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Taken on: November 1, 2010
Tags: Everybody's photos tagged with Soure Soure Everybody's photos tagged with Vila de Soure Vila de Soure Everybody's photos tagged with Estação Estação more » Everybody's photos tagged with Heart Awards Heart Awards Everybody's photos tagged with Crystal Award Crystal Award Everybody's photos tagged with Shield Of Excellence - Level 1 Shield Of Excellence - Level 1 Everybody's photos tagged with flickr Award flickr Award Everybody's photos tagged with Platinum Heart Awards Platinum Heart Awards Everybody's photos tagged with Dragon Dagger Awards - The Photo Warrior Dragon Dagger Awards - The Photo Warrior Everybody's photos tagged with DragonDaggerPhoto DragonDaggerPhoto Everybody's photos tagged with Better Than Good - Level 1 Better Than Good - Level 1 Everybody's photos tagged with Show Room Show Room Everybody's photos tagged with High Quality Images High Quality Images Everybody's photos tagged with Shield Of Excellence - Level 2 Shield Of Excellence - Level 2 Everybody's photos tagged with PHODDÁSTICA!!! ® PHODDÁSTICA!!! ® Everybody's photos tagged with paololivorno's friends paololivorno's friends Everybody's photos tagged with Super best shots on flickr Super best shots on flickr Everybody's photos tagged with Hand Selected Photographs Hand Selected Photographs Everybody's photos tagged with Metallic Objects Metallic Objects Everybody's photos tagged with Priceless Priceless Everybody's photos tagged with Crazy and Geniuses of flickr-digital artists only- Crazy and Geniuses of flickr-digital artists only- Everybody's photos tagged with OPTICAL [High Quality Images] OPTICAL [High Quality Images] Everybody's photos tagged with Histoires d'Ô Histoires d'Ô Everybody's photos tagged with InfiniteXposure L1 InfiniteXposure L1 Everybody's photos tagged with InfiniteXposure L2 InfiniteXposure L2 Everybody's photos tagged with InfiniteXposure L3 InfiniteXposure L3 Everybody's photos tagged with InfiniteXposure L4 InfiniteXposure L4 Everybody's photos tagged with The Best Shot The Best Shot Everybody's photos tagged with InfiniteXposure L5 InfiniteXposure L5 Everybody's photos tagged with InfiniteXposure L6 InfiniteXposure L6 Everybody's photos tagged with InfiniteXposure L7 InfiniteXposure L7 Everybody's photos tagged with HERE COMES THE SUN ! HERE COMES THE SUN ! Everybody's photos tagged with THE LOOK level 1 RED THE LOOK level 1 RED Everybody's photos tagged with THE LOOK level 2 YELLOW THE LOOK level 2 YELLOW Everybody's photos tagged with THE LOOK level 3 ORANGE THE LOOK level 3 ORANGE Everybody's photos tagged with THE LOOK level 4 PURPLE THE LOOK level 4 PURPLE Everybody's photos tagged with THE LOOK level 5 GREEN THE LOOK level 5 GREEN Everybody's photos tagged with THE LOOK level 6 BLUE THE LOOK level 6 BLUE Everybody's photos tagged with THE LOOK level 8 GOLD THE LOOK level 8 GOLD Everybody's photos tagged with Super~Six Bronze ☆ Stage #1 ☆ Super~Six Bronze ☆ Stage #1 ☆ Everybody's photos tagged with Super~Six ☆ Stage #2 ☆ Silver Super~Six ☆ Stage #2 ☆ Silver Everybody's photos tagged with Super~Six ☆ Stage #3 ☆ Gold Super~Six ☆ Stage #3 ☆ Gold Everybody's photos tagged with Super~Six ☆ Stage #4 ☆ Art Super~Six ☆ Stage #4 ☆ Art Everybody's photos tagged with Super~Six ☆ Stage #5 ☆ Elite Super~Six ☆ Stage #5 ☆ Elite Everybody's photos tagged with Super~Six ☆ Stage #6 ☆ Andromeda  50 Super~Six ☆ Stage #6 ☆ Andromeda 50 Everybody's photos tagged with Frame It! ~Level 01~ Frame It! ~Level 01~ Everybody's photos tagged with Frame It! ~Level 02~ Frame It! ~Level 02~ Everybody's photos tagged with Frame It! ~Level 03~ Frame It! ~Level 03~ Everybody's photos tagged with Frame It! ~Level 04~ Frame It! ~Level 04~ Everybody's photos tagged with Frame It! ~Level 05~ Frame It! ~Level 05~ Everybody's photos tagged with Frame It! ~Level 06~ Frame It! ~Level 06~ Everybody's photos tagged with Frame It! ~Level 07~ Frame It! ~Level 07~ Everybody's photos tagged with Frame It! ~Level 08~ Frame It! ~Level 08~ Everybody's photos tagged with Frame It! ~Level 09~ Frame It! ~Level 09~ Everybody's photos tagged with Frame It! ~Level 10~ Frame It! ~Level 10~ Everybody's photos tagged with *A Feast For My Eyes* *A Feast For My Eyes* Everybody's photos tagged with *SATURN AWARD* *SATURN AWARD* Everybody's photos tagged with Frame It! ~~Level 11~~ Frame It! ~~Level 11~~ Everybody's photos tagged with THE GALAXY THE GALAXY Everybody's photos tagged with The Galaxy Stars The Galaxy Stars Everybody's photos tagged with - Lise´s Friends - L1 - Lise´s Friends - L1 Everybody's photos tagged with - Lise´s Friends - L2 - Lise´s Friends - L2 Everybody's photos tagged with - Lise´s Friends - L3 - Lise´s Friends - L3 Everybody's photos tagged with - Lise´s Friends - L4 - Lise´s Friends - L4 Everybody's photos tagged with - Lise's Friends - L5 - Lise's Friends - L5 Everybody's photos tagged with - Lise's Friends - L6 - Lise's Friends - L6 Everybody's photos tagged with - Lise's Friends - L7 - Lise's Friends - L7 Everybody's photos tagged with *Photos Loisirs* Level 1 *Photos Loisirs* Level 1 Everybody's photos tagged with *Photos Loisirs* Level 2 *Photos Loisirs* Level 2 Everybody's photos tagged with *Photos Loisirs* Level 3 *Photos Loisirs* Level 3 Everybody's photos tagged with - Lise's Friends - L8 - Lise's Friends - L8 Everybody's photos tagged with *Photos Loisirs* Level 4 *Photos Loisirs* Level 4 Everybody's photos tagged with -Lise's Friends-Hall of Fame -Lise's Friends-Hall of Fame Everybody's photos tagged with *Lise's Masterpieces Gallery* *Lise's Masterpieces Gallery* Everybody's photos tagged with Groupe Charlie L2 Groupe Charlie L2 « less
Sets appears in:   Portugal   
Groups appears in:   Shield Of Excellence    Crystal Award-- Invited Photos Only    more » Priceless    Better Than Good    paololivorno'sfriends ( Post 1 - Award 2)    ~New Envy of Flickr!~ POST 1 AWARD 2 PLEASE!!!!    Dragon Dagger Awards ◇◇◇ moderated queue ◇    **Super Best Shots on Flickr**/ P.1, A.5 ! NO COMMENT=BAN!    Soure    A. VENTANA A LAS FOTOS- L 1 - WINDOW TO THE PHOTOS - PON 1, COM    Histoires d'Ô    !*Flickr Award Group*! (GIVE 5 AWARDS)    Art Minimalisme (Post 1Comment 1)    **Platinum Heart Awards** (Only with 8+Heart Awards Invitation!)    **Heart Awards** (P.1 Award 5) Open - Sweeper present    Moon's Eclipse P1/A2    Hand Selected Photographs    Metallic Objects~Admin Invite Only! Post 1 - Comment 1    :: Arte De Luz ::    Magic Universe P1/A2 - Active Sweeper    AT YOUR BEST(EACH PHOTO NEEDS ADMIN. INVITATION)    500 + comment Group    Lampioni d'Italia e da tutto il mondo    The Galaxy & Stars 1 (P1/C5 - No Art Images)    Love for Photography ♥ Amor pela Fotografia ♥ P1/A2    Show Room (Comment 2)    ♥♥♥♥♥PHOTOGRAPHERS WORLD♥♥♥♥♥ P1/C3 SWEEPER    ART MIX P1/A3    Universal Art    THE LOOK level 1 RED    THE LOOK level 2 YELLOW    THE LOOK level 3 ORANGE    THE LOOK level 4 PURPLE    THE LOOK level 5 GREEN    THE LOOK level 6 BLUE    THE LOOK level 7 WHITE    CLOSED - CERRADO - THE LOOK level 8 GOLD    Your Preferred Photo CLOSED    VIA COL VENTO ! GONE WITH THE WIND ! Admin Invite only P1/C2    InfiniteXposure L4 (P1, A5)    InfiniteXposure L2 (P1, A5)    InfiniteXposure L3 (P1,A5)    InfiniteXposure L5 (P1, A5 )    InfiniteXposure L6 (P1, A5)    InfiniteXposure L7 (P1, A5)    DSLR Grandmaster of Photography -    *Photos Loisirs* Level 1    *Photos Loisirs*Level 5 HALL OF FAME    *Photos Loisirs* Level 2    *Photos Loisirs* Level 3    Uncomplicated and Uncluttered    PORFOLIO LOOK ! Quality Pictures Only!    Groupe Charlie 05    Groupe Charlie 01    Groupe Charlie 04    *Photos Loisirs* Level 4    Groupe Charlie 10    - Lise´s Friends - L5    - Lise´s Friends - L1    - Lise´s Friends - L3    - Lise´s Friends - L6    Groupe Charlie 07    Groupe Charlie 09    Groupe Charlie 11    - Lise´s Friends - L2    - Lise´s Friends - L4    COMMENT ON MY PHOTOGRAPHS    What do you want to set-was möchtest du einstellen?no Cars no T    Der Kohlen Pott in Farbe    Groupe Charlie 02    Groupe Charlie 03    Groupe Charlie 06    Groupe Charlie 08    DSLR Autofocus Level 4    Groupe Charlie 12    DSLR Autofocus Level 2    DSLR Autofocus Level 3    DSLR Autofocus Level 5    DSLR Autofocus Level 6    DSLR Autofocus Level 7    **Lise´s Masterpieces Gallery*    - Lise´s Friends- HALL OF FAME    DSLR Autofocus Hall of Fame    PhotoGem Level 3    PhotoGem Level 4    Bits And Pieces    DSLR Autofocus Level 1    Say Hello to My Little Camera    A.VENTANA A LAS FOTOS NIVEL 2 WINDOW TO THE PHOTOS LEVE 2; P-1 C    Photo Addiction NO PHOTOS OF PEOPLE Level 1    Groupe Charlie 13 - Hall Of Fame    Breaking Through Together    Colour Monotone (No B/W) Group    Photo Addiction NO PHOTOS OF PEOPLE Level 4    PhotoGem Hall Of Fame    PhotoGem Level 1 Post 1 Award 5    PhotoGem Level 2    PhotoGem Level 5    peace took over my heart ( Post 1 / Award 2 )    DSLR Autofocus Master of Photography    Photo Addiction NO PHOTOS OF PEOPLE Level 2    Photo Addiction NO PHOTOS OF PEOPLE Level 3    Show your best on Flickr ♛ Best selection    Photo Addiction NO PHOTOS OF PEOPLE Level 5    Photo Feelings    Follow me my friends (public)    *The Week , La Semaine L6 - Saturday-Samedi    *The Week , La Semaine L1 - Monday - Lundi    *The Week , La Semaine L3 - Wednesday-Mercredi    *The Week , La Semaine L4 - Thursday-Jeudi    *The Week , La Semaine L5 - Friday -Vendredi    *The Week , La Semaine L7 - Sunday-Dimanche    *The Week , La Semaine L2 - Tuesday - Mardi    *The Year , L´Année - L1 - January-Janvier    *The Year , L´Année - L2 - February-Février    *The Year , L´Année - L8 - August-Août    *The Year , L´Année - L9 - September-Septembre    *The Year , L´Année - L12 - December-Décembre    *The Year , L´Année - L3 - March - Mars    *The Year , L´Année - L6 - June-Juin    *The Year , L´Année - L11 - November-Novembre    *The Year , L´Année - L4 - April-Avril    *The Year , L´Année - L5 - May-Mai    *The Year , L´Année - L7 - July-Juillet    *The Year , L´Année - L10 - October-Octobre    *****Zodiac Signs L6 , Virgo, la Vierge    *****Zodiac Signs L2 , Taurus, le Taureau    *****Zodiac Signs L7 , Libra, la Balance    *****Zodiac Signs L9 , Sagittarius, le Sagittaire    *****Zodiac Signs L3 , Gemini , les Gémeaux    *****Zodiac Signs L8 , Scorpio, le Scorpion    *****Zodiac Signs L12 , Pisces, les Poissons    *****Zodiac Signs L4 , Cancer, le Cancer    *****Zodiac Signs L10 , Capricorn, le Capricorne    *****Zodiac Signs L1 , Aries, le Bélier    *****Zodiac Signs L11 , Aquarius, le Verseau    *****Zodiac Signs L5 , Leo, le Lion    *-* L2*-*Blanche-Neige et les 7 Nains - Timide    *-* L1*-*Blanche-Neige et les 7 Nains - Simplet    *-* L3*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains - Atchoum    *-* L4*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains - Dormeur    *-* L5*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains - Joyeux    *-* L6*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains - Grincheux    *-* L7*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains - Le Prof    *-* L8*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains - Blanche-Neige    *-* L9*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains Hall of Fame    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L3    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L5    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L10    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L12    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L14    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L18 - Hall of Fame    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L2    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L4    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L11    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L1    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L9    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L15    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L6    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L8    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L16    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L17    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L7    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L13    « less
Camera: Canon PowerShot A590 IS, f/5.5, 1/400 sec, 23.2mm, ISO 80 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A590 IS
Aperture: f/5.5
Exposure Time: 0.003 sec (1/400)
Focal Length: 23.2mm
ISO: 80
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Auto, Did not fire
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Windows
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