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Taken on: June 1, 2017
Groups appears in:   The Photographer's Club    Amateur Digital Photography/Help and Ideas    more » Adobe PhotoShop Creations    Canon DSLR User Group    Chinese    Art and Artists.    China is Real here    日本語flick'r    canon photography    China    The Unofficial JPG Magazine Group    China Images    *China*    Southeast Asia Images    An eye for an eye    Beautiful Light    The Light Fantastic    白黒写真    AMaZiNG    I Love My Canon    Canon Current & past models (ie new 5D MKIII and old 300D)    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Beautiful is Boring    Amateurs    top-f [ 25+ faves ]    visit the world - the travel guide    Panorama Experiments    Real China Style 中国风    Panoramics    10-25 favorites [No nudes / erotic]    Travel Photography    Travel Asia    ★China Run★起跑.中国    Beautiful    Asia    Canon L and DO Lenses    Anything fantastic - 1 pic / day    100 Club (All pics must have been 'Favorited' at least 100 times    *The Original* 200 Views    1000 Views    (^_^) PeoPle Pics (^_^)    50 - Fifty Faves    Truly Asia    All About Asia    Canon EOS    Fotos Panoramicas    sub/urbanscape place.    300 Views (no more than --499--)    Arte Urbana / Urban Art    China Travel    This    Total Photography (No AI or SL)    Art makes you happy!    you can Canon    100 faves    Panoramic Express    99+ Favs    Aperture Users    25-50 Faves [No Nudes/Erotic!]    50-100 Faves    Canon EOS 5D Series    Beautiful China    800 views (-900)    900 Views (-1000)    Canon EOS Digital    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    5-25 favorites (2 a day max)    100 Favorites    China Uncut and Unrated    Amateur Nation    Wir sprechen Deutsch    ART / REAL    Favorites: 100    2000+ views & 50+ favorites - non nude    Traveller's World    Best Travel Photos    Anything Goes No Limits    *GreatPixGallery 50 Faves+    Vertical Panorama    chinese beauty    canon digital photography.    The World Through My Eyes ...    Views: 7000 or Favorites: 100    amateur hour    china,street    Views 200    Views 1000    Views 1500    Views 2000    Views 4000    Views 6000    * Travel Photography for World Nomads *    Challenge this If you Can??(Invite all your CONTACTS)    Canon Photos    Asia Style    100%CANON    Canon Digital    1600 Views (-1700)    * Flickr en Español    50 CLUB    601-800 Views (Comments required)    CentralFlickr    China, The Middle Country 中国    50 faves (No SL/computer generated images please).    30 Faves    15 Faves    **El fotógrafo satisfecho//The satisfied photographer    'Views: 7 - 25    'Views: 26 - 50    'Views: 201 - 300    *Inspirational Travel Photos    Adobe Photoshop CS (all CS versions)    ★Flickr dè Chinese★中国帮★    'Views: 801 - 900    800 View Club (Max 899 Views)    900 View Club (Max 999 Views)    100 CLUB    Anything Nature    250 views AND 10 faves - quality AND quantity    The Flikr Group    favorites 100+    Adobe Masters    Colors!    Spectacular panoramas    'Views: 1500 - 1750    'Views: 1750 - 2000    10 Million Photos    The world on a shoestring    TRAVEL Photography!    ANYTHING & EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC / NO SL/AI    Amatuer Photography    !!Free Zone!!No RuleS    Canon DSLR 中文版    100+ Views OR 10+ Favorites    My Colors by Canon    Aspiring Young Photographers    Min. 10 Favs    panorama ( panoramic image's )    Photos with 900 (- 999) views    Photos with 1000 views (and more)    They Shoot Film, Don't They?    minimum 700 views    minimum 250 views    minimum 1000 views    minimum 2000 views    minimum 3000 views    minimum 4000 views    minimum 5000 views    Anything at all    Photos With 1000 or More Views    5000 VIEWS(must have 5,000 views)    U_MAG    minimum 1500 views    worldwidewandering - a travel atlas    Fotos Panorámicas / Panoramic photos    so·fis·ti·ca·ción - sophistication    Think panoramic    1600 Views    Panoramico    Art and the Eye    'Views: 2000 - 2500    'Views: 2500 - 3000    'Views: 3000 - 4000    'Views: 4000 - 5000    **Beautiful Concepts**    Canon stunning photos    The Photo Critique Forum    Canon * L * Series    !Flood the Pool [No AI or SL]    Art for Art's Sake    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    favorites 15    favorites 30    favorites 40    favorites 60    favorites 70    favorites 80    favorites 100 and more    Canon Camera    10 Views    The Full Frame    The True Horse    An Awesome Shot! Invited Photos ONLY!!    architecture master pieces    All Day I Dream About Photography    China.Chinese    30 Favorites    Canon EF & EF-S: Official Tag Required    50 Favorites and counting!!    Club 200    Club 900    1 day we'll have the most photos on Flickr    Canon L-series    100+ Faves 1-2-3 (Post one,Comment and Fave two)    Canonistas    Flickr's FAV : 60    Flickr's FAV : 70    Flickr's FAV : 80    Flickr's FAV : 100    ~100 to 150~    ~200 to 300~    ~800 to 900~    You see Canon!    Viewed 1500 - 2000 (open minded)    Viewed 2000 - 2500 (open minded)    Viewed 100 - 500 (open minded)    Viewed 4000 - 5000 (open minded)    The Magic of Colour    all photo    "I AM TELLING YOU A STORY HERE. CAN YOU SEE IT?"    Street Photos - Hong Kong and China 中國香港街拍同好    The_traveller    Beautiful Earth    粋 Iki (The Fantastic In The Familiar)    Tractors ETC.    'What Digital Camera' flickr group    SHOW OFF YOUR PICS!!    Beautiful Capture    Amateur Photography.    Amatuer Photographer    Arte fotografia    Shutter Asia    Art of Photography    PANORAMICA    カメラ日和    *Flickr Photo Award*    !!! Beautiful, simply beautiful !!!    200 views + 20 favorites (unlimited)    So simple, so beautiful!    V1000    V300    V900    V6000    Travel in East Asia    ~Travel Photography    'Views: 5000 - 7500    *Photo Jewels*    Travel Photojournalism    Your Best Photography    China in my eyes / Chinglish Friend    5 Flickr Favs (pool & contest invitation required)    Amateur Photo Club    Ελληνική Όμάδα Flickr    **Explore Unexplored!** (10 Favs & No Explored)    Canon Camera Users - pictures with EXIF    *Best of Flickr* (Comment 1 / invite 2) PHOTOS ONLY    all things asia    Nikon, Canon, Sony!    Panorama Maker    Existing-Light Photography    Olé Que Bonito !!    Natural Light    中华 Flickr 摄友会 / Chinese Flickr Photographer    That's a Good Picture    Canon Users - Open group    " Have Camera ~ Will Travel "    " Damn Cool Photographers in the WORLD " .♥.♥.♥    The New Coolest Damn Cool Photographers In The World!    Social Geographic    Traveler's Photos    " Art of the Light " ☆☆☆☆☆    恋爱写真 | Love Foto    4000 +Views    Travel is meaningful .    THE WORLD IS BEAUTIFUL.    VISUAL PLEASURE    **Flickrian Delirium**    " MASTER CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY "    World100F – The QualityGroup    Your Most Faved Photograph (40+)    CHINA`s highlights & impression    **feelinGroup**(Post1&Award2)No Naked Photos    ALL Welcome - I am sick of 'rules and regulations - New Contest    !shots that rock asia! [ PLEASE, leave 1 award or comment :: ]    Flickr Travel & Eco_photos    Canon freak    This is China! 这是中国!    Canon vs Nikon    The Coolest Photographers in the World!!    SoloReflex    The Coolest Damn Cool Photographers in the World    We Love China    ◄♣♦♠♥ Together ♥♠♦♣►    !MAGE    The Best Picture Gallery!    Asia & Asian    TWiP    - : FOTOGRAFI ITALIANI : -    "Los mejores momentos de tu día"    SPACING MAGAZINE photo pool    CANON EOS EUROPE    The best moment.    The World of Travel    TWIP Critique    Panoramas - Panoramiques    dreams of love / Sogni di innamorati Sweeper active    Art Meets Photography    ! Quality Pixels! No 2nd Life Images    Urban - Photography    ! I Love My Pics No 2nd Life Pics!!    ***SCREAM OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER***    Amateur coffee morning.    我不是Pro, 但是我愛Photography!    "IQ" - Image Quality    Travel: The World Through a Lens    This is Why I Love Photography    Track & Field Athletes    Extraordinary Asia    Aficionados con ganas de mostrarse - Fans with desire of would.    Travels & Your Best    This is Excellent    The world through photography    350    Travel Planet    TOP QUALITY IMAGES ONLY    Sube lo que quieras-Upload any picture you like!(Post1-Comment1)    The point of view    Travel Blog    *****FROM MY LENS*****    Show me what you got    The Official Digital Camera Magazine Flickr Group    Very Large Panoramas    Crazy Panos!    ♥Addicted to Color♥    Asia on postcards    Canonistas españoles    Taken With CANON    !! Fave it Up 150-230 (P1, A+F5)    2500+ [ Views ]    The Available Light Gang    Amazing Capture ***No Rules, No Banning, No Sweepers***    100+ Faves • 100+ Comments    Canon Digital Learning Center    Travel Photo Daily    This is My Best Shot    Truly New Photographers    ASIA URBAN/STREET PHOTOGRAPHY    arte no pano    *DIGITAL WORLD    ! ♡ Flickrian ♡ No Rules:) Feel Free to invite your Friends!    *****Street Photography*****    1000+ views    Desafío Cualquier Cosa    " Your BEST of Today " - Through MY Eyes    Sony Photographing.    !!Perfect Composition!!    Wonderful World!    CanonFlickr ®    Canon Users (past and present)    ~ Flickr's Finest (100+ Faves Only) ~    Flickr's Biggest Group    台灣全記錄    10 or > Favorites    Oriental Land    Travel and Escapades    The Official Pano Panorama Group    ALL World panoramic photos (p.1 -Aw.3    『偽』電影劇照/'Fake' Movie Stills    Rustic world    !!! "The Best" Shots    ***This should be a Postcard!***    Ambitious Photographers    !! Fave it Up 60-120 (P1, A+F5)    ふだんの素敵な瞬間 ~The wonderful moment ~    Images for the Little Prince    Pics with 1000 views    Pics with 1500 Views    Pics with 1800 Views    Pics with 900 Views    Panographie Panoramas Stitched (raw only)    Travelling Lens    VistaPanoramica    Artistic Treasure Chest (Read the rules)    ! LO MEJOR DE MI... ARTE Y CREACIÓN ARTÍSTICA !.    Canon en Español    ·٠•● It's a kind of Magic ●•٠·    The Friendly Canon DSLR (or whatever) Group    The Urban Jungles    The Art of Photography Podcast    *lost in translation*    Turismo por todo el mundo    Canon Travel    Asia Revealed    Sueños de principiante    Show us your best    Colors Arts    ▲ turbo ▲    !! Fave it Up 100-170 (P1, A+F5)    The Dreamers Group "If you can dream, you're in it"    Panoramic shots    CANON-NO LIMIT    ! Flickr Cafe !    ! F l i c k r | S t y l e !    AWESOME ASIA post 1, award 3 (Join Us Please)    Canon DSLR Photography Beginners    傑出影像-Outstanding Images    Just Panos    Club Canon    AFICIONADOS A LA FOTOGRAFIA    Amazing+Photography    Canon Photography    Canon España    The world of photography    Fascination and love of life    The Photographers Association    Thinking Photography    Lets Travel Together    The Daily Post    Travel Blog, Beautifulbreak    Panoramic landscapes    50 MILLION PHOTOS    * TRAVEL * (Please COMMENT with the CODE !)    as beautiful as you want    The Best of Flickr!!!!    **Our Own Private Idaho**    STORY PHOTOS- image tells a story    ***All beautiful shots and many more.    CANON PHOTOGRAPHERS ITALIA    ***Flickr Global    Beautiful Decay    ▲Monster puke▲    *poetry of images    The Master Light Painter 50 + Faves Admin Invite Only    ★★★Shutter Bug - Tips & Tricks★★★    .. Meaningful Photography    ▲ cult    *That's MY Photo ! *    Canon Porn    ♦♦♦ TUTTI I FOTOGRAFI DEL MONDO ♦♦♦    ++ ENERGIA POSITIVA ++ (CLOSED)    Chinese Photographers - Welcome To Worldwide!    Canon EF Lenses Group    Arie's Photo Friends P1/A2 > For Only Great Photo's!    The Photo Argus Community    Asia's Best    Super Photographer (Post1 -Award 5)    AKA Magazine    Panorama World    Solidarity against cancer ♠ Solidaridad contra el cáncer    ! !^Admiration Gallery 15+ Faves Level 1    SHOW ME PICTURES    Theatre Of Life    Travel - Around the World    THE BEST AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHY    artland    TU FOTO ES ARTE - MINIS ABIERTOS    Canon EOS 1D 5D 6D    *Special Artistic Photography*    美和藝術 Beauty and Art    ☼ il filo d'Arianna *Feel free to comment other pictures too*    30+ photography    * Open *    ** ~ Flickr ~ Global ~ **    !!* Secrets Treasures of Paradise/ NO flowers or Insects!!    Canon Digital Camera    THE PHOTOCRAFT    **Unseen~Asia** Post 1 Comment 1    Amics de la Càmera.    ART BY FOTO    Stealing Beauty ★ Beleza Roubada [P5-P0]    The Vacant Fever Collective    Over 100 faves.    Your best creation    Canon Love    Panoramatic    theprintspace    Add Almost Any Photos, check rules.    1800 Views    ART PHOTOGRAPHERS Salon    ♥ PLANET FLICKR! ♥ WHERE WE LIVE! ♥ POST EVERYDAY ♥    THE ARTISTS Club    School of Digital Photography    art for non-snobs    !In Memory    The D-Photo    ! FavTop 50-99 (P1, A+F4)    TouringPlans    ♦♦♦ OCCHIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    Stealing Moments    Télégramme Magazine    HDR con Ñ    AFCASTELLÓ    some things are better than others!!!    Flickr Travels Around the World    *****THE BEAUTIFUL ELEMENT CALLED PHOTOGRAPHY!*****    Fine Wall Art Murals    Show Room (Comment 2)    ♥ BEAUTIFUL ♥ COMPOSITION ♥    [][][]100%PERFECT[][][]    Canon Pictures-    ****BEAUTIFUL FLICKR COMPOSITION****    Only Canon group    Travel photos by tips4travels    Simply Photos!    Photography Blogger    ! G.A. Photo !    Architecture Lab    we are    Aspiring Street Photographers    5000-10000 Views    Canonistas Valencia    800-900 Views    600-700 Views    All Things ~*Earthy*~    ►the best shots◄ (Post 1 - Award 5)    ►the best pictures◄    Panorama Photo - P 1 A 3    ►the best photos◄    China Travel Pics    all poets are blind    Canon addicts    Amazing Textured Photos ***No Rules, No Banning, No Sweepers***    THANK YOU FRIEND    The Power Of Colors    1500-2000 Views    ►the best photographs◄    ►the best photographies◄    !* Talent Photographique Elite ✿ Only 100+ Faves ✿ P1/A2    Any photographs    Taking photographs is painting with light.    4000 Views    Canon SLR Photography    soundTHAT | this is awesome    Travel photos on Cities and Architecture    Canonisti    BE FREE Photographer's Network    ALTFoto    Amateur Exclusive    The smirk magazine subscriptions    ARTWERK    This is what we love    Canon you can-Users Group    All what you like!!!!    Twickerati    Pano    The Street Art    Kolor Autopano    the world i see    The Free Photographers (P2 C2)    !MY PHOTOGRAFIC WORLD!    Still**Life - Street Photography    show me your best pics ever    !!* ♫ Our colourful life ♫ P1/C2 NO Transports!    10 Million MORE Photos    PLANET EARTH IN PANORAMA    People and Landscapes in Asia    !Excellent Photos    Tra un Manifesto e Lo Specchio - High quality images    Super Flickers    Super images    TLP - Travel Light Photography    ♦♦♦ PHOTO VERY NICE ♦♦♦    Canon EF L Lenses    ↑ Essential Art ↑    We love Canon Cameras    * Canonikos *    !* Quality Surroundings2 ⌲re-founded! P1-A2 ONLY ENVIRONS:poin    Your view through the camera lens    The very best of me    The Number One    TARJETA VISA ORO PARA TU FOTOGRAFÍA    ♥♥♥♥ HULYA PRETTY GALLERIE ♥♥♥♥    1 Quadrillion Pix    Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L II USM.    !Art Book (18+)    Shutter Monks    Views:1500    Canon EOS Cameras.    ◆ CHALLENGE CLUB ◆ All are welcome! ◆    Sign of the Times (All Types of Signs)    The Photo Graphs    Canon 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM    Travelling Vicariously    iOS Art Panoramas    Born to photograph + 100.000 photos...Thanks !    "Central Asia, China & the Silk Road"    " 2 Thumbs Up "    ShowCase Images    4000 views and more    ...that certain feeling    Suas Favoritas - your Favorite    Solo Belle Foto! Just Beautiful Photos!    ♥♥♥♥0UTSIDE♥♥♥♥    asia photos    Snapshots of the Soul.    An image to get a dream......    The Passion of Photography    €xperience Photo Project    Sube lo que quieras / Up what you want    Pano Panorama panoramic    Sony Full Frame Showcase    ALL- NO LIMITS    Evocando El Pasado * Evoking the Past *    *Latidos de Ciudad * City Beats *    Amazing scenery    99+ Favs (The 99ers Group - The best pics going!!)    -- ❤️Love for life.. Only flowers an animals!    Sony Full Frame    1,000 Views Unlimited 1000    5,000 Views Unlimited 5000    2,000 Views Unlimited 2000    4,000 Views Unlimited 4000    300 Views Unlimited    3,000 Views Unlimited 3000    /r/photography    * 99+ favorites    8,000 Views Unlimited 8000    Canon Digital Images Gallery    7,000 Views Unlimited 7000    6,000 Views Unlimited 6000    800 Views Unlimited    700 Views Unlimited    1,500 Views Unlimited 1500    around the world, around of my camera(Post 1, Comment 2 AND Fave    All of Flickr!:)♥    **AMAZING shot** (Quality image only!)    Canon    Mas Cien Favoritas (+ 100 *)    CANON DSLR EXPERIENCE - (TR) -    The Dark Side Of The Light - No Second Life    TOURISM magazine    All Photographers & Photographs welcome!    The "No Rules" Photography Critique Group    Faves of the Day    Voyage aux quatre coins du monde/ Travel around the world ( pos    Art Museion    tu mirada al mundo    The Best ...    Canon Users DSLR    Awake Platform    Beautiful and Creative Photography    眼子英雄(NO SIR)    ㋡ flickr ○● DEPOT ㋡    from 40 to 60 faves    Travel Photography - Through the eyes of the world    ☮♡ Soul Of Art ♡☮    !*ALL ARE WELCOME*!    nearly 99 Faves    Stunning travel photos from around the World    Anything Photographic    Amateur Photographer Magazine    Canon DSLR WorldWide    AWAKE - ART FOR A CAUSE    1K+ - Images viewed over 1000 times.    1,2,3 PHOTOS    1 image vaut mieux que 1000 mots    + 99 Faves    More than 10 Favs    The World According to...    The Art of Happiness    This is Why I Bought A Camera    Top Photography...    pano lover    30 Favorites *    Architecture Unlimited    -- ❤ Hello! --    beatifulgeographies    The International Travel Group    ★ ✩The best photos of all ★ ✩(only high quality)    Amo Minha Câmera/Love my Camera/El Amor de mi Cámara    Today's Flickr    ! !^Admiration Gallery Level 2    !*Flickr All Stars*!    A+ Image - Great Photography    The best work of the photographer's passion    ₪ ☰lέgant☰ ÉLITE ☰xclusiv☰ ₪ Comment/ Award pls.    Canon EOS-5DS    Canon Eos 5Ds Image    all photos for all    Canon EOS 5DS and 5DSR Owners Photographs    ShotCam (No SL & AI)    All beautiful photos are welcome!    the good eye    100 favorites a group that wants to popular flick.    Colours of Flickr    Level:Travel    Beautiful Countries in the World outside of the United States    Canon EOS 5DsR    THE IMAGINATIVE CAMERA    The 100 photographers    Redring (Canon L)    flickr world wide    Specialistz™    -- IMMAGINI DAL MONDO --    Canon Eos 5Dsr Image    Canon EOS 5DS / 5DS R    Pic4all    Pano Photography    Flickr Canon 5DS Official group    Canon EOS 5DS and 5DS R Users    -- PhotoMix --    NIKON - CANON - SONY    ~~~ Artistic Photography ~~~    Canon 5Ds and 5DsR Landscapes    Canon 5Ds and 5DsR Workflow    ! Super IMAGE (No 30/60 Rule)    Flickrice All Sorts    Canon EOS 5DS R Images    the beauty in anything    Canon EOS 5Ds / 5DsR Digital SLR    5.000 / 5000 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    Canon EOS 5DsR Images Only (No 30/60 Limit )    .FLICKR WORLD.    Group for all users of FLICKR - No 30/60 Groups Limit    6000+ Views - No 30/60    Momentos para no olvidar    Canon flickr Award    CANON 5DsR PRO    3.000 / 3000 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    Fotoviajeros    1.000 / 1000 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    Views 1500-1999    100 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    * just photos * no rules please use comment code appreciated    MAS DE 100 FAVORITAS    CANON EF 「 L IS USM 」 ALL LENZ    Canon 5DS /5DSR    7000+ Views - No 30/60    8000+ Views - No 30/60    The Ultimate Photographer    ₪ ÜberUrban ▓ Street Photography ▒ Straßenfotografie ₪    200 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    50+ Favorites    Any Way the Wind Blows    Views 2000-2999    Sony flickr Award    Canon Excellence    .FLICKR GOLD.    Views 200-299    People Vibes    Travel-Blog    THE PHOTO OF ALL DAYS. LA FOTO DE TODOS LOS DIAS.    eARTh - awesome on earth fascinating in art (out of 60/30)    ♥҉ 100+ Faves Amazing Elite ♥҉    The Traveler's Bucket List    ₪ kre-ART-ive ·⸎· lab-ART-ory ₪    70 faves or more - no 30/60 - no SL - no people    minimum 75 favourites    ₪ DÉJÀ-VU 見 SEEN AGAIN 曾 ṾẸĆ ṾḷĐẸṆỌ ₪    40 FAVES or more - no 30/60 - no SL - no people    _I Love Travel_    99+ Faves Photo Group    ㋡ LUDI FOTO LOCO ⍨ PHOTO CRAZY PHOTO ㋡    Panoramic format    Around the Earth / Rund um die Erde    ToolWiz Photos    2000 View Group    groupe closed    FAV 111+ (P1, A+F5)    The World Full of Beauty    Solo Imaginacion    the things you see    PHOTOGRAPHY Colors    50, 100, 200, 500, 1.000 favoritas    -- Photo passion --    FAV 21-50 (P1, A+F5)    50+ Favorites - Post 1, Comment & Fave 2    The Moody Photographer - Feels, Emotions and Chills    At that very moment    90 to 99 Fav votes    FotoClic Andorra    DISMISSING EXPLORE - 99+ FAVS with no Explore    2000 Views (no second life! - only photos! - no poor quality)    Photo Feelings    « less
Camera: Canon EOS 5DS R, f/5.6, 1/100 sec, 24mm, ISO 800 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Canon EOS 5DS R
Lens: EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM
Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 0.01 sec (1/100)
Focal Length: 24mm
ISO: 800
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
Metering Mode: Spot
White Balance: Auto
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.3 (Macintosh)
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Stats: 9,576 views / 91 comments