
Stewart Taylor (SMT Photography)
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Taken on: July 13, 2015
Sets appears in:   Flying Legends 2015   
Groups appears in:   Flying    UK    more » UK Flickr users    Air Shows    Aviation    Flickr Addicts    Aircraft    WW II    planes, trains and automobiles    Military Aviation Photography    propeller / hélice / propell    Aeronautical    Warbirds    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    Transportation    Flight    Nice pictures    Duxford    Airshow    Airplanes    Pilot's Lounge    Prop Blur    Aviões / Aircrafts    Aircraft in the Sky    aeroplane watching    The Flikr Group    Explore/INTERESTINGNESS Group    Duxford Flying Legends    Planes Trains And Automobiles    Flugzeuge / Airplanes    old planes and new    aeroplanes    Antique & Vintage Aircraft    Military Aeronautics    Flickr - War of the Worlds    Red Bull Air Race and Flying Bulls    World Wide Photographers    The Military    Flying Machines    Rate My Airplane    Aircraft in FLIGHT    air show    Lockheed Aircraft only no aircraft after the 1995 merge,No F-16/    WWII Fighters 1935-1945    Fighters    We Love Airplanes    Aviation Group: Aircraft Lovers!!!!!!    pictures of planes, even those shitty little ones    ANYTHING Transportation Related (Cars, Airplanes, Bicycles etc.)    Aviation photography    Your Best Photography    Anything Aviation    UK Air Shows    Lockheed P-38 Lighting    ~Artistic Aviation~    Air Show Photos    Artistic Machines    AllAviation    AVIATION NUT CASES    Wings Over The World    USAF    Gold Star Awards Level 1 (1P/3C)    any planes    WarBirds of ww2    Historical Military Aviation    Things in Flight    Airshow Shots    Warbird Photos    flickr in full color [No Black & White !]    Military Aircraft of the World    Aviation photos    Reaching for the sky    WARPLANESPOTTING    Aviation Fans    Flickr For Fun    Aircraft images    Military Aircraft    The Aviation Museum    Photographers and Good Causes    Flugtag | Flugshow | Airshow | Fliegerfest    Spotters Alliance    Aviation Photography Group    fabulous flicks (post 1 - Comment 3)    Aviation Group    HISTORIC AIRCRAFT    RED BULL (the right group)    Classic Aircraft (built before 1961)    Rate My Aviation Photo - Post 1 Rate 3. You Only Get One Chance!    Awesome Airshows and Aviation    UK Aviation    Aviation Photography is NOT a Crime!    Photonautic    !! Aviacion 100% !!    *FLICKR's PRO PHOTOGRAPHERS* [No AI or SL]    W I N G S    Trains and Planes    Aviation / Luftfahrt    Magnificent Machines    Plane Lovers    Flying Bulls    All Warbirds.    FLYING MACHINE    FLIGHT-Birds,Planes,Helicopters    The Second World War    U.S. Air Force    AIRCRAFT PHOTOGRAPHY    World's Largest Aircraft Carrier - the UK 1942-45    Airplanes in flight    Aircraft Junkies    Aviation Legends    The Machines.. (Post 1 - Award 2)    ***Flickr Global    Aviation and Aircraft    AIRPLANE'S WORLD    Flickr Community (INVITE ALL CONTACTS)    ₪ HISTORY & MYSTERY Society ₪ Add 1 | Award 3    Warbirds Past And Present Around The Globe    Aeroplanes and exotic cars    ★ Flight ★    Aviation Worldwide    Aircraft Close-Ups    Caught In Flight    Airplanes/ Flugzeuge    ***The Battle Of Britain Awards***    ALL AVIATION PHOTOS    * EXPLORE Photos ~Made Explore! "    Twin Engined Prop Aircraft    Retired Wings    Duxford Legends    WARBIRDS UK    Planes,Jets,Helicopters.    Everything war    WWII Bombers and fighters across the nation!    Airshows of the World    On Wings Of War-Warbirds Old And New    Aircraft and Clouds    AVIATION ♥ PASSION!    Airshow Photography    Flying Legends Airshows    ~~ FLY ~~    World of Planes in High Color    World Aviation Pics and Vids    Aviation Pictures of the world    Propellors    Airshows    Airplanes 101    Flickr - I ♥ THE COLORS -    *** Aviation Awards *** Post 1 / Award 3    Propellers    Aircraft at Air Shows & Air Museums World-wide    Planes Planes Planes!    Topsides    Aviation Comment Group    Aviation Photos.    Canon - Aviation    photography of aircraft    Aircraft of all kinds    Aviation...The Best    Aeroplanes Of The World    Avions.    High Quality Aviation Photos    Aviation Photographers Central    Prop Planes    ` FLICKR ´    Aéronefs / Aircraft / Flugzeug / Aviónes / Aereo / самол    Second World War    IWM Duxford    Military Aviation of the World    I Like Propeller Driven War Birds    Planes & Aviation    Aircraft Images - Atmospheric Only    Aircraft Of The US Air Force From 1930 to Present    flickr (unofficial)    Combat Aircraft on Flickr    Aviones y helicopteros -- Planes and helicopters    Various Aircraft Photography    The U.S.A Military- 1776 To The Present Day    PLANE GEEKS!    Aviation Photography UK    Flying things    Global Aviation    PLANE PICS    Military Plane and Transportation    "A" is for Aviation    Classic Airpower - Military aviation from the past    US Military Aircraft 1914 - Present Day    flickr every day!    World Photographers' Photos WPP    World Airshows    Its all about Aircraft!    Zinc de guerre    AIRPLANES ETC    I Love Aeroplanes Aircraft + Aviation    The Quality Aviation Gallery    Scientific Photographers    Airshow Spectacular.    Steel Wing (No Group Limit)    fotografíabd    WorldAviation    Aircraft Addiction    Aviation World    The Group Airplanes and Helicopters ( POST 1 AWARD 1 )    Airshows and Flypasts    Aviation Photographers your best shots    Worldwide Air Transport    Amazing Military Aircrafts    A V I A T I O N ✈    Historic Aircraft Photography    Overcast Aviation    Aviation Geeks (No 30/60 limit)    Duxford Flying Legends 2015    IWM Duxford Air Shows 2015    Wow! I saw this! (Post all things in the eyes view)    Military Aircraft, New or Old!    Aviation-Pics    JPEG Aviation    UK Airshows 2015    Warbirds Airshow    Military Aviation Warbirds    Flying Legends 2015    Plane in a Frame (unlimited upload)    Aircraft at Airshows    world military aviation    MILITARY AIRCRAFT WORLDWIDE    Absolute no limit: Aviation    Airshow World™ Photography And Video **No Posting Limit**    Airscene    « less
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