Ladies of Kings Landing

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Ladies of Kings Landing

Taken on: September 17, 2023
Groups appears in:   Blur    Photography    more » Artistic Photography    Urban Entropy    wabi sabi suki    Soft    cityscapes    After Dark - Night Photography    PHOTOGRAPHERS OF CANADA    Photographic Art    RawShooter    sub/urbanscape place.    prime lenses (fixed focal length)    Art of Zen    The World Through My Eyes ...    Silhouettes Shape 'n Shadows    Carl Zeiss Jena    Manual Focus    PRIME 35mm LENS    City Pulse    Photographic Impressionism (Seeing Creatively)    Enthusiastic Amateurs    I bring my camera everywhere (no 30/60 limit)    Art of Photography    **Explore Unexplored!** (10 Favs & No Explored)    Flickriver    Existing-Light Photography    RawTherapee    urban poetry    Photographes du Québec    Urban - Photography    Manual Focus Lenses    "IQ" - Image Quality    A different point of view - for photographers    flou! sharpness is such a bourgeois concept!    !Art and Photography (seriously18+) INVITE ONLY    [UMAMI]    Melancholy Alley    Alternative Views    Abstract and arty - no rules except abstract and arty!    German Lenses    National Geographic Group    ICM - Intentional Camera Movement - The ORIGINAL - See News!    Street Photographer    Nikon!    Blur Baby Blur    ART BY FOTO    error.    This Old Lens    Nikon Camera + Manual Lens    Street Photos ONLY    Old Lenses Fanatics    Vintage lenses on DSLR(including mirrorless cameras)    The Long Exposure    Old and Manual Focus Lenses    ...that certain feeling    flickr every day!    Manual lens + digital camera    urban being - the world we built and live in (HQ)    Manual focus classic lenses with digital camera, RF, SLRs    Freedom Spirit    Amateur Photographer Magazine    RawTherapee Users    Flickr Social    This is Why I Bought A Camera    Colours of Flickr    60+ photographers    Carl Zeiss Jena DDR Flektogon 2.8/35mm    All Free Pictures (Creative Commons and Public Domain)    All great photos - No 30/60    Nikon Mirrorless Club    h y p n o s i s w a v e    FLICKR INTERNATIONAL - No 30/60 Groups Limit    Shadows and Moods    Brain Vision. Art.    Nikon Z Nation    NIKON Z SERIES    Nikon Z with legacy lenses    Photo-Phactory    *The Moody Moodpepper* ( Admin invite only)    THERE IS NO LIMIT FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC CREATION    General photographs    PHOTOS FOR CURE, MEDITATION AND DISCOVER THE GIFTS WE HAVE AND D    vintage optics    --> Studio F    Sublime♡Blur    Nikon Z5 photo and friend    * no limits, just quality photography!    Violet Lillies    ICM Force & Multiple Exposure    phenomenAgraphy    - Restless Mind -    *SPIRITED*    Through Your Adapted Lens    « less
Camera: Nikon Z 5, f/0, 1/6 sec, 0mm, ISO 2200 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Nikon Z 5
Aperture: f/0
Exposure Time: 0.167 sec (1/6)
Focal Length: 0mm
ISO: 2200
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No Flash
Exposure Program: Aperture-priority AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Gain Control: Low gain up
Contrast: High
Saturation: High
Sharpness: Hard
Color Space: Uncalibrated
Software: RawTherapee 5.9-8-gdcd2d3df0
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