
Johnny [Shakedown]
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Taken on: January 13, 2017
Sets appears in:   Uninflected    Porträt    more » Meaning    « less
Groups appears in:   The Photographer's Club    Emotions    more » Portraiture Photography (of real people)    Canon DSLR User Group    Toronto    Photojournalism    BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO HEAVEN!    Photography    Portraiture (of real people)    StreetPhoto    B&W    Portrait (real persons only)    Art of Photography - The Eye of the Beholder!    canon photography    The Unofficial JPG Magazine Group    urban explorers    Story Project    Lights and Shadows    Artistic Photography    35mm *FILM* Photographers    Street Documentary: Story, Life, Human Connection    Black and White Photography    Flickr Addicts    Global Photojournalism    The Light Fantastic    STREETART    Candid Camera (person not posing)    strangers    urban negative    Lucid & Mysterious    For Photojournalism    AMaZiNG    I Love My Canon    All People    People of the World (no AI !)    Compositions    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Streetlife    High Contrast    Beautiful Women (AI, 2nd life or CD/TV/TS = ban )    !Posers    People in Black & White    Street Stuff    unposed    The Black & White Museum    Pro Corner: Semi-Pro and Professional Photography / Photographer    Everything B&W    StreetPhotography    complementary black white - cbw    People Watching    memento mori.    Streetshots (people in the street)    People in the City    City    Minas e Gerais    Story Time    Monochromatic world    dream or reality?    Urban Life    Snapgraphy    PHOTOGRAPHERS OF CANADA    Canon L and DO Lenses    Where in Toronto?    Cinematic Moments.    Creative Photography    Imagination    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    URBAN    Black & White Portraits    PEOPLEPIX    B&W DREAMS    Noir & Blanc.    Black & White Pictures    Most Interesting    Story    Canon EOS    The Street Photography Community    the human condition    Images from the Street    One Face @ a Time ~ Street Portraiture    street surreal    Great Shot!    Painterly (not AI)    Toronto Lovers    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    This    without rules    ▶Self Perception    Stories    Deep Thoughts (portraiture only)    B&W Gallery    Nice pictures    Full Frame Sensor group    *Interesting Portraits    Aperture Users    prime lenses (fixed focal length)    Toronto is where I live    Candid    Canon EOS 5D Series    Urban Life Perspectives    Street Portraits    Emotive Portraiture    Toronto Urban Exploration Photography    Life in Black & White    STREET STORIES    White and Black Photography    BEST in B&W photography    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    ! * Urban LIFE in Metropolis ////    Portraits -    The Cinematographer    Eyes of the Street    ABC (Always Be Capturing)    Photojournalism & Photojournalists    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    Portraits... Get Closer!    Places To See Before You Die    The Photographic Essay    People & Portraits    Cinematic Photography    Can I take your picture?    HIGH RESOLUTION STREET PORTRAITURE    A Sense of Place    Black & White Photography: PLEASE read guidelines    Powerful Portraits    Photography Gallery (3 photos/day)    canon digital photography.    CLICK the CAMERA    Lifestyle / 生活    The World Through My Eyes ...    CREATIVE MINDS    MAX Magazine    Avenues and Streets    Portrait Club    Canon Photos    Photojournalism 2.0    Toronto Unlimited    Digital Classic Black and White    portraits of women    People / No Children + Photo Titles    B&WPIX (1/day)    Natural Light Portraiture    Sad and Beautiful World    Strangers & Intimacy    Your mind, your photos    Canon Digital    >INSPIRE Collective    Flickr B&W    The Void - Images of Emptiness    *People All Over World*    CentralFlickr    The Portrait Group    Sneaky CANDID People images    Passion and Creativity    PRIME 35mm LENS    Canon Equipment    *Really Unlimited*    Toronto Photo    Fotografia - Espírito Santo    Digital Photography School    Torontoist Flickr Pool Alumni: Toronto Photos    The Streets    A MILLION FLICKS    MONOTONE    Candid made Uncandid    B+W    Street radical    STRANGERS!    Canon DSLR 中文版    I SHOOT PEOPLE    Portrait of FACE < Head to Shoulder Shots Only >    Streets of the World    Canon EOS SLR    Human Form - best portraits    A Place For Portraits    *Karma*    Portrait Portrait Portrait (Read THE RULE).....yes because there    Black and White Toronto Ontario (and surrounding area)    THE FEELING - Photos that move people (READ RULES)    Street portrait    Urbanphoto    Amanti del Bianco e Nero/ Lovers of Black and White photography    Portrait.Faces.Piercing    Emotive Photographs    Stunning Faces    Canon stunning photos    B & W    Urban Toronto    Canon * L * Series    Favorite Street Pictures    A Group About Nothing    Art for Art's Sake    Great People Shots    Canon Camera    Faces and faces - H.I.G.H.Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y.    _B&W_    Candid Captured Snapshots    An ever growing feeling of emptiness    All Day I Dream About Photography    Canon EF & EF-S: Official Tag Required    Bianco&Nero ITALIA    Canon L-series    People pictures    Black & White Pics    Street Composition (Fine Art Street Photography)    Photographing People!    Toronto Photography Enthusiasts Club    Life Through My Viewfinder    You see Canon!    World of Black and White    Documentary Photographers    B/W ... the world in black and white    I Love Black and White!    Impressive, Creative, and Unique Portraits    FELT LIFE    Mean Street Photography    Scenes From The Street    A Contemporary Modern World    Signal Sign Teng Merke Señal Seña Enseigne Insegne Segnali    PORTRAITS - A Gallery for your Best Portraiture    I bring my camera everywhere (no 30/60 limit)    粋 Iki (The Fantastic In The Familiar)    Toronto Street Candids    35 mm Photography    Art in Black and White    Street photography, hardcore    Light Painting - The Real Deal    Cultures    B/W Senza tempo - Timeless    A Better B&W Group    RAW Street Photography    Art of Photography    Contemporary Urban Art Photography    I Love B&W    Black and White [AllEdges]    Noir City    INDEPENDENT    Canon EF 35/1.4 L USM    Street Portraitist    Flickr Elite Group    intimate poetry    Environmental Portraiture Yeah!    Fullframe    girl's portrait    Descent into Darkness, Underground Photos    Extraordinary Compositions    Mystique    Cinematic Shots    L Glass Users Group    Urban B&W    La rue est à nous (the street is ours)    Cities in B+W    B&W Daily Life    Portraits Unlimited    Portraiture/Self-Portraiture    I collect light    The Canon Group    Faces!    Canon Camera Users - pictures with EXIF    i-D Magazine    Strange portraitS    Portraits on the Go    "OCCHI & SGUARDI"    World of B&W + Sepia & other monochrome    Great Canon SLR Photographers    Existing-Light Photography    Documentary Portraiture    *Black and White Gallery*    Zupi Magazine    PhotoPlus Magazine    Documentary Pictures (Narrative Photography)    Stop the Moment! Photojournalism...    Canon Users - Open group    Flickr Fine Art Portrait Gallery    Post The Best    Blanco y Negro - Black and White    Monochromia BW and toned monochrome only (HIGH quality only!!!)    Digital Photography Lovers    White/Black    B&N o B&W    Use your imagination    Ritratti dal Mondo    Strange and Unusual Photos    Jalalspages Anything B&W / Monochrome (Comment 2)    Wisdom Cries Out in The Streets.    VISUAL PLEASURE    Toronto in your eyes    streetpics    the lives of others    Canon EOS 5D Mark II Group    Streets In The City    Street Photographers    "Women Portraits"    JnJJ    Black & White Fn Art    AGÊNCIA MAGNUM GENÉRICA    Canon freak    StreetLife!    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    Out of context    BLINK BLINK    +LIFE IN MONO +    Joy of Black & White    Tu mundo Blanco......Y negro.    Black and white City scenes    Black and White II    urban poetry    Orrori e deliri urbani - Street photography    world in B&W    Positive Magazine    RITRATTI - PORTRAITS    Amore e poesia    My Toronto Is    Tributo a Magnum | Magnum tribute    Street & Reportage    Canon Heaven    National Geographic Faces of the World    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    worldwide street photography    Canon Lens - L Series    Cinema and Photography    Photography Magazine, I Heart    pure street    Fine Art Photography (in the footsteps of the masters)    SPACING MAGAZINE photo pool    ffffound!    Toronto Street Photography    Black and White Photojournalism    Street in B&W    flickr contacts    Urban Alt    Ouvrier de l'Image    GR8 - Photos    Fine Art Photography™    Urban - Photography    ***SCREAM OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER***    Oradaydım - I was there - [No rules - just photos]    Blackandwhite National Photography TOP    "IQ" - Image Quality    The Wanderlust    Shooting Strangers    Canon Fans 分享、熱情、專業    *Portrait de rue*    The world through photography    A different point of view - for photographers    being is bewildering    " It's A Black & White World... "    Urban Excellence    Le Noir et Blanc vu par.....Invite only    Percezioni Fotografiche - FIRENZE - Associazione culturale    En Noir et Blanc    This is art to me.    Booooooom.com!    Taken With CANON    cara feminina    Modern Portraits (and Self-Portraits)    Canon on a budget    A Beautiful ~ Moment    Emotional impact MyChoice    Baú Group Images    Canon Digital Learning Center    Look Through *Any Window* ~ Please Read = Radical Changes to Fut    Urban Art SP    Black & White Awards    Fotografia Blanco y Negro - Photography Black and White    CITY SIGHTS    Dismissing Explore-25+favs images with no explore(post 1 award1)    o n e    SUPER CANDID ~ the best candid photography    Only Black And White    Urban Urban Urban    LIGHTROOM ∞    扫街/Street Photography    Canon DSLR Learning Center    Canon EOS System    Love Black And White    Canon 5D Family    B&W - The Art of Photography    Art Called Woman - 193k+ POST 1 AWARD 2    Street Level – Street Photography (are you good enough?)    Orpheus Is A Snapshot    worldlightning    Canon Users (past and present)    Quality Black & White Images    5D Mark 1, II, III, IV, S, SR    ! The BEST of Black & White Photography (NO SEPIA)    Life in Classic Black and White    Portraits du monde    black, white, and gray photography    BW Femininity    Ambitious Photographers    CANDIDS NO FLASH    Fotografia da strada    ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆    Dismissing explore 15+favs pics with no explore-post 1 award    STREET collection    Urban Photography    Black and White Portrait Photo's    (Street Photography) عکاسی خیابانی    just DOF photos    Amsterdam Blog Associates - Urban Creatives    portrets only    Paradise by the photographers light [No AI or SL]    Canon SLR    Streets of mine    The Friendly Canon DSLR (or whatever) Group    The Urban Jungles    Street Photography / Fotografia callejera    *lost in translation*    PLATEFORM magazine    CANON~~~any camera by CANON    Black & White Faces    Canon Camera Users Group "The CCUG's"    TorontoLife.com    Black and White All Over    MONOCROMO// -Tópico de la semana #    BW This is personal!!!    THE ART OF PORTRAIT ~~¡¡ NEW ICON !!~~    Candid Street    CANON-NO LIMIT    ! Flickr Cafe !    Cafe Elite    ! F l i c k r | S t y l e !    "LO VEO, ME GUSTA, ME INTERESA, LO FOTOGRAFÍO"    different visions    Lightroom Processing    Street Photo    Straatfotografie    more than a snapshot    Alter Ego, B&W Photography    Soul Snatchers    POTPOURRI MAGAZINE    Best of Black & White    Portrait Obsession    MOST EXCELLENT    Phototrend    Photos Without A Rabbit    The world of photography    Portraits that tell a story.    The Photographers Association    Carpaccio Magazine    The Portrait Exhibit    YEAH Magazine Contributor Search    Leave your emotion at the door ::    ! The Flickr !    ...-Wink's Place-...    All Street Photography    Contrast +    Canon Classics    Normal?!    Passion with Photography    Black & white - Poetic streetshots    ***All beautiful shots and many more.    !* My Favorites Pics P1/C2 NO Nudity!!    ***Flickr Global    Your pics and shots [No AI or SL]    Loving Black and White Scenes    *poetry of images    Canon EOS-5D    Cinematic Photos    L'arte del Bianco e Nero    Black and White Street Portraits    Ilovethatphoto.net Photography Magazine    ★★★Shutter Bug - Tips & Tricks★★★    .. Meaningful Photography    * All Ur Photos *    Street B&W shots    Portraits have Souls    HUH. Submissions    The Creative Camera    The Candid Frame    The Canon Fodder Group    PetaPixel.com    STart (street art)    The Flickr Underground    Streetlife Inspiration    ! * Flickr Hive Mind Group / Administration    DIY eclect(r)icArt / shots    Canon EF Lenses Group    Alt. Portrait    *a cinematic world *    Character Studies    Street Memoirs    Gente-People    "SPARTACUS" Eyes without chains    The Great Photography    RAW Magazine Group    wow! this is awesome    Obiettivo & Fotocamera    Theatre Of Life    Tus fotos, Your pictures, Le tue foto, Tes photos,정의사진    Shoot the Street    Black and White Photography Art    NCP    Street Creed (street photography)    Black & White Done Right !.    Image Gallery... B&W and Colour !!! [No AI or SL]    A New Niche    Film Noir- American Style Cinema -NOTICE NEW RULES!    artland    Mordus de photos    Promenade....{ Street photography }    You are woman, you are beautiful, let the world see you    Soulful Black & White    "POEMA IN BIANCO E NERO" ♡ (Only Black and White) ♡    Open Lab Magazine    !Portfolio of People (HIGH QUALITY, ADMIN MODERATED p1/c2)    Show ur Snaps    Canon Image Lounge    EOS magazine Flickr group    Street Feedback    Canon EOS 1D 5D 6D    moments in our life    No rules only photos    美和藝術 Beauty and Art    People all around the world    + f i x a t e +    fotografia primo amore ( first love photography)    The Last Romantics    Social Documentary Photographers Group.    the wanderers    Street Shooter    L.O.F    Nope Fun    THE PHOTOCRAFT    Portrait World (人像世界)    ART BY FOTO    Photography is an art form    Being themselves; The Portrait Group    Kracauer group    In The Streets    The Best of ArT [P1/P2]    Prime Lens Portraits    Image Gallery / B&W !!!    Documenting the Human Life    Barry Magazine Submissions    theprintspace    Face Studies Of The World    STREET ART IN THE WORLD    Street Photography International - The SPI    Fstoppers    Ivory and Ebony (Only B&W, NO porn)    ≈ monochrome ≈    The Magic of Black & White    LIGHTROOM BLACK AND WHITE    Parts of Black and Light    La sociedad de la luz    Camera Camaraderie    holyurl    Black et Blanc    Dizajnersi [P1 / A2]    Vice AR    The Velvet Cell    The instant and its history    Being There    show me the art    The D-Photo    bittersweet sadness    Photo Infos    A Photographer [No AI or SL]    PHotoExpresión Black&White (Creative Art Work)    Bianco e nero passion    some things are better than others!!!    Black and white / Noir et Blanc    HUMANS BEING    EXISTentialism -- Emotions, People, Portraits    schwarz & weiss / black & white / noir & blanc    cBW = [BLACK&WHITE] + Selective Color (P1/C2)    Right Here, Right Now    Portraits and Faces    Street&Society    BLACK & WHITE NIRVANA    Image Portrait Gallery !!! - B&W or Color !!!    Passione foto!    Life in the Street Photography    ThePhoblographer    In & Out of Focus    Aspiring Street Photographers    LET'S CLEAN EXPLORE    Toronto, ON    my life is a picture...    Flipboard    I love Canon - Pro Photography    Fotografia excelente.    Flickr Amateurs    Artistic Portraits, Post Processed    all poets are blind    Fine Gold    STREET PHOTOGRAPHY -- Post your best PHOTOS    The Best of Black & White ☯    Interesting shot    The photographers world network    Reportagistic Style Portraits    100 Strangers extra bits    Like a stray dog    b&w URBEX !!black & white!!    Artistic B+W Portraits    Life in a glimpse    Self Publish, Be Happy    Canonisti www.canonisti.com    BE FREE Photographer's Network    La Banda Editada    The Street Photograph (Black and White Street Photography)    Street Photography - Image of People.    Photographer Universe    A New Form Of Beauty    flickr street 35    JUDOJUDO E LA FOTOGRAFIA    Portrait Portal Pro Photos (PPPP)    The Monochrome Mind    Canon you can-Users Group    ...Third Glance.    Enquire Mag    ◆◆◆ WORLD WITHOUT COLOURS ◆◆◆ POST1- CMT2    Women *Simply beautiful*    Le COOL    People in Canada    Flickr OBSESSION'    Best Images In Black And White    GRAIN - B+W photography magazine    pour vous !!    the world i see    PHLEARN    Street Photography in Black and White-Global    Putting Photography First    Magic Lantern    The Distance Between Stars    Hardcore Raw Street Photography    Angoli di borghi e città    Street with Feeling    Portrait - Photo    **NEW** Hardcore Street Life    Still**Life - Street Photography    The Absurd    Black & White Street Photography    The Vivian Maier-Inspired Global Photo Meetup    Street!    Your Preferred Picture **WELCOME! **    Focus - Watch this - Projecting    `Street Photography - Fotografia di Strada    Flickr Click Perfect - Flickr Click Perfeito.    ` FLICKR ´    I am.....    Tra un Manifesto e Lo Specchio - High quality images    Variety is the spice of life    Super Flickers    Callejeros / street photography / Fotografia callejera    EOS Adventure    STREETTOGS ULTIMATE    CAMERA DIYNAMITE    TORONTO UNPUBLISHED    Flickr Photographer    Being There in Black & White    Canon EF L Lenses    Portraits from the Street    Quantum Entanglement    The Human Element    People Portraits World    Triggering Streetpics    We love Canon Cameras    Monochrome Love    *Infinite Images    Your Best Shot For Today    Toronto Guardian    Street Photography Worldwide    Senseful (seminando pensiero)    IO FOTOGRAFO!    Black & White Horizon    Yabba dabba doo!    Waterfall Art Zine    The very best of me    Digital Camera World    canadian street photography    Memories are photographs that records the heart    "Sex" in the City    Black and White Photography Lovers Group    Universal Art    Street, candid photography    1 Quadrillion Pix    Libro de Fotos / Photo Book    We Shoot RAW    flickr (unofficial)    My Best Canon 5D Mark III Shots    the loneliest planet    Black & White with an Edge    The Erratic Photographer    FotoUrbana    PORTRAITS POUR FEMMES DU MONDE    AV Priority    His story, her story, their story: pictures that tell a story    The Heavy Collective submission pool    About FOTO Cult    scènes de rue    Canon EOS Cameras.    Sign of the Times (All Types of Signs)    Photography Skills    Street Photography Beginners    Black & White Mysteries    Street Life, Real Life    EOS Experience    Street Photography    TANGRAM MAGAZIN    Potrait- Ritratti    -Fotografias de la calle / street photography-    Masters of Black and White Photography.    flickr clickx    Emphoka.com - International Collective of Emerging Photographers    "Streetlife"    World Street Photography    The Great Human Project    ShowCase Images    AMPt Community    PORTRAITS ***    ...that certain feeling    dream    People and Street Photography    Torontology: the Flickr group    Manic Street Photographers    Solo Ritratti..Only portraits.    The Rave- Post 1 Award 3 (NO 30/60 limit )    Passion B.&.W.    Shot in the Street    CANON STREET PHOTOGRAPHY    Erotic Street Photography    The Street Of Life (street photo)    Fresh People    illuminatii    Street People Shot as You see    Street Photography Magazine    Perfect Beauty II    tales from a parallel universe    The Darker side    Life in MegaCities    flickr every day!    Portrait Photograph    brilliant flickr    World Photographers' Photos WPP    The Passion of Photography    Monochrome Magic    Autonomy    Part of Life.    Des gens, People every where.    Digital SLR Life    blackandwhite - the ESSENCE : portraits    Our best collection    bnw    UNSUSPECTING PROTAGONISTS    walking in a city    Umbram Luminis    StreetAddict (STREETPHOTOGRAPHY)    StreetViews+++    Livin' wild    Social Documentary & Street Photography    ALL- NO LIMITS    *******Photo of LadyS *******    Black and White People Street Artistic!    Product of Canon    Love Jones    Photographer's dreams - your favourite clicks    dejfex photostream    Female Fascination    Prime Lens Madness    Viola's and Anto's Friends Gallery    Digital Photo Mag    From You to Us / De Vous à Nous    The Blind Pig Speakeasy    Mars Weekly's Flickr Click    Photographers from around the world    Minds Creative Eye    enjoy the life every day with a picture    Real life global    Seeing in Black & White    Monochrome Mad    Monochrome - A Maverick`s Eye View of Composition    Solo Personas / Only People    Photo Digital Club    Kamerakoulu    WE OUT HERE    /r/photography    Women - The Mystery!    The Art Of Photographs    The Digital Paint Brush    Wall Of Photographs    Instant Classic    Canon Digital Images Gallery    6,000 Views Unlimited 6000    Poésimage    My time behind the lens No 30/60 limits    Great Emotion    Images About Almost Anything    The urban wanderer    about life    Art of Monochrome    Canon    Camerapixo Photography Magazine    french france magazine    Elite Candid Girls (Only The Best)    CANON DSLR EXPERIENCE - (TR) -    The Girl and Women Street Photography    PBWA - Photography By Wandering About    They didn't know    Good - Clik    Flickr No1 Pics    Real Street Photography    Curious Interestingness    Black & White Passion    Photo's passion of the world    The Best City Images - version 2.0    Grauzone    We love cameras    The Best ...    Street Photographers Around the World    Simply Because    Great Portraits    integrity illussion    A FEAST FOR MY EYES (Public Group)    Through a Glass Darkly 2    Fotografia estilo de vida    KL Street Photographers (KLSP)    Black & White Nonfiction    Add What Ever Photograph You Like    The Photo Pool    People in Black and White - narrow DOF    I Was Alive Today    Wanderlust Portraits    Street Photo - Fotografia Callejera    HIPSTER Photography around the world    The Digital Photograph Vault    The Photograph Library    Streetphotography, no photoshop allowed    Black And White Shots of anything!    random poetry    Immortal sense    Unique Moments    Portraits volés, portraits posés. Stolen portraits, composed p    Visual Storytelling    AfroSapiophile Photography Group    Photographies du monde    Streetfotografie jekami    Herşey / Everything    Flickr's Best - Unlimited    Out on the Streets!    AWAKE - ART FOR A CAUSE    Photos de rue - Street photography by "No Awards"    1st foto center    ★ BEAUTIFUL WOMEN PORTRAIT FACE ★    B AND W Photography    Portfolio Pieces    Capture the Feeling    Female Portraits (New)    Free Expression Photography    ☆BLACK AND WHITE CANDID PEOPLE STREET☆    The World According to...    ₪ Portraits PEOPLE Pictures ₪    Światłocień - Chiaroscuro - Tenebrism    StreetSnapShot    *Black and White People*    A Foto da História/The Story Behind the Photo    This is Why I Bought A Camera    MOMENT OF THE WORLD    Top Photography...    ODOP - LC Photography Group    Retratos | Portraits    Optics World    beatifulgeographies    Photography art for everyone    BLACK&WHITE - WOMEN / GIRLS CANDID STREET COLLECYION!!    Amo Minha Câmera/Love my Camera/El Amor de mi Cámara    Today's Flickr    Best amateur shot    !*Flickr All Stars*!    Human After All    Out and About Anything Goes    World in Black & White...    Emotional impact ;    World's Pictures    Film Noir Dangerous Shadows    The best work of the photographer's passion    Street Photography [TheStolenShot.com]    Life Soaked    Czarno-Biały - Black and White    Black & White people portraits    Noir et Blanc...Black and White    Street Explorers will not count to 30/60 rule.    Black and White 🔲    All beautiful photos are welcome!    The PhotolisticLife Group    Flickr Explore It    Blanco + Negro / Monocromatico    flickr world wide    Image Creative and Research (No 60/30 limits)    Specialistz™    !Great Photographers! No AI please!    Black & White 21    Foto periodismo y robados - photojourmalism or candis    Shades of Gray, The Black and White Photographer    Street Scene Shooters    Black & White Realms    Wow! I saw this! (Post all things in the eyes view)    MOFO Images -B&W- (More Of Flickr Originals)    .FLICKR WORLD.    Group for all users of FLICKR - No 30/60 Groups Limit    Canon 5D Mark IV    Noir Passion - URB MAN Project    Black and White Nirvana - No 30/60 Limit    authentic street    ESPRIMERE SE STESSI CON UNO SCATTO    iClick!    EYE-Photo Magazine    CANON EF 「 L IS USM 」 ALL LENZ    Registro Fotográfico    blackwhite mono NO 30/60 LIMIT    Compelling Images    Discreet Street Photography    Photo Phactory Images(PPI)    The surreal vision    First Class Monochrome 18+ (strictly no frames)    -Urban Life-    NEOPRIME Fine Art Magazine | Eye Heart & Soul    mundo global de fotografias    Eye Candy Pixels    The Camera Club [El Club De La Cámara]    Tutti i colori del nero    Unposed and Unpolished    Real Point & Shoot    Photos in Black and White (NO COLOR or SEPIA)    Out in the street    FLICKR CITY STREETS    Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR    The best picture of the world    Oh the Humanity    The Moody Photographer - Feels, Emotions and Chills    THE Canon EOS 5D Mark IV group    The Art of photography. (Post 1, award 3)    -Black&White- story of life    5D Mark IV Full Frame Canon    BlacK & LighT    MASTER OF PHOTOGRAPHY    Black and White Photography 2018    Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Users    EYE-Photo Magazine Street Photography    MindStreet    « less
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, f/5.0, 1/250 sec, 35mm, ISO 1600 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Lens: EF35mm f/1.4L II USM
Aperture: f/5.0
Exposure Time: 0.004 sec (1/250)
Focal Length: 35mm
ISO: 1600
Exposure Bias: -2/3 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Aperture-priority AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7.1 (Macintosh)
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