
alcides OTA
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Taken on: October 2, 2015
Groups appears in:   Photos from Tokyo, Japan    The Photographer's Club    more » Emotions    digital    Flog Brasil    Amateur Digital Photography/Help and Ideas    Flickr of Emotion    FlickrWelcome    Seattle    New York City    Nikon Digital    Flickr KoreaUser Group    Photojournalism    Paris    JapaneseUser    Photographers    French – Français    Brasil    Photography    BRAzIL    No Rules    internet artists gallery    Argentina    KLFlickrs    FlickrBits    UK Flickr users    日本語flick'r    Voigtlander    何とか防止    colorful    Flickr Anonymous    Photographes Francophones    Pacific Northwest    France    Love your images    Group Therapy    Magic Moments    日本語を使うぞ〜    Photo Friday - Best of 2008    PhotoShop    Cool Outdoor Pics    What's your angle, buddy?    Artistic Photography    flickring    Star Complexe    !Catchy Colors    Poetry and Photographs, not just photographs.    フリッカー    The Light Fantastic    Best Comments Collection    *CRITICALLY * ACCLAIMED*    For Photojournalism    Young Photographers    Compositions    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Happiness is....    Flickr Mockup    Flickr Community    Amateurs    wabi sabi suki    Verão Brasil - Summer Brazil    Sampa Flickr's    PrεçiouS PicS ™    Santos    Flickr For Education    zen    FlickrMeet    High Contrast    Camera! Action! (or, Not a Still Life)    visit the world - the travel guide    **Flickr Parisian Gathering! **    Symbols    Shoot From the Hip    iFlickr    Only In America    Only in Japan    Flickr Tamsui    Flickr Joint Ventures    Nikon 4800    Pro Corner: Semi-Pro and Professional Photography / Photographer    美食    DCView同好會    Photos Around The World    Shameless Flickr Promotion    Your Favorite Photos - Unlimited!    COMMENTED WITH NICE UNLIMITED    Bright Colors    Teenagers on Flickr    1-2-3    Flickr Failure    5-10 favorites only (ONE A DAY)    lines    Flickr Wow (2 posts per day please)    Flickr's Believe It or Not! [Acredite Se Quiser!]    FlickrTown    Good Times    Belém    Flickr Syndicate    Original shots    Quiet    Beautiful    Adventure Club    Flickr Life Project    Yuan.CC Flickr Tools    Flickr World Tour    flickr photo comp.READ new comp. released    flickr schwag    Mare Nostrum    Pinoy Flickrs    I love...    Lights & Shadows    Nagoya / 名古屋    Anything fantastic - 1 pic / day    UrFavs    Creative Photography    The FLICKYS 2014 - (Coming Soon!)    Imagination    Flickr Global News Network, The First Of    Love is....    Flickr Importr Development    flickr Peace movement    Just Photos. [No AI or SL]    ?!Funny Nihongo/オモシロにほんご    anything is ok    Award Winning    INTERNATIONAL FLICKR FOLKS    Lonely Planet    Flickr-Impro G R O U P ~ JANUARY: Welcome the new year 09    Photo of the day    Japan photos    STUNNINGCOLORSPIX    Photos of Photographers    Artistic Shot    EuskalHerria    -=[No-Limit]=- UAE'z    Most Interesting    Flickr Latinoamerica    FLiCKR Most Interesting    Turismo - Viaje pelas mais belas imagens.    Everyday Matters group    A different point of view!    Photo(s) in my photo    The Street Photography Community    Flickr challenge-We challenge you......tag challenged    Photos of photos    Photography Corner    Urban Asia    Fotografia Digital Brasil    Flick off ...!.?.!... D Day and Beyond    Flickr Icon    flickr ruind my life    Flickrholics Anonymous    Digital Photography For Beginners    Comments Online    Graphic Designers Moonlighting as Photographers    Brasília Capital do Brasil    Outdoor Photographer Magazine (Unofficial)    Brasileiros no Flickr./ Brazilians in the Flickr.    Emptiness    Top 20 System    LAist Featured Photos    CBF - Comunidade Brasileira de Fotografia.    This Is Europe    LA/OC Flickr Meetups    Bright colour    Nikon Digital SLRs    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    B E A U T I F U L [photos with a 'beautiful' comment]    Nottingham Flickr Meets including guests from everywhere    Flickr 2    This    Proud Brazilians - Orgulho de Ser Brasileiro.    Art makes you happy!    Flickr Photographer Hunting    without rules    Nurburgring    Flickr Farm    Photo Stories    Professional Photography    Francophiles    Beautyfull World    Flickr USA    Caminhos Brasil - Ways Brazil    3:1 (make 3 comments, add 1 photo)    Mac Photo Booth    Flickr Gallery    Pictures are worth more than a thousand words    Flickr Meetings Milano    Beginner    Flickr Billboards    Flickr Book    D.U.M.B.O. (4 Photo per day limit)    Aperture Users    Graphic comments    Moments in life...    2016 International Beauty    NIKON: AUSTIN CHAPTER    AWESOME: commented with awesome    10 Fave    LIGHT [directory] 光    The Missions    影像日记    Number One    * Color Groups * Group    Let's explore    Hong Kong    中途半端な写真好き☆    VIVID COLOR    Flickr ADDICT    JAPAN [directory] 日本    speed    OUTSTANDING - Photos commented with "outstanding"    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    Flickr Blocked in The UAE    Harrisburg, PA Flickr Meetup Group    blogTO    INTERESTING: Commented with interesting [interesting!]    ANY PHOTOS ALL THE TIME!!!!    PHOTOGRAPHER IN ACTION    The Simple Things in Life    Flickr Babes nd Hotties    Flickr's No Kitty Cats Allowed! Pool    Nikon DSLR Users    digital photography for everyone    Nikon Coolpixers    FLICKR ICON (streetart project)    Amateur Nation    flickr tree project    Flickr_Main    Beautiful Universe ~ Photos must have "Beautiful" in Comments    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    Flickr addicts addicted to Flickrs (the woodpecker)    Flickr Press Pass    Photos from the Heart    Photo Tale    Wir sprechen Deutsch    FOTOGRAFÍA, aprendamos juntos    Nikon DSLR 中文版    Digital Photography - Learning Zone    Photos with 100 Views    BR foto    Favorites: 45    Photos with 50 Views    Beginners, hoping for Feedback    Flickr Explore Page    Nikon D40/xD70/sD80/D90/D200/D300/D700/ D3/s/X    Photoshop Support Group    What a Photo-Coincidence !    Nikon Lenses users    Flickr Artisans (comment the one you like)    Anything Goes No Limits    Beyond Shotz - Online Monthly Photo Magazine    LightSource    comment on my photography    Flickr_Colors.    Commented "Good Composition"    Comments! (Post 1, Comment on 2 previous) Read rules!    Flickr's Underappreciated    Shoot into the Light!!!    *I Love This*    Flickr Monkey & Friends    Flickr Lovers of Indianapolis    COMMENT on as many PHOTOS as you POST!    Where I FLICKR    Flickr Parties    Flickr meetups    Teenage Photographers    Flickr Cornr: New rules, see below    BEAUTIFUL COMMENT (photos commented BEAUTIFUL)    A NICE COMMENT: PHOTOS COMMENTED WITH NICE    Les Aventuriers de la Photo !!    - Moments of Life -    Brasil-Inspired    Photography Gallery (3 photos/day)    ~*~Atmosphere~*~    CLICK the CAMERA    berlinflickrtreffen    The World Through My Eyes ...    ♥ Film Vs. Digital ♥    flickr this!    amateur hour    Happy and Inspiring photos - Most CONTAGIOUS SMILE contest    photo workshop(add one,comment five)    Photographos    Deutsche Foto-Gruppe    Flickr clickr    *I ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶ ɹʞɔılℲ*    Views 100    MAX Magazine    Use your Flickr favourites!    Ambient Light    flickr button swap market    Japanese Magazines & MOOKs (Magazine-bOOK)    Shadows & Light    2 for 2 (view 2, comment on 2)    Ten or More People Call This a Favorite!    ART-X    Photojournalism 2.0    Comment on my photos please    Older Photographers    Amateur Photographers United    Photo 4 beginners    Fotografia Brasil    銀塩コンパクトカメラの世界    *Expressionist Photography (Post 1 Comment 2)    Rate and Comment: Animals ( Score Five, Post One )    Digital Kitsch    Constructive Comments 311    Flickr ROTATION your fotos r seen    Flickr Snapshot Favorites    .Score Me QUICK (5:1)    * what's in your mag    Your mind, your photos    SUPER PHOTOS commented with the word SUPER!    Flickr Aéroport    CAPTURE: Photos commented with (positive word) "capture"    City Daily Photo    Colors Club    color whores    No Rules!    World's Favorite (1 or more faves each) No limit of Faved Photo    Flickr Australia    COMMENTED WITH SPLENDID UNLIMITED    FIS (Flickr in Seoul)    No Comment    フリッカー日本語ガイド / Flickr Nihongo Guide    * Flickr en Español    THE BIG GROUP    * Elige tu COLOR !!!    Random Acts of Photography    Flickrs of Madrid    Share Your Favorite Rules of Photography    LOMOBR    Beautiful Views    Yahoo! advertising    Beginners Digital Photography: Tips_Tricks_Hints    CentralFlickr    Nikon DSLR - Score 3    flickrFRESH    Beautiful Japan    Flickr's Most- Your best above the rest (Please Read The Rules)    Pakistan Photographers پاکستانی فوٹو گرافرز    **El fotógrafo satisfecho//The satisfied photographer    I ♥ Asia    CUTE: Commented with "Cute"    Passion and Creativity    Stuck in Customs' Brilliant Cabal - My Cool and Clever Friends    FlickrPix 3 Pics Per Day, Comment on 3, Fave 1    Flickr Central Free    Flickr Gamma    Flickr BRASIL    I came, I saw... I shot!    artAttack!!!    Image 4    4 Aces (Leave 4 Comments)    Nordeste - Brasil (BRAZILIAN NORTHEAST)    *Really Unlimited*    Small Town America    I LOVE IT (post 1 award 3)    1-2-3 (no per day limitations) (READ RULES!)    Rules - Whoop!    pictures of pictures    Paisajes del mundo/World Landscapes    Adobe Photoshop CS (all CS versions)    Photography Central    Flickr - AllStarShots    100 CLUB    flickr poker    O melhor do Brasil    Flickrific- Welcome New Members! Invite your friends!    Todays best3 shots    COMMENTED WITH MAJESTIC UNLIMITED    Lugares maravilhosos pelo Brasil e pelo mundo    Everyday Photography    Digital Photography School    台灣的角落    Flickr Front Page    Outdoor Photography    A MILLION FLICKS    The Colourful World    Photographes amateurs francais    finally we are no one    The Flikr Group    -contrasts-    COMMENTED WITH INTERESTING UNLIMITED    Comment and fave    F I S P || Fotógrafos do Interior de SP    Mourning the loss of your Explore photos    NICE: commented with nice    Flickr Botanical Garden    *Flickr Wind*    Good Photographs, Not Pretty Pictures    Camera And Coffee    FUN: commented with "fun" or "funny"    Flickr@Le Touquet    NO MORE 1 WORD    Photo-Drawings    Primeira Impressão!!    Amatuer Photography    Expresando con las manos    ¿Y tú ya conoces...? (Mexico alternativo)    !!Free Zone!!No RuleS    Flickr Land    FLUID    Flickr Hotties    flickrlicious!    Brazil photos    Flickr Gardens    Flickr Members Mirrored    Nikon DSLR Polska    Flickr Ebre    Beginner's Digital Photography    Flickr Smileys    COMMENTED WITH CONGRATULATIONS UNLIMITED    "Film Look" From Digital    My Camera isn't Professional - Minha Camera não é Profissional    Self -help group for flickr addicts    Flickr Art Directors Club    BRASIL - LEVANTE GERAL    Brasil? tem Brasil no mundo inteiro!    PiPho | Pinoy Photography Org    Artists Without Borders    Flickr Beirut 2007    ONE Word Comment. Comment First 6 +    I Saw The Light! Light & Shadows, Nightime, Light Painting, HDR    Flickr Beşiktaş Grubu    suffering from flickr addiction    Nikon iste (5 Photos per day, DSLR only, add tag : nikoniste)    Nikon photos    Flickrholics - 3900+ members * Invite your Contacts    And    photos needed for textbook publisher    1 a 10 Brasil (poste 1, comente as 5 anteriores - obrigatório)    Flickr - All the Photos    photo-surlenet.com    Photo Mission    Flickr Meet-ups    flickr viagr (a visual orgasm) READ the RULES !!!    FLICKR WILD DIVERSITY Bugs - Blue Whales    Anything at all    flickr SILVER    flickr BRONZE    Slide Shows - Full Screen flickr!    flickrScorer // Post 1 score the 5 pictures before yours!    COMMENTED WITH ADORABLE UNLIMITED    Photos With 1000 or More Views    Flickr's Place    The best photos on Flickr    SANTA CATARINA, BRAZIL    Flickr Safari    Flickr Fotos    Flickr Basic (No Scoring or Obligations etc)    Clic    PEOPLE WHO JUST LIKE TO TAKE PHOTOS    Do you think you have a good photo! Post it!    *interesting* interestingness    Flickr Folk (Pictures of Flickr People)    flickr Top #1 - open pool...no deletes!    NIKON PROFESSIONAL    Photo Processing    flickr@trondheim    Great Capture!    A MOMENT OF LIFE    Foz do Iguaçu PR BR    Que la camara no nos limite! [LEER ABOUT!]    °°°°MYSTERY SHOT°°°°    Turismo Cultural - Cultural Tourism - Turismo Culturale    Flickr Profile picture (2304 pixels)    FLICKR FUNNY PICTURES 2006    Flickr Colors    Shield Of Excellence    Flickr México    Photo Obsession    ESPECTACULAR.    Photo_travel    Beauty and the Beast    Porto Alegre, Brazil    GOOD MEANINGFUL COMMENTS (POST 1, COMMENT ON THE PREVIOUS 3)    Rivers and River Life    Comment on the Season at Hand ~ Read the Rules!    ~*×fl1cKr @dDik+$×*~    *Your Favorite 100+ VIEWED Pictures*    Groupe de photographie d'expression française    GreatPix 1-2-3    Flickr for Everyone.    Favorite Pictures    1-2-3 NYC    Flickrobsession / Flickrmania    Nosso Brasil    Flickr better city better life/城市让生活更美好    *** Flickr's Most Creative Shots ***    Flickr @ Nanjing 南京    1-5 (Post 1, Rank the 5 photos before you!)    * OUR WONDERFUL WORLD *    !Flood the Pool [No AI or SL]    Captured Image (1 Fave + 1 Post)    OGP    I ♥ Brazil    Flickr World WIDE- Invite your Contacts    Flickr Folk SF    A Group About Nothing    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    NOW Magazine    COMMENT ON CONTENT (Post 1, Comment 1)    Digital Photograpy Group - Gdansk    Flickr Therapy    Digital DJ    Caminos-Paths (Post 1 - Comment 2)    Flickr Pharmacy    Photo post    Nikon Cafe    Flickr conservatives unite!!!    Flickr Korea    Rules Breakers    100-150 Views (Post up to 3 per day)    All Day I Dream About Photography    ¡ El Gran Grupo de Flickr - 2013    5 for 2    Color Photo Award - PREMIER -- Post 1: Award 2    Icaraí    PHOTOS FROM MACEDONIA    NiKON_F    Flickr Friend    1 day we'll have the most photos on Flickr    The Best of Flickr    'One World - The Global Group Post all Your Photos & Invite all    Requiem for a Dream    OurTime Frame    Explore My Sets - Add 1, Comment/Fave 3 the person to your right    Flickr Valdés    Flickr Manizales    Am I talented ? From amateur to professional    Welcome To My World (WTMW)    Guarapuava - Paraná - Brasil    ~Elegance~    flickr easter eggs    Pacific Northwest Fine Art Photographers    flickr's stunning horizon    Explore This    RealOne comment (post 1, comment 5! --- read the rules!)    Lonely Planet Photo Challenges    EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING ELSE    Photo or Painting?    Forever Young    Celebración    The Digital Human Body 2    freedom of color    Nikon Fotografer    Digital Gallery Photography Color    One rule only    Life Through My Viewfinder    COMMENTED WITH BEAUTIFUL UNLIMITED    My New Digital Rebel XTI    EXPLORE Hates Me~!    Faithful Flickr Friends (Post 1 + give a hug to any 2 friends)    Grainy, Blurry, Yet Good    Hit & Run Photography    FOTOLUX    Flickr Vrouwen    Lonely Planet Publications: Photobook    Flickr Funny    Luso Mundo / A Portuguese World    Flickr Photo mania    Flickr everybody looking up    Flickr- What the F***kr is it?    Photo-Of-The-Day - post 1, comment on any 1 (read rules please)    photos of Sibiu    Photos that are not Photoshopped    USA - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA    photo.lab    Curbed LA    The Magic of Colour    Enthusiastic Amateurs    all photo    All Photos X-Press Us (!!TAG!!) _Post 2 /Comment or invite 2    "I AM TELLING YOU A STORY HERE. CAN YOU SEE IT?"    Shanghai Flickr Meetup Slideshow    FELT LIFE    Flickr Meet Hungary / Magyar    **FlickrsBest**    Fotografia lo que se te antoje    Scenes From The Street    Rate My Picture!    Cape Town Flickr Meetup Group Group    Digital Photography Manipulation    Super Shots - Post 1 - Award 2    I bring my camera everywhere (no 30/60 limit)    Cotidiano Brasileiro    Nikon Arabia نيكون العرب    Daily Photo Post    Beautiful Earth    You Think this is Art    Digital Poland    Stop Action    *FLICKR'S BEST XPRO SHOTS*    Flickr Updates we love    Stop, Look, Shoot | Pare, Olhe, Clique    Digital Photography Group Ireland    Flickr Photographers in Action    Photos Tunisia    Flickr Flirts    Fotográfos Apasionados, PHOTOGRAPHY LOVER'S (All World)    COMMENTED WITH WOW UNLIMITED    WowieKazowie!    flickr@lausanne    Fuck Ya Rules! (The home of the rejected)    semi-Professional photographer    HOW SMALL WE ARE (READ RULES)    El Paso Joe's Place - NO invite needed - Just great photos    Point and Click. simple gear. professional results.    SHOW OFF YOUR PICS!!    Brave Beautiful World - P1 / C1 please ...    FlickRussian: говорим по-русски!    FLICKR@JOHOR    Un0rdinary    Nikon_D300    World Press Photo    FlickrLight    F O T O C L U B E . c o m . b r    Beautiful Capture    Flickr Frontpage    Share your photos!    Amateur Photography.    Flickr-Fotografen- Deutschland    Nikon España    spagna    Amatuer Photographer    Learning Digital Art    Todays Best Award- Invite Only    WORLD PICTURE / Challenge and Award    Shutter Asia    flickr Map It    GREENVILLE FLICKR ADDICTION    *Flickr en català!    Flickr Crazy - Don't Get Cured, Stay Flickr Crazy!    Art of Photography    Sad photos    S.J.Rio Preto - SP- BRASIL ( BRAZIL)    Dutch Treat 3 per dag!!!!    Get noticed    One Of A Kind    カメラ日和    As Cores do Brasil / The Colors of Brazil / Colores del Brazil    Iguape    *Flickr Photo Award*    National Geographic: The World Around Us (post 1, nominate 3)    Brasil /Brazil    Digital Darkroom    Flickr Camera Museum    Flickr Elite Group    New to Flickr    Flickr University - A Place For College Students    "Exemplary Shots - Flickr's BEST! (Post 1 Award 3)"    A Shot a Day ... Or So    Photography_Beginners    Young Budding Photographers    Live Earth - S.O.S.    Forget The Rules!    Nikon en Español    *SHINING★STAR - Post 1- Give 5 Stars    Photographers And Digital Artists of Los Angeles    Flickr Focks the Internet Highway Robbery Group!    Architecture Directory    EYE OF INSPIRATION & HAPPINESS (AWARD 3) NO COMMENT=BAN    Crossmetic    Fotografe Melhor    So simple, so beautiful!    Nikon ไทย    Frankie Magazine Readers    Flickr Centrals    Nikon Club Nederland    Welcome All: photos, people..EVERYONE! Post 1- Comment 3    Photo-Illustration ( on the borderline)    flickr BEST PHOTO    Straight from camera ( POST 1 , AWARD 3 )    お散歩カメラ    Flickrs East Bay - Looking Forward    Real Comments. A group that actually comments (really comments)    Oh that's good!    OZchinese 攝影幫 (comment on 3 photos on your right)    Extraordinary Compositions    Lier & omstreken meetups    Flickr Special- Post 1- Give 5 Comments    I hate AWARDS !!!    Flickr Can Has Cheezburger    OBSESSIVE PHOTOGRAPHY (30 PER DAY)    OjoDigital    Flickr Green    "FRIENDS" P1/A2    Impressions & Expressions    Photographers Club    Flickr Cafe    Photos with moods    CHENNAI LENSMEN FORUM    Amateur to Pro    Flickr Tour Bus    Award Winner    Your Best Photos!    Digital Art and Graphix    FREE*    Keine Zensur!!!    No Flickr censorship!    Places in Brazil    Amateur Photo Club    **WORK with PHOTOSHOP** (1 Post / 2 Comments)    CLICK FLICK n GO    flickr stickr    **Explore Unexplored!** (10 Favs & No Explored)    *Best of Flickr* (Comment 1 / invite 2) PHOTOS ONLY    Por Amor al Arte    Flickr Meetup Magdeburg    Rincón Flickr......made in Chile    Fotos pelo Brasil    Flickr-Beginners-Group    Flickr Watch - The group that keeps tabs on everything Flickr!    Post 1- comment 10    Critique This! [ -25 Only]    CONTINENTAL COMMENTS    Nikon Canada    ~~~Flickr-ized~~~    晃晃 Everywhere walks    Flickr Unofficial Meeting    All from A to Z (Please Comment on atleast 3 images per Visit)    Flickr lickers/liquors    Photoshoot Japan    Wonderful world Mix ( Post 1 - Comment 5.) Please!!!    Flickr House!!    Flickrs heaven- post one- give 5 angels    Flickriver    Flickr Best (post 1 - give 5 awards)    Comunidad Fotoguia.org    Fl♥ckr Extraordinary Capture - Post 1 Comment 3    Click! P1-C2    Flickrmania    HeartFelt (Post 1, Comment 1)    Kuwait Art Photo Club (Post 1 Award 1)    Beauty In the Mundane    香港人!來吧!不願做攝影技術奴隸的人們!!    Pixel Imagem    Existing-Light Photography    Nikon Digital Learning Center    Colors de Novo    Flickr photos I would like to draw!    *THE PERFECT PHOTOGRAPHER (P1/A2)    FLICKR ART    Photography Un-limited    EXTREME PHOTOS !!!    Digital Arts Business    Sydney flickr    ONE SHOT!!!!!!    Zupi Magazine    My Kind of Picture Gallery    PHOTO NOW    Flickr Joust    Super Amazing Shots    Digital Scotland    Photo/Graphic Art    Flickr Arts - Post 1 Invite 1 Award 5.    Your Visions    Creative Photo Group_ BASIC (P1-C3)    Flickr Award - The Golden Ingot / Le Lingot d'or (invited)    ^^^ ^ El MuNdo De Las HadAS ^^^^    Stop the Moment! Photojournalism...    Gold Star Flickr Awards (Award 1 and Invite Your contacts.)    FLICKR FRINGE    Dazzling Shots | Post 1 comment 5 |    Flickr Football Fans    Very Flickr    ~Dimen~sions~ - No Rules No Games Just Photos    Discovery Photos: Post 1, Vote for 3    DPTnT - Digital Photography Tips and Techniques    Flickr happy moments    Nikon France    World Icon! (post 1, award 3, SWEEPER used)    The Photo Blog (Add 1/Comment 1:)    Happy Clicking    PicHunterGroup    FutBlog    The Best Pool    Better Than Good    Amateur or Professional who can tell    Northern Ireland/Ireland Flickr Meets    Artistic Color    ► SOMOS ÚNICOS! // Participa en los retos!!    Post The Best    Flickr's Lost Photographers    I used my best eye to take this!!    Nikon dSLR Portugal    FOTOGRAFI ALLO SBARAGLIO!    Flickr Monterrey    FOTOGRAFOS SIN EXPERIENCIA    All Nikon Photographers New and Experienced    - : Flickr Italia : -    Fotograficamente Group The Original    FlickRelax...    Italian Flickr World    Digital Universe    Love the Photo    Not In Explore But Should Have Been    Sudoeste do Paraná    Traveler's Photos    Sarawak flickr    Flickr War and Memory in Art and Photography Gallery    VI EDITION SALON DE ARTE DIGITAL (DIGITAL ART) DE MARACAIBO    Look at this!!!    恋爱写真 | Love Foto    Flickr4passionate    Flickr Fuvahmulah    Sociologia visuale/Visual Sociology    The best perspectives (no rules)    Flickr Rose Awards    1-2-3 Nikon    Digital Photography Lovers    Joinville, Brazil    COLORI!!!    Photographic Novels    Je suis venu(e) vous dire /I came and tell you    CLIKKANDO    unofficial digital camera magazine group    HABLA HISPANA -1, COM 5 en 15 fotos con el Codigo    Stranger Photos    Flickr Clickers    Digital Photography Life    Random Group of randomness    World Photography - Public Photos - Traveling - Life    Flickr Mosaics & Collages    THE WORLD IS BEAUTIFUL.    flickr photo group    攝影人碼頭 [ Photographer's Wharf ](post 1,award 2)    5 Million Photos    Flickr beautiful photo's    VISUAL PLEASURE    **Flickrian Delirium**    flickr food blog listr    calatorind prin.... viatza ( Journey through..... life )    *-Magic Moments-*    Flickrs Finest Fotos Contest on now !!    Megaward - for Comment Gluttons    Photography Club    Ace of Spades ♠    Love it!_Award 5 photos    GALERIE ANNE VIGNIAL    Dragon Gold Award " The Best Of Flickr "    Creative & Superb photos    Principiantes en Réflex    Photo of the Year 2007    Interesting / Interestingness - Share Tips    **feelinGroup**(Post1&Award2)No Naked Photos    Joyful day    GIVE ME A FRIENDLY SMILE    DIGITAL CAMERA CLUB (DCC) (P1/A2)    flickr sapporo    Orkut - Flickr - BR    Dynamic-PHOTO HDR    *Flickr - 1,5 million photos* We need all your pics !!!*    Nikon SLR and Sigma Lens (Tag : nikonsigma)    flickr vs "The Shot"    " Life Is Great - C'est La Vie - So ist das Leben !"    Beautiful Photos Only ( Post 1 Award 3 )    Spectacular    Unlimited!    Comment 1 Fave 1 Portraits    - - - - Dreamland - - - - -    flickr in full color [No Black & White !]    FOTO mania    Flickr Foods    Professional Taken    Nikon Passion    JnJJ    Colorful stuff    PERSONAL BEST - Preserving Meaningful Moments    COMMENTED WITH GREAT UNLIMITED    iPhone Brazil    Flickr's Classic Photography (Post 1 comment 2)    flickr men chile    PSDTUTS    Pictures Worth A Thousand Words - Post 1/Comment 2    Foto Brasil    Digital Art and Mixed Media    PHOTODIGITALDREAM    Hongkong photos ...Post 1 / Comment Any 1,Please don't be lazy    The Shot ( professional )    Novatos con disparador en mano    All Japan!    Teens with a Nikon    Flickr Treffen in München    Flickr Curitiba    PLACE IN THE WORLD    Flickr Sicilia    Explore doesn't know that I'm on Flickr!    Nikon Germany    Photos sans Frontières (NO PEOPLE) - P.1 / C.2    Photo-Dump    "This Photo Rocks!" (Post 7 - Award 3)    Flickr's Finest ~Invited Photos Only~    All in 1    photos for the world    "World Trekker" (Post 7 - Award 3)    Nikon Lovers    *** Total Photo *** (Post1/Comment3)    Worldwide Members Club    Flickr Exchange    "Check Out My New Pics!" (Post 10-Award 3)    Photoshop ONLY    Flickr's Youngest (Invite Only)    A Nobel Life    BRAZILIAN'S DAY BY DAY! Comment on your favourites!    flickr*holic    Popular Photography Magazine    -0 Comments! 0-    Photo.vn    Flickrs in Pakistan    The Coolest Damn Cool Photographers in the World    * Simple Things *    Flickr's Finest Pictures    Taiwan Walker 散步@台灣 (Post 1 Award 3)    NO RULES AT ALL    El RINCON DEL FOTOGRAFO (1 Post, Comment 1)    PHOTO TIME    Flickr Fuerteventura    Viagens - Brasil, Portugal, Europa, Américas, Ásia, África,..    貼圖推廣不勸敗    Explore Our World    Beginner photographers (Fotógrafos Iniciantes)    !MAGE    A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words    FlickrCentral Brasil    PHOTO SMILES - Photos That Make You SMILE! Post 1/Award 2    Positive Magazine    Colour Perfection (Comment 1)    Flickr's de Itaara    Nikons in New England    The Best Picture Gallery!    Flickr For Fun    THOUSAND WORDS IN ONE CLIK    SAF / South Atlanta Flickr    The Bistro (Founded 2008)    Fotógrafos da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa-CPLP    Freedom for Beginners    Comment with your own!    ORCA magazine    Nikon D40 (x) deutsch    My Flickr's World    Flickr Owl (post one, award three)    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    Europe in photos    Flickr Verse    Brasil - O Outro Lado    Picture Perfect (Post 1 - Comment 3)    ! ♡ Wow Photo [MUST Award 3] ° VOTE °    Shooting thinking about the Flickr photo!    Flickr goal (sube 1 marca 5 goles)    PHOTOFM ●● flickr - Sube 1 Premia 4    SampaClick    Bright Star Shot (post 1 - award 5)    Ion Magazine Photo Gallery    Nikon Outdoors    Nikon DSLR (10 per day)    Cinema and Photography    Creative Art Photography    Photography Lovers/ Amantes da Fotografia ( post 1 comment 2)    Digital Photo Exposition ©    Digital Art Romania    Photography Magazine, I Heart    Nikon D60 Worldwide    Flickr group *Storditi inside*    Nutz about Nikon! ++PLEASE JOIN++    Nikon - Edmonton    MICROSOFT: KEEP YOUR EVlL GRUBBY HANDS OFF OF OUR FLICKR    Isso é Brasil! / This is Brazil! / C'est le Brésil!    If Microsoft Acquires Flickr [Yahoo] I'm Dropping My Account    peaceful 安靜影像    Flickr Fotoclub Mannheim    Florida Digital Artists and Friends From Everywhere    Flickr Users AGAINST a Microsoft Buyout of Yahoo    TWiP    Flickrs BCN    - : FOTOGRAFI ITALIANI : -    Here, There and Everywhere    "Los mejores momentos de tu día"    Your Best Shots    Colours of the world    My Glance    Royal Group - Have a Good Light !    ****FLiCkr High Quality Photography****    Photosick - 攝影發燒友    Amateur Digital Photography Group    Flickr Better Halves    Titúlame    FLICKR PRO USERS ONLY    Flickr EXTRAORDINAIRE    " All Photo "    flickr famous    FOTOS ESPECTACULARES DO MUNDO    Flickr Romanian / vorbim romana !    Flickr Birthday    ONE Portugal    flickr orange    Colourful    Colores    Good Morning Flickr    San Isidro    HDR Brazil    TWIP Critique    The Group With No Rules v3.0    - VIEWS - your picture deserve more!    flickr contacts    How do you see the world?    MOMENTS COMPARTITS    Rules And Regulations.    DIAMOND HEART (Post 1-Comment 3)    Flickr Ideas Brazil    I miss Brazil    Mammoth Comments (Comment on 10, fave 5)    fabulous flicks (post 1 - Comment 3)    ஐUAE FLICKR PHOTOGRAPHERSஐ    Flickr_illuminatus_Africa    GR8 - Photos    flickr_illuminatus_Western_Europe    flickr_illuminatus_Asia    Good to be Alive.    flickr_illuminatus_world    Interesting photos!    Fotografia Fundamental    Flickr Number One !!    PHOTOS R US POST1 COMMENT 1 CLOSED    Flickr Nerds    Nikon Imaging    Flickr playlist    Best Photo, Best art, Best quality, Best sensation.    |!Flickeros Andaluceh!|    Vi, Gostei e Fotografei (Poste 1, Comente 3)    #FLICKR# Over The Shot ~ Post 1 ~ Invite 1 or Aw.2    Art Meets Photography    AiA: Global Citizens - Citoyens du Monde - Ciudadanos del Mundo    Photo Scavenger Hunts    Flickr Stockport UK    YourCountry    YourPhotoTips.com    Art Paranoia P1 / C3    Luminosity and Light    ! Quality Pixels! No 2nd Life Images    Flickr Press    We Can Do It    ! I Love My Pics No 2nd Life Pics!!    FLICKR ETHIOPIA    Nikon Users De La Republica Dominicana    DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY    ***SCREAM OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER***    Flickr Punsters    Todos por la PAZ_All for PEACE (Post 1/Award 2)    Flickr Balloon Award (Post 1 & Give 2 Balloons)    No Awards    Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down    Flickr Lovers / Flickr ı Sevenler **POST 1 COMMENT 5!!    Photos on flickr (post 1 comment 1)    Amateur coffee morning.    Oradaydım - I was there - [No rules - just photos]    One Million Photos    A Peach of a Shot    "IQ" - Image Quality    anything will do    NO VIDEO ON FLICKR!!!    Flickr Puerto Rico    ``SetSeeker    Photos of Photos of Photos    Photo Nirvana - No Videos    This is Why I Love Photography    Flickr, le livre en français    Flickr Garage    Fotos do Brasil    Good Shot Or Not    FLICKR PERÚ    Flickr is DeaD    COMMENTED WITH WONDERFUL UNLIMITED    Flickr El Salvador    Blogs in Flickr    Beautiful Clay County, Indiana    Aficionados con ganas de mostrarse - Fans with desire of would.    FOTOCYFER - The Light's Hunters    Flickr Rank    Flickr Explorers    (No limits)    Non-Stop Photo    Flickr Quality Group © (Post 1 & Comment 2)    FRAAI magazine - send us your creativity    Postcards from Brazil    PHOTO FILTER    This is Excellent    Flickrs Ignored photos!    Famous Japan    NIKON DIGITAL SINGLE LENS REFLEX GROUP!    Travel Planet    Flickr scares the world    One Million Photos Challenge    Plus+    TOP QUALITY IMAGES ONLY    It's been Explore'd    You made my day    Flickr Fresh    Sube lo que quieras-Upload any picture you like!(Post1-Comment1)    flickr catalunya    Nikon Rumors    COMMENTED WITH STUNNING UNLIMITED    "FUN" - Flickrs of the United Nations    Carnets de voyage    **The Best City Shots**(Post 1 & Comment Any 1)    10 Million Members    Brasiliana    Super Very Creative Photos Flickr!    Around The World In A Flickr    FlickrFreeBR    Photo of the Day: A Tribute to Jamie Livingston    Nikon UK photos/videos    Your Favorites On Flickr ((post many invite at least one))    Anything you like - Post 1- Comment 5    Kingdom magazine    Flickr travels the world    Flickers Without Frontiers    Amature Photographers    *****FROM MY LENS*****    APW (All Photos Welcome) No Limits    LOS TROTAMUNDO    flickr sbronze award    Una Imagen Vale Más Que Mil Palabras. RETO: Tu mejor foto    Show me what you got    Take It Outside! [No SL or AI]    Luz mágica    The Official Digital Camera Magazine Flickr Group    Nikon Romanian Club    TheColorWizards    Photos of Stuff I Took    那些從文字裡生出的景緻    花草&人物風景    "FLICKR POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHER" POST1/AWARD3 QUALITY IMAGES ONLY    Homemade photo equipment    LULA Magazine    ♥Addicted to Color♥    Booooooom.com!    ***** GreatShot *****    FlickR London Meet Up    Photo your life    Luarbiasa Photography    APRENDIZ BRASIL!!! CONHECER MAIS É FAZER MELHOR!    Visual Echo (POST ONE - ECHO ONE)    Nikon users @ Bogotá.    Living Life Through A Lens    Elite Photography (Post 1 Award 2 Fave 1)    T H E . W O R L D * Comment please!    Urban-Affairs Berlin    DIGITAL SLR PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP    Flickr ART society    Fabulous Shots    Seattle Photographers    British Photographers    Digital Fine Art    paololivorno'sfriends ( Post 1 - Award 2)    Photographic Defliction    Baú Group Images    Flickr 365    Lighting Aspects    Amazing Capture ***No Rules, No Banning, No Sweepers***    Galeria de Imagens Post 3 - Coment 3    Our Memories, Our Times    AIUB PHOTO CLUB    BRASIL RURAL    Flickr Group Awards    Professional Photography & Art    Amateur Photographers Critique (Post 1/Crit 2)    flickr essence    Photography Bay    Nuevos Fotografos    This is My Best Shot    ~*Flickr Pics That *WoW* Us*~    Europe - Good Photos from Europe    *DIGITAL WORLD    O interior do Brasil    "THE WORLD IN FLICKR" (NEW RULES)    ! ♡ Flickrian ♡ No Rules:) Feel Free to invite your Friends!    expat-blog    Flickrholic.....post anything!!!!! [No AI or SL]    Flickr Group Shots    Flickr's Ugliest Photos    *Mallmix ★ STAR ★ Award* (Post 1 Award 1)    Flickr: YOUR PHOTOS    Colour Mania    ALL MEMORIES WELCOME (Public Group)    Nikon Fun    FLICKR: YOUR MOST POPULAR PHOTO    Comment on my pictures--Post 1 comment on 2 Photos    PhotoTeam SuperluciuS - FLICKR Time    WOW just WOW (Competition VOTING)    *The Best Of The B-E-S-T Post 1/Comment 3    Flickr Nuevo León    Kedah Flickr    Action Snapshots    Urban Urban Urban    我愛定焦頭 | I ♥ Prime Lens    Fav dispenser - Beautiful for us!    MAGIC TOUCH (P1 / A1)    FOTOS DEL ALMA -PHOTOS OF THE SOUL    Belief in Amatuer Photography    Nikon - take photos is wonderful!    Dragon Dagger Awards ◇◇◇ moderated queue ◇    Good Enough For Explore    Reflections (Post 1 Award 3)    Penang Flickr Group    Pictures from my friends *no animals* use award code please!    The Biggest Group! - Playground For Psychotics    Nikon Latinoamerica    NIKON DIGITAL USERS    Flickr members from Eyre Peninsula    Click Monkeys    " Your BEST of Today " - Through MY Eyes    PATAGONICA ♥♥ Sube1 ► Premia 2 -♥- Post 1 ► Award 2    Photos Without photoshop    Top Honor of Photographer Paradise"Post 1 / Award 5"    I am flickr    Flickr-ING (As an Olympic Sport) Comment 2-Use Codes    Shutterbug Café    Nikon Critical    Just Great Photos    Brasil em FotO.    FlickR UaE    Flickr Pride    Fab Bow Award (P.1 & A.5) SWEEPER ACTIVE!!    !!Perfect Composition!!    AnyThing and EveryThing Photos    PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS - Comment 1 (Photographic elite)    **Super Best Shots on Flickr**/ P.1, A.5 ! NO COMMENT=BAN!    Addicted to Flickr (Quality images only!+Comment3)    Flickr Vip    Life is Beautiful ♥ - Temporarily CLOSED    A Real Gem! - Post One ~ Award Three - 10,000+ Members Strong!    The Biggest Group ! (The FUN group!)    Maravillas del nuevo mundo    Dragonfly Awards * Post1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP    Amateurs and Inspiration- Keepin it SIMPLE    **THE BEST VISIONS** ( Post 01, Award 03 )    Photos That Amaze Me    ♥ ♥~¤®§][woOOow][§®¤~♥ ♥    COLOUR PRIORITY    Flickr Stencl, stickr and Streetart    United Lefties of Flickr    Flickr Elite.    For The Love Of Comments! (post 1- comment 3)    Flickr "Just For Laughs": The Funniest Pictures Project!    Flickr Lovers    Flickr's Biggest Group    FlickrLand Express    台灣全記錄    Burlington Flickr Group    Flickr Universe    Heritage Key    Indian Nikon Lovers    Maratona Fotográfica de Santos (História do Brasil)    · Zafiro, post 1 invite 1 award 5    All kind of Photography    Good vs Evil Magazine    Ma plus belle photo de la semaine    Meu olhar sobre minha cidade    Flickr Forever Photos    Flickr Surf Brasil    LO MEJOR DE LO MEJOR / BEST OF BEST    Photos All over the World    Photo's of Morro Bay    Nikon Club Community    NZ Beginners-Intermediate Photography    Inspirational Photography    街頭的恰恰    Flickr's Masterpieces !!    Explored Beauty !    Bem Flickr...Bem Brasil    SCREW THE GROUPS WITH RULES!    Flickr en vrac    Nikon Alaska    FLICKR HAPPY -(P.1-com. 3) NEW 8th COMP.    Trailr St(u|a)ff    Photography 24/7 {We need some activity!}    flickr@neuchatel    Flickr Maryland    Flickr Tilt Shift    Rules (No Photos or Discussions Allowed!)    VISUAL ARTS!!    dZoom - Pasión por la Fotografia    COMMENT ON MY PICTURES    Flickr Promotion    Unique Flickr    Sunset Center    Sou do Brasil    Textual Photography    I'm Not Happy With The New flickr - Can I Have the Old One Back    Photo&Photo    ***El Baul de las Historias***    ふだんの素敵な瞬間 ~The wonderful moment ~    Nikon Russia    FlickrCentral With No Posting Limit    ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆    *Flickr's BEST* - SERIOUS Photographers - Post 1/Comment 3    Without EXPLORE    CTRL.ALT.SHIFT    FLICKR HOBBY AND TEXTURES    *The Master Photographer* Post 1 Comment on 3 SWEEPER NOW ACTIVE    Nikon Poland    Flickr Global Local    Show de Foto (Post 1, Comente 5 a Direta - Obrigatório)    Nikon Club Cebu    Flickr Meet - San Diego California    Las Cruces Flickr Group    !*Flickr Award Group*! (GIVE 5 AWARDS)    Light and Color    Photo Peckham    交換旅行    A Quiet Revolt    100.000.000 Flickr Photos [No AI or SL]    amateur photographers (no rules or limits)    Dreams Come True (Award on 3)    Amsterdam Blog Associates - Urban Creatives    THE flickr ARTISTS AWARD (award or invite one photo per post)    Flickr's MOST HUMONGOUS Group    Fotografare la bellezza    Paradise by the photographers light [No AI or SL]    (Digital) Paint Creations    flickr@metz    Falando de Fotografia    Groupe Pixfan.com    ::: bestPic :::    Nikon SOOC    *lost in translation*    Nikon België    Professional Photographs    Explore Bangladesh    Thumbs Up Awards (post 1 award 1 of the first 10)    Languages of Europe (please, the title in your language!)    1 shot    young and inspired    GWLK - نحن نحب الكويت    PLATEFORM magazine    PLANET PHOTO (Post 1 - Award 2)    鮮豔的活著living by colorful    єyэs..Aяoun∂ Thḛ gℓσβe (ADD1,AWARD2)    New photographers of all around the world    The WOW Gallery - Contest "What Makes You Happy"    決定性瞬間 / L'instant Decisif    REALLY COOL PHOTOS    O Mundo da Fotografia.    My photos & videos    Teenage Photographers (Nikon users)    Digital Photography _IMG_087    !* Dagmar ♥ Luna ♥ Sonja and Friends ! Post 1 / Award 2    amateur/ professional illustrators, artists, photographers and    THE BEST PHOTOS OF THE WORLD    Fotografi vagabondi    Topaz Software    INVITE ALL YOUR CONTACTS    ☆ Photos inside Photos ☆ SL    What Do You Love?    Flickr-Explorer    100,000 Photographs of Chattanooga    MY CAMERA NEVER LIES (P1+A3)Sweeper Active    NIKON INTERNATIONAL    Libre // Freedom // Freiheit // Liberté // Libertà // 自由    Unlimited Anything    Fotobook    Photos+Stories    Nikon en Español    PPA (Professional Photographers of America)    Welcome all the artists    Comment Me! [post 1, comment and score 5]    ! Flickr Cafe !    A Black Rose - Post 1/Award 3 → NO sales or 2end Life!!    this is what i bring to flickr    NIKON "D" CLUB    Photograph without rules!    Flickr-Ful (Post 1, Award 1 )    AWESOME ASIA post 1, award 3 (Join Us Please)    "LO VEO, ME GUSTA, ME INTERESA, LO FOTOGRAFÍO"    ***SPETTACOLARE*** for Flickr's Best Shots! Enjoy 60.000 photos    flickr at home    Nikon 36 × 24 mm    Digital Experience    ! Flickr World عالم الفلكر ! ( Post 1 Awards 9 )    Blood of the Young Zine    Français-fr-francophone - French-flickr - France et présentati    the king group    photos of your world    all cool pictures    Flickr Overflow    !* Sweet Mermaids and Big Sharks ! Post 1 / Award 2    Digitalphotos Magazine-Publish your photo!    Nikon Shots    The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Post 1-Award 3 a must/Sweeper    ! !^Good Morning Happiness Level 1    Nikon Friends & Fans    Nikon - Romania    FOTOPEDIA by Paul Mor (POST1-COMM3 )    FLICKR LOVE (Post 1 - Comment 1 - Invite 1)    Loving All Things Photography    FLICKR UPLOADS    I FlickR therefore I AM    El Otro Yo    Collective Flickr    On My Right......*comment 1*    Perfect Click Group: (P2 C1) Just Enjoy ! :)    American Continent    AFICIONADOS A LA FOTOGRAFIA    Great Job, Flickr!    TH!NK    Flickr Nations    World Wide Web Portal * Joy to the World!    ~ THE 20th CENTURY ~    If you had just one shot?    The Rules are "there are no rules"    Flickr - Home For Photographers    FLICKR NO ES FOTOLOG    NIKON DIGITAL CAMERA GROUP    Amazing+Photography    Flickr Clickr Awards (**post 1 comment 2**)    flickr in 6 degrees of connection    more than a snapshot    IMAG - Magazine of photography, image, graphic, art.    Twestival São Paulo    Absolutely Perrrfect:SWEEPER!!    Ustka    Photos that are top in your Flickr    Europe on Flickr    Nikon in the UK    Flickr Espírito Santo    Flickr members against free photos    DNG Photo Magazine    SL flickr Buddies!    Flickr in Photo    its just a dream    lovely existence    ĄŁ.ȜŁYĄ ♥ هَـلّ آلـعَـلْـيّــآ } Group    beautiful images    Photo Unlimited    You Are a Flickr Inspiration!    MOST EXCELLENT    自然の写真館 / Nature Gallery    Follow the LIGHT    Photography Meetups    Street Shot Burner    Flickr Photo's Group    Flickr Comics Mafia    Phototrend    FlickrGallery    We love Flickr!    Photos Without A Rabbit    The world of photography    FLICKR@LABUAN Malaysia    Fascination and love of life    The Best of Flickr!    PTT-DSLR 批踢踢數位單鏡反光相機板    FLICKR NOOBS (Post 1 - Give 5 Great Capture!!!)    Carpaccio Magazine    Flickr Light    Thinking Photography    Expo Photo Flickr à Toulouse    Flickr - RECIFE    Digital photography hobby    Flickr´s de Parla (Madrid)    Digital Photographer Magazine    we call it life    *Photo Artwork    The Daily Post    "Most Beautiful Pictures"    UHS Digital Photography    imagen y poesia    YEAH Magazine Contributor Search    flickr puzzle    All beautiful photos    Nikon One Touch    flickr Photographers And Their Cameras    free and proud    50 MILLION PHOTOS    Flickr's "BEST" pictures !!    flickr@saintbrieuc    * TRAVEL * (Please COMMENT with the CODE !)    ! The Flickr !    Great Job    as beautiful as you want    The Hundred Club of Flickr    Flickr's Favorite Group    Flickr 2011: Happy New Year    FILE - Photography and Graphic Design search.    COLORS OF THE SOUL ♡Post 1 - Comment 2♡    ☆ photoGraphers ☆ forEver ☆    Flickr Meetup Group Shots    ♥ From too close... ♥ (post 1 / Cmmnt 3)    FLICKR PALS    Muestra tus fotos en flickr    This is Brazil!!!Post 1 Comment 2    Nikon D5000 Club    I'm addicted    Addicted to Photograph(Post 2+Comment3)*SWEEPER ACTIVE*    Photos of the day-69    Ignored by Explore    Flickr random cool shots! (no sweepers here!)    Digital Era post1/award1    Twitter Brasil    Photo Retouching and Photo Editing    Flickr Petén    Flickr's Perfection ; Are you Good Enough?(Post 1/Comment 2)    Flickr_Concursos (Invite all contacts)    Camminare e fotografare – per strade di bosco e di città    Sparkle (Post 1- Comment 3)    Dicas de Fotografia    The Postcard Group [Post 1 - comment 1]    Heritage Key Virtual    ~Flickr Cafe~ Please invite your contacts!    :: Arte De Luz ::    Flickr Generation    Flickr - ES    ***All beautiful shots and many more.    Nikon Shooters of All Skill Levels    NO RULES GROUP ....    ♥ Camera Club    Flickr Explore Alternative    Conceptual Cinematic *Pics with stories*    !! Photo Lovers!(Post 2+Comment 3)*SWEEPER ACTIVE*    A day in the life of ours...    amateurs unlimited    I♥Flickr    FLICKR TURNS 5.25 - THE PARTY!    Light & Colors    ***Flickr Global    Your pics and shots [No AI or SL]    Amateur Photography Club (JOIN IN!)    Best angles - Beste Blickwinkel    Best Flickr Friends - B.F.Fs !    Clips (Post 1 - Comment 1)    Photos Around the World - Fotos de Todo el Mundo    منتديات نـزف قــطر    Nikon London    The Light Painters Society    ExceLENTES Fotográficas    Superbes Photos !    Flickr@Seattle    Digitalphotos Magazine    ♥ Flying Carpet Club ♥ Post 2/comment3    LB    BEST ORIGINAL SHOOTING 1 Photo / 2 Comment (No comment = Ban)T    Click Brasilis    Tar Heel Group (Award/comment 2 or more)    Just Creative    Pica magazine.    Abecedario de fotografìas: Un silencio interior    AMIAMOCI - post 2 award 3 SWEEPER ACTIVE    Flickr Textures    -- ESPRIMERE SE STESSI - EXPRESS YOURSELF - 50.000 + photos    Image And Imagination ~Post One Comment Three~    Flickr Vieste    FLICKR ADIKS    anyone on flickr    "GABRIGROUP"    Digital Lives    Nikon DSLR Challenge Group    Everything Nikon Digital SLR    Cidades do Brasil    L.A. Weekly Flickr Pool    Digital Ireland!    RazorMonkey Magazine    American Photo Creative Showcase    Serious Nikon Users    * All Ur Photos *    *That's MY Photo ! *    STRONGBOX Magazine    Nikon is the Best    Everything Nikon    HUH. Submissions    Comment Reciprocity    Flickr For Teenagers    SFF (SolidaryArt Flickr Friends)    Sapphire Awards *POST 1 - AWARD 3* *Sweeper Active*    FOTO PASION / PHOTO PASSION    The Creative Camera    Photo Funnies! (post.1/comment.1)    The Key of Your Mind GOLD ☼    Golden Awards P1 - A2    Flickrs Best Photos    I can feel it (Post 1/award 3) ~ [SWEEPER IS ACTIVE]    Nikon D300S Photographers - Contest Now!    FLICKR EL MÁGICO MUNDO DE LA FOTOGRAFÍA★ ;-))    THE PHOTOGROUP    Photo Technique    PetaPixel.com    Explore India    The NEW Flickr. "BEST" picts.!!    Flickr & Friends    ♦♦♦ TUTTI I FOTOGRAFI DEL MONDO ♦♦♦    The Flickr Underground    Flickr Free    Nikon-Club.de [NC]    Folk Arts - Arte Popular    b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l (award 2) - New Contest: SPRING COLORS    Flickr Photography Fun    :) Recoilx 2.    ++ ENERGIA POSITIVA ++ (CLOSED)    Brazil´s Diversity    REIZEN_Magazine    a summer of my own    ! * Flickr Hive Mind Group / Administration    Urban World    Gold Heart!(Post2+Comment5)*Sweeper Active*    Nikon - The world through my eyes    PHOTOS from your FAVOURITE MOVIES.    LA MIA IMMAGINE E LA SUA POESIA    Flickr Lovers Group    flickr stock    FLICKR BEST CANDID Photographs & PRODIGIOUS AWARDS Facebook + T    Nikon Concepción    NIkon photo gear    The WORLD to only a Click!!!    FREEDOM❥自由❥свобода❥자유❥LIBERTAS❥حرية    FAQMAGAZINE SUBMISSIONS    Nikon - Nature    Photos that bring a smile... :-)    Flickr Community (INVITE ALL CONTACTS)    perfect light    Flickr (Xela)    "ARTE E MISTERO NELLO SCATTO CREATIVO"    ¡Photo Op!    Flickr Social Club    Embrujo -Sólo fotos invitadas- Sube una (1) comenta tres (3)    Fluidr    Flickr showcase [Post 2 - Comment you like]    ♥ Shining Hearts ♥ Award 5 , Sweeper is On!    Geheimsache EXPLORE    Fotografías de Pilar de la Horadada    Nordic Photos    Super Photographer (Post1 -Award 5)    Itchy Eyee    Flickr How To    Nikon F bodies    Flickr Village!    Creative Photos are Happy Photos    TOTAL TALENT (POST 1 AWARD 5)    CLICK!! ♥ Post 1 / Comment 2    !! Shooting Star ✵ The Excellence ✵ (P1/A3)    ADMIRABLE FLICKRS    Fantastic Photography [1 post 2 awards]    Flickr Photo Contests [need more voters]    Phototuts+    Best Photos Around the World    1PocodMusica...y Muchas Fotos!! (post 1 and coment 1)    "SPARTACUS" Eyes without chains    ☼ Give Me Five - comment next 2 picture    Artist Spotlight P1 -AWARD 3 - Must comment    Sur Nikon    Flickr Stuff 93    Kasugai / 春日井 / Komaki / 小牧 / Inuyama / 犬山    Lugares de America Latina y El Caribe!    Flickr America    UNITY AWARDS : Post 1 Award 5 -    PiccieShare    Nikon (L)overs    flickr photographer from Burgenland to Vorarlberg    Photos Straight From The Camera No Photoshop    FlickrEverthing    ♣ PHOTODETAILS ♣    Obiettivo & Fotocamera    [][][]All Welcome[][][]    The Best Pictures of Flickr    La Mirada del fotografo y su Arte    Flickr Excellent: 10+ Faves Crown Jewels    Supreme Images * Post 1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    FOTO WOW (invited only) P1- AWARD 3    AMATO IMMAGINI - P1/C3    Camera Catches the Moment ♥♥ ফটোগ্রাফি    World Pictures    The Magical World of Photography!    Photos of L.A.(Lower Alabama}    100,000 for Health Care    Brasilien Brasil Brazil Brésil    Photographic Wizards * Post 1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    Zodiac Awards * Post 1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    A Hora Mágina / The Magic hour    Photo News Canada Gallery    No Rules! No limits! Just pictures!    Flickr-Kolik (Post1+Comment 3)    Vi, Gostei, Fotografei! Saw, Liked, Photographed! [P1.C1]    Brasilfotos Mil    * * Nossas Vidas / Nosso Mundo * Our Life / Our World * *    Anything you would show your Grandparents.    Holy Ghost Zine    Las 4 estaciones&The 4 seasons. Vivaldi (P 1/C 2)    photo spot    Flickr Twitters    Flickr Meetups Polk County FL (CLOSED)    Life and living    FILE - SUBMISSIONS    獻給那些被遺忘的日子    ♦♦♦ TAGLIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    7 [Seven] : Post1, Score7 - Quality photos ONLY! No comment=BAN!    Grupo Flickr contra el cáncer. NO GROUP LIMIT    Nikon Turkiye    The Photo Booth    united flickr    Revista Photo Magazine    one-two club    Flickr friends, just smaller    My Best Photos - Competitive Group - Post 2 Comment 2    no-limits Ohio    Divine Captures * Post 1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    Flickr AID - Post 1 Comment 3 (!!!NEW!!! HALL OF FAME THREAD)    It's digital Jim, but not as we know it    Salon de la photo Paris 2009    Best of Flickr - Add 3 per Day (1st CONTEST)    Scrapbook Studio    Nikongraphy    Sortie photo    Photos: Memórias/ Momentos e Nostalgia    My Best Shots!    Unicorn Awards *Post 1 - Award 3* *Sweeper Active*    ♦♦♦ TUTTI GLI SCATTI DEL MONDO ♦♦♦    Image Gallery... B&W and Colour !!! [No AI or SL]    PHOTOGRAPHY IS A STATE OF MIND AND LIFE STYLE.    Gorgeous images Award**post 1/award 1    All Safe Pics Welcome    artland    ¡ OH ! *qualitas*    PEACE AND FREEDOM    photo'swelike    Amigos de España    Nikon Professionals New York City    Flickr Galiza.Ferrol.    Nikon Beginners    Maquinária Festival 2009    La foto imperfecta    The FLICKR Guide!(Award 1,2 or 3 STARS)    *ELITE* FLICKR IDOL (w/ 6+FLICKR IDOL ) P.1Give3    Mermaid Awards *Post 1 - Award 3* *Sweeper Active*    "U.K. Photo Gallery" ( All Welcome )    ***A Place For Great Photographers*** Administration Approval    4 the "LOVE" of LOMO    Photos I dislike, but feel like posting anyways    flickr bilbao    TU FOTO ES ARTE - MINIS ABIERTOS    About You - (P2C2)    美しい花たち~Beautiful flowers!~    Work and Travel TR    Imperial Images * Post 1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    The Best Shots Only (P1 - C1)    Tourism Brazil    "TRA REALTà E SOGNO" ♪    *****MY FAVE (Admins Choice) P1/A3    POST and RUN (no comment and no awards, that´s what I like)    Flickr- Fotos/Photos - Arte Visual    美和藝術 Beauty and Art    * FOTO * CLUB * ( please post 1 and comment on minimum 2 )    Flickr Srbija    iLike This Pic    Photos of Barcelona    * Silver Star Award * (Post 2 & Award 3)    * Black Heart Award * (Post 2 & Award 3)    NIKON USER OF UPSTATE NEW YORK    Poppy Awards * Post 1 - Award 3 * Sweeper Active *    30 Million Photos    * Fish Award / P1&A1 *    **FLICKR AROUND THE WORLD - ♥ - OUR LOVE TO PHOTOGRAPH!**    FLICKR (people)    * Starfish Award / P1&A1 *    * The Lucky Group - P1&C1 *    FLICKERIANS    *Red Maple Award* P1 & C2    * Virgo Award / P1&A1 *    * Double Star Award * Post 2 & Award 3    The Little Things ~    Tumblr photographers    flickr 2010 P1/C2    Nikon!    ** ~ Flickr ~ Global ~ **    Nikon D3000 Italia (1P=1C) [ Contest PORTE ]    Flickr Awards - Colour (P1/A1)    Shutter Sisters 365    the image talks    Fotografía Libre    Photo 52    Flickr Healing Community ~ Let's Light a Candle!    Flickr's Ireland    STOKE-ON-TRENT 100    ALL PHOTOGRAPHERS NOW (Post1/Comment3)    Língua Portuguesa! - Comente suas fotos favoritas!    Nope Fun    Beginners Critique    Flickr Pekanbaru    Japanorama: For Lovers of Photography & Japan    Nexus One    photos d'amateur "presque" sans retouche    Have a Nice Day!!!    **Unseen~Asia** Post 1 Comment 1    Hay que mirar más al cielo    那些流浪的美    ART BY FOTO    ***Friends Flickr Award***- Remember Post 1 Award 3 - Sweeper on    online photo magazine    No limits-Sin limite (P1,A3)    CLICK GROUP مجموعة كلِــك للتصوير الضوئ    Flickr Lovers ( Pink & Blue )    Haut jura    Your photo of the day ~ tu foto del día    Your Very Best    Frederick County Digital Photography Club    Nikon D300/D300s España    ! *No hay camino para la paz, la paz es el camino!    Oh, Snap! General Submissions    Nikon Creative Lighting System Usergroup Germany    FLICKR Fotografia // flickr photography    Vania´s Group - Photos you like    CAPTURANDO LA LUZ    Photography And Dreams (P2/C2)    The Best of ArT [P1/P2]    Nikon Europe Group    .: Brazil Photo&Imagem :.    **Moment**    No sin mi cámara // Not without my camera    International CONTEST group    Flickr Freaks [Teens 21 And Under]    Photography News: Photo of the Day    Photographic Judge    A Cara do Brasil    Suspiros!!    "Only Good Photographs - PLEASE P1A2"    Flickr SHUTTERSPACE - Post 1 / Award 2, Please    **Cool Shot** - P1/A4 - Very Cool Indeed -    Artistic Impressions (Post 1: Comment 1)    NO RESTRICTIONS - Everybody is WELCOME    VIVIENDO GALICIA    le Pays de St Malo    La magia de la fotografía    !* Friends Playground NEW; please award and don't dump!    !* VAN GOGH AWARD (Post 1 / Award 2)    我唔係「龍友」,我不是攝影御宅族。    Vermeer Pearls.. (P1/A2)    Concurso de Fotografia 'A Fantasia da Moda    Our Wonderful World 2    Inspirationfeed    senza tempo... *P1/C2*    ART PHOTOGRAPHERS Salon    Creative Photography Inspirations    Soliduu ¡¡¡¡ ▲ High Quality Photos ▲ [P1-C3]    Viva la Vida! Alma e Cuore (P1-A5)    Fotografia DG - Foto Arte    Explore this - your best only    ~♥~ Best FRIENDS Group ~♥~ [Post 1 / Award 3]    Color my world!    THE ARTISTS Club    *Free shot* (Post 1 Award 5) HIGH QUALITY IMAGES ONLY!!!!!    School of Digital Photography    The Nikon Capture NX Resource Group    ●● Not a Terrorist ●●    1 billion photos    Natural Light Shooters    Earth creates - We are the users ♣ P1/A2    Concursos Fotográficos    Clik Clak (Post 1 Award 2)    Flickr Photo Friends    Foto Editors    ***Parisinita & friends NEW !!! (P1,C2)    DASMAN    *MM - Artistic Photos*    Digital Capture!    I Rock A Nikon!    * * * The House of Image Gallery (Post 1 and must Award 3)    Photos is Art    Nikon WILDLIFE & NATURE    Gold Medal [post1/comment2]    Flickr image star    Pictures for everyone.    Nikon LIFE & URBAN    Nikon EXPERIMENTS    *anything goes*    PHOTO / VIDEO COMPETITION >> "EPIC SUMMER"    °°°If there would be a flickr-Shop°°°    Nikon Lens 105mm 2.8 VR Nikkor    Now THAT's what I call art!    Exploring our Planet - Collection of photos from every corner of    Nikon Showcase    A Photos **( POST 1 AWARD 5 )**    FOTOpassione    SPARKAZINE    "LUMEN" ☀ Zauber des Lichtes ☼ Magic Light ✺    show me the art    flickr 1    ᗪiscovery .ᗯorld    [][][]Not only Facebook[][][]    A Camera Never Lies, well almost    [][][] let's work together for a better world[][][]    [][][]serenity group[][][]    listen to the secret melody of life    The D-Photo    photo addicts    SNIPPETS OF LIFE - RECORTES DA VIDA P1/A3    [][][]Uno scatto al giorno.....H.C.BRESSON[][][]    Brazil Futebol Club    FroKnowsPhoto.com    Nikon Fan Club, Bangaldesh    ♦♦♦ OCCHIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    Flickr PE    Nikon D5000 Indian Users    THE BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB! CORDIALLY YOURS!    Photo Infos    A Photographer [No AI or SL]    Digital Masterpiece    Wonderful Photos :) P1 - C3 - No People!    [][][] GREAT SHOT [][][]    Best of the Best on Flickr    StanceNation.com    FlickrNova    ENCONTROS FOTOGRÁFICOS    [][][]yokopakumayoko**International Photo Gallery**[][][]    Everything Flickr    some things are better than others!!!    Just any group    Camera+    Flickr Travels Around the World    Flickr Ohio    FINE Magazine - Photographer Search    The Watchers - Los Vigilantes    FLOOR primus (P1/AW 4) but you need 10 faves first to start    1-one    Open exhibition at Flickr! Post 1 Award 1 !    [][][]The scent of photography[][][]    ·PHOTOS·    ·Photo·    ·Flickr·    Fotos con arte - P 1 / C 2 please...    觀景窗裡的世界 World in the Viewfinder    OPEN SPACE FOR PHOTOGRAPHY!*    Flickr Concurso EN VOTACIÓN! VOTA YA!    CAJÓN DE SASTRE    WORLD Photography (Post 1 / Award 1)    ♥♥♥♫♫♪♫.I L0VE&WANT 0LD FLICKR..♫♫♪♫♥♥    FOTOGRAFI SENZA REGOLE- PHOTOGRAPHERS WITHOUT RULES    Every day blessings    We don't like the new Flickr layout ! >:-((    [][][]La Mascotte **Gallery**[][][]    Please Comment My Picture    [][][]100%PERFECT[][][]    Geko Photoclub    ♥♥♥ THREE HEARTS AWARD ♥♥♥ P1A1    Amateur vs Professional    Photo...photo...photo    Artistic Perspectives    Nikon's Best vs. Canon's Best    Flickr Queensland    I captured something awesome on this planet !    GOOD - BETTER - BEST [P1/C2]    Passione foto!    ***** King Mix *****    Photo Walk 2010 (Pak Khlong Talat)    FLICKR Antigua Guatemala    PHOTO WORLD(POST2-AWARD2)    flickr Travel Award (Post 1 - Award 3)    PHOTO MOMENT(POST2-AWARD2)    One photo, one history    All That's Beautiful Post 1 & Award 2 . . . Please    All photos group    Nikon South Africa    Flickr Fantastic Female Fotographers    Flickr VietNam    Photography Blogger    ThePhoblographer    poetic photos    Zen & Miksang    OpenAccessBase    Best of Flickr(P1/A5)    FotoVotr.com Amber Group    fotakas    Photo+Adventure    Peace and |ove [P1-C2]    GROUP CLOSED? TROLL ALERT!!    Beauty In Our Lives - Post 1 = Comment 1. Quality only!    My Friends Best Photos/Pics    ! G.A. Photo !    The Photography Group For Beginners    THE DRAGON BEST GROUP ❋ POST 1 - CMT 2 ❋    [][][]Super Group Photographic[][][]    * ~♥~Photography Is Love~♥~ (ONLY PHOTOGRAPHY) P 1 / C 2 ~    Comment_Me (Post 1, Comment 5)    Flickr Favorites (Post One, Pick One Favorite)    Unterwegs mit Nikon oder Tamron / go with nikon or tamron    ♥♥♥♥♥PHOTOGRAPHERS WORLD♥♥♥♥♥ P1/C3 SWEEPER    NIKON D7000 CAFE    FlickrComment (P1 C2)    Sun Award (P1/A4)    Foto che passione    LET'S CLEAN EXPLORE    Photos Unlimited - Give Me Your Varied Photos    !D.A.! digital art    DIMEX Digital IMage Exchange    Nikon User Group    ►the best shots◄ (Post 1 - Award 5)    * VARICOLORED (Post 1 ~ Award 1)    Digital Painted Photos    Hasta los mismísimos de poner comments...P 3 C 0 ;-))    La Macchina del Tempo Group ∼ award 3 thanks ∼    Blink Again - Post 1 - Comment 2 (no 30/60 limit )    ►the best pictures◄    WE and OUR Friends [C1-P2]    Good Photos - Good Views    Cores do Brasil - Colors of Brazil - I colori del Brasile    ►the best photos◄    Everything&Anything    Digital Photographers Global    ◙ Award & Fav ◙ (Post 1 = A&F 5)    ~Adorable Shot~    Fotografia excelente.    Flickr Amateurs    Mi cámara y yo - My Camera and Me (P-1 A-3) SWEEPER - ON    Digital Scratch    Tu Foto-Tu Reto: Concurso Semanal: Puente    My soul, my heart, my art. - P1 /C1 please...    Digital Photography - videos, training and tips    Flickr EXPO -- Explore Wonderful Photos ((ALL Photos Welcome))    Flickr Truth of your Photos_critique 2 photos just before yours    No Rules Corp    Pili's Beautiful Photo Gallery (Post 1 Award 3)    National Geographic Nomination Group    Amazing Textured Photos ***No Rules, No Banning, No Sweepers***    bdgflckr – Bandung Flickr    Best Photo on Flickr ~~~ (Must COMMENT or INVITE 3!!!)    N0 BAN! N0 RULES! N0 DETECTIVE !!!!!!!!!    Fine Gold    Flickr Fotografias - Photo    juba exposition de photos    HOTEL CALIFORNIA [P1/C1]    The Power Of Colors    Greek Flickr Users Group    ►the best photographs◄    !* JOY TO THE WORLD-HOW I CAN MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE    Freelensers    Photo Swap!    PIKA | International Juried Photography Exhibition, 3rd Edition    Photography as hobby.    Trans-Eguzkilore.    flickr kolkata    Broken Rules.    Nikon & Canon Hawaii    Flickr users on INSTAGRAM.    Union of Free Photographers    Fun Fantastic Flickr Favorites (P2/A3)    Great Images    WSIonlinebiz - Digital Marketing    las fotos mas espectaculares !!    YourSELF - Through Picture [Post 1 - Award 3]    ►the best photographies◄    Magazine for photo art    around the world in 1 million pictures    ☼PHOTO MAIS☼    New Force of Photography    Art,Photography and illustration    Your Personal Favorite    HAPPY CAMPER MAGAZINE    Flickr Tea House    show me what you feel    Fugitive Moment *´¨* Post 1 Award 1    !* Evergreen Beauty Group - P1/A2 - NO PEOPLE, ONLY NATURE*    FLICKR GALICIA shot award (P.1 - A.3)    Great Friends Meeting (Encontro de Grandes Amigos) - P1/C2    Digital Harinezumi España    Taking photographs is painting with light.    FOTO BRASIL! - POSTE 5 FOTOS! e premie 2 anteriores    Projet Photo 52 chez Bento Blog    Self Publish, Be Happy    Flickr Beginners    Fotojornalismo Universitário    Aprimorando através da critica fotográfica    BE FREE Photographer's Network    Club Photoblog 攝影札記俱樂部    O SINGULAR DO PLURAL - um olhar singular de um mundo plural    Publickr Flickr    Compañeros de afición    Forced "Awards" Are BS    Photo & Video Merivale    You Light It!    Amateur Exclusive    Flickr Amature & Pro    This is what we love    [][][]I'll show you pictures of my friends[][][]    Photograph is Memory    HUNAB KU    Fotos com fotos    Nikon 華人專區 | Nikon Chinese User Group    flickr Hong Kong    Flickr Explore Me    Eu Fotografo, Tu Fotografas, Ele(a) Fotografa ...    Softly Spoken    Great Flickr Quotes    Relax - it's sunday! P1/C1    Amador!!!    INFINITY GROUP    humeur du jour    Thanks from Luiza - Our group my Friends    Criartividades mil ;)    Photos for Wisconsin Workers!!    Como eu não pensei nisso antes?    Flickr Stalkrs    PhotoDonuts    The Pit Stop Shop    Flickr Obsession    Photo Idea    Wonderful Planet Earth    Le COOL    Show Flickr Your Photography    Flickr Karachi    Surprise Magazine    Flickr Oriente    Flickr-holics    *AROUND US* (Post 1 - Invite 1)    All purpose photography    Nikon (Nikonian)    Flickr members for Japan    Flickr OBSESSION'    Simply Photography !!!    Flickr Royal    Flickr Photography    Pop Photo's Photo of the Day    the world i see    Best FLICKR Photo (post 3 / award 3)    PHLEARN    ♣ ♣ El Grupo de los amig@s ♣ ♣    a dirty job - magazine    Il nuovo manifesto della fotografia artistica    Sakafotos    Flickr Photos Club    The Free Photographers (P2 C2)    Fotógrafos Amadores e Profissionais    Nikon D5100/5200/5300/5500/5600 Asia    !MY PHOTOGRAFIC WORLD!    We just love Photography!    Ilha da Trindade    !* A hug is worth a thousand words* NO Nudity & NO Sales!    FLICKR BRASIL : A BELEZA DO BRASIL    Flickr meet group photos    AVANT-GARDE ART    Fine Photography - FP (P3-C1)    Worldwide Flickr Friends    Nikon Ufficial Group    Tire Fotos, Deixe Apenas Pegadas... P3/A5    Gli amici di Marina    pictures we read, words we see - journalism    Add a comment    flickr男カメ部1年エロ組*    Magnificence Flickr    Different Photos    I'm Milano    Your Preferred Picture **WELCOME! **    Focus - Watch this - Projecting    O Segredo Por Trás Dos Meus Olhos    10 Million MORE Photos    The world in a click ♥    Eye's On The Camera (Post 1 / Award 3)    Nikon forever !    GP-MAGAZINE -Contributor Group-    Just post and have fun    Flickr to Tumblr    !Excellent Photos    Nikon do Brasil    !* Antologia Poetica / Poetic Anthology - By Odete de Paula    TOBENEAT    Flickr [Photo]graphy Lovers ♥    VERY NICE CAPTURES    ` FLICKR ´    Pelas ruas da cidade    Flickr Photo Competitions    Matt Granger - GYGO    PFB Magazine    El café de los fotográfos    ***PHOTO OF OUR MEMORIES***    Tra un Manifesto e Lo Specchio - High quality images    Phototech le mag    Photo Finland    Photo Shapes    Belo Horizonte, MG - Brasil    Flickr For Arab ( F.F.A)    imaginative world    photos of Yorkshire    FlickR | C&C Is Not Crime    Photos that WOW me    I just got a Nikon D3100.    ♦♦♦ PHOTO VERY NICE ♦♦♦    Fotografare Rivista    Flickr Amateur Photography    Flickr Photographer    ☼DIBUJANDO CON LA LUZ☼ - ☼DRAWING WITH LIGHT☼    Digital Photo Magazine / Russia    Cidades Brasileiras    ♥♥ MEM0RIES FR0M THE HEART ♥♥    ♥♥ FRIENDS TEAM ♥♥    ♥♥ VACATI0NS ♥♥    Nikon Deutschland    La Fotografia como Hobby    My favorite works of my Flickr friends    Περιοδικό ΦΩΤΟγράφος    Soul of Creativity ~ L1 - CLOSED    Wonderful Inspiration    N-Photo Mag    *Lens&camera*    My Friends Pictures ( Post - 1 Award - 3 )    FLICKR NYC    My 1st impressions    Magnificas Fotos ! ( Magnificent Photos ! )    Fotografía Facil    * Canonikos *    *Infinite Images    Puntuame(sube 1-comenta - 3)♣Score me(Post 1-Comment-3)SWEEPER    Flickr members of The Netherlands    Your Best Shot For Today    Nikon Photographs    Life_photographers    The Flickr Exchange    We love it !    A Photographers View    L'oeil du photographe - The Photographer's Eye .    Projet Photo 52 sur Vivre la Photographie 2012    Flickr Leap 365    Photoffee    Senseful (seminando pensiero)    *Vos photos-Your photos*    Organiconcrete    100 Quotes Project    Photographing the life    PLYM Magazine    flickr community against SOPA    "Talent Magazine" photography blog    Your view through the camera lens    Click a Pic [ post 1 - award 5 ] - SWEEPERS RUNNING    OBJETIVO EXPLORED    Photo-Power    Flickr Hall of Fame    PHOTO photo PHOTO photo PHOTO    Digital Camera World    The Number One    Good photo,good details--Film preferred    TARJETA VISA ORO PARA TU FOTOGRAFÍA    AtoutPixL***    Nikon Puerto Rico    comments and favorites    Photo Silly Advanced    Anything Nikon!!    PicMonkey    Taller fotografico - Uruguay    Eyes On The World    The Flickr Hub    Nikon Photography Group    Simplicity/Simpleza    The Best of The Best of Flickr    1 Quadrillion Pix    Camera, café...acción!!    Favorites of Flickr    100% Nikon.    SARDEGNA chiama SICILIA e viceversa.    Libro de Fotos / Photo Book    GOOD PICTURES. NO RULES    Magnifica    Simples assim    ♥Alma flamenca♥ Sube1♦Comenta2    Shutter Monks    MY PICS - blog fotografico    Flickr Awards Website Winners    Click of Art    flickr (unofficial)    Oh ! ......WOW!!!    Photo 911    Escrita com Luz 1 (P1/A3) Moderated Group    Anything in the World    ALPHA Awards from Sunriserjay's Circle o' FriendsLEVEL1(P1~A4)    la casa di Nadia & Valerio    flickr Quebec    No Rules & No Limit!    Flickr CPR    Our lovely World    The Magic of Photography    Amateur Photography Bangladesh    IMAGE II    PhotoOfYourDay    Flick Bar    You see what I see...    Nikon D3200 DSLR    il club di simpio96    Gαℓℓєяу P1★C4    [][][] Flickr. DNA [][][]    lys foto magazine    Fotografando pelas ruas da Cidade!    Love Our Earth    * " Get Creative On Flickr " (the public group) [NO MODELS]    ₪ FELIX + FRIENDS = FUN ₪ Please Award 2 Photos!    "Gli amici di Flickr"    Invisible Ph t grapher Asia (IPA) Flickr Community    Nikon Coolpix L810    NUESTRAS FOTOGRAFÍAS.    About FOTO Cult    Instagram Brazil    One 1    We are better.    Photo Sharing Club (PSC)    Something BLUE!! @ I LOVE it !!    Flickr center    World of details - Award Group (post 1/award 4)    Photography Skills    -- Felice ... Sutri Group    Photo Our World Gallery    Comments (Post 1, Comment 2)    Flickr Panasonic DMC-G5    In a Park    Schöne Fotos - beautiful photos    Composition Award (P-3 C-3)    SHOOT WITH PASSION    "This photo tempts me of..." (1 added= 3 comments)    > ONE rule . . . Post 1 to 4 - Comment 1 to 4 <    The Joy of Living ... / A Alegria de Viver ...    I Will Photograph Anything...Will You ?    The Photograph Bank    TANGRAM MAGAZIN    Flickr's BEST PICTURES    A Magnificent Photography & Awesome Arts .!!Post 1 Award 2.!    Flickr Enthusiasts (a Quality Photography Group)    Luna Photo (P1 - A2)    Photographs-Time Frozen - In A Split Second    fotografi per caso    Flickr, through your viewfinder P1/A5 if you have time    Shifted performance    Black Cat / Gat negre    -- Scatti tra luci ed ombre --    ''''★'''' Photography & Photoshop''''★''''    Beauty in Everything around Us    1 color dominates    flickr clickx    A to Z photography    FotoSpots    [][][] Modern Times [][][]    Flickr Autumn Contest 2012    Elite Group ~ You are simply the best ~ §1    Emphoka.com - International Collective of Emerging Photographers    Flickr for iPhone    Vision sound    Life in 360    Top Billboard 100 & Billboard 100    Fotofactory.    Sierpes Street, Seville and The World    Photograph Heaven    Se ti va commenta!-please no children    Photos d'Angevins #sbpa    Fine Captures Collection    APP Gardens from Facebook Flickr Twitter    Qualquer fotografia    " 2 Thumbs Up "    ShowCase Images    AMPt Community    HQ Photograpy    flickr 2 app    CryptoSocio    Water, Snow, Ice and Frost    Your Preferred Group Public    Flickr App    wuf'art    Vietnamese Young Flickrs    Photo Fans - Amantes de la fotografía    Undiscovered Pictures    La fotografia es Luz    Nikon D5100 Deutsch    All Photographers P.1 A.5    So Many Great Photographs...Add Yours Today    Solo Belle Foto! Just Beautiful Photos!    You dont take photography, you make it    Flickr UK    Flickr Flick    ♥♥♥♥0UTSIDE♥♥♥♥    Fotógrafos Focus León    Fotógrafos Anônimos    Nikon EL-Nikkor Lens Club ~ for all cameras    NIKON D7100 photography    Beauty is Beauty    "Les gentils coincés" (PdF)    WPC(World Photography Club)    Photographers aged 50 +    Photos I Like.    Expo Gallery    I love Flickr ♥    ***MEGAKLIK*LIVELLO 1 ***    An image to get a dream......    World Photographers' Photos WPP    One Day, One Week, One Vision    The Passion of Photography    Momento Yahoo!    [][][] MAESTRI della luce e del colore [][][]    * Everybodys Photo Group *(All Welcome)    Remaining Flickr Pro Users Group    NO THANK YOU, flickr !!!    PROTEST! New Flickr is the Worst Thing in History of Mankind!!!!    WE DON'T LIKE THE NEW FLICKR SCREEN    Our best collection    Nikon DSLR Photographers    Photo Walker    Spirit Magazine Submissions    Matthew Wardle Photo Tours    Pixelapprs Mobile Digital Art    BAT'S LAIR ( P 1 X A 3 ) SWEEPER IN OPERATION    Galerie FURORE !    Inmense Magazine    Photography is Life!!    €xperience Photo Project    Sube lo que quieras / Up what you want    FLICKR CHOICE (Post 1-Award 2) Keep Exploring!    Scottish Flickr Central    Life on planet earth    FLICKR TEEN    Fotografías sin limites !! 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Camera: Nikon D90, f/8.0, 1/1000 sec, 60mm (=90mm), ISO 200 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Nikon D90
Lens: 60.0 mm f/2.8
Aperture: f/8.0
Exposure Time: 0.001 sec (1/1000)
Focal Length: 60mm (35mm equivalent: 90mm)
ISO: 200
Exposure Bias: -1 EV
Flash: No Flash
Exposure Program: Aperture-priority AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Center-weighted average
White Balance: Auto
Sharpness: Hard
Color Space: Uncalibrated
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
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