Let It Flow

Images by Brian
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Let It Flow

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Taken on: December 8, 2015
Sets appears in:   Highlands, Scotland    Waterfalls   
Groups appears in:   Colors of the World    Film, TV and Other Locations.    more » Scotland    UK    UK Flickr users    Magic Moments    What's your angle, buddy?    Rivers    Movement & Motion    Flickr Addicts    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Amateurs    UK Nature    Travel Photography    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    A different point of view!    Photography Corner    Landscape photography    Outdoor Photographer Magazine (Unofficial)    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    Flickr 2    d r e a m s c a p e s    Nature Photography    Nice pictures    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    Long Exposures    Great Britain    PENTAX RICOH K-MOUNT DIGITAL CAMERA USERS    Nature Heals the Soul    Water World    The End of Industry    flickrFRESH    I came, I saw... I shot!    *Inspirational Travel Photos    A MILLION FLICKS    all scotland    ANYTHING & EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC / NO SL/AI    Scotland in the Sun    Scotland - the Land and the Sea    Geotagged : Scotland    A Picture of Britain    Water, water, water    Scottish Landscapes    exploration nation    Scenery Shooting    Landscape Junkies    TMI: your ART & NATURE **NO PEOPLE OR MAN-MADE OBJECTS** P1♥C1    'What Digital Camera' flickr group    Beautiful Capture    Water!    Scotland's Water    "Exemplary Shots - Flickr's BEST! (Post 1 Award 3)"    Pentax UK    INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPES & INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES OLD AND NEW.    National Trust for Scotland    Glasgow Photographers    Amateur to Pro    Britain In Colour    Water, Water Everywhere    Digital Scotland    Pentax Kit Lenses    Scenic Areas or Photos in Rural Areas    Scotland Photographed    Scotland- The Beautiful Landscapes    Landscapes of the World    " MASTER CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY "    ALL Welcome - I am sick of 'rules and regulations - New Contest    Pentax Users    The Best Picture Gallery!    The Photographer's Lounge & Gallery    **Simply Superb (P 1- A 2)**    GR8 - Photos    BEST Landscapes    The Clyde and Clyde Coast    anything scottish    Countryfile    PLANET EARTH OUR HOME    Elite Photography (Post 1 Award 2 Fave 1)    British Photographers    Waterfalls Long Exposure    Amazing Capture ***No Rules, No Banning, No Sweepers***    Landscape captures    Scotland in Picture    ! ♡ Flickrian ♡ No Rules:) Feel Free to invite your Friends!    Reflections in water    England v Scotland    Fav dispenser - Beautiful for us!    Waterfalls of the Uk    Great Pictures of the World    Addicted to Flickr (Quality images only!+Comment3)    Great Pictures of Landscapes    Caledonian Landscape    Britain As Seen    Flickr's Masterpieces !!    National Geographic | World Wide    FlickrCentral With No Posting Limit    Natural Landscape & Wildlife Photos    !*Flickr Award Group*! (GIVE 5 AWARDS)    100.000.000 Flickr Photos [No AI or SL]    Absolute Scotland    Pentax picture taker    LO SCRIGNO / THE COFFER    ! Flickr World عالم الفلكر ! ( Post 1 Awards 9 )    This is Scotland    The United Kingdom    landscape around the world    Aces for Bases (Post 1 - Award 2)    The world of photography    Reflection & shadows    Water on the Move    ★★★ Pentax Life ★★★    ! online !    The UK Photographer    Addicted to Photograph(Post 2+Comment3)*SWEEPER ACTIVE*    ♥A Magical Moment of Reflection♥    The Postcard Group [Post 1 - comment 1]    The Machines.. (Post 1 - Award 2)    ***Flickr Global    Landscapes with Atmosphere    ★★★Shutter Bug - Tips & Tricks★★★    Water Water Water    !* THE BEAUTY OF ☙THE NATURE❧ *Post 1 Award & Fave 3 please    National Geographic Group    Flickr Social Club    PENTAX Unlimited    Best Photos Around the World    !* EXTRAORDINARILY IMPRESSIVE ♛ HIGH QUALITY ONLY! P1/A2    WorldLandscapes    Britain at its Best    "U.K. Photo Gallery" ( All Welcome )    Show ur Snaps    Scotland, Naturally (NATURE ONLY)    FLICKERIANS    !* The Beauty of Nature/ NO people! NO single buildings! P1/C2    !* Friends Playground NEW; please award and don't dump!    Scottish Industrial Heritage    British Greats    ! * Fantastic Nature Group *Moderated* » Post 1 and Award 1 «    NO COMMENT 2011    Diary of a photographer [P1-C2]    Camera Camaraderie    Great Britain in photos    art for non-snobs    NATURAL BEAUTY P1 C1    LOVE HEALS - The healing power of love* read rules please!    Digital SLR Photography Magazine    !* Landscape Beauty - Beleza de Paisagem / Landscapes Only!    Peace and |ove [P1-C2]    Glasgow Photow    Pentax K-r    Pentax K-r Fan Club    A New Art & Photo Gallery - Post 1/Award 1    Amateur Photographers Gallery    JURIED EXHIBITION - P1-A2    Fine Gold    LORD BYRON - MAD, BAD and DANGEROUS TO KNOW    Pentax The Opening Shot    PENTAX Kr    INFINITY GROUP    Thanks from Luiza - Our group my Friends    amazing shoots    Planet Earth Landscapes    what you see when your eyes are closed    !* A hug is worth a thousand words* NO Nudity & NO Sales!    ↑ Donna's Magical Pix ↑    Scenic Scotland    ` FLICKR ´    PENTAX K-r K-x users    ***PHOTO OF OUR MEMORIES***    Pentax-DA L    Colours of Scotland    !* Dagmar and Sonja ♥    !* Quality Surroundings2 ⌲re-founded! P1-A2 ONLY ENVIRONS:poin    Digital Camera World    Pentax Flickr Award (post 1 - award 3)    Pentax Awards (post 1, award 1......currently banning bad users)    Logbook    Beautiful, Just Beautiful (P1/C1)    Scotland Photographers    Luna Photo (P1 - A2)    flickr clickx    ♥Nature's Magical & Exceptional Art♥    .♥.The Magical & Exceptional Artist.♥.    Scotland's forgotten places and things...    * Everybodys Photo Group *(All Welcome)    Bonnie Scotland    Scotland in Pictures    Anything Outside Of Normal    Evocando El Pasado * Evoking the Past *    *Mágico Mundo Natural * Magical Natural World *    Landscapes Only    The Blind Pig Speakeasy    1,000 Views Unlimited 1000    My time behind the lens No 30/60 limits    The Dark Side Of The Light - No Second Life    WALKING LANDSCAPES    ❥ SCOTLAND + NOVA SCOTIA 💙 Comment /Award Please!    U.K PHOTOS!    your most beautiful pictures    PHOTO WORLD!    Les Arts et Nous    || Mixed up Photography ||    FORMER ART - No Second Life Images    Worlds Of Thrylium - NO SECOND LIFE    Freedom Spirit    !*ALL ARE WELCOME*!    Amateur Photographer Magazine    Great British Nature    *Wonderful Water & Landscapes*    AWAKE - ART FOR A CAUSE    Artist.Com    NATURAE MIRABILE    Flickr Social    This is Why I Bought A Camera    The World in which we Live    Top Photography...    The Incredible Outdoors    Photo Gallery of Great Britain and Ireland    !*Flickr All Stars*!    Natureza Viva.    Life Soaked    YOUPIC ON FLICKR    GLOW !!    Landscapes ★    Crown Group - HQ Photography    Explore Flickr (unofficial)    flickr world wide    Image Creative and Research (No 60/30 limits)    Around the World in Pictures    Flickerites-NO PEOPLE PLEASE    Flickrs absolute finest    Landscape, Nature and Wildlife Nirvana    A Camera's Eye View!    WHY? Have you added my photo as a favourite    * just photos * no rules please use comment code appreciated    Pentax flickr Trophy    Compelling Images    Explore. Document. Discover. || Wildlife Photography    LUNA PHOTOS - (P1 - A2)    Landscapes, no Watermarks    The dog and the toffee .    « less
Camera: Pentax K-r, f/29.0, 0.3 sec, 55mm (=82mm), ISO 100 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Pentax K-r
Lens: smc PENTAX-DA L 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 AL
Aperture: f/29.0
Exposure Time: 0.3
Focal Length: 55mm (35mm equivalent: 82mm)
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Manual
Contrast: High
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows)
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