Comboio Internacional 48844 (Takargo Rail 6004) - Durrães - Linha Minho

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Comboio Internacional 48844 (Takargo Rail 6004) - Durrães - Linha Minho

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Taken on: June 2, 2016
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Camera: Canon PowerShot SX50 HS, f/5.0, 1/200 sec, 25.8mm, ISO 100 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Aperture: f/5.0
Exposure Time: 0.005 sec (1/200)
Focal Length: 25.8mm
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Windows Photo Editor 10.0.10011.16384
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