Curiosity beguiled the cat
Case Study #13
Professional Jewel Thief
Do to the delicate nature of events depicted in his character study; concerning the Subject known as “Sabastien”, the events have been altered and somewhat modernized to protect those intimately involved….
Quoted by subject:
“It wasn't their jewels, as much as the sport it offered.” ---Sabastien
March 19__
Evening ( Late)
“I did not fail to observe the irony of the situation that I now found myself in. I knew that fertile hunting grounds with rich prey, like these guests in attendance, would have attracted other predators such as myself. It was always a risk in my line of work. “
The Tale:
I had heard of the lavish parties that were thrown at the old stone mansion. The Isolated mansion and its maze of gardens were surrounded by woods yielding a honeycomb of exits down which one could easily disappear. Booze flowed like water at these parties, and within a couple of hours most of the extremely well to do, flashy jeweled guests were sordidly drunk. And I might add vulnerably easy prey. So how could someone like me not try and satisfy my curiosity. I spent a couple of months checking the place out, both by crashing one of the parties, and by clandestine prowling of the woods at night. I decided that it was well worth my effort. So one evening, at the biggest bash of the year to be held there, I donned my tux with the reversible vest, placed my derringer in my pocket and a dagger up my sleeve. A long silk handkerchief in my vest and a pair of old handcuffs in my pocket along with a silk mask completed my ensemble for the evening’s work ahead. I donned my white gloves and top hat and headed out
There is a scene in Hunt for Red October where Sean Connery (whom I’ve been told I resemble) talks how once more, we play our dangerous game. A game of chess....against our old adversary. I thought of this quote as I parked my car and headed up towards a back entrance of the garden. For me it just wasn’t only about their jewels, as much as it was for the challenge of the game, not unlike Chess.
I arrived early, and mingled, watching and waiting for opportunity to come a knocking. I left the mansion and wondered amongst the guests in the gardens. It was here that I figured I would be able to make my move. Waiting until one of the tipsy, well jeweled female guests wondered off alone into one of the isolated nooks where I knew was a path leading through the woods to make my escape. My plan was quite simple really: don the mask, reverse my vest, produce the knife, use the silk handkerchief to gag her speechless, the handcuffs to immobilize her, while I relived my victim of her valuables. From what I had observed that evening, If I was patient enough, I should be able to score at least 10 grand, with the potential of a lot more. Not too shabby for a nights work. If my luck held, I would be out of the county before my victim discovered and the crime was reported.
I was talking, or rather, listening, to a young red head with long glittering earrings and wide diamond bracelets when out of the corner of my eye I first spotted the pair. They consisted of bearded male, of about forty, wearing a suite and shirt with sleeves that did not pass his wrist, with him was a female with nice curves, her long hair loose, wearing a tight fitting 3 quarter length sleeved silk dress, slippery , no jewels or purse. I left the redhead, moving off, seeking a far corner where I could watch unobserved.
They worked seamless as a team. Unless one was in the business, a bystander would have failed to realize what was taking place. I decided to wait it out, figuring that after relieving a few purses and pockets of fat wallets they would quickly take off.
It was a classic maneuver. One of the team entered the chosen victim into conversation, while the other waiting until the coast was clear bumped her from behind lifting her wallet from a shiny purse ( of which there were an endless array ) at her side than walk away after apologizing, while his teammate got her quickly back into conversation, distracting her away from anything else. They made two hits before coming across the red head I had been engaged in the one sided conversation with.
I watched as they moved in, the players taking their position. It wasn’t until the red head was brushed and pushed into from behind that I realized it wasn’t the wallet in her rhinestone purse they were after. No, it was loftier prey than that. For they had targeted the diamond encrusted bracelet, one that I had had my eye on. They sandwiched the slippery long gowned miss between them, then and melted away in the crowd before she was even able to react. She never even suspected or checked herself over, not realizing that her gloved wrist was now bare of the valuable burden it had been carrying. And that was what made them professionals.
Raising my drink in silent toast, I saluted with it, and drained the glass.
I had finally had my fill of their routine.
I revisited my quote from the movie hunt for red October,
. Well leave them to their silly little game I thought, not failing to observe the irony of the situation that I now found myself in. I always knew that fertile prey like these guests would have attracted other hunters such as me. It was always a risk in my line of work. I had decided that it would be only a matter of time before the pretty redhead would begin to miss her bracelet, and put the others on their guard. That would spell the end of the gig anyway. Better to cut my losses and try again at another affair, for this place had many throughout the season.
Better luck next time son, I thought regretfully conceding the gambit.
Without a care in the world I made my way back through the crowd, nodding at any pretty lady who was willing to acknowledge my presence. Soon I regained the wooded path leading back up to the Manor, and my eventual exit. I found myself tailing rather fetchingly gowned lass and amused myself by watching her jewels ignite as they touched the light thrown off by the lamp lines path. They were flashing with the most mesmerizing display of rippling sparkles.
I found myself reconsidering the situation. I decided to concede the gardens to the pair of tossers and to check things over at the big manor house one last time before leaving.
I had no problem leaving empty handed; I had scored enough earlier this week while crashing an inaugural ball for an incoming university president. My mind flickered over the picture in my mind of a diamond and sapphire necklace with matching bracelets, along with several gem encrusted rings that would have someone’s insurance company forking over cash to the tune of about forty grand. This nest egg I had scored from a whimpering blonde in a taffeta indigo gown who had unsuccessfully, but appealingly, tried to talk me into leaving her with something, anything, as crocodile tears had welled up in her blue doe like eyes. I just smiled into her eyes and slipped off her last ring, smirking to myself, as I regretfully looked into her eyes, saying nothing in answer to her pleas. If I had not seen the damsel earlier spewing forth an assorted chosen words of insult to a poor waitress earlier in the evening, I may have left her that last ring!
I entered though the main door and into the large foyer. In front of me was a double staircase that led to the main action. On either side were small corridors. One corridor was covered by a curtain with a do not enter sign in front of it, the other led to the ladies powder room and gents restroom. On a whim I moved the do not enter sign off to the side hiding it behind a plant. Then with a careful look around I went inside. Off the corridor were three rooms, all empty. The first room was a small sitting parlor, opposite this room was a door that opened into a small office/ work area. The room on the end led to a small back porch with wicker furniture. I made my way back, nothing here of interest. Opening the curtain I waited until three ladies had finished coming down the stairs and headed down the opposite corridor. Why do they always have to travel in packs I thought to myself as the last of their sweeping gowns disappeared around the corner? I then made my way out undetected and gained the stairs, not bothering to replace the sign.
The ballroom was upstairs, access gained by the large double staircase, had with a landing big enough to hold about twenty couples. The landing was actually at the beginning of the ballroom, opposite of which played a full twenty piece orchestra. In-between was a spacious floor big enough to hold almost 200 dancing couples. Along one wall was located about thirty small round tables. The opposite wall was an entrance to the dining room with about 200 tables and a full bar along one side of the room. I had already scoped this out and so when I reached the landing I just lit a thin cigar and watched as the guests passed me going up and down the stairs. I wasn’t sure what I was waiting for, just that I had a feeling I shouldn’t go just yet. But I was thoroughly enjoying myself as I scoped out the ladies, their glittery attire, and trinkets, oh yes, especially their delightful assortment of shimmering trinkets.
A rather vivacious red head in a string long gown of crimson satin, with a simple necklace of pearls laid around her throat walked out of the ballroom and onto the landing. She gave to me the most becoming nod of her head, long hair flowing as she did, I had just turned my head to let my eyes follow her downstairs when I suddenly froze.
A rather pretty young thing came in from the gardens and headed to the staircase, a long gown of brite teal poured and flowed along her figure as she gracefully moved. I had seen her earlier, and she had made my mental list of prospects. I looked her over, apparently this one had escaped the attention of the pickpockets in the garden, her considerably valuable jewelry all shimmer and sparkle, was all still with her. A cascading display of diamonds poured like some daintily shimmering waterfall from her ears and throat. Her gloved wrists were enclasped by a pair of wide silver bracelets, sparkling with emeralds, her fingers home to four exquisite rings. A dazzling brooch of diamonds and a dangling stone emerald was holding up the front of her gown’s skirt at the waist.
Wow, I thought , watching her for the second time that evening , admiring the way the slick satin of her evening dress moved as she strode in from the door. Her head was turned towards the curtained off corridor. A lump went to my throat, no I told myself, it couldn’t be that easy. But sure enough, she looked around,( her long silky brown hair flowing first over one shoulder, than the next) and made a beeline for the curtain, looking back as she opened it before completely disappearing inside. I watched amazed as the last whisp of her shiny gown disappeared through the curtain, whistling quietly to meself.
I than turned and headed downstairs, unhurriedly, thinking to myself that she had darted into the corridor so quickly, that if I had not perchance turned my head to watch the red headed posh one heading downstairs, the whole opportunity would have slipped past without my notice!.
It was either going to go my way, or not, and I wanted to make sure no undue attention was drawn to myself. I parted the curtain, no sign of her, but I thought I saw a shadow moving in the parlor. I turned, and pulling out the sign I put it back into position, and entered the corridor. I quietly opened the door of the utility room and went inside. , I put on my silk mask, reversed my vest, and waited. Watching from a crack I saw her leave, and head down to the end of the corridor to the outside porch. I open the door and silently sneaked up behind her.
Reaching her I put my hand around her mouth and draw her to me, felling her body jolt in my arm. Her silky body warm against mine I snarl in her ear, just behave, and you won’t be hurt. I feel her figure go limp, and instinctively know that she will be compliant. Make no sound I demand brusquely, eyeing the necklace as it moves up and down with her heaving bosom. it will be over soon enough if you don’t struggle my girl. She nodded. Sorry love, I whisper into her ear, her diamond earring dangling there lifelessly, but we have taken a fancy to the jewels you have been sporting this evening. You do have them insured I asked, and she nodded yes. ( I made sure to use the plural, making it seem like a group effort)
I walked her backwards h into the utility room, kicking the door closed. Standing behind her I gag her quickly, before the initial shock wears off. I pull her over to a wooden chair, and grabbing a rope handily left on the workbench, I bind her loosely, using knots that will eventually work loose once she started struggling. Than going to the door I lock it.
There is just enough moonlight (fortunately it was a waxing moon) to make out her jewels as they sparkle alluringly along her bound figure . She was breathing in deep breaths, and I knew her heart was still pounding with fear. I worked quickly, stripping her of all her expensive finery. I had earlier made note of what she was wearing, so I was able to search and find everything on my list. As I gently pulled free her earrings, I complimented her on the way she was dressed. Then undoing her magnificent necklace, I mentioned that someone as pretty as her did not need to have it distracted by a bunch of useless diamonds, talking to her in soothing tones as I slipped it off her throat. It may have helped ease the pain and loss of her dignity that comes with being robbed, and I was sincerely hoping to do so by my words, but she was so limp with fright, that I was never sure. I have always tried to treat my victims with courtesy, like the movie version of a dashing British highwayman, at least those that appear to deserve it.
She struggled a little, but for the most part was petrified enough to make it no problem. But then, As I was pulling off her rings, the stress proved too much and she passed out. As I worked I could hear her fellow guests going up and down the stairs, the far sound of music and gay conversation. The quests making it having no idea about what was taking place right under their feet. Pulling off her broach last I finished the job. Pocketed my loot and belongings, and loosening her bindings just a little, went to the door and ever so slightly open d it a crack. The coast appeared clear. I stepped back, eyeing her, she was coming to, and quickly I reversed my vest, and removed the mask.
I headed into the corridor out to the back staircase, and made my way onto the porch, then down the side steps to the manicured lawn. On one side was the hedge that surrounded the garden, and I could hear the guests moving about on the other side. I made for it, and skirting it found one of my escape paths and headed down cautiously. I had long ago lost track of my competition, and I did not want to find out that they were planning to use that same path as an escape route, that would lead to too many questions.
But I encountered no one, and melted into the darkness to make my undetected escape. On the Way out I allowed myself to finger her now cool baubles in my inside vest pocket, my mind already leaving the manor and its guests behind.
I now allowed my thoughts to dwell upon future endeavors.
Especially next Friday! It was when I was planning to pay a visit a private Catholic Girls college, its isolated grounds perfectly surrounded by woods. That was the evening for their annual Black and White Ball. I have had some minor success at these types of affairs with relieving some wealthy whelp of her family jewels. But this was special in that I had a target in mind, one specifically out of hopefully many new ones.
She had been in attendance at a formal wedding I was at some two months ago and I had let my interest follow her as she had pranced around. The young 18 year old was encased in a liquidly flowing satin gown. The petite little thing with large doe like eyes had seemingly appeared overloaded with a breathtaking collection of diamonds and emeralds. Even though she quite by lucky chance(hers) had narrowly missed being relieved of those pretty sparklers, I had learned her name, and the name of the private school she attended. So I had done a little background checking, both physical and non-physical., and found the situation to my liking.
So my mind was on her as I successfully made my escape, anticipating that if the squirmy lassie would obligingly put in an appearance at the dance, similarly attired as she had been, I would only too happily help the damsel “lighten” her load, so to speak. Much as I had done for the charming, and all too curious young lady just a few minutes ago.
So, as I had these thoughts in my mind, it suddenly again occurred to me how much my game could sometimes mirror that of chess. Although uncommon, an unwinnable appearing gambit where one sacrifices a King to hopefully pull off a stalemate in order to play the game afresh; could in fact end up by checkmating a queen( and a jewelle laden one at that!)