Breakers vs. Revolution Youth Soccer Oct 20

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Breakers vs. Revolution Youth Soccer Oct 20

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Taken on: October 20, 2012
Sets appears in:   Breakers vs. Revolution Youth Soccer Oct 20   
Groups appears in:   Foveon    Emotions    more » Funny Ha Ha!    I Made it Myself    Flickr of Emotion    Football    internet artists gallery    Digital Photographers    Futebol / Football / Soccer    Soccer    Voigtlander    colorful    Magic Moments    Candid Camera (person not posing)    Photograph like painting    Young Photographers    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Happiness is....    Amateurs    High Contrast    Shoot From the Hip    Only In America    People Watching    Geotagged    Football Stars    FlickrTown    28mm or wider    Adventure Club    *football*    Flickr Dawgz    Photographic Art    INTERNATIONAL FLICKR FOLKS    Digital Art    L.A.    This is America    Most Interesting    A different point of view!    A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever.    Photography Corner    Flickr post unlimited (invite your contacts!)    ****Every picture tells a story****    Soccer Supporters    Digital Photography For Beginners    LAist Featured Photos    Progressive Photojournalism    Amateur Photography    Football...    PhotoClasse: Beginners in Photography.    This    d r e a m s c a p e s    without rules    Full of colors    Francophiles    Detail    Beginner    Aperture Users    Moments in life...    Candid    NO FLASH!    Beauty is Simple    Soccer: US National Teams    * Color Groups * Group    HUMAN CONDITION    VIVID COLOR    I LOVE CONTRAST    cultures around the world    Art - Drawing and Painting    poetic moments    blogTO    douban    Amateur Photographers    PHOTOGRAPHER IN ACTION    Shoot Wide Open    Non-league football    FlickrPeople    digital photography for everyone    I love Flickr!    Digital Photography - Learning Zone    1 Shot a Day    Reportages    Beyond Shotz - Online Monthly Photo Magazine    A Sense of Place    Girls Playing Sports    FLICKRZILLA! Invite EVERYONE!    Shoot into the Light!!!    Teenage Photographers    Snapshots of the World    CREATIVE MINDS    amateur hour    Most Beautiful Children    Deutsche Foto-Gruppe    Ambient Light    Challenge this If you Can??(Invite all your CONTACTS)    Photojournalism 2.0    M42    Older Photographers    Sad and Beautiful World    Colors Club    THE BIG GROUP    Random Acts of Photography    Flickr Angels    Beginners Digital Photography: Tips_Tricks_Hints    CentralFlickr    flickrFRESH    Passion and Creativity    Your world! Only colorful pictures!    Avant-Garde Photography    artAttack!!!    Football Photography    Photography Central    Passion for Football    Flickr - AllStarShots    Contrast    soccer-football    Contrasts and opposites    soccer and gymnastics    A MILLION FLICKS    The Colourful World    schwarz-und-weiss    Photographes amateurs francais    Colors!    ANYTHING & EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC / NO SL/AI    Amatuer Photography    !!Free Zone!!No RuleS    Clicknflickritis    I SHOOT PEOPLE    ::Free Your Mind::    Aspiring Young Photographers    Flickrholics - 3900+ members * Invite your Contacts    like a dream    Anything at all    Capture The Moment    The best photos on Flickr    U_MAG    PEOPLE WHO JUST LIKE TO TAKE PHOTOS    Do you think you have a good photo! Post it!    A MOMENT OF LIFE    *PhotosWorld* - The World in Photographs.    For Everyone    Flickrobsession / Flickrmania    Amatuer photographers learning to become professionals    * OUR WONDERFUL WORLD *    A Group About Nothing    Picture talks more than 1000 words!    God Bless America    soccer fans    Am I talented ? From amateur to professional    Forever Young    Life Through My Viewfinder    Let there be Light!    Scores for beginners    Colombia Professional    * Magical Worlds * Comment per Post Required!    Curbed LA    all photo    SOOC (Straight Out of the Camera)    Fotografia lo que se te antoje    I bring my camera everywhere (no 30/60 limit)    Objetivos    WowieKazowie!    1billionPhotos    football and games    Un0rdinary    Amateur Photography.    Flickr-Fotografen- Deutschland    Amateur makes great shot too!    Art of Photography    join this group if you use Sony Alpha    INDEPENDENT    A Celebration of Light - Let your Light Shine    !!! Beautiful, simply beautiful !!!    *Clair-Obscur / Darkness-Light*    EYE OF INSPIRATION & HAPPINESS (AWARD 3) NO COMMENT=BAN    Frankie Magazine Readers    flickr BEST PHOTO    DreamWorld: Amazing photos inside    Straight from camera ( POST 1 , AWARD 3 )    Priceless    Real Comments. A group that actually comments (really comments)    OBSESSIVE PHOTOGRAPHY (30 PER DAY)    OjoDigital    Photographers Club    Aspiring Young Photographers (30 and under)    CHENNAI LENSMEN FORUM    My life as Human - post 1 award 1    Your Best Photos!    A Vista de Objetivo    Flickr House!!    Flickrmania    Prismatic - Outstanding colors in Our world,TT5,Please vote    Images of Harmony    PHOTO NOW    Photographers with Compact Cameras    Your Visions    Stop the Moment! Photojournalism...    N A T U R E [no limits]    The Beauty of the World Through Your Eyes    FutBlog    Amateur or Professional who can tell    I used my best eye to take this!!    FOTOGRAFI ALLO SBARAGLIO!    New Romanticism    FlickRelax...    Best Shoot    The best perspectives (no rules)    Digital Photography Life    Random Group of randomness    Boston Professional Photographers    5 Million Photos    **Flickrian Delirium**    Flickrs Finest Fotos Contest on now !!    New Images Digital    Stock Shot    Amatuer Enthusiast and Art photography    Football - Soccer    **feelinGroup**(Post1&Award2)No Naked Photos    Feelgood Photos    Unlimited!    - - - - Dreamland - - - - -    My best photos - Le mie foto migliori    FOTO mania    Photos that make you smile ..Comment on at least one photo!!    JnJJ    PERSONAL BEST - Preserving Meaningful Moments    The Shot ( professional )    BLINK BLINK    PLACE IN THE WORLD    Girls Soccer    Worldwide Members Club    Popular Photography Magazine    Amaze and BE Amazed!    The Coolest Damn Cool Photographers in the World    FLICKRs BEST    CAMERALIFE    GREAT PHOTOS of the WORLD    Picture Perfect (Post 1 - Comment 3)    Future Soccer Stars    Bright Star Shot (post 1 - award 5)    Ion Magazine Photo Gallery    Football Pics.    Creative Art Photography    Crazy 4 Soccer    Photography Magazine, I Heart    The Picture Of Football    Football !mages    FLICKR PRO USERS ONLY    Colourful    Amateur Kids In The Town !!!    How do you see the world?    DIAMOND HEART (Post 1-Comment 3)    Flickr Nerds    Best Photo, Best art, Best quality, Best sensation.    Luminosity and Light    no rules Photo...........    Flickr Balloon Award (Post 1 & Give 2 Balloons)    NO VIDEO ON FLICKR!!!    Digital Photographer    This is Excellent    Fuel Your Creativity    Abduzeedos    TOP QUALITY IMAGES ONLY    A different point of view - for photographers    Carnets de voyage    10 Million Members    Visual Candies    Around The World In A Flickr    women & girls in sports    Beautiful Expression    Amature Photographers    ||| PORTAL FLICKR |||    Photographic share    Speed and Motion    Fotos Grandiosas! post 2 - award 2 next to yours    Flickr 365    Days out and about    Lighting Aspects    Amazing Capture ***No Rules, No Banning, No Sweepers***    Getty Images and the Flickr Collection (closed)    Flickr Group Awards    Photography Bay    Paisajes del Mundo anything!!!!! [No AI or SL]    Glenn-Imro Photo Art    FLICKR: YOUR MOST POPULAR PHOTO    WOW just WOW (Competition VOTING)    *My ART*    MOST INTERESTING SHOTS(P1/A3)[only interesting shots plz.!!!]    WE ARE CREATIVE PEOPLE!    The Biggest Group! - Playground For Psychotics    Flickr-ING (As an Olympic Sport) Comment 2-Use Codes    Sony Photographing.    Sony Alpha User DSLR Meets    Jovenes-Fotografos    PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS - Comment 1 (Photographic elite)    Amateurs and Inspiration- Keepin it SIMPLE    Off Pitch Football Photos - PortalKibica    PEOPLE,GENTE,LEUTE,GENS    *free shot* winners no losers...(post / comment / invite)    Football / Soccer Jerseys    Soccer life.. Nothing else matters    Flickr Universe    All kind of Photography    PEOPLE_OF_ THE_WORLD    Beauty of Life    Ambitious Photographers    SLR Brisbane Beginners - Intermediate Group    1,000 Cameras, One Love    FlickrCentral With No Posting Limit    Fotografare le persone / Photographing People    Light and Color    Natura per tutti    100.000.000 Flickr Photos [No AI or SL]    Natura Incontaminata    Fotografare la bellezza    Shadow of a Doubt    Falando de Fotografia    Professional Photographs    365 or less    Strictly GeoTagged (no 30/60 limit)    young and inspired    I should get paid for this shot! (post 1:comment 3 with code)    Colors Arts    diamond photographers club    PPA (Professional Photographers of America)    Welcome all the artists    ! Flickr Cafe !    this is what i bring to flickr    ! F l i c k r | S t y l e !    Post Processing Addicts    Flickr Overflow    People from around the World    TH!NK    World Wide Web Portal * Joy to the World!    Amazing+Photography    Flickr Clickr Awards (**post 1 comment 2**)    flickr in 6 degrees of connection    Absolutely Perrrfect:SWEEPER!!    Fussball / Futebol / Football / Soccer / Groundhopping    its just a dream    lovely existence    Go Into The Light!    Photography Meetups    Its all in the imagination    Giorno per giorno    Phototrend    FlickrGallery    Digital photography hobby    Colour Popping    YEAH Magazine Contributor Search    just cool pictures    50 MILLION PHOTOS    ! The Flickr !    as beautiful as you want    Light & Lighting    FILE - Photography and Graphic Design search.    The Best of Flickr!!!!    FLICKR PALS    Conceptual Cinematic *Pics with stories*    New MaXimum (No 30/60 Groups Limit)    Light & Colors    *poetry of images    Our Furry, Four-Legged Friends    Light Assassins    FLICKR ADIKS    L.A. Weekly Flickr Pool    the enchanted land    My Visual Diary    BORED? zine    * All Ur Photos *    FOTO PASION / PHOTO PASSION    THE PHOTOGROUP    Camera Does The Thinking    NATURALEZA EN MAGINA    LA MIA IMMAGINE E LA SUA POESIA    Critique: Help you and others become a better photographer    perfect light    Character Studies    ART OF LIGHT - ARTE DA LUZ    Football teams    [][][]All Welcome[][][]    photography for learners    StanceWorks - Low is a Lifestyle    The Magical World of Photography!    Frame from Life    Epic Photography    Stunning Shots    Las 4 estaciones&The 4 seasons. Vivaldi (P 1/C 2)    SHARE YOUR WORLD    Portfolio: artscape    Geo-Tagging the Planet one Photo at a Time    I Love Photography - Post 1/ Comment 2    ! * Cancer Can Be Beat! P1/A1 & Fave3 please!    365 young photographers    Image Gallery... B&W and Colour !!! [No AI or SL]    PHOTOGRAPHY IS A STATE OF MIND AND LIFE STYLE.    Gorgeous images Award**post 1/award 1    All Safe Pics Welcome    doubleyouwhy!    Football all the way    30 Million Photos    * Open *    Self Taught Photographers community    Geo-Tagged    Amateur Photographers Online    We Are Rebels    online photo magazine    Professional Photographers Challenge    SIMPLY YOUR BEST PHOTO (Post 1/ Award 3) / SWEEPER IS ON NOW    United for Football    Your best creation    Flickr Bronze Trophy Group (Post 1 MUST Comment 5!)    Barry Magazine Submissions    theprintspace    Vermeer Pearls.. (P1/A2)    Add Almost Any Photos, check rules.    FOOTBALL WORLD    World Football    Natural Light Shooters    JustStance    Digital Capture!    Camera Camaraderie    *anything goes*    THE BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB! CORDIALLY YOURS!    [][][]Nature.. Light and Color[][][]    walk melancholy    Bianco e nero passion    Just any group    *****OUR BEAUTIFUL PLANET! YOUR BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHY!*****    HUMANS BEING    [][][]100%PERFECT[][][]    Amateur vs Professional    Summer time captures    Passione foto!    FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    YOUNG BLOOD.    WAY Better Than Good    ! G.A. Photo !    The Photography Group For Beginners    Moments of Life    FlickrComment (P1 C2)    SHOW ME YOUR BEST !!!    DIMEX Digital IMage Exchange    🌐 WONDERS OF EARTH -Post 1 - Cmt 2-    Flipboard    Everything&Anything    Flickr Amateurs    juba exposition de photos    YourSELF - Through Picture [Post 1 - Award 3]    around the world in 1 million pictures    HAPPY CAMPER MAGAZINE    show me what you feel    The world we live in Post 1 Award 2    Thanks from Luiza - Our group my Friends    amazing shoots    Flickr Stalkrs    Surprise Magazine    Flickr Photography    Young photographers all around the world    AVANT-GARDE ART    Worldwide Flickr Friends    Gli amici di Marina    Add a comment    show me your best pics ever    Great Photography in Action -    !* Le temps passe... O tempo passa....    JazJaz Art & Photography    Beginners Bunch    !* Antologia Poetica / Poetic Anthology - By Odete de Paula    Gymnastic, Sport, Dance, Ballet, Flexibility, Fitness, (Sexual o    Picture Pride    VERY NICE CAPTURES    Matt Granger - GYGO    Variety is the spice of life    An Idle Mind    imaginative world    Fotografare Rivista    BeginnersUK    Quantum Entanglement    N-Photo Mag    Life_photographers    The Flickr Exchange    We love it !    A Photographers View    Photographers and Graphic designers!    Senseful (seminando pensiero)    *Vos photos-Your photos*    Tell Me What You Think (post 1-2 real comments)    Pro Photo - Flickr Group    Digital Camera World    Memories are photographs that records the heart    Because every picture has a story to tell* NO Sales NO Nude    Real Flickr Comments    Grasshoppers Photographers Community    PicMonkey    Eyes On The World    Lomogracinha    Magnifica    1000 Words by Grryo    Anything in the World    No Rules & No Limit!    IMAGE II    The best inspiration    il club di simpio96    football talk    About FOTO Cult    BOOKRIP    flickr clickx    The different kind of Art    Football- the true sport    A to Z photography    Vision sound    Fotofactory.    What My Camera Saw    The WorldWide Digital Photo Album    Look... What I Have Just Taken A Photograph Of    So Many Great Photographs...Add Yours Today    Photos store    Perfect Beauty II    Beauty is Beauty    Dreams Magazine    The Passion of Photography    Whomp Magazine    Spectral Zine    Our best collection    Reflex forever    Photography is Life!!    Whats your style?    What is your story?    Digital Photo Mag    Treasures of the World    Wonders of Childhood    Our World In Photographs    Let Your Camera...Do The Talking    The Photograph Factory    Photographs... A World In Rectangles    The Digital Paint Brush    Young Photographers Network    My time behind the lens No 30/60 limits    around the world, around of my camera(Post 1, Comment 2 AND Fave    Portfolio Explore    I AM THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHER    Made with heart    Not So Serious Photographers    Come On ...Show Us Your Photographs    Lovely collection    Any old Photo!!    Photograph Nirvana    Your best of the best    VKreations    Curious Interestingness    Faves of the Day    integrity illussion    The magic of freezing time    The Photo Pool    Just show off !!!    The Digital Photograph Vault    Flickr Social Camera Club- All Welcome    !*ALL ARE WELCOME*!    Anything Photographic    Photographic Groupies Group    Cologne Camera    world in colors    Photographs I Have Added To Many Groups    1st foto center    1 image vaut mieux que 1000 mots    PHOTO TRAP    Free Expression Photography    « less
Camera: Sony SLT-A65V, f/6.3, 1/1000 sec, 300mm (=450mm), ISO 100 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Sony SLT-A65V
Aperture: f/6.3
Exposure Time: 0.001 sec (1/1000)
Focal Length: 300mm (35mm equivalent: 450mm)
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Manual
Light Source: Other
Color Space: sRGB
Software: SLT-A65V v1.04
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