
Alexsandra Machado
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Taken on: February 18, 2014
Groups appears in:   Cats & Dogs    Cats Cats Cats    more » I love my cat    Cats    What's your angle, buddy?    Pet Parade    Young Photographers    50mm (The original 50mm group)    Cute Cat    Glamour Cat Magazine    Action Cats (Read Rules First)    Foto Cats    Cats - Small to Big    Look at my Cat (1 Pic Per Member)    Somebody else's cat    α - Sony Alpha Cameras    Sony DSLR / SLT (alpha mount )    CAT♥Gato♥Chat♥Katze♥Gatto♥Kat♥Kot...... ♥ CATS!    50mm    Cats Are My Friends =^..^=Friend of the month (Please comment)    The Flikr Group    Cats Who Lounge    PETS & ANIMALS    LOL CATS -INVITED PHOTOS ONLY!    Self Taught Photographers - LOOK AT DISCUSSIONS FIRST!    EF 50mm @ 1.8    Sony Alpha Mount Lenses - Official Tag Required    Just TOO Cute! ~ A Place for Children and Pets    *Hair-Tastic Cats and Dogs*    Cat-A-Log    Cats in windows or doorways    Women who ♥ Photography    Fantastic 50mm    50mm Journal    Shooting To Learn (DSLR/SLR)    Piękny kot ~ Beau chat ~ Beautiful cat    Behind every creative mind... there's a cat!    CAT! Who Loves Cats?!    Stuff With Four Legs    ♥ANIMALS ♥    ♥ ♥ ♥ Cats We Love ♥ ♥ ♥    **Your Sleeping Cat**    home cats    GATOS CALLEJEROS (en idioma español)    SONY ALPHA CLUB    Cats home/Gatos caseros    lanza el gato    Furry CAT Friends!!!    Cat in Pose - Gatto in Posa =''..''=    ONLY ANIMALS (POST1,COMMENT1)    ALL CATS ALLOWED!!!    ALL CATS -- NO PEOPLE    Cats in Rugs    ALMA DE GATO    Gatos, Gatinos, Cats, Katzen    "The Love Of Our Pets" Post 1 Award 3    SONY ALPHA: Amateur to Advanced    Gato Sialata "Lynx Point"    Sony Alpha World    Sony Alpha Learning Center    Kati's Funny CAT 'Giggles' Collection (Award Others Please)    Gatti dal mondo *Cats from the world* / Post 1-Cmt 1 /    Sony Alpha Galleria    Sony Alpha Community    50mm "Inspired By Everyday Life"    Wow!! (Post 1- Award 1)    Furrific Cats    Sony α DSLR Kit Lenses...    Exquisite Pets (Post 1 Award 2)    Strange shots of cats.    Uñas de felinos    Sony 50mm F1.8    Super Photographer (Post1 -Award 5)    I Love My 50mm    Cats Forever (Post 1, Award 2) Please comment!    Sony Alpha et Nex Swiss    Sony Alpha Users    " Happy Pets ♡ "    Our friends cats/Nos chats d'amis (poste 1 ~ comme 2)    * Family Cool Pets - (Post 1~Award 1) [pet pics/in queue]    **THE BEAUTIFUL PET ♥ GROUP!**POST REGULARLY**    Sony DT 50mm f/1.8 SAM    Gatos de apartamento / Apartment Cats    Cats UNLEAShED!    Cats I love you    WONDERFUL FELINES WORLD 🐯 POST1◈CMT2    To be born Happy ☺ Pro dia nascer Feliz    «★» FLICKR EXPERT GROUP «★» POST 1- AWARD 4    V&G - CATS Gallery - Invited Photos Only (P1-A2)    Sony Camera Club    Sony α NEX & ILCE    🐻 Animal's Magical Reign 🐹 No People ! Post1-Cmt3    [][][] GREAT SHOT [][][]    cat bench monday    Gato & Gatas! ♥ Cat & Cats -JOIN US. Adira ao grupo!    Cats and Dogs our Friends ***P1/Cmt1***    KITTIE CATTIES ♥ PURRR... (please comment)    I love photographing my cat    * LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ~ Pets need our love... (Post 1~Award 1)    🌐 WONDERS OF EARTH -Post 1 - Cmt 2-    Sony Alpha DSLR/Sony Bridge Camera    WE and OUR Friends [C1-P2]    Lovely Cats & Dogs - P 1 /C 2 - (NO PEOPLE)    * Our Favorite Cats & Kittens (post1~award1)    !* Talent Photographique ✿ Only 25+ Faves ✿ P1/A2    Relax - it's sunday! P1/C1    CATS MASTERPIECES COLLECTIONS - INVITE ONLY    Exquisite Cats    Sony Alpha A77    Sony A77    !* FIELDS OF LOVE ♥ Nature ♥ NO people & NO 2nd Life!    !* A cat every day ㋡ keeps the loneliness away! P1-A2    50mm On Fullframe    Cats of the World    Sony SLT A77 II&I + A65    Funny, Beautiful Cats    Sony α77    Cala a boca e Clica!    ♥♥ MEM0RIES FR0M THE HEART ♥♥    Sony Slt a77    Sony Alpha 77    Shot for fun    50mm Photography    ♥♥♥♥ ANIMALS IN THE W0RLD ♥♥♥♥    SONY ALPHA A77 World!!    The Official Sony A77v    ♥♥♥♥ HULYA PRETTY GALLERIE ♥♥♥♥    THE LOOK level 1 RED    Anto 's and Maïclo's Friends    lo zoo di Simpio96,antonè e yokopakumayoko    !* Sweet Kittens and Cats =^..^= ***P1/Cmt2***    Christabelle's Cats Group    * The World of Cats and Kittens! =^..^=    Gato    Cats and Kittens!    Sony SLT A65 & A77 I+II & A99    🐱Gatti Gattini Gattacci! --    !* THE BAND OF 5 & the Wonderful World of Animals P1/A3    Flowers and cats    Viola's and Anto's Friends Gallery    -- ❤️Love for life.. Only flowers an animals!    + cute cats* (post 1~award 1)    ₪ CAT〝人〞CHAT ₪ [P1 | A2]    Award: The most beautiful cat in the world ( P1-A3 )    ♣My Hat's Off to You!!    ♣The Scratching Post!!    ♣Mother Nature!!    ♣The Funny Bone !!    Flickr Pet Photographs    It's A Cat's World    « less
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