Of course, all Jerusalem has been considered holy for millennia, perhaps as long as it has been occupied, which, archaeology informs us, is at least five thousand years. It is a holy city with many names: from 1200 to 1000 B.C., it was Jebus, or ir hayebusi, the city of the Jebusites, a fortress perched atop the hill captured by King David in the 10th century B.C. It was Tsiyon (Zion), a word that suggests an earthly paradise modeled after a celestial archetype, perhaps heavenly Jerusalem.
The city was also Yir'eh-Shalem, which has a complex meaning. In the broadest sense, the name connote "the place where later God will show (yir'eh), or make known on earth, the fullness and perfection (shalem) of what is above. "'Jerusalem has been known as Yerushalem (a singular form), Yerushalayim (plural form), Ruschalim (Egyptian), Urusalimmu (Assyrian), Hierosolyma (Greek), and Jerosolyma or Hierosalem (Christian).
The Temple Mount on Mount Moriah is the counterpart of Mount Ararat, the legendary resting place of Noah's Ark after the Flood. There are in fact 144 resting points for the Ark, for the resting place, the "Mount Ararat", is the basis of the ascent of the Grail Castle which is the same as the Ark. There, the Ark floats, above us, in exalted dimensions, safely floating on the top of the flood waters released in the interregnum between vast periods of creation and destruction Brahma's Days and Years, in the Vedic time system.
INIMICAL ENERGIES AT THE TEMPLE MOUNT- We should not be surprised to find a fair concentration of what we could label dark and negative energies marshaled at the Temple Mount to block or distort access.
Two giant astral beings are locked in mortal battle atop the Mount, swords clashing, wounds gaping; they are primitive beings of a male valence, and all they do is fight, striving to kill each other. This energy permeates Jerusalem. Numerous alien ships high above the city quarantine the Mount in a ring of beams broadcast like laser shafts.
These energies help maintain the energies and functions of several circles of reptilian beings and giant astral snakes that surround the Mount, facing outwards into Jerusalem, discouraging access, keeping the energies combative, fragmented, bent on isolation and conflict. Behind them and also facing away from the Mount is another circle of large demonic control beings; their function too is to dissuade the fainthearted, to inflame those on the edge, to confuse or scare the rest, to keep the Mount and Stone from being used again as intended.
The dome directly over the Mount and encompassing all of Jerusalem is damaged. Part of its crown is severed, like a yarmulke riding the side of the head by the ears instead of the occiput. The two cords linking the dome to the master dome at Avebury are damaged; one of them is not "hooked up" at all. The damages mean that Jerusalem through its dome is not receiving the beneficial cosmic energies of both Sirius and Canopus through Avebury as they are meant to; this allows other inimical energies to exert the predominant influence.
The dome can be repaired, but it requires human assistance in conjunction with the angelic realm, and such repair could only be undertaken if the spiritual worlds judged it appropriate or karmically possible. (For information about another damaged dome, see Clingman's Dome, Tennessee.)
LUCIFER BINDING SITE: Coincident with the decommissioning of the Jerusalem Temple was the binding of Lucifer, Lord of Light, under the Foundation Stone. The Foundation of Venus, the Jerusalem new, old, and archetypal, is his light realm.
Elsewhere in Christendom, the tendency was to bury Lucifer under the granite weight of a massive Gothic cathedral, such as at Lincoln in England. For Jerusalem as the city to be healed, Lucifer, its foundation, will have to be unbound, and for the New Jerusalem to manifest on the planet, the Lord of Light will have to be restored to his pre-Fall position as God's chief archangel.
This is not meant to be a definitive listing of the geomantic features of Jerusalem, for it has many others. Notable among these is one of the Earth's twelve Crowns of the Ancient of Days at Golgotha, the Hill of Skulls, and an eighteen-mile wide Landscape Zodiac on the periphery of the Old City.
The dome directly on the Mount and encompassing all Jerusalem is damaged. Part of his crown is cut, like a yarmulke straddling the side of the head by the ears instead of the occiput. The two cords connecting the dome to the master dome at Avebury are damaged; one of them is not "plugged in" at all. The damage means that Jerusalem through its dome does not receive the beneficial cosmic energies of Sirius and Canopus through Avebury as they are destined to; this allows other enemy energies to exert predominant influence.
The dome can be repaired, but it requires human assistance in conjunction with the angelic realm, and such reparation can only be undertaken if the spiritual worlds have deemed it appropriate or karmically possible. (For more information on another damaged dome, see Clingman's Dome, Tennessee.)
The Ark, or Castle of the Grail, is the repository of all the information of previous epochs of cosmic existence; the extent of this knowledge is almost unfathomable, almost incomprehensible, almost inaccessible - except that it is not. The realization of this priceless and dilating knowledge is the objective of the quest for the Grail; it is the richness of Lord Kubera's Celestial City of the North; it is the diverse contents of Noah's Ark; it is the cosmic wisdom of the fish that towed Matsya-avatara's boat to the northern mountain while the flood subsided.
His remarkable mystical excursion is known as the al-Miraj, the "Ascent," or al-Isra, the "Night Journey." Though the Temple had once been the sublime meeting place between humans and divinity, since its sack by the Romans and its near dismemberment it had lain in ruins, both physical and spiritual, for centuries prior to Muhammad's reanimation of the site. The Foundation Stone is said to bear the imprint of Muhammad's footprint as he pushed off from the site, and that of the Archangel Gabriel, who put his foot down to restrain the Stone from following the prophet on his Night Journey.
Of course all Jerusalem has been considered holy for millennia, perhaps for as long as it has been occupied, which, archeology informs us, is at least five thousand years. It's a holy city with many names: from 1,200 to 1,000 B.C., it was Jebus, or ir hayebusi, the city of the Jebusites, a hilltop fortress captured by King David in the tenth century B.C. It was Tsiyon (Zion), a word that suggests an earthly paradise modeled after a heavenly archetype, perhaps the celestial Jerusalem.
The city was also Yir'eh-Shalem, which has a complex meaning. In the largest sense, the name connotes "the place where later God will show (yir'eh), or make known on earth, the fullness and perfection (shalem) of what is above.""' Jerusalem has been known as Yerushalem (a singular form), Yerushalayim (a plural form), Ruschalim (Egyptian), Urusalimmu (Assyrian), Hierosolyma (Greek), and Jerosolyma or Hierosalem (Christian).
Generally, the name is interpreted as meaning "foundation of peace," whose consonants (SHLM) mean perfect or whole (shalem) or peace (shalom). The earthly site where this peace is established is Yeru or Yir'eh (which was also one of Jerusalem's seventy names). The Hebrew root, yarah, means "to found," so shalem will be founded here.
An alternative or perhaps complementary interpretation of Yerushalayim says it was the cultic center of the Canaanite god Shalim, a deity referenced in Ugaritic mythology, which acknowledged two deities: Shahar, the god of the rising Sun, and Shalim, god of the setting Sun. What's interesting here is that these two names, Shahar and Shalim, also refer to the planet Venus, which is the Morning and Evening Star.
There's a controversial twist to this: anciently Venus was known as Phosphorus or Lucifer. This is either a metaphysical or an archeo-astronomical affiliation, but it suggests that at some level, Jerusalem is the Foundation of Venus or Lucifer, known to the Hebrews as Helel ben Sahar, Son of the Dawn, Lord of Light, the Shining One, Dawn Bringer, and Light Bringer.
According to Jewish sources, on the third day of Creation, Lucifer, God's chief archangel and cherub, "walked in Eden amid blazing jewels, his body a-fire" with the light of dozens of precious stones, all set in pure gold."' God had made Lucifer Guardian of All Nations. The Jewish sources say Lucifer aspired to enthrone himself on Saphon, the Mount of Assembly, for which ambition God cast him out of Heaven into the profound gloom of the Bottomless Pit in Sheol. As he fell from grace, Lucifer shone like lightning. The intriguing question is, if Jerusalem in some way is the Foundation of Lucifer, is it before or after he fell?
As mentioned, Solomon's Temple of Jerusalem was built from divine blueprints, transmitted to humanity by revelation. The plan was divinely revealed, and many think that the plan was the archetype of a Celestial City, the original, heavenly Jerusalem. The Temple was the "instrument of a mystical, priestly science," a cosmic temple, heavenly city, eternal standard, and world image, says John Michell, a well-regarded authority on ancient mysteries.
The numbers, measures, and harmonies of the revealed plan as given to King David, Solomon's father, reflected the ideal order of the macrocosm, says Michell. In that plan is the "key to forgotten knowledge, to the blueprint by which the universe was made, to the lost canon of number, measure, and music," used by the Egyptians and other ancient civilizations. In other words, the architectural details of the Temple of Jerusalem themselves are the revelation, regardless of whether the physical temple is ever rebuilt, Michell says."'DOME: The dome over the Temple Mount, Old Jerusalem, and the entire city corresponds to Aldebaran, the alpha star and eye of the bull Taurus. The Foundation Stone within the Dome of the Rock is the center of this dome. Aldebaran, the thirteenth brightest star in our galaxy, is a first magnitude star located sixty-eight light years from Earth, forty times larger than our Sun and 125 times more luminous. It's usually described as rosy or pale reddish-orange in color, a quality the Hindu astronomers noted in their name, Rohini, which means "the Red One" or "the Red Deer." In Hindu star myths, Rohini is the female antelope, the daughter of the male antelope, Prajapati, the Lord of Generation (the constellation Orion).
Its name, from the Arabic Al Dabaran, means "the Follower," or "Bright One of the Follower," a reference to how its appearance in the sky follows just after the rising of the Pleiades or perhaps the Hyades, both in Taurus; it also sets immediately following the setting of these two star clusters. To the Mesopotamian astronomers, Aldebaran was one of the four royal stars, or "Watchers," along with Antares in Scorpio, Regulus in Leo, and Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus (the Southern Fish). The Babylonians knew it as Ikuu, "the Leading Star of Stars," the Akkadians as Gisda, "the Furrow of Heaven."
Appropriately, with respect to the attributions of the Flood, tehom, and the cosmic waters to the Foundation Stone, in various cultures Aldebaran was associated with the gods of the rain and the Earth's fertility. An interesting astronomical aspect of Aldebaran is that it is one of the few first-magnitude stars that are eclipsed regularly by our Moon, sometimes, as happened in 1978, every month for a year. It would be a useful study to correlate the schedule of occultations by the Moon of Aldebaran with political events in Jerusalem to see if the astronomical events coincide with earthly happenings.
href="http://www.eyeofsiloam.com/Scream/2004FU162/DomeOfRock.html" rel="nofollow">www.eyeofsiloam.com/Scream/2004FU162/DomeOfRock.html