The Strange Guest I

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The Strange Guest I

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Taken on: March 5, 2009
Sets appears in:   HYPERREAL    MONOCHROME   
Groups appears in:   Experimental Dream    Art and Artists.    more » Witches, Vampires and aliens of all sorts / Sorcières et sorcie    spiderbite oddities    Spooky    Eerie Creepy Encounters    Portrait of Your Soul    Haunted Houses, Buildings & Other Creepy Places    Weird But Wonderful    What's the Story?    Ghosts    Ghost Hunting    portrait | poets & writers    Glowing Eyes    B&W DREAMS    macabre art    lustiges & skurriles    Emotive Portraiture    Story Telling Photos    Wir sprechen Deutsch    Storytelling Flickr style    Odd, Strange, Abnormal    Deutsche Foto-Gruppe    MAX Magazine    VULNERABLE / self-portraits that show us who you really are.    Selfportraits and Psychology    La Nouvelle Révolution Surrealiste    Artistic Self-Portraits    Just odd    Analogue of Weirdology    like a dream    Scary Creepy Weird    Nightmares and Dreamscapes    Requiem for a Dream    You Think this is Art    Das Kabinett (Post One, Comment One)    Decayed yet Hauntingly Beautiful    Between Heaven & Hell    Collective Dream Journal    The Spookatorium    Dream State    Black and White Dreams    ~The Dark Arts~    {mysterious portraits}    Deutsche Fotowelt    The Best Picture Gallery!    DREAMTIME | Boundary between Wilderness & Civilization    BETWEEN LAUGHING AND CRYING | Curated by: LitterART    Beyond Portraiture—a little further    my head is a storm    Witches! (because there's a little witch in every woman)    The Real Portrait    ~Neverwhere~    hyper chaotic aureole    Dystopic Portraiture!    Enquire Mag    darklydarkly    Witchcraft, Pagan Photography    dunkel & geheimnisvoll    Dark, sinister and unwholesome    « less
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