Pharmacy Goodies

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Pharmacy Goodies

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Taken on: January 23, 2013
Sets appears in:   Wacky Packages    Iquitos, Peru   
Groups appears in:   packaged    Developing world    more » Typographical Happenstance    Funny Ha Ha!    Colors of the World    Peru    Humor    Typography and Lettering    Group of the easily amused...    Words    Funny    Found Type    Peru Images    Wacky Packages    Funny signs    World Culture    visit the world - the travel guide    Oddity’s and the Bizarre    Weird Stuff    Weird But Wonderful    W.T.F?    Travel Photography    You can't make this stuff up!    Interesting Signs    If You Don't Like It, Piss Off.    TRAVELPIX    Weird    Images from the Street    HAHAHAHA***ALL ABOUT FUNNY SIGNS***    This    Odd, Strange, Abnormal    Traveller's World    * Travel Photography for World Nomads *    Quirky Stuff !    Labels, Signs & Notices    TRAVEL Photography!    Just odd    Analogue of Weirdology    Weird Shit    Markets of the world    worldwidewandering - a travel atlas    Psychoanalyze This    FUNNIEST, MOST BIZARRE or TASTELESS pictures in your collection.    "Fun Pics"    National Trust for Hysteric Preservation    Anything Absurd    PHOTO NOW    Traveler's Photos    Markets and Bazaar from over the world    calatorind prin.... viatza ( Journey through..... life )    The World of Travel    Insanely Funny Ugly things and stuff    Funny Signs, Silly Signs, Old Signs and Signs and More signs    Weird But Strangely Wonderful    I love markets    Travelling Lens    ***Flickr Global    I see a sign    WORLD TRAVEL : Your traveling experience (50 photos@day)    ! Unbelievable and Strange !    Crazy Stuff From Around The World    the world i see    "Streetlife"    Travel and Daily Life    Photographers from around the world    Travel Photography - Through the eyes of the world    * just photos * no rules please use comment code appreciated    « less
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