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Taken on: February 2, 2017
Sets appears in:   waterloo tunnel leake street   
Groups appears in:   Painted Wall Art    Graffiti Archaeology    more » aPeeling Paint    England    Typography and Lettering    ART DISTRICT    Art Now    Art and Artists.    internet artists gallery    Graffiti    + Designers ( 设计员,デザイナー )    Outsider Art    ! streetART ►poster ►paste ups ►installations →URL /-_-    Murals and Mosaics    Walls    !Catchy Colors    Color and Colors - No computer-generated posts.    Flickr Addicts    STREETART    Wooster Collective    Your Art - Not Photography (No SL images}    Public Art    Londonist    Murals & Graffiti    London Graffiti Streets    urban museum    Graffiti Art    Graff    HK Graffiti/Street Art    London Photographers    Street art    Pasted Paper    'i love you' graffiti    Urban Americana    Murals    ART OUT LOUD    Graffiti murals    graffiti streat art    graffiti - hall of fame    Graffiti Vs. Vandalisim    Graffiti Panorama    legal graffiti    The BongHitters    Graffitti    Street Art!    Street art trade    ABSTRACT ART - *comment 1 per post    The secret art of Graffiti Removal    Art For Artists sake    Walls Have Paint    urban [art&expression]    London Graffiti    urban bomb    Arte Urbana / Urban Art    Hip Hop Culture    Style Writing    Stoner Culture    Art makes you happy!    Street Art Maps    Spray    Street Art on Flickr    Art: The revolution!    Street Stickers and Stencils    graffiti on the ground...sidewalks & streets    Graffiti Portraits    STREET STORIES    Urban Artist Collective    ! * Urban LIFE in Metropolis ////    Love to Draw or paint    Real Graffiti    high art    Look at my pics! Post 1, View 1, Contest open now!    Flickr Graffiti    Graffiti Classification    Graff General    *Graffiti, Tags and Street Stickers    Walls Speak To Us!    Barcelona Street Art    Street illegal    Urban street art    Street Art/ Graffiti (Arcane    Weird London    + Urban Art ( 都市艺术,都市芸術 )    Streetwriters!    Collages / 拼貼    Art in Public Spaces - 3 per day    My Art    ART-X    graffiti walls    London Tales    Grafitti & Street Art    Birmingham Graffiti and Street Art    Global Urban Art    Bomit Graffiti Street Art Community / Sticker Trades    >INSPIRE Collective    wallwatch    Streetart in south of France    Street Artists by Name    Bay Area Graffiti    Graffiti / Street Art    graffiti actions    Paste-Ups-Only    texture whores    Graffitiology Central    artAttack!!!    graffiti    graffiti in the street    World Of Streetart    Urban Art Show    urban art    Graffiti Street Art - Sticker Traders    urban graffity    Urban Layers - New Looks    Public Graffiti Co Uk: please geo tag    LONDON CALLING - no big ben please.    Scandinavian Graffiti    *** A C R Y L I C ☼ P A I N T I N G ***    graffiti planet    streetart unlimited!    Around the U    GRAFFITI PICTURES @ WWW.PUREGRAFFITI.COM    Obsessive Compulsive Art Tendencies (OCAT)    HOLLAND GRAFFITI / STREETART    ! WorldWide Art & Supply Trade !    Artists of flickr!    :: Just Art- "Be Creativ" ::    street art poster designs    Graffiti on graffiti.    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    Graffiti_Arts    Aerosol Art of Character    Urban Art or Vandalism?    Street Installs    Arte de Calle - Graffiti / Venezuela    street art , art 2 rue    Typophile // typography, lettering and design    I lof Graffiti    Spray Paint Art    Wild Style    cali graffiti    Today's Art is on the Wall: Photographic Documentation    GRAFF DAMAGE!!!    Art of Urbex    GRAFFITI is not STREET ART    Street-Art    StReeT ArT / EuRoPE (Only invited photos)    Street photography, hardcore    Graffiti Hunters    Street art Magazine development and creation    Urban Abandonments    Graffiti the Suburban Streetart Magazine    Graffiti Land Maps    Paris Graffiti    London Artists & Designers    public art heroes    graffiti heaven    Rayas, Graffittis, Stencils & Tags    Bomb It - The Movie    Graffiti Anywhere    graffiti on acid    Graffiti .....East Coast,West coast,&, International    Streetart in Europe!    Tags and Throw ups    London, how we are    Worldwide GRAFFITI    Street Art - Shows, Galleries and Events (Call for Submissions)    Colour Art Awards -=Post 1, Award 3=- (Colours ONLY)    SÃO PAULO GRAFFITI    Graffiti Design Exchange Group. [ Graffiti writers only ]    A WRITING on the WALL    GRAFFITICORE    Graffiti Photography    London!    "The Psychedelic Colour Group" (COMMENT on any 2)    street calligraphy    Fontanel    Graffiti on Trees    Grafitti Hearts    GRAFFITI NATION    " Damn Cool Photographers in the WORLD " .♥.♥.♥    Graffiti Detail    *GRAFFITI PROJECTS*    Photos That Rock! Comment 2    Coloursplosion! (Post 1, Award 1, Invite 1 to Group)    INDOOR WALL DESIGN    Gold Star Awards Level 1 (1P/3C)    Art Bandits(art not photography)    Street Art in your House    Graffiti World    Street baz'art    攝影人碼頭 [ Photographer's Wharf ](post 1,award 2)    STREET ART N°1    Beautiful Streetart    Artsy Twin Cities    Street Photographers    URBAN ART CENTER    DigitalGraffiti    Street Lab    STREET ART N°3    Black Book/Sketches    Photorealistic Graffiti    Been Pimpin' Since Been Pimpin'    South East UK Graffiti    Caps 'n Cans    "MUITA TINTA"......... "A LOT OF PAINT"    GRAFF FRANCAIS    streetZ    uk graff    ART ON THE WALLS    GRAFFITY ART    Dirty Walls    NIGHT WRITERZ    graffiti = letters    * STREETART    Urban Alt    *KINGS OF GRAFF*    Graffitti and tagging as art    Urban Walls    legal graffiti in europe    Art Meets Photography    Secret Graffiti    Urban - Photography    Legal graffiti walls around the world    Graffiti of the world    I LOVE STREET ART    Trans 1    graffiti blackbooks    PHOTOGRAFFITI    Brixton/Stockwell Graffiti Hall of Fame    Sardegna Graffiti    Graffiti Sketches    City's Murales    UKStreetArt    Drippy Tags    Bringing Down the NEW WORLD ORDER w/ GRAFFITI & STREET ART!!    Art-Color-Fun. (Pos 1, Award on 2)    WRITING ITALIANO    The Ghetto - Inner City Life    VNDLSM    graffs et usines desaffectees    ART FOR PEACE    Graffiti Postcards    GRAFFITI AWARDS! (Worldwide)    Tags!Tags!Tags!    URBANISM magazine    Urban Art SP    Colour Mania    Art in the city    Graffiti. La Internacional    ConstructivexDestruction    Street Art Anywhere    Good vs Evil Magazine    crackforyoureyes    AAEW - AEROSOL ART EAST WEST    VISUAL ARTS!!    Archivo Callejero    checkdis    Leake St Hall of Fame    People and Art    PHOTOGRAPH GRAFFITIS OF NIGHT    Abstract Graffiti    Wordplay magazine    Street Art London    One World Street Art & Graffiti    Welcome all the artists    unurth pool    VIZIOMAG art magazine    Creative Tempest    Graffiti & Street Art Group    BN Post it up!    New York Style    Yorkshire Graffiti UK    Wall Fetish    This Is Graffiti    Curbs and Stoops    bombers only    Graffiti Artistz Or Vandalz (Around The World )...    THE WORKSPACE    LSD - London Street-Art Design    Graff Books & Mags    GRAFFITI WIT SWAG"    Graff Ladies    ASIA GRAFFITI COLLECTION / 亞洲作品分享群    Endless Canvas (Graffiti / Street Art)    FLUXO    Dutch Damage - Dutch graffiti at its best    Carpet Bombing Culture: Street Art and Graffiti    Beautiful Photo ( Post 2 - Comment 5.)*SWEEPER ACTIVE*    Murs peints    ===> Graffiti Arrows ------->    SOCIAL VANDALISM & NETWORK ACTIVISM    Custom Letters    STart (street art)    Bloodwars Magazine    DazzlePix URBAN ART    Missing pieces    Flickr Community (INVITE ALL CONTACTS)    Mokamour    Free 10foot    Dents et street art. Teeth in street art    Graffiti photo traders    Mile End    Great Global Graffiti    Murals and Wall Art (not graffiti tags)    BlackBook Sketches!    Ran out of purple    LDN Graffiti Street Art    THE FLOP.    ► Army of Experimental Street Art. ◄    Global Art Public Space - G.A.P.S. -    TAG TAG TAG    World Wide Graffiti    Milano Graffiti & Streetart    Stuff On Walls    Ironlak    GRAFFITI BATTLES/ DRAWINGS    Big Burners    Graffiti is art.    World Wide Vandal    artland    Graffiti For The Masses    **BRITISH GRAFFITI**    The Obsession    the wanderers    ONE MILLION PROJECT    GETTING UP    StreetLevel    Writers of graffiti    ***ART 2025 GROUP***ART FROM 2025 ONLY!    That can control    The Boiler House Graffiti Project    noord nederlandse graffiti    15,000 And Up Combo Project.    Graffiti-World    FRENCH STREET ART    ABSTRACT ART*    FREE AMUK    show me the art    I LOVE STREETART    GRAFFITI GENERALITY    Only Burners    Net City Art    Graffiti Appreciation Society    some things are better than others!!!    Fine Wall Art Murals    Graffiti Hall    觀景窗裡的世界 World in the Viewfinder    Arte ANARQUISTA    Monikers and tags    Décoration graffiti    ►the best shots◄ (Post 1 - Award 5)    We Love Street Art    Street art / graffiti / paste ups / stickers    Sitelpop Graff /street art pic of the month    ►the best photos◄    Art 2 La Rue Graffiti    stimulacra    South-west graffiti    ///STREET ART-ists///    Dope Graffiti Magazine    Writers in Heaven    FuriaMag®    Strictly Graffiti & Street Art    Arte urbano (plantillas, posters, pegatinas, murales...)    Analogue/Lomo Graffiti    Graffiti on Trucks    The Street Art    The Masters of Art ~ Comment 2    the world i see    *** Vida Loca ***    Graffiti-non-stop    ~ LES AMATEURS D´ART ~ ....P1 / A2    EaSteRn SuBurBs GraFFiti    Graffiti Italy    10 Million MORE Photos    Tra un Manifesto e Lo Specchio - High quality images    Dumbwall    ↑ Essential Art ↑    Anonymous Graffiti Magazine Flickr Submissions    vomito de tinta    Buff Fills    Weird Lines    ₪ GAGA 4 ARTS ₪ Please Award 2 Photos!    dirtyface - Submissions Group...    The Glorious Club    Take a photo of me in front of the tag-art!    Universal Art    Surreal Graffiti    B1 | Graffiti Art Forum . Ruhr    Street art and animals    fire of your ART - 2 awards please    Graffiti: Making A Change In The World    Graffiti & Art in Forgotten Places    URBAN ARTE (P1 - A1)    Graffiti Kingdom    Sierpes Street, Seville and The World    " 2 Thumbs Up "    Streetart Directory    Graffiti Hunter Society    Dope Ass Graff!    Art On The St    graff life !!    ♥ TURKEY ☪ TÜRKİYE ♥    Graffiti artist    Tlvstreetart    The Dark Side Of The Light - No Second Life    Street Art Characters / Spain & International    Art Museion    Graffiti-Streetart-Urbanart    The Blue Moon Gallery-Opted Out    ㋡ flickr ○● DEPOT ㋡    Murales Writers Art    FORMER ART - No Second Life Images    Urbex around the world    ♥ AMERIKA ᵄᶩ⊺⁅ ᵣᶯªᶵ|ᵥ ͤ ⱭϺӬƦΪ₵Ѧ ♥    Worlds Of Thrylium - NO SECOND LIFE    Galeria del Graffiti    Graffiti from the World    La Galeria del Grafismo    Art Dreamed ¤ No Second Life Images    GLOW !!    ㋡ YᴀʜᴏO! ⦿_⦿ U2丫?    ★ EUROPE ★ ЕВРОПА ★ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ ★ EUROPA ★    ♥ MEXICO ˅ᴵ˅ᴬ MÉXICO ♥ pls Join us    ₪ VIRTUAL ☀ WORLDS ₪ pls AWARD tnx    ₪ ÜberUrban ▓ Street Photography ▒ Straßenfotografie ₪    ₪ kre-ART-ive ·⸎· lab-ART-ory ₪    ₪ DÉJÀ-VU 見 SEEN AGAIN 曾 ṾẸĆ ṾḷĐẸṆỌ ₪    ㋡ LUDI FOTO LOCO ⍨ PHOTO CRAZY PHOTO ㋡    « less
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