Light & Shadows

alcides OTA
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Light & Shadows

Taken on: September 5, 2015
Groups appears in:   The Photographer's Club    digital    more » Amateur Digital Photography/Help and Ideas    Colors of the World    Rulez    Flickr of Emotion    FlickrWelcome    JapaneseUser    Photographers    Chinese    flickr Japan    Photography    internet artists gallery    UK Flickr users    日本語flick'r    Voigtlander    何とか防止    Crayonbox    Happy!    colorful    Photographes Francophones    Love your images    Zona libre    Magic Moments    日本語を使うぞ〜    Japan Images    Lights and Shadows    Color and Colors - No computer-generated posts.    Flickr Addicts    Poetry and Photographs, not just photographs.    フリッカー    The Light Fantastic    Your Postcard Shot    For Photojournalism    AMaZiNG    Young Photographers    Compositions    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Happiness is....    Amateurs    #flickr    High Contrast    Camera! Action! (or, Not a Still Life)    Flickr Taiwan (English)    Shoot From the Hip    iFlickr    Only In America    美食    DCView同好會    (INTER)ACTION    Your Favorite Photos - Unlimited!    Bright Colors    lines    FlickrTown    Original shots    Adventure Club    Mare Nostrum    I love...    Lights & Shadows    UrFavs    Creative Photography    Love is....    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    ?!Funny Nihongo/オモシロにほんご    anything is ok    Digital Art    Japan photos    STUNNINGCOLORSPIX    Most Interesting    A different point of view!    A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever.    Flickr Nature - NO B/W, People, Structures etc    Photography Corner    Urban Asia    Digital Photography For Beginners    LAist Featured Photos    Bright colour    This    Art makes you happy!    without rules    Nurburgring    Professional Photography    Full of colors    Francophiles    Nature Photography    Flickr Gallery    Nice pictures    Beginner    PLANT [directory] 植物    Moments in life...    Amateur Shutterbugs    影像日记    VIVID COLOR    My best shot    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    COLOR [directory] 色    poetic moments    ANY PHOTOS ALL THE TIME!!!!    Amateur Photographers    PHOTOGRAPHER IN ACTION    The Simple Things in Life    digital photography for everyone    Flickr_Main    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    Beginners, hoping for Feedback    Anything Goes No Limits    Beyond Shotz - Online Monthly Photo Magazine    LightSource    Shoot into the Light!!!    detalls / detalles / details    Creative Artists    - Moments of Life -    CLICK the CAMERA    CREATIVE MINDS    amateur hour    MAX Magazine    Japon Japan 日本    Ambient Light    Shadows & Light    ART-X    Photojournalism 2.0    Older Photographers    銀塩コンパクトカメラの世界    .Score Me QUICK (5:1)    * what's in your mag    Fine Art Photography Young Team #1    Colors Club    Domino Magazine    color whores    No Rules!    フリッカー日本語ガイド / Flickr Nihongo Guide    * Flickr en Español    THE BIG GROUP    Random Acts of Photography    Beautiful Views    Beginners Digital Photography: Tips_Tricks_Hints    CentralFlickr    flickrFRESH    Beautiful Japan    Passion and Creativity    Your world! Only colorful pictures!    `No Rules!    No Rules!!    I came, I saw... I shot!    珍視台灣    artAttack!!!    *Really Unlimited*    Small Town America    Photography Central    Flickr - AllStarShots    Everyday Photography    台灣的角落    A MILLION FLICKS    The Colourful World    The Flikr Group    Explore/INTERESTINGNESS Group    Amatuer Photography    !!Free Zone!!No RuleS    Beginner's Digital Photography    Aspiring Young Photographers    Artists Without Borders    Flickrholics - 3900+ members * Invite your Contacts    Beautiful Details    Anything at all    flickr SILVER    flickr BRONZE    Flickr's Place    Flickr Basic (No Scoring or Obligations etc)    Do you think you have a good photo! Post it!    ESPECTACULAR.    canceld    Flickr for Everyone.    Flickrobsession / Flickrmania    Amatuer photographers learning to become professionals    Flickr World WIDE- Invite your Contacts    A Group About Nothing    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    Caminos-Paths (Post 1 - Comment 2)    Flickr Over 50    Requiem for a Dream    VirusPhoto    Am I talented ? From amateur to professional    Forever Young    freedom of color    One rule only    Let there be Light!    USA - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA    Curbed LA    The Magic of Colour    Rate My Picture!    I bring my camera everywhere (no 30/60 limit)    The biggest, the best and the most amazing group on Flickr!    Objetivos    Stop Action    Fotográfos Apasionados, PHOTOGRAPHY LOVER'S (All World)    1billionPhotos    semi-Professional photographer    SHOW OFF YOUR PICS!!    World Press Photo    Beautiful Capture    Beginners Digital Photography    Amatuer Photographer    Art of Photography    Get noticed    カメラ日和    New to Flickr    A Shot a Day ... Or So    bokeh whores    Young Budding Photographers    Forget The Rules!    Fotografe Melhor    Frankie Magazine Readers    お散歩カメラ    Real Comments. A group that actually comments (really comments)    OBSESSIVE PHOTOGRAPHY (30 PER DAY)    OjoDigital    Impressions & Expressions    Your Best Photography    Photos with moods    OBSESSED WITH COLOR    CHENNAI LENSMEN FORUM    Award Winner    FREE*    Amateur Photo Club    CLICK FLICK n GO    Por Amor al Arte    Photoshoot Japan    Flickr House!!    Flickriver    Magazine Group    Flickrmania    Beauty In the Mundane    Existing-Light Photography    Colors de Novo    Images of Harmony    EXTREME PHOTOS !!!    Zupi Magazine    PHOTO NOW    Your Visions    Stop the Moment! Photojournalism...    N A T U R E [no limits]    中华 Flickr 摄友会 / Chinese Flickr Photographer    ~Dimen~sions~ - No Rules No Games Just Photos    FutBlog    The New Coolest Damn Cool Photographers In The World!    Amateur or Professional who can tell    Artistic Color    I used my best eye to take this!!    Coloursplosion! (Post 1, Award 1, Invite 1 to Group)    FlickRelax...    Digital Universe    Xataka Foto    恋爱写真 | Love Foto    The best perspectives (no rules)    Digital Photography Lovers    COLORI!!!    Stranger Photos    National Flickr Graphic    Flickr Excellent Photos    Random Group of randomness    5 Million Photos    *-Magic Moments-*    Flickrs Finest Fotos Contest on now !!    Spectacular    Unlimited!    - - - - Dreamland - - - - -    flickr in full color [No Black & White !]    FOTO mania    Professional Taken    JnJJ    PSDTUTS    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    Digital Art and Mixed Media    The Shot ( professional )    Novatos con disparador en mano    PLACE IN THE WORLD    A Nobel Life    Popular Photography Magazine    NO RULES AT ALL    The Best Picture Gallery!    Freedom for Beginners    ORCA magazine    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    GREAT PHOTOS of the WORLD    Bokeh addiction    Ion Magazine Photo Gallery    Creative Art Photography    Photography Magazine, I Heart    American West At Its Best    peaceful 安靜影像    TWiP    Here, There and Everywhere    Amateur Digital Photography Group    FAN-Flickr-Tastic! *just great shots*    Colourful    Colores    Good Morning Flickr    The Group With No Rules v3.0    DIAMOND HEART (Post 1-Comment 3)    Fotografia Fundamental    * FLOWERS, TREES and FOLIAGE (NO insects, b&w)    AiA: Global Citizens - Citoyens du Monde - Ciudadanos del Mundo    no rules Photo...........    We Can Do It    No Awards    One Million Photos    anything will do    NO VIDEO ON FLICKR!!!    Blogs in Flickr    Flickr Rank    FRAAI magazine - send us your creativity    Famous Japan    Plus+    Abduzeedos    Sube lo que quieras-Upload any picture you like!(Post1-Comment1)    Carnets de voyage    10 Million Members    Super Very Creative Photos Flickr!    Kingdom magazine    Amature Photographers    FLICKR LIBERO / INTERNATIONAL    Show me what you got    Photographic share    Luz mágica    The Official Digital Camera Magazine Flickr Group    那些從文字裡生出的景緻    花草&人物風景    LULA Magazine    1,000,000 Photos    Luarbiasa Photography    DIGITAL SLR PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP    Fabulous Shots    Flickr 365    Amazing Capture ***No Rules, No Banning, No Sweepers***    Professional Photography & Art    This is My Best Shot    ! ♡ Flickrian ♡ No Rules:) Feel Free to invite your Friends!    Anything here anything!!!!! [No AI or SL]    Flickr: YOUR PHOTOS    FLICKR: YOUR MOST POPULAR PHOTO    PhotoTeam SuperluciuS - FLICKR Time    *My ART*    我愛定焦頭 | I ♥ Prime Lens    MOST INTERESTING SHOTS(P1/A3)[only interesting shots plz.!!!]    Belief in Amatuer Photography    10,000,000 photos **dump all your photos in the pool**    COLOUR PRIORITY    FlickrLand Express    All kind of Photography    NZ Beginners-Intermediate Photography    街頭的恰恰    SLR Brisbane Beginners - Intermediate Group    Trailr St(u|a)ff    Flickr Addict Support Group    ***El Baul de las Historias***    ふだんの素敵な瞬間 ~The wonderful moment ~    1,000 Cameras, One Love    FlickrCentral With No Posting Limit    CTRL.ALT.SHIFT    Light and Color    交換旅行    100.000.000 Flickr Photos [No AI or SL]    Falando de Fotografia    Groupe    *lost in translation*    Professional Photographs    PLATEFORM magazine    鮮豔的活著living by colorful    Best Pictures of The World    New photographers of all around the world    Fotografi vagabondi    Amantes de fotografias    What Do You Love?    Unlimited Anything    Make Something Cool Every Day    PPA (Professional Photographers of America)    Welcome all the artists    ! Flickr Cafe !    this is what i bring to flickr    ! F l i c k r | S t y l e !    Blood of the Young Zine    ! Flickr Lover !    all cool pictures    Melancholy Alley    Digitalphotos Magazine-Publish your photo!    I FlickR therefore I AM    Great Job, Flickr!    TH!NK    Amatuer Photography: The Best of.    Anything really...    The Rules are "there are no rules"    Amazing+Photography    Flickr Clickr Awards (**post 1 comment 2**)    flickr in 6 degrees of connection    more than a snapshot    POTPOURRI MAGAZINE    Non per professione ma per passione    its just a dream    lovely existence    beautiful images    You Are a Flickr Inspiration!    Photography Meetups    FlickrGallery    The Best of Flickr!    Thinking Photography    Digital photography hobby    we call it life    imagen y poesia    just cool pictures    All beautiful photos    free and proud    50 MILLION PHOTOS    ! The Flickr !    as beautiful as you want    FILE - Photography and Graphic Design search.    TUS MEJORES FOTOGRAFIAS    Addicted to Photograph(Post 2+Comment3)*SWEEPER ACTIVE*    Sparkle (Post 1- Comment 3)    NO RULES GROUP ....    Conceptual Cinematic *Pics with stories*    !! Photo Lovers!(Post 2+Comment 3)*SWEEPER ACTIVE*    ***Flickr Global    *poetry of images    Digitalphotos Magazine    Pica magazine.    Creative Photography Labs    L.A. Weekly Flickr Pool    My Visual Diary    RazorMonkey Magazine    * All Ur Photos *    HUH. Submissions    Creative Commons Quality Photos for Free    FOTO PASION / PHOTO PASSION    Flickr & Friends    Flickr Free    a summer of my own    flickr stock    日本語で話そう/Let's speak in Japanese [1post-1comment]    FAQMAGAZINE SUBMISSIONS    Flickr Community (INVITE ALL CONTACTS)    The Everything And Anything Group    perfect light    Fluidr    Itchy Eyee    ADMIRABLE FLICKRS    Phototuts+    Best Photos Around the World    Kasugai / 春日井 / Komaki / 小牧 / Inuyama / 犬山    The Best Pictures of Flickr    La Mirada del fotografo y su Arte    No Rules! No limits! Just pictures!    Frame from Life    Holy Ghost Zine    Colores en tu Vida !!! ****** Colors in your Life!!! P1 / C 2    Life and living    Tus fotos, Your pictures, Le tue foto, Tes photos,정의사진    獻給那些被遺忘的日子    Revista Photo Magazine    Americana!    "NO RULES" Group...All kind of Great Shots are invited...    PHOTOGRAPHY IS A STATE OF MIND AND LIFE STYLE.    All Safe Pics Welcome    Witnesses of their time    "U.K. Photo Gallery" ( All Welcome )    We Are Free / Somos libres    iLike This Pic    Flickr Global (Your Best Photographs).    30 Million Photos    * Open *    Tumblr photographers    Self Taught Photographers community    Fotografía Libre    Beginners Critique    那些流浪的美    Amateur Photographers Online    We Are Rebels    online photo magazine    walking and dreaming    ! *No hay camino para la paz, la paz es el camino!    Oh, Snap! General Submissions    Nikon Europe Group    NO RESTRICTIONS - Everybody is WELCOME    Our Wonderful World 2    Inspirationfeed    Creative Photography Inspirations    Fotografia DG - Foto Arte    Color my world!    School of Digital Photography    1 billion photos    Natural Light Shooters    Digital Capture!    *anything goes*    All about World    A Photos **( POST 1 AWARD 5 )**    SPARKAZINE    show me the art    A Camera Never Lies, well almost    [][][]serenity group[][][]    The D-Photo    Digital Masterpiece    Everything Flickr    Just any group    FINE Magazine - Photographer Search    Passione foto!    All photos group    Simply Photos!    6-Gli insetti preferiscono le ortiche - Free images Amber Group    SHOW ME YOUR BEST !!!    DIMEX Digital IMage Exchange    Flipboard    Everything&Anything    Digital Photographers Global    No Rules Corp    N0 BAN! N0 RULES! N0 DETECTIVE !!!!!!!!!    Flickr Fotografias - Photo    juba exposition de photos    Freelensers    Photography as hobby.    The photographers world network    Union of Free Photographers    Magazine for photo art    around the world in 1 million pictures    Art,Photography and illustration    Your Personal Favorite    HAPPY CAMPER MAGAZINE    show me what you feel    Taking photographs is painting with light.    Self Publish, Be Happy    NO THOUGHTS ZINE    Flickr Beginners    Club Photoblog 攝影札記俱樂部    Photographer Universe    Compañeros de afición    You Light It!    INFINITY GROUP    humeur du jour    Thanks from Luiza - Our group my Friends    PhotoDonuts    Show Flickr Your Photography    Surprise Magazine    Simply Photography !!!    Flickr Photography    the world i see    PHLEARN    a dirty job - magazine    Fotógrafos Amadores e Profissionais    AVANT-GARDE ART    Worldwide Flickr Friends    pictures we read, words we see - journalism    Add a comment    show me your best pics ever    Great Photography in Action -    O Segredo Por Trás Dos Meus Olhos    The Eye Magazine    GP-MAGAZINE -Contributor Group-    Just post and have fun    TOBENEAT    Flickr Click Perfect - Flickr Click Perfeito.    VERY NICE CAPTURES    Matt Granger - GYGO    PFB Magazine    ***PHOTO OF OUR MEMORIES***    Phototech le mag    !!Best Capture!!    imaginative world    Fotografare Rivista    Design Mania    Wonderful Inspiration    N-Photo Mag    Fotografía Facil    *Infinite Images    Your Best Shot For Today    Life_photographers    The Flickr Exchange    We love it !    Naturalis Magazine    Senseful (seminando pensiero)    Flores ✿✿ Flowers ✿✿    *Vos photos-Your photos*    Organiconcrete    Photographing the life    PLYM Magazine    Yabba dabba doo!    Digital Camera World    The Number One    Photo Tips    PicMonkey    The Flickr Hub    1 Quadrillion Pix    Camera, café...acción!!    We Shoot RAW    GOOD PICTURES. NO RULES    Magnifica    Simples assim    1000 Words by Grryo    Shutter Monks    Anything in the World    Colors - I am in Love    No Rules & No Limit!    Our lovely World    IMAGE II    PhotoOfYourDay    You see what I see...    il club di simpio96    Love Our Earth    About FOTO Cult    Everything && Everywhere    Flickr center    Photography Week    Photography Skills    The Photograph Bank    Photographs-Time Frozen - In A Split Second    Webshots Community    The different kind of Art    A to Z photography    FotoSpots    Vision sound    Life in 360    Fotofactory.    Photograph Heaven    What My Camera Saw    Fine Captures Collection    Qualquer fotografia    AMPt Community    CryptoSocio    Your Preferred Group Public    wuf'art    So Many Great Photographs...Add Yours Today    You dont take photography, you make it    Perfect Beauty II    Camera Magazine Cover    I love Flickr ♥    Momento Yahoo!    * Everybodys Photo Group *(All Welcome)    Nikon DSLR Photographers    Spirit Magazine Submissions    Reflex forever    Inmense Magazine    Life on planet earth    Payurshots    ALL- NO LIMITS    dejfex photostream    Awesome Photography!    Photos To The Max    World Photorama    Digital Photo Mag    Treasures of the World    Hobbyist Photography    Eye See... What You See    Our World In Photographs    Let Your Camera...Do The Talking    MegaPixel Mania...Oh So Many Photographs    Photo Digital Club    The Photograph Factory    Hey World ...Check Out Our Photographs    illumination focus    Absolute Quality Gallery    Wall Of Photographs    My time behind the lens No 30/60 limits    Images About Almost Anything    I AM THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHER    Made with heart    We Love Photographyy    Not So Serious Photographers    TODAS TUS FOTOS- ALL YOUR PHOTOS!!!    FOTO-GRAFICA-MENTE    Just Awesome Pictures    All Photos Flickr    Any old Photo!!    Great ,Not so Great ,If you Like it Great Photography    Snapped...Uploaded...Seen By The World    Photograph Nirvana    Who Likes Sharing Their Photographs ???...I Do    The Best Photo Sharing Group On Flickr ...Oh Yeah !!!    Your best of the best    VKreations    Everything Creative    The Photographic Image Plaza    We love cameras    The Best ...    Rewind Magazine    Simply Because    Bright and Beautiful    The magic of freezing time    B E A U T I F U L (Invite all contacts)    The Photo Pool    Just show off !!!    PHOTO WORLD!    Photographers Gallery 5    香港高登攝影台    More Digital Photography    Energized pictures    Es tu pasión, la fotografía ?    Flickr Social Camera Club- All Welcome    !*ALL ARE WELCOME*!    Unique Moments    Best Flickr Colours    FIRE AND FIRE    Photographic Groupies Group    Photo Hawk    Everything & Everyone    Photographs I Have Added To Many Groups    Photography Magazine    All kind of stuff    1,2,3 PHOTOS    HOW WONDERFUL WORLD! ılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅    1 image vaut mieux que 1000 mots    Photo Hog 12    Only Amateur Photographers    PHOTO TRAP    Capture the Feeling    Free Expression Photography    PICTURES FROM OUR WORLD    The World According to...    This is Why I Bought A Camera    Top Photography...    Optics World    ★ ✩The best photos of all ★ ✩(only high quality)    !*Flickr All Stars*!    QUEUE Up and be Q! Variety Pack    The best work of the photographer's passion    IRIDESCENT MAGAZINE    Photo Vision Flickr    Anything - 18+. Your best! NO KIDS PIX    Your Perspective and Creative    上海人    ShotCam (No SL & AI)    Photo of the Year 2015    photography only    #1 Various images from around the world    Colours of Flickr    Your best photos from flickr    flickr Learn by Example    EXPLORE OF THE WORK    Image Creative and Research (No 60/30 limits)    Around the World in Pictures    Flickerites-NO PEOPLE PLEASE    CON CÁMARA Y A DISPARAR    Take me somewhere nice    Photography.World    The Best Of Me!    passione per la foto    Show All Your Photos From Around The World. NO SL/AI    |FLICKR|    Momentos para no olvidar    PICTURES OF ALL KINDS    iClick!    3 in a bed    « less
Camera: Nikon D800, f/5.6, 1/320 sec, 60mm, ISO 100 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Nikon D800
Lens: 60.0 mm f/2.8
Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 0.003 sec (1/320)
Focal Length: 60mm
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: -2/3 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Aperture-priority AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Contrast: High
Sharpness: Hard
Color Space: Uncalibrated
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
Show full info
Stats: 2,159 views / 6 comments