tell her. Would you like me to sit Dolly in my lap?"
SCOUT: "Oh yes please, Daisy-Maud! Dolly would love that!" *Hands Dolly to Daisy-Maud.*
PADDY: "Just be careful, Scout, Emmett and Rosie! Don't bounce too hard through the leaves or you might hurt your bottom!"
SCOUT and ROSIE: *Gasp.*
PADDY: "What?"
SCOUT: "You said, bottom, Paddy!" *Giggles.*
ROSIE and EMMETT: *Giggle too.*
PADDY: "Oh get along with you all, and jump through the leaves!"
SCOUT, ROSIE and EMMETT: *Squeal and start jumping through the leaves.*
PADDY: *Chuckles.* "It looks like Emmett is fitting in just fine with our family."
DAISY-MAUD: "Oh yes, Paddy, but why wouldn't he?"
JAGO: "Look how happy they all are!" *Points to Scout, Rosie and Emmett.* "And it looks like unlike you, Paddy, Daddy and and I, Daisy-Maud, that Emmett doesn't mind that the seasons are the wrong way around here."
DAISY-MAUD: "Well, I think that Emmett is just happy to be anywhere where he is loved, no matter what the season."
JAGO: "Well he couldn't be loved any more anywhere else than with our bear family, could he, Paddy?"
PADDY: "Quite right, Jago! We will love him forever!"
PADDY, JAGO and DAISY-MAUD (and DOLLY): *Settle down against the trunk of a tree, basking in the sun as they watch Scout, Rosie and Emmett play and jump through the autumn leaves.*
EMMETT: *Stops jumping and turns to Paddy, Jago and Daisy-Maud.* "Come and play with us!"
ROSIE: “Oh yes, Paddy, Daisy-Maud and Jago!”
SCOUT: “Oh yes, please play with us, Paddy, Jago and Daisy-Maud! Come and jump through the leaves too!”
PADDY: “That's such a fun idea, Scout!”
EMMETT: *Shyly.* "Please Daisy-Maud."
DAISY-MAUD: *Smiles.* “Will you hold my paw, Emmett? Then we can jump together.”
EMMETT: “Oh yes, Daisy-Maud! I’d love to do that!”
PADDY, SCOUT, ROSIE, EMMETT, JAGO, DAISY-MAUD (and DOLLY): “All start jumping on the crunchy autumnal leaves.*
My Paddington Bear came to live with me in London when I was two years old (many, many years ago). He was hand made by my Great Aunt and he has a chocolate coloured felt hat, the brim of which had to be pinned up by a safety pin to stop it getting in his eyes. The collar of his mackintosh is made of the same felt. He wears wellington boots made from the same red leather used to make the toggles on his mackintosh.
He has travelled with me across the world and he and I have had many adventures together over the years. He is a very precious member of my small family.
Scout was a gift to Paddy from my friend. He is a Fair Trade Bear hand knitted in Africa. His name comes from the shop my friend found him in: Scout House. He tells me that life was very different where he came from, and Paddy is helping introduce him to many new experiences. Scout catches on quickly, and has proven to be a cheeky, but very lovable member of our closely knit family.
Jago was a gift from a dear friend in England. He is made of English mohair with suede paw pads and glass eyes. He is a gentle bear, kind and patient who carries an air of calm about him. He is already fitting in with everyone else very nicely.
Daisy Maud is Jago's little sister and was made by the same friend in England who made him. She is made of German mohair with floral fabric cotton paw pads that match her pretty sunhat, and glass eyes. A sweet and loving little girl bear, she is happy to be reunited with her big brother, Jago, and enjoys being spoiled by her new Daddy.
Made by Merrythought in England, Emmett is a charming little bear, sweet and smiling, crafted from multi-tonal marl grey mohair and featuring golden velvet paws. He is accessorised with a classic tartan woollen scarf. He is number 23 or a limited worldwide edition of 200.