As dead leaves the wind is blowing

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As dead leaves the wind is blowing

Taken on: October 26, 2015
Groups appears in:   Black and White    necrophilia    more » Cuba - todo a lo Cubano    Art & Theory Nobs    B&W    Bone Daddy    memento mori.    Ethics of the Disinterested Gaze    Black & White Pictures    Documentary Photography / Photojournalism    Dramatic    "photography is not a crime"    B&W Gallery    Life in Black & White    Leica Digital    the poetics of space    tarkovsky's shadow    Philosophy of Photography    Digital Classic Black and White    poe-scapes    Leica Black and White    Artistic Self-Portraits    Havana / La Habana    Digital Black and White (2 per day: no nudity: no colour)    House of Labyrinthian layers and distorted timeshifts    MONOTONE    New Directions    viva cuba    EXPERIMENTAL PORTRAITS / RETRATOS EXPERIMENTALES CLOSED    Spirit of Edgar Allan Poe    DxO users    Black & White Pics    Mask the Truth    Black & White & Sepia Photofanatics    Equivalents    Exterminate All Rational Thought    Beautiful Cuba    Grayscale    I Love Black and White!    Inner landscapes in black and white    BW and Sepia    Havana    DxO Optics Pro    Cuba Photos    Cuba: Los Habaneros    Leica in Black and White    Black and White Dreams    ~PAINTING WITH SPACE~    urban poetry    world in B&W    Archaeology of the Street    Street in B&W    the essential is invisible    Leica Mentality    Leica Street    Urban - Photography    Amo Cuba    Fixed Shadows    Le Noir et Blanc vu par.....Invite only    Life in the Age of Technology    Borderline Creative Movement!    **The Street Photography Society** only 2 shots per week    B&W - The Art of Photography    ! The BEST of Black & White Photography (NO SEPIA)    Black & White Passion (P1/A3)    all things heidegger    Design Shard User Showcase    Monochrome Delight : Post 1 Award 2    Our Crisis - Nuestra Crisis    what's on your mind?    Black and White Street photography.    !* Monochrome Forms in Visual Arts P1/C2 * ONLY CLASSIC B&W!!!    *poetry of images    Street B&W shots    ~ Monochrome ~    Black & White Done Right !.    If Edgar Allen Poe was a Photographer.    close encounters of the third mind    Image Gallery / B&W !!!    Blackandwhiteology    The Magic of Black & White    DxO Film Pack    Dust Breeding    The House of Dark Shadows    Darkness Within    Building A Mystery    all poets are blind    Just for Your Rods / B&W / Admin-Invited /No Frames /    what you see when your eyes are closed    Black&White Photo Group    Robert Frank influenced    apes in the corridor    Art of Monochrome    Black white and grey    B&W: Art & Creativity (no 30/60 Limit)    Leica Q Image    Leica Q    Leica Q Photo    Equivalence    Leica Q (Type 116)    Leica Q Series - Street, Documentary, Photojournalism    « less
Camera: LEICA CAMERA AG LEICA Q (Typ 116), f/5.6, 1/800 sec, 28mm (=50mm), ISO 6400 (more info) (hide info)
Lens: 28.0 mm f/1.7
Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 0.001 sec (1/800)
Focal Length: 28mm (35mm equivalent: 50mm)
ISO: 6400
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Aperture-priority AE
Metering Mode: Center-weighted average
White Balance: Auto
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 (Macintosh)
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