Nice Buffers!

Kernow Rail Phots
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Nice Buffers!

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Taken on: May 21, 2020
Sets appears in:   Class 56   
Groups appears in:   Rail    trains    more » Trains and railways    Railway    Railway and all the things around    I Love Trains    UK Railways    trains in action    Train Photography    British Rail Steam, Diesel and Electric Traction    Railway Photographers    World Trains    UK Trainz (Freight)    Trains in the uk    UK Trainz - Diesel    UK Trainz - Locomotives    UK Trainz    UK Class 56/58    GB Railways    Trains, Rails and Railroad Equipment    UK Train Pics    Freight trains    Freight trains of the UK    All Locomotives, Trains and Trams    UK Rail Photography & London Underground    British Rail 80s and 90s    uk train shots    British Railways (1948 to 1995)    Trains in the 70's, 80's and the 90's    Railway Enthusiasts Camera Club    Railways in the UK    Anything Railway    Railways & Locomotives    Trains of the UK    Diesel Locomotives    + Railway Unlimited    Railfreight in the UK    freight trains in the uk    Rail Enthusiasts Worldwide Opted out 30/60    [UK] British Locomotives    Trains Winter/Summer (No 30/60 limit)    Worldwide Train's and Tram's    UK Freight    UK Diesel Locomotives. Opted out of 30/60 Limit.    RAILROAD 1    The MGR class of wagons in service    Gen-Northern Picture Gallery    flickrailroad    « less
Camera: EPSON Perfection V800/V850 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: EPSON Perfection V800/V850
Color Space: Uncalibrated
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7 (Windows)
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