Before social distancing

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Before social distancing

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Taken on: April 10, 2020
Groups appears in:   People On Public Transit    Amsterdam (Mokum)    more » public transport    Period Photographs of Transportation (pre-1980)    Public Transit    Streetshots (people in the street)    Trams/Streetcars    People in the City    the human condition    Light Rail Vehicles Public Transportation etc..    Urban Mobility    Bus en tramhaltes / busstops / haltestelle / parada / abri    The Streets    tram    Trams All Over The World !    RAW Street Photography    "trams in amsterdam"    "trams and buses in amsterdam"    Tranvías, Trenes y Subtes    Trams & Buses    Lightrail worldwide    Tranvías    Zielanzeiger (öff Verk) // destination indicator (publ. transp)    TRAM TRAMWAY TROLLEY by AP    50+ Buses & Trams    (MONDE) Trams et Métros    Sporvogne, Straßenbahnen, streetcars, Trams    openbaar-vervoer    Amsterdam Eyes    Trams & Trolley Buses worldwide / Trambahnen & O-Busse weltweit    Gemeente Vervoer Bedrijf Amsterdam (GVB)    Amsterdam GVB 1G-7G Gelede trams (articulated trams)    Classic Transport    In The Streets    Tram-spotting    Subway, Trolley, Tram & Rapid Transit Trains of the World    Dutch Street Photographers    Rare Historic Pics    TRAM Worldwide    Straßenbahnfreunde - Tram friends - Tram des amis    Metros y Tranvias del mundo / Subway and trams of the world    TRAMS TRAMS TRAMS    Metropolitano do Mundo    Openbaar Vervoer in Nederland/Public transport in the Netherland    Trams/Straßenbahn/Tramway/Tramvej/Sporvogne    Trams in the world    Tram-, Translohr- and metrotracks and catenary (incl. trolleyb    Trams en Metro's in Nederland    Tram in the City    ALL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION.    TRASPORTO PUBBLICO/PUBLIC TRANSPORT    LIGHT RAIL EVERYWHERE    Best Public Transit Pictures (Worldwide)    On old Tracks / Auf alten Schienen / Op oude Rails    tramorama    « less
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