Tout en nuances !

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Tout en nuances !

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Taken on: July 7, 2023
Sets appears in:   Images Black&White    Images Fleurs   
Groups appears in:   FLOWERS    Nikon Digital    more » Photography    Magic Moments    Artistic Photography    Beautiful Light    ~Nature~    Noir & Blanc.    Nikon Digital SLRs    flowers in your eyes    White and Black Photography    Beauty of Nature    The Magic of Nature    ~*~Atmosphere~*~    Nature Heals the Soul    Digital Classic Black and White    ART - Whatever you like in Black & White [P1-C2]    Explore/INTERESTINGNESS Group    Flowers Group    La Macrophotographie    You Think this is Art    Nature & Landscapes    Beautiful Capture    Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G ED IF AF-S VR Micro Lens    So simple, so beautiful!    Your Best Photography    **Explore Unexplored!** (10 Favs & No Explored)    World of B&W + Sepia & other monochrome    Our world of nature    Nikon - Pixelistes - Portal Nikonistes    NATURE'S BEST    Nikon France    FLOWERS.........the magic of nature    ALSACE PHOTOGRAPHE    Flowers all kinds    Nikon Passion    nature's composition    "Check Out My New Pics!" (Post 10-Award 3)    Super Photos (Post 1; Award 2)    J'aime les fleurs.    Passion des fleurs    "Black and White Unlimited"    En Noir et Blanc    Pure, Simple and Natural    "Croque NATURE"    ~ A Flower a Day ~    Suisse romande et pays francophones    New Romantic (P1-C2; NO SL Please)    FLOWERS-Excellent Close-Ups:P1-AWARD 4. BREAK RULE=BAN ~ SWEEPER    Quality Black & White Images    black, white, and gray photography    Chasseur d'images "non officiel"    Les fleurs du bien/ P1 A3    "Au gré des chemins de randonnée" (PAS DE FLEURS S.V.P.)    ***Flickr Global    Flore sauvage du Québec    Vive la Nature !    Lenguaje de las flores✿ONLY FLOWERS P1-C3;-))    Nikon - Nature    Flower Beauty !    World of the Unusual - Insolite    Schwarz Weiss Fotografie    Natur und Umwelt    * * * The House of Image Gallery (Post 1 and must Award 3)    NATURAL BEAUTY PHOTOS    living in harmony with nature    schwarz & weiss / black & white / noir & blanc    cBW = [BLACK&WHITE] + Selective Color (P1/C2)    Insolites ! ( 1 post = 1 comment )    La passion de la Nature    !Best Black-and-White Images Ever (P1/A2)    Nikon D800-D850 and Nikon Z7-Z9 Users Group    The Best of Black & White ☯    The Monochrome Mind    Flowers, Glorious Flowers!    Flower Flower Flower    Wonderful flickr world (No people)    Nikon Nature    FlOwErS !    ♥♥ Mes Favoris "Coup de cœur" ♥♥    Fine Captures Collection    Your Preferred Group Public    Nikon D7100 DSLR    The Passion of Photography    EXPLORE *** NATURE THE WILD NATURE ***    Paysages en noir et blanc    Photographers from around the world    Haut-Rhin (Alsace)    straight to the heart    Nature and all that is beautiful    シ ◆◇ BLACK+WHITE World ☻☺ CRNO-BIJELI svijet △▼    Free Expression Photography    Top Photography...    Jede Jahreszeit hat ihren Reiz.... Each season has its charm    World in Black & White...    *Nature Capture*    Noir et Blanc...Black and White    Fée NATURE    Wild Nature Landscape Water    Nature photo passion    The best picture of the world    The Detail: Macro Photography    Nikon Wildlife, Flowers and the Beauty of Nature    D850 group    Photo Artistry    Art With Your Heart    NIKON D 850    Nikon D850 Official Club ★    D850 Club    NIKON D850 FRANCE    The best photographs from around the world.    Classic Black and White Photography    BEAUTY PHOTOS AROUND THE WORLD    Flower House    A Pleasant Shade of Grey    !Flickr Macro    All in black and white in the 11 dimensions known up to now    all the little details    Soft*Delicate*Dreamy    Licht-Sonne-Light-sun-lumière-soleil- Moon    --> Studio F    Floral Ballad    AN UNCOMMON MELODY    * no limits, just quality photography!    Flickr Macro Passion    Les fleurs qui m'effleurent.    - Restless Mind -    Art work for peace    Give Peace a Chance ☮ NO WAR [P1- C2]    Flickr Wildlife    « less
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