Mandarin Duck 鴛鴦(TW106) 6Z2K6356-1

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Mandarin Duck 鴛鴦(TW106) 6Z2K6356-1

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Taken on: February 16, 2013
Sets appears in:   Mandarin Duck 鴛鴦(台106)   
Groups appears in:   !Catchy Colors    !FlickrSoup for Soul    more » 50 - Fifty Faves    The Best: BRAVO (INVITED images only)    99+ Favs    CLICK the CAMERA    3000 V + 120 F [before joining tag 3000v120f !!!!!!!!]    SJohnson's Fauna PLEASE READ: surgery complete doing well    Bird Watching Group (BWG): Post 1 : Award 2    **Brilliant~Eye~Jewels** INVITED PICS ONLY! P1/C2    GRRREAT WORKS.... NO PEOPLE-Max 60 Groups~Add1-C1    " MASTER CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY "    " NATURE _ Limited " ▬►Flora & Fauna◄▬ Landscape    " Life Is Great - C'est La Vie - So ist das Leben !"    Photos sans Frontières (NO PEOPLE) - P.1 / C.2    SoloReflex    The Best Picture Gallery!    -Spirit Of Photography    Birds Photos - Check out the new discussions!    Nature's Pot-of-Gold    Fotoclub "SCHITTA"    Dismissing Explore-50+favs images with no explore only!!!!!    Dismissing Explore-25+favs images with no explore(post 1 award1)    ANIMALS are beautiful things in the WORLD (no cats) Award Please    " Your BEST of Today " - Through MY Eyes    Birds Birds Birds ! (Check out the new discussion)    NATURE'S - CREATIONS    *The Master Photographer* Post 1 Comment on 3 SWEEPER NOW ACTIVE    Dismissing explore 15+favs pics with no explore-post 1 award    Better than their Bests (Comment 1)    Welcome all the artists    NATURE'S PRIME (P1/A4)    NATURE IS LIFE - Natura è vita - Post 1 AWARD 4**SWEEPER **    FREEDOM❥自由❥свобода❥자유❥LIBERTAS❥حرية    Photos beautiful    ₪ NATURE SANCTUARY ₪ (NO buildings, NO people, NO B/W)    The Wonderful World Of Nature P1/C2    ☼ Give Me Five - comment next 2 picture    FOTO WOW (invited only) P1- AWARD 3    !* Gold Sealings ♠ ONLY Memories ♠ NO FLOWERS! P1/A2 ♠    !Your Best Animal Photo ~~Award 2    Featherweights ~ Post 1 - Award 2 - PLEASE COMMENT    PHYSIS ***ADMIN INVITE ONLY*** -post1/comment2    A Guggenheim Gallery (invitation)...    "" Drops ""    FLICKERIANS    * Open *    *Spin Star Award* P1 & C2    **THE BEAUTIFUL PET ♥ GROUP!**POST REGULARLY**    Best Images Ever (ADMIN Approval Only | Award 2 or More)    Flickr Bronze Trophy Group (Post 1 MUST Comment 5!)    Flickr SHUTTERSPACE - Post 1 / Award 2, Please    ArtNet@flickrworld P1-C1    NATURË / P1 & A2    NATURE'S WORLD CREATIONS - NATURE ONLY    *Marine Bubble Award* P1 & C2    AQUAƬǀƇ ƜORLƊ - ƜAƬƐR ƇRƐAƬURƐS POST1- CMT2    1ZuneNation - P1 / C2    Windsong ~ (Admin invite only) ~ P1 - C2    Étude ~ by Admin invitation ~ P1/A 2    AmiPresideGallery    !!!* FLORA AND FAUNA ONLY *P1/C1* (NO PEOPLE)    Henny's Animal Kingdom - (P1/C2)    FOTOpassione    B_A *** BIRDS and ANIMALS *** (P1 / A4) - PLEASE COMMENT    The Galaxy & Stars 1 (P1/C5 - No Art Images)    🐻 Animal's Magical Reign 🐹 No People ! Post1-Cmt3    ''Animals & Birds group''    alpha centauri    big bang + big crunch    ~♥~ L'Atelier d'Art ~ Maïclo & Félix ~♥~ (P1/A3)    *****OUR BEAUTIFUL PLANET! YOUR BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHY!*****    *****LUIZA'S FABULOUS PHOTO CLUB @ FLICKR!*****    *****THE BEAUTIFUL ELEMENT CALLED PHOTOGRAPHY!*****    Open ART PHOTO Exhibition    WELCOME TO THE GROUP!    NATURE (Post 1 / Award 4)    ~♥~ Mon cœur et ceux de mes amis ~♥~    Prestige Nature P1 C2    .(^_^).    THE DRAGON BEST GROUP ❋ POST 1 - CMT 2 ❋    Level 1 All Nature's Paradise (All Levels Closed)    Louisa's Bird Gallery    Anna's friends!!!    Love Reflections    WE and OUR Friends [C1-P2]    4 SEASONS MAGICAL REIGN    THANK YOU FRIEND    Swift`Wings ~an invitation group~ P1/C2    ♥ NATURE WORLD ♥ / POST 1 ~ AWARD 3 /♥ SWEEPER ACTIVE ♥    JUDOJUDO E LA FOTOGRAFIA    ✴️ BEST & BEAUTY COMPOSITIONS ON FLICKR    Relax - it's sunday! P1/C1    !* Women's Creativity ◊ Only artistic work! ◊ P1/C2    Thanks from Luiza - Our group my Friends    Preferences and Personal Choices (P1 / C1)    The Wild Life    PANEM ET CIRCENSES / BREAD AND CIRCUSES-P1/C1    AMORE & FORTUNA - Invite only P1/C2    Flickr OBSESSION'    Masterpiece Mansion    Avian Wonders    *** Love bokeh ***    AVANT-GARDE ART    Miracle de la vie - Luiza and Mickael for a new better world    Gli amici di Marina    !* Sighs of the Heart ♥ Sospiri del Cuore ♥    .* A<----------------->Z * Admin Invite only P1/C2    LA FONTE DELLA VITA -THE SOURCE OF LIFE Admin Invite only P1/C2    -- AMORE PER LA NATURA - P1/C2    Soul of Photography ~ L1    Abraços da Formiguinha Atomica LU    Nature's Poetry ~ Level 1 ~ Post 1 ~ Award 5 ~    !* Antologia Poetica / Poetic Anthology - By Odete de Paula    primus inter pares ~ by admin inv. ~ P1-A2    ✿ SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICHESPIRALIDOSO ✿ Adm Invite only P1/C2    .*♪• La mia Sonata ~ by invitation ~ P1/A2    DIDI's GALLERY * Admin Invite Only P1 / C2 * 50 Fav.    THE GARDEN OF MY ♡ *** IL GIARDINO DEL MIO ♡ Inv-only P1/C2    THE FLIGHT *** IL VOLO * Admin Invite only P1/C2    Bastano due parole ( Post 1 - Comm. 3 ) No nude    THE BEST REFLECTIONS * I RIFLESSI PIU' BELLI * Inv-only P1/C2    LO ZODIACO / THE ZODIAC * Admin Invite only P1/C2    Soul of Creativity ~ L1 - CLOSED    THE WORLD IN A MACRO * Admin Invite only P1/C2    ACCHIAPPASOGNI * Admin Invite only P1/C2    !* These little things.... / Ces petits riens...    *Infinite Images    VIENNESE COFFEE HOUSE ☕ Where You Meet Your Friends | P1-C1    EMOTIONAL AND EXCITING-EXCITING ART- P1/C2    !* FFF Funny FURRY! Friends Fauna Group * Post 1/C3    Mude - Change P1/A2 please Read Rules!    -- Only images and picture quality - P1 /C2    Memories are photographs that records the heart    The Number One    SARDEGNA chiama SICILIA e viceversa.    CLOSED - Level 1, The Wonders of Nature / Post 1 Award 4    Looking for the Soul    ***FLORA *FAUNA *from around the world***    *** i like your place ***    Flowers/Birds/Landscapes - *POST 1 - COMMENT 3 - DON´T RUN *    -- Felice ... Sutri Group    Mother Earth S.O.S. ♥ ♥    JUDOJUDO E LA NATURA - P1/C2    LA FONTE DELLA VITA - THE SOURCE OF THE LIFE - P1/C2    Animal Quality Collection    LA BACHECA FOTOGRAFICA * Admin Invite only P1/C2    Vision sound    *** Automne/Autumn/Otoño ***    *** Eté/Summer/Verano ***    *** Hiver/Winter/Invierno ***    Your Preferred Group Public    THANK YOU FLICKR !!! * Admin Invite only P1/C2    Elysium 2010 & Friends_"EXCELLENCE !!!"    Pili's feathered friends ~ admin invite ~ P1/A2    !* THE BAND OF 5 & the Wonderful World of Animals P1/A3    illumination focus    « less
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