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Taken on: May 24, 2016
Sets appears in:   Polaroid 600.    People.   
Groups appears in:   Emotions    Whatever the weather    more » Photography    Vintage Camera Photography    B&W    Portrait (real persons only)    i, ANALOG    Magic Moments    Polaroid    What's your angle, buddy?    * Vanishing Points *    Beautiful Light    The Light Fantastic    All People    Lo-Fi Lovelies    People of the World (no AI !)    Young Photographers    Amateurs    Polaroids    instant gratification    visit the world - the travel guide    拍立得 Polaroid 寶麗萊    Illinois Flickrjournal    dream or reality?    Fun in the Sun    Flickr People    Creative Photography    Imagination    Analog Photography    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    analog    POLAROID EDGE    Everyday Matters group    the human condition    Outdoor Photographer Magazine (Unofficial)    I Hate Digital!    **The Most Interesting People (portraits)**    Beautiful People    A good subject : place at your imagination,...    Nice pictures    *Interesting Portraits    prime lenses (fixed focal length)    Rural America - (Opted out of 30/60)    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    My Everyday Life    What mood are you in?    Photos with emotions    People & Portraits    Illinois    Analogue Photography    Powerful Portraits    ~*~Atmosphere~*~    ♥ Film Vs. Digital ♥    MAX Magazine    People / No Children + Photo Titles    Scenic Outdoors    Polanoiders (NO FAKE POLAROIDS)    *People All Over World*    Rural View (Nature, People, Places)    The Portrait Group    The Film Group    Film Shooters (under 25 only)    Black and White Film    polaroid photograph    Everyday Photography    finally we are no one    The Flikr Group    Analog only    A Scanner Clearly (Polaroid - Lomo - Analog - Black and White)    I Love Film    don't think - shoot    Film Portraits    Aspiring Young Photographers    Rural Photos    Strange and Lovely    They Shoot Film, Don't They?    scanned photographs    Film? Because thats how we roll beyotch, dirtay.    FILM* Club    PEOPLE WHO JUST LIKE TO TAKE PHOTOS    Pola-land    My Life: Once A Day    Great People Shots    Film-friendly folks.    Polaroid -B&W- (B&W Instant films only)    Polanerd    Polaroid Photographers    Film is not Dead!!    Impressive, Creative, and Unique Portraits    PORTRAITS - A Gallery for your Best Portraiture    Polalife    Polaroid Collection    Documentary of Human soul    polaroid! polaroad!    Beautiful Capture    Roid 'N Roll!    alt.    'Roid Rage | Yet Another Polaroid Group    polaroid expired film    polaroid love *    Life in the outdoors!    hooked on roids    YOUTH PRIDE WORLD WIDE    Portraits Unlimited    Photos with moods    My life as Human - post 1 award 1    PLASTIC FANTASTIC - the plastic lens film group secret submission society    Summer Flickr    Portraits Of    Existing-Light Photography    Your Visions    Art Evokes Emotion    FILMISM    Polaroid USA    epson v500    Film Database    Polaroid Instant Photos    we have fun and megapixels bore the shit out of us    Popular Photography Magazine    ALL ABOUT FILM    Positive Magazine    Flickr For Fun    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    The Polaroid Enthusiast    I Love Polaroid    Photography Magazine, I Heart    TWiP    Photographic Possibilities    ~Polaroid R.I.P. "We Will Miss You" ~    Spring and Summer Around the World ❀    Polaroid Apocalypse    Film & Slides Scanning    BOYCOTT POLAROID!    Save Polaroid Film!!    everyday polaroid    Polaroid Passion    XPOLAROID    Can't Stop Shooting Film!    Critiquing Film Photos    this multi-celled organism    "Polaroid film Forever" in flickr    Film Lovers    B/W_Analog    Fun with Plastic!    Film's Portrait 底片(胶片)人像    POLAROID ART    Youth Are United!    Prime Beauty - Dimension through depth of field    Resistenza Analogica | Analog Resistance    Film Only    Enjoy Illinois    °°ANALOGIC FOREVER°°    Vintage Analogue    People & Portrait Photography    Black & White Analogue    Film is Awesome!    Lo-Fi Eye    Instant Film    Portraits - Black and White - Film    ♥♥ People around us ♥♥    Outside Flickr    THE IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT    The Art of Photography Podcast    young and inspired    AROUND ILLINOIS    Future is Analogue    PLATEFORM magazine    Keep The Analog Alive    i just don't like digital very much    Unlimited Editions    Retro Look & Vintage Photography    the-impossible-project    The Impossible Project: The Re-Invention of Instant Film    Polaroids!    film shooter    DNG Photo Magazine    prime lens utopia    lovely existence    FILM.    Carpaccio Magazine    film's dead, but it just won't lie down    Analog Soul    I LOVE FILM!    outside photography    菲林不死 film is NOT dead    Analogue Black & White    Dreamy Polaroids    Analoguemasters    I love the films    .PARTYNICE.    MILF (Man, I Love Film)    Memories of Summer    HUH. Submissions    The Analog    FAQMAGAZINE SUBMISSIONS    B&W Film    Classic Film Shooters    INSTANT ∞    ic10    film.forever.    EEF . Escuela de Fotografía    film will never die    I am film    Cloudy, Foggy, Moody or Dark.    Film is a waste of time    Prime Shots    I scan the film myself    Film Photography Podcast    Image Gallery... B&W and Colour !!! [No AI or SL]    Upgrade to Film    unusual young submissions    FILM IS SEXY!!    Analogue Is The New Digital    Polaroid Film    Anything Retro&&Cross-Processed    poeticPOLAROID    Prime Lens Portraits    PORTRAITS with credits of 'GOOD PHOTO'    Honk If You Love Film    bonjourpola    IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT POLAROIDS    Analog will beat! (Vintage is not dead)    The instant and its history    in our prime    THE IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT RESULTS PX/PZ FILMS    Return To Film - roll film only    Polaroid Addicts    absolut analog    youth connection    EXISTentialism -- Emotions, People, Portraits    Film Portrait - Portrait Argentique    Impossible Project / Polaroid supporters!!!!!!!!    Oh Comely Magazine Submissions    !* Portraits of Life! - Images de la vie! * (no nude)    . film first    Polaroid for all    FilmPhoto    psychedelic youth    Film_Freaks Δ    It's the Lenses.    film means something to us    Instant Insanity    lo-fi film highs! █████    Analog is better    Fourlines Polaroid Project (u may love us)    Tales on Film    Optiko (Analogue Photography Journal) Submissions    Human Experience    Analog Adventures In Photopia    lo-fi analog love    Analogue For Good - Submissions    Analog Photo Collective    0_100    FILM FRENZY    Strictly Prime Lenses    Analogue Sunrise    Scanned with Epson v500    Portrait by The Impossible Project    Seasons on me    We Use Film    I heart film! (Analogue Love!)    Film Wins    Film Vision    Prime lenses only    Film Party ∞ 底片派對    I (still) shoot FILM    Film Is Your Friend    Be Light the Art of Everyday - NO TRANSPORTS, READ RULES!    flickr (unofficial)    All the awesomeness of TBG - Biscuits and.. Discuss..    Analog Photography Users Group -    The Analogue Revival    The Heavy Collective submission pool    Film Explosion    Fanatical About Film    The Map's In Your Soul    young analogue    Film is God Official Flickr Group.    portrait analog    Instant Gratification (film)    Film Addicts    Film Is a Passion    Shooting Film    I Shoot Film Scanner Group.    Kinfolk Magazine    Film Love <3    PORTRAITS ***    Snap It|See It    Lo-Fi Portraits Analogue    analogue photographers    The Instant Film Society    /r/analog    That Retro Lo-Fi look (post & comment)    Everyday life, every subject, everyone    Polaroid Originals SX-70/600/Spectra Color & B&W    ✿ Analog Photography ✿    ALL THINGS ANALOG    The Best ...    Darling Magazine Photo Submissions    Nice to ROID you!    ♥ AMERIKA ᵄᶩ⊺⁅ ᵣᶯªᶵ|ᵥ ͤ ⱭϺӬƦΪ₵Ѧ ♥    Film film    Analog Photography in XXI Century    Amateur Photographer Magazine    It's not a Capture! -------[no limit]    ! Analogue...Dare to post?    Film is our life, deal with it.    B&W film - Impossible Project and Polaroid Originals    Film Photography / Analog Lovers    My analog world!    Your Perspective and Creative    --Take me, I'm Yours    The Instant Photo Show    ₪ VIRTUAL ☀ WORLDS ₪ pls AWARD tnx    Agitate Press    Best 25000 Free Pictures    The Whattaroll Magazine Origins Issue Submissions    ₪ kre-ART-ive ·⸎· lab-ART-ory ₪    ₪ DÉJÀ-VU 見 SEEN AGAIN 曾 ṾẸĆ ṾḷĐẸṆỌ ₪    ㋡ LUDI FOTO LOCO ⍨ PHOTO CRAZY PHOTO ㋡    « less
Camera: Epson PerfectionV500 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Epson PerfectionV500
Color Space: Uncalibrated
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.0 (Macintosh)
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