
bruno barbero
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Taken on: January 11, 2015
Sets appears in:   Bellezze del Piemonte    Monferrato   
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Camera: Nikon D3X, f/5.0, 1/800 sec, 62mm, ISO 200 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Nikon D3X
Lens: 24.0-120.0 mm f/4.0
Aperture: f/5.0
Exposure Time: 0.001 sec (1/800)
Focal Length: 62mm
ISO: 200
Exposure Bias: +1/3 EV
Flash: No Flash
Exposure Program: Aperture-priority AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Sharpness: Hard
Color Space: Uncalibrated
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
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