PADDY: "Scout! Emmett! What are you doing on that tortoise?"
SCOUT: "I should have thought it was obvious, Paddy!"
EMMETT: "We're going for a ride, Paddy!"
PADDY: "I can see that, you two. I wonder what the tortoise thinks? He might not like you riding on his back." *Concerned.*
SCOUT: "Paddy!" *Aghast.* "You'll offend her! Of course she likes us riding on her back!"
PADDY: "She?" *Surprised.* "How do you know that she is a... well a she, Scout?"
SCOUT: "Because she told us, Paddy! This is Edna!"
EDNA: *Slowly.* "Ednaaaaaaaa."
SCOUT: "See!" *Justified.*
PADDY: "How do you do, Edna." *Tips hat.*
EDNA: *Slowly.* "Ednaaaaaaaa."
PADDY: "And where are you going on Edna's back?"
SCOUT: "To the Netherlands."
PADDY: "The Netherlands!" *Alarmed.*
EMMETT: "Yes Paddy! To Mummy Marian's house." *Nods enthusiastically.* "So that I can visit my best friend Funky and his dolly, Jopie."
SCOUT: "And I can visit mijn beste vriend, Peter. We're going to pick up, Rosie now, so she can come with us and see mijn beste vriend Peter too, who is also her prince!"
PADDY: "That may take a while, Scout and Emmett."
EMMETT: "I don't think it will take that long, Paddy."
SCOUT: "I'll ask Edna now." *Nods.* "Edna, how long will it take to pick up Rosie, who is just over there." *Points at Rosie with paw.*
EDNA: *Slowly.* "Twentyyyyy mmmminutessssss."
SCOUT: "Twenty minutes?" *Alarmed.*
EMMETT: "But Rosie is right over there! You can see her!" *Alarmed too.*
SCOUT: "We could walk to Rosie more quickly!"
PADDY: "I told you, Scout."
SCOUT: *Folds paws akimbo.* "How did you know it would take Edna a long time to reach Rosie?"
PADDY: *Chuckles.* "Oh that's easy, Scout. It's a well known fact that tortoises are slow."
SCOUT: "Well, what about that story about the tortoise and the hare who had a race? Hares are fast, and yet the tortoise beat the hare in the story!"
PADDY: "That was because the hare fell asleep, Scout."
EDNA: "Ednaaaaaaaa... slowwwwww."
PADDY: "If it takes twenty minutes to get from here to Rosie, just over there, imagine how long it will take for Edna to walk all the way to Mummy Marian's house!"
SCOUT: "Oh-oh! Emmett, I think we might need to rethink our plans on getting to Mummy Marian's house."
EMMETT: "Yes, I think you are right, Scout. We might need to stick with Fairy Mum's magic portal."
PADDY: "I think that is a wise idea, Emmett."
DADDY: "Oh! Don't you all look wonderful, everybear... and tortoise. May I take you photo please?"
PADDY, SCOUT and EMMETT: "Yes Daddy!"
EDNA: *Slowly.* "Ednaaaaaaaa."
DADDY: "Oh thank you! Now, when I count to three, say 'grumbly tummies'. Alright?"
PADDY, SCOUT and EMMETT: "Yes Daddy!"
EDNA: *Slowly.* "Ednaaaaaaaa."
DADDY: "One... two... three!"
PADDY, SCOUT and EMMETT: "Grumbly tummies!"
EDNA: *Slowly.* "Ednaaaaaaaa!"
*Camera click and whirrs.*
DADDY: "Now come along Paddy, Scout and Emmett. Say goodbye to your new friend. It's time for some afternoon tea."
PADDY: "Afternoon tea, Daddy? How exciting!" *Claps paws.*
EMMETT: *Climbs down from Edna's neck.* "Goodbye Edna. It was nice to meet you." *Kisses Edna's cheek.*
SCOUT: *Climbs down from Edna's neck.* "It was so lovely to meet you, Edna, but I think we might stick to travelling using Fairy Mum's magic portal to Mummy Marian's house." *Kisses Edna's cheek.* "Goodbye Edna."
EDNA: *Slowly.* "Byeeee byeeee."
PADDY, SCOUT and EMMETT: *Follow Daddy as he leads the way to afternoon tea.*
It was a fine, but cold, day a few weeks ago, so I decided to take advantage of the nicer weather and take some of my bear clan to a wonderful miniature golf range, which has popped up along the Yarra River in Docklands. The little course, installed beneath a life size Ferris wheel along the corniche, features a range of animals (including Edna), a Melbourne skyline and even a working bear size Ferris wheel! It was too wonderful an opportunity to refuse, and I’m so pleased to have given them all the opportunity to have some fun and play. I think the young builders on a nearby site were both amused and perplexed as they watched the bears and I playing together. Perhaps they have never seen such well behaved and tenacious bears before.
My Paddington Bear came to live with me in London when I was two years old (many, many years ago). He was hand made by my Great Aunt and he has a chocolate coloured felt hat, the brim of which had to be pinned up by a safety pin to stop it getting in his eyes. The collar of his mackintosh is made of the same felt. He wears wellington boots made from the same red leather used to make the toggles on his mackintosh.
He has travelled with me across the world and he and I have had many adventures together over the years. He is a very precious member of my small family.
Scout was a gift to Paddy from my friend. He is a Fair Trade Bear hand knitted in Africa. His name comes from the shop my friend found him in: Scout House. He tells me that life was very different where he came from, and Paddy is helping introduce him to many new experiences. Scout catches on quickly, and has proven to be a cheeky, but very lovable member of our closely knit family.
Made by Merrythought in England, Emmett is a charming little bear, sweet and smiling, crafted from multi-tonal marl grey mohair and featuring golden velvet paws. He is accessorised with a classic tartan woollen scarf. He is number 23 or a limited worldwide edition of 200.