Soft Vibes~

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Soft Vibes~

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Taken on: April 23, 2017
Groups appears in:   Amateur Digital Photography/Help and Ideas    Portraiture Photography (of real people)    more » FlickrCentral    DeviantArt    Canon DSLR User Group    Photography    Fashion    Portraiture (of real people)    deviantART Deviants    Chile    Portrait (real persons only)    canon photography    FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY (real person)    Pink    Color and Colors - No computer-generated posts.    Lucid & Mysterious    I Love My Canon    All People    Canon Current & past models (ie new 5D MKIII and old 300D)    Young Photographers    Amateurs    Portrait★Faces    Soft    FASHION EDITORIAL PHOTOGRAPHY (Critique)    Gorgeous    Streetshots (people in the street)    50mm (The original 50mm group)    People in the City    GirlsWithAttitude    FASHION AND GLAMOUR    Fashion & Style    - I LOVE NATURE -    Beautiful Eyes    The Models That We Shoot    Pop culture    I love FOTOGRAFIA    city life    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    Beautiful People    VOGUE    Nice pictures    *Interesting Portraits    *Beautiful Girls* ~ No AI    ChileUrbano    Quinta Región de Valparaíso + Easter Island & Robinson Crusoe    COLOR [directory] 色    Canon Chile    Portraits -    Portraits... Get Closer!    FOTOGRAFÍA, aprendamos juntos    CHILE FOTO    Photoshoot    Powerful Portraits    Bokeh: Smooth & Silky    Belleza Chilena    The World Through My Eyes ...    amateur hour    Portrait Club    Girl Photographers    Indie Kids    The Portrait Group    Ella es Chilena - She´s Chilean    My Favourite    50mm    Girls World    Young... photographers    Portrait of FACE < Head to Shoulder Shots Only >    Flickr VOGUE    Chile Libre    Self Taught Photographers - LOOK AT DISCUSSIONS FIRST!    MODEL FOR A DAY (NO SELFPORTRAIT)    THE BEST CHILE PHOTOS    Photoshoots    Canonistas    The Flickr Portrait Gallery    Mujeres fotógrafas    Fashion Photographers    Chile Joven    Portraits of wonderful people    FASHION ♥ PASSION    Faces of Portraits    Beautiful Capture    Retratos ( pessoas)    One Of A Kind    Portraits 'n Fashion    bokeh whores    girl's portrait    Portraits Unlimited    Chilean, Argentina and every were models & Photo Studio    Extreme Bokeh    GIRLS/GIRLS/GIRLS    * **SPONTANEOUS PORTAIT//RETRATO ESPONTÁNEO***    Fashion Chile    She is Pretty!    Chile Fashion    "Women Portraits"    PERSONAL BEST - Preserving Meaningful Moments    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    The Best Photos from Chile [NOT VIDEOS]    F a s h i o n M a g a z i n e    Happy-Face (Human faces)    pretty girl    Retratos ★ Chile    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    Beautiful - Pretty & Cute >>>    Chile Outdoors    INDIE AND ALTERNATIVE FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY    #FLICKR# Over The Shot ~ Post 1 ~ Invite 1 or Aw.2    ***SCREAM OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER***    MODELOS CHILE    Portrait Photography Business    Fashion World    *****FROM MY LENS*****    Fashion Asia    Modern Portraits (and Self-Portraits)    your portraits Chile    Tus Retratos    Jovenes-Fotografos    Model Republic    Amateurs and Inspiration- Keepin it SIMPLE    Photo Fashion    People & Portrait Photography    Modelos Chilena(o)s    Explored Beauty !    Retratos Especiais / Special Portraits    Retratos y Autorretratos    ♥♥ People around us ♥♥    Bokeh-holics Anonymous    Modeling Shoots    Paradise by the photographers light [No AI or SL]    ► Retratos    Retratos, posados o robados    Mundo Fashion / Fashion World    FASHION CENTRAL    CANON-NO LIMIT    BOKEH creative photography (shapes)    Portrait Obsession    Retrato - Portrait    Flickr's "BEST" pictures !!    as beautiful as you want    ***Flickr Global    ▲ cult    Portraits have Souls    HUH. Submissions    Flickr Community (INVITE ALL CONTACTS)    Modelos Santiago y Viña del Mar    Your Photoshoot.    I Love My 50mm    Sesiones fotográficas y retratos    Portrait Beauty !    美和藝術 Beauty and Art    Tumblr photographers    Portrait World (人像世界)    A Portrait Group    Canonistas - Chile    Asian Street Fashion-Inspired Photobook    FlickrNova    Portraits and Faces    Fotografia excelente.    Pretty Portraits ♥    Bokeh Photography (1/day)    Amateur Exclusive    The Purity of Beauty    Canon EOS Rebel T3 / 1100D    Imperdibles Canon    girls,girls    Canon Rebel T3 / EOS 1100D Group    Girls Universe Anime & Manga    ` FLICKR ´    EOS Adventure    CHILE OUTDOOR    flickr (unofficial)    Canon EOS Cameras.    EOS Experience    Wonderful world of Portraits    PORTRAITS ***    World Photographers' Photos WPP    *******Photo of LadyS *******    STREETFASHION MAGAZINE    Portfolio Explore    FEMALE WONDERWORLD    Canon 50mm f/1.8 f/1.4 f/1.2 f/1.0    « less
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