Instagram @dancetea

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Instagram @dancetea

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Taken on: September 12, 2017
Groups appears in:   The Photographer's Club    Portraiture Photography (of real people)    more » Experimental Dream    FlickrCentral    Photography    Digital Photographers    Fashion    zinesters    Of Me    FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY (real person)    Flickr Addicts    Spooky    Lucid & Mysterious    All People    Young Photographers    Grain is Good    Beautiful is Boring    Point and Shoot Cameras    Portrait★Faces    This is me...    Nobody is there    FASHION EDITORIAL PHOTOGRAPHY (Critique)    Praktica    memento mori.    Surrealist pictures    dream or reality?    Lover(s)    Hitchhiking    bee    Sex and Drugs and Rockn Roll    Street Art!    Imagination    Analog Photography    analog    A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever.    Melancholy    Graphic Designers Moonlighting as Photographers    just faces    Female Models (real person only)    Alone    Nikon Digital SLRs    pict*re mag    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    d r e a m s c a p e s    LimitLess    Donald Rumsfeld: statesman and poet    Only Sad    Nice pictures    My Everyday Life    douban    Darkness and Light    Banalities Creative Pic Pool!    Beyond Shotz - Online Monthly Photo Magazine    retro-ish    Smenamania    Teenage Photographers    Lifestyle / 生活    The World Through My Eyes ...    Scanned Nostalgia    Silence    Your mind, your photos    Domino Magazine    Hip Seattle    Dark ART    indie scene    Indie Kids    The Portrait Group    Artistic Self-Portraits    *Really Unlimited*    My Old Pictures    finally we are no one    reflections of life    Ethereal    Clicknflickritis    Punx    Weird Shit    ... my dark side ...    New Directions    U_MAG    *Karma*    PEOPLE WHO JUST LIKE TO TAKE PHOTOS    Flickr VOGUE    DIY Publishing    Swimming in light    canceld    Faces and faces - H.I.G.H.Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y.    All Day I Dream About Photography    Smena Symbol    Requiem for a Dream    Adorn Magazine    Lonely Planet Photo Challenges    analógico mola más    Nylon Magazine    In the Studio    all photo    FELT LIFE    Saatchi Gallery - London    Foundations in Art    Faces of Portraits    胶片-记录自然和生活的影像    Frizzifrizzi    NEON!    Portraits without face    Girls Rock!    Frankie Magazine Readers    Young Minds    Self Expression (Moody Self-Portraits)    Street Art - Shows, Galleries and Events (Call for Submissions)    Aspiring Young Photographers (30 and under)    Couples    Sheffield Uni PhotoSoc    I collect light    Dahke Zine    No Flickr censorship!    "i am young, crazy and beautiful" community secret submission society    i-D Magazine    BE-MAG    Silouettes    Art Evokes Emotion    Stranger Photos    MANYSTUFF    Feelgood Photos    Street Lab    WLTF mag    Grunge Art    Monster Children    Everybody Get Up Zine    Positive Magazine    paper + wire magazine    Bittersweet    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    Ion Magazine Photo Gallery    Missbehave Magazine    Cinema and Photography    Heso Magazine Reader's Group    Photography Magazine, I Heart    N.E.E.T. Magazine    peaceful 安靜影像    ffffound!    the essential is invisible    This is why I love Film    INDIE AND ALTERNATIVE FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY    Fine Art Photography™    Women,Art,Esthetic    缺陷美-Beauty of Defect    RETRATOS/PORTRAITS    輕便底片相機分享群組    FRAAI magazine - send us your creativity    THROWING UP IN COMIC SANS ZINE    Diary (...)    being is bewildering    观念摄影-私影像    Color: DEEP, DARK, RICH, VIBRANT!    Hamburger Eyes    last day of magic    LULA Magazine!    sea foam green    my head is a storm    自己跟自己玩儿    Colour Mania    13-18 Year Old Teen Photographers    if you go down to the woods today    Ethereal World    Zine Magazine    -PSCAM Meetup-癖私机-(PSCAM.CN)    『偽』電影劇照/'Fake' Movie Stills    THE WORLD’S LEADING YOUNG PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMMUNITY    ***This should be a Postcard!***    Ambitious Photographers    /// ONDIT.COM.AU /// spooky selective sect    Fashion comments - without code!    ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆    Abandoned Beauties    CTRL.ALT.SHIFT    *lost in translation*    young and inspired    Future is Analogue    PLATEFORM magazine    FECAL FACE DOT COM    [UMAMI]    ▲ turbo ▲    Shuttercraft Magazine    Retro Look & Vintage Photography    unurth pool    PICDIT Submissions    VIZIOMAG art magazine    Face of a thousand words    Blood of the Young Zine    Be|Different -    Abused Film    PHOTOICON MAGAZINE    ATTIO-FYRA    " INSECTS and SPIDERS of PLANET EARTH    The Triangle Alliance    IMAG - Magazine of photography, image, graphic, art.    BLOOD PUKE    to the forests.    POTPOURRI MAGAZINE    its just a dream    lovely existence    the breathing image    INK MAGAZINE    dusty.grain    Carpaccio Magazine    綠光劇團 人間條件 一樣的月光    Analog Soul    what's on your mind?    YEAH Magazine Contributor Search    just cool pictures    molokoplus    INVASIVA MAGAZINE    TATE ETC.    prawda    as beautiful as you want    Designcollector    Get Back!    UnderWorld Magazines Pool    菲林不死 film is NOT dead    GlossomDotCom    I think its ▲    ***Flickr Global    Beautiful Decay    ▲Monster puke▲    *poetry of images    t r i v i a l i t i e s    Phantom flags    Pica magazine. Photography Magazine    .PARTYNICE.    Burstoid    RazorMonkey Magazine    BORED? zine    Run into flowers    ▲ cult    HUH. Submissions    Kid Glory    No Culture Icons    Jamais vu    COME INTO LAND    Etsy Handmade and Vintage    35mm color film    Visual Poets    FAQMAGAZINE SUBMISSIONS    Svärta (    oh! oh!    Itchy Eyee    WEARENOWINSPACE.COM    Bandits&Badkids    write it on a postcard    for memory    RAW Magazine Group    Wolf + Moon    AKA Magazine    Zine Swap    [][][]All Welcome[][][]    Conceptual Portrait Photography    Holy Ghost Zine    REMEMBER THIS NAME    blurism    FILE - SUBMISSIONS    ▲Inmoral Picnic▲    Saccades Project    touchpuppet    d▲ncing m▲untain    NCP    PUG CLUB    在動物園散步才是正經事    Scatterbrain arguments    heroines    Art Sponge (submissions)    *World of Disturbia*    Image Gallery... B&W and Colour !!! [No AI or SL]    VISION Neil Folberg Gallery - YOUNG ARTISTS - First Exposure    doubleyouwhy!    ∆ Elemental ∆    unusual young submissions    Open Lab Magazine    !Portfolio of People (HIGH QUALITY, ADMIN MODERATED p1/c2)    Something Personal    FINALCITY.ORG    Urbane Melancholie    Street Feedback    moments in our life    i'll start the revolution when i finish my coffee    ▲▲▲triangle▲▲▲    Smile You're Not Dead Zine    RAYO DESINTEGRADOR    Tumblr photographers    MAZIPOS -- fanzines and itinerant exhibitions    Nope Fun    emѻtions    ART BY FOTO    YOINK!    We Are Rebels    The Vacant Fever Collective    Oh, Snap! General Submissions    Mint Magazine    LaEX Magazine is on line!!    Ilovefake Magazine    Rojo & Garabato Magazine -submissions-    §UPERCHIⒺF.┬√    I got a sick obsession.    Barry Magazine Submissions    faceless-disaster    bathed in colour    THE FACE UK [The cult of a Magazine]    Travelettes    B r a n c ∆    Let The Wild Roam Free    error.    DUST & DESSERT ⋈    death is not a parallel move    Vice FR flickr    holyurl    Vice AR    The Velvet Cell    TEAR GAS    SPARKAZINE    We Own the Sky    Being There    show me the art    fotografi_    Traum Noir    We Brush Our Teeth With    B▲D ASSEMBLY    Télégramme Magazine    FlickrNova    torino analogicA    [][][]yokopakumayoko**International Photo Gallery**[][][]    Dujour Magazine Contributor Search    FINE Magazine - Photographer Search    The Encyclopaedia of Moments    SHEER MAGAZINE    july flame    Portraits and Faces    Oh Comely Magazine Submissions    $11 cigarettes    Pliant Zine    DREAMER-FTY Gallery    INTENSE photomag    CRAP Magazine Search for Talent    Mortal Muses Theme is FINAL BENCH SHOTS    We Are Disposable Yeah!    The Self-Help Group    Thisisfed Blog    The Future is Ghosts    The world in my mirror    THE NEW CAMERA    la salsa de tomate es roja    ∆ undercover martyn ∆    X I N E    VisitTuscany    The World Through Green Eyes    Nonsense Society    some mornings are better than others..    Fine Gold    Crooked Teeth Magazine    Deer Brains    ZINES!    skins and bones    ✦ ✧ Almost Light    HAPPY CAMPER MAGAZINE    Self Publish, Be Happy    NO THOUGHTS ZINE    soundTHAT | this is awesome    We are not only photographers    FlashGlamTrash Submissions    A New Form Of Beauty    The smirk magazine subscriptions    This is what we love    Photolove Magazine    Through The Lens Magazine    Enquire Mag    skylights & (chimerical) spirits    Analogue For Good - Submissions    Fluster Magazine -    0_100    Le COOL    Surprise Magazine    NASTY MAGAZINE | the charme of the mess    Everybody's Leg Show    PSYCHEDELIC WOLFPACK    a dirty job - magazine    The Distance Between Stars    Secret Seas Zine    a place to dream ♥    SOCUTE MAG-    Analogue Sunrise    Design with love    (n.Châteaux D'amours) magazine submissions    Street!    carnival blood    We See It Magazine - Contributor Search    JazJaz Art & Photography    Novel Magazine    ONEGIANTARM    natural and nude    An Idle Mind    White Wishes With cheese and Witches    PiY Publish it yourself !    Bók mag - SUBMIT HERE PHOTOS FOR FIRST ISSUE!!!!    CAMERA DIYNAMITE    Toygraphy    JPeople Magazine    Flickr Photographer    Young & Inexperienced-    One Frame Mag (submissions)    Kissing Eyes Magazine    IM•PE•TUS    BEAUTIFUL GIRLS and MEN    Psychic †eens    We love it !    your darlings!    je suis perdu    *    PLYM Magazine    "Talent Magazine" photography blog    similar faces    Gianna Magazine    Waterfall Art Zine    O F F E N S I V E C R O S S    Temporary Youth Zine    let your imagination ☺    Beautiful Women in Tight Outfits and Dresses    flickr (unofficial)    The Worldwide Disposable Camera Project    conceptual inspirational art & photography    the loneliest planet    Mollusk Magazine    WildWorld    CHAMELEON MAG SUBMISSION POOL    WE LOVE TRIANGLES ▲    FunkYou    Fotografa il mondo, ti racconterà la vita!    m▲gic n▲ture    Street Photos ONLY    The Map's In Your Soul    A/H Submissions    FOR LOVERS ZINE    undefined000    Da Rules    Le Malin    A Love Token Press    YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS    Masken - Kostüme / Masks - Costumes    Born to photograph + 100.000 photos...Thanks !    The Wandering Youth    Punk Hardcore Fanzines    Beaches for beach lovers    His/Her smile make me so well    illuminatii    Vacuum Mag Flickr Pool    Republic X    Lilac Photo Magazine    brilliant flickr    Spectral Zine    The August Break, 2013    FIGURE∞    All for the Glory    illumination focus    Undisclosed Desires    tamer animals    Foto Infinitum    Camera Comparison Review    ADDITION SQUARED    Black and White Nirvana - No 30/60 Limit    ~With Acumen    EYE-Photo Magazine Black & White    Photographer Salary.    h y p n o s i s w a v e    EYE-Photo Magazine Portrait    ~Attention Worthy - No 30/60 Limit    « less
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