Dá-me um ABRAÇO!

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Dá-me um ABRAÇO!

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Taken on: January 1, 2011
Tags: Everybody's photos tagged with Vila de Soure Vila de Soure Everybody's photos tagged with Soure Soure Everybody's photos tagged with Céu Céu more » Everybody's photos tagged with Encosta do Sol Encosta do Sol Everybody's photos tagged with Árvores Árvores Everybody's photos tagged with ILUSTRAR PORTUGAL ILUSTRAR PORTUGAL Everybody's photos tagged with **Heart Awards** **Heart Awards** Everybody's photos tagged with Flickr Bronze Award Flickr Bronze Award Everybody's photos tagged with Better Than Good - Level 1 Better Than Good - Level 1 Everybody's photos tagged with Colors Of The Heart! *Invited Images Only*! Colors Of The Heart! *Invited Images Only*! Everybody's photos tagged with Flickr Silver Award Flickr Silver Award Everybody's photos tagged with Shield Of Excellence - Level 1 Shield Of Excellence - Level 1 Everybody's photos tagged with SOE SOE Everybody's photos tagged with Postais Ilustrados de Portugal Postais Ilustrados de Portugal Everybody's photos tagged with Postais Ilustrados de Portugal: THE BEST Postais Ilustrados de Portugal: THE BEST Everybody's photos tagged with *NATURE & STYLE* *NATURE & STYLE* Everybody's photos tagged with PHODDÁSTICA!!! ® PHODDÁSTICA!!! ® Everybody's photos tagged with *OUR WORLD IN PHOTOS* *OUR WORLD IN PHOTOS* Everybody's photos tagged with Shield Of Excellence - Level 2 Shield Of Excellence - Level 2 Everybody's photos tagged with Better Than Good - Level 2 Better Than Good - Level 2 Everybody's photos tagged with Aces for Bases Aces for Bases Everybody's photos tagged with Divine Captures Divine Captures Everybody's photos tagged with Dragonfly Awards Dragonfly Awards Everybody's photos tagged with Imperial Images Imperial Images Everybody's photos tagged with Mermaid Awards Mermaid Awards Everybody's photos tagged with Moon Goddess Awards Moon Goddess Awards Everybody's photos tagged with Nature's Treasures Nature's Treasures Everybody's photos tagged with Poppy Awards Poppy Awards Everybody's photos tagged with Photographic Wizards Photographic Wizards Everybody's photos tagged with Shooting Stars Awards Shooting Stars Awards Everybody's photos tagged with Sapphire Awards Sapphire Awards Everybody's photos tagged with Supreme Images Supreme Images Everybody's photos tagged with Unicorn Awards Unicorn Awards Everybody's photos tagged with Zodiac Awards Zodiac Awards Everybody's photos tagged with Fotografia y Sueños Fotografia y Sueños Everybody's photos tagged with BEST ORIGINAL SHOOTING BEST ORIGINAL SHOOTING Everybody's photos tagged with GRUPO MACARONESICO GRUPO MACARONESICO Everybody's photos tagged with Your Preferred Picture Your Preferred Picture Everybody's photos tagged with Maravilhas de Portugal Maravilhas de Portugal Everybody's photos tagged with paololivorno's friends paololivorno's friends Everybody's photos tagged with Greeting Phantasy Cards Greeting Phantasy Cards Everybody's photos tagged with cool hair, like my idol, warhol! cool hair, like my idol, warhol! Everybody's photos tagged with Force of Photography Force of Photography Everybody's photos tagged with Free Admin World Free Admin World Everybody's photos tagged with Orgoglio italiano Orgoglio italiano Everybody's photos tagged with Preferences and personal choice Preferences and personal choice Everybody's photos tagged with Solidarity to Chile ¡¡¡¡ Solidarity to Chile ¡¡¡¡ Everybody's photos tagged with Viola friends collections Viola friends collections Everybody's photos tagged with ~♥~Private Group: yokopakumayoko~♥~ ~♥~Private Group: yokopakumayoko~♥~ Everybody's photos tagged with SURREAL WIKI GRUPO - INCRIVELMENTE COLORIDO SURREAL WIKI GRUPO - INCRIVELMENTE COLORIDO Everybody's photos tagged with Super Group Photographic Super Group Photographic Everybody's photos tagged with 100 + Viewed Natural Landscapes 100 + Viewed Natural Landscapes Everybody's photos tagged with Earth - Home Earth - Home Everybody's photos tagged with Heart, World, Award Heart, World, Award Everybody's photos tagged with SATURN AWARD SATURN AWARD Everybody's photos tagged with The Red Maple Award The Red Maple Award Everybody's photos tagged with Um olho vê o outro sente ◘ One eye sees the other feels Um olho vê o outro sente ◘ One eye sees the other feels Everybody's photos tagged with ***FOTOGRAFIA EMOCION ♥ EMOTIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY*** ***FOTOGRAFIA EMOCION ♥ EMOTIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY*** Everybody's photos tagged with Amor pela Fotografia ♥ Love for Photography Amor pela Fotografia ♥ Love for Photography Everybody's photos tagged with Flickrs - Picture Perfect Flickrs - Picture Perfect Everybody's photos tagged with It's Not About You It's Not About You Everybody's photos tagged with WILD CLICK!! WILD CLICK!! Everybody's photos tagged with Ümit ♡ Hope ♡ Esperança Ümit ♡ Hope ♡ Esperança Everybody's photos tagged with `|´ Trees die standing up `|´ please award, it's kind :) `|´ Trees die standing up `|´ please award, it's kind :) Everybody's photos tagged with All Trolls Love Yesterday All Trolls Love Yesterday Everybody's photos tagged with ART IN ALL LANGUAGES ART IN ALL LANGUAGES Everybody's photos tagged with °°SHOW THE BEST°° °°SHOW THE BEST°° Everybody's photos tagged with 5 fave Picture PERFECT at all angle 5 fave Picture PERFECT at all angle Everybody's photos tagged with Arte in Italia e nel mondo - Art in Italy & in world Arte in Italia e nel mondo - Art in Italy & in world Everybody's photos tagged with Art-Digital Art-Digital Everybody's photos tagged with CONCORDIANS CONCORDIANS Everybody's photos tagged with Color&Emotion Color&Emotion Everybody's photos tagged with Favorites of Bushra & Sons Favorites of Bushra & Sons Everybody's photos tagged with Crab Award Crab Award Everybody's photos tagged with L - for LIGHT is LIFE [P1/C3] Only REAL Photos PLEASE !! L - for LIGHT is LIFE [P1/C3] Only REAL Photos PLEASE !! « less
Sets appears in:   Portugal   
Groups appears in:   Shield Of Excellence    Postais Ilustrados de Portugal (por convite/3 comentários)    more » 100 + Viewed Natural Landscapes (add1, com.1) Break Rules = Ban    Postais Ilustrados de Portugal: THE BEST (give 3 awards)    "FRIENDS" P1/A2    winkleriani    Better Than Good    Traveler's Photos    ILUSTRAR PORTUGAL (post 1 comment 3) - SWEEPER ON    Scenics, not just landscapes!    inTITOLARE (Please post 1, comment 3,invite1)    ±100 AШΑRĐZ for the «5000+» ♥Best♥ Photogs on Flickr!!    TOP SHOTS [Solo Fotos Invitadas/ Post 1/Awards 4/ No Black&Whit    Favorites of My Favorites (Invited Photos Only)    NATURE'S ELEGANT SHOTS [ Invitation Only / Post 1 - Award 4 ]    `|´ Trees die standing up `|´ please award, it's kind :)    CONCORDIANS    dreams of love / Sogni di innamorati Sweeper active    Oradaydım - I was there - [No rules - just photos]    100+ COMMENT GROUP **(P1/A2)    FLICKR LIBERO / INTERNATIONAL    paololivorno'sfriends ( Post 1 - Award 2)    Strangeness (P1C3 - Invite only)    Baú Group Images    Clouds, Lightning & Storms (Post 1, award 3)    nature is all - all is nature    ~New Envy of Flickr!~ POST 1 AWARD 2 PLEASE!!!!    Pictures from my friends *no animals* use award code please!    Saariy's Quality Pictures.Comment&Fave Lover's Favorites    Dragonfly Awards * Post1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    NATURE'S - CREATIONS    A. VENTANA A LAS FOTOS- L 1 - WINDOW TO THE PHOTOS - PON 1, COM    Nice Wonderful Tuesday Clouds    Greeting Phantasy Cards    Wow!! (Post 1- Award 1)    **Heart Awards** (P.1 Award 5) Open - Sweeper present    ALL PHOTOGRAPHS & MEMORIES    ! !^This Is Magic! Level 1    FINE ART GALLERY ~ P1-C1    el arte de la luz y de la sombra ~ Admin inv. ~ P1/A2    Aces for Bases (Post 1 - Award 2)    Colors Of The Heart! *Invited Images Only*!    It's (still) not about you!    !Addicted to Nature!(Post 2-Award 3)Sweeper Active    Maravilhas de Portugal (post 1 - comment 2 !)    :: Arte De Luz ::    Magic Universe P1/A2 - Active Sweeper    BEST ORIGINAL SHOOTING 1 Photo / 2 Comment (No comment = Ban)T    *ANGEL AWARDS, POST 1 / GIVE 5 ANGELS , SWEEPER ACTIVE    Earth - Home    *Crab Award* P1 & C2    Sapphire Awards *POST 1 - AWARD 3* *Sweeper Active*    ! * Flickr Hive Mind Group / Administration    Nature's Treasures *Post 1 - Award 3* *Sweeper Active*    Life&Shades    !! Shooting Star ✵ The Excellence ✵ (P1/A3)    Supreme Images * Post 1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    Photographic Wizards * Post 1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    Zodiac Awards * Post 1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    Friends~Amicizia Group (NO PEOPLE) ** Admin Invite P1/A1    Favorites of Bushra & Sons    Divine Captures * Post 1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    AT YOUR BEST(EACH PHOTO NEEDS ADMIN. INVITATION)    Galerie Omega ~ by Admin Invitation only ~ Post 1 - Award 2    Unicorn Awards *Post 1 - Award 3* *Sweeper Active*    Mermaid Awards *Post 1 - Award 3* *Sweeper Active*    Imperial Images * Post 1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    Moon Goddess Awards * Post 1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    Color&Emotion    『』Favourite At First Sight『』    Poppy Awards * Post 1 - Award 3 * Sweeper Active *    *Red Maple Award* P1 & C2    NO ARTIST LEFT BEHIND [P1/C1]    Hay que mirar más al cielo    Photography And Dreams (P2/C2)    FLICKR'S PORTAL [ Post 1 Comment 4 / Invitation Admin Only ]    ! * Fantastic Nature Group *Moderated* » Post 1 and Award 1 «    ☼ƸӜƷ☼TERRESTRIAL PARADISE ♦ Post 1 / Cmt 2 ☼ƸӜƷ☼    Soliduu ¡¡¡¡ ▲ High Quality Photos ▲ [P1-C3]    L'OSTELLO FOTOGRAFICO    ◙ My opinion in Photo ◙    give us this day.. by admin invitation (P1 - A2)    The Galaxy & Stars 1 (P1/C5 - No Art Images)    Love for Photography ♥ Amor pela Fotografia ♥ P1/A2    Fotos con arte - P 1 / C 2 please...    ***FOTOGRAFIA EMOCION ♥ EMOTIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY***    !* World Wide Nature * ! P1-A2 *NO buildings or people!*    6-Gli insetti preferiscono le ortiche - Free images    GROUP CLOSED? TROLL ALERT!!    Beauty In Our Lives - Post 1 = Comment 1. Quality only!    [][][]Super Group Photographic[][][]    ♥♥♥♥♥PHOTOGRAPHERS WORLD♥♥♥♥♥ P1/C3 SWEEPER    Orgoglio italiano    A New Art & Photo Gallery - Post 1/Award 1    WE and OUR Friends [C1-P2]    My soul, my heart, my art. - P1 /C1 please...    Trusted Friends:)) Inc    Great Friends Meeting (Encontro de Grandes Amigos) - P1/C2    L - for LIGHT is LIFE [P1/C2] Only REAL Photos PLEASE !!    Preferences and Personal Choices (P1 / C1)    Arte in Italia e nel mondo - Art in Italy & in world - P1/ C1    Earthquake Aid    Nature's Gallery - No 30/60 Limit    Soul of Photography ~ L1    come lo vediamo .. post 1 - award 3    THE LOOK level 1 RED    THE LOOK level 2 YELLOW    THE LOOK level 3 ORANGE    THE LOOK level 4 PURPLE    THE LOOK level 5 GREEN    THE LOOK level 6 BLUE    THE LOOK level 7 WHITE    CLOSED - CERRADO - THE LOOK level 8 GOLD    Our Wonderful and Fragile World - P1 - A4    Your Preferred Photo CLOSED    ☼☂☆☾CHE TEMPO FA ☾☆☂☼* Admin Invite only P1/C2    VIA COL VENTO ! GONE WITH THE WIND ! Admin Invite only P1/C2    Rainbow of Nature Level 2 : ORANGE (Post1-Award4)    Rainbow of Nature Level 3 : YELLOW (Post1-Award4)    Rainbow of Nature Level 6 : PINK (Post1-Award4)    Rainbow of Nature Level 4 : GREEN (Post1-Award4)    Rainbow of Nature Level 5 : BLUE (Post1-Award4)    Rainbow of Nature Level 7 : PURPLE (Post1-Award4)    Art Of Clouds    ♣My Hat's Off to You!!    ♣Scapes!!    ♣Mother Nature!!    InfiniteXposure L4 (P1, A5)    InfiniteXposure L2 (P1, A5)    InfiniteXposure L3 (P1,A5)    InfiniteXposure L5 (P1, A5 )    InfiniteXposure L6 (P1, A5)    InfiniteXposure L7 (P1, A5)    Nature's Artistic Wonders P1/A2    ! !^This Is Magic! Level 2    Your Perspective and Creative    *LEVEL - 6 : PEACEMAKERS* P 1 / A 5    *LEVEL - 7 : GIVE "PEACE" A CHANCE* P 1 / A 5    DSLR Grandmaster of Photography -    CONTACT GROUPS [ POST 1 - AWARDS 5 ]    *Photos Loisirs* Level 1    *Photos Loisirs*Level 5 HALL OF FAME    *Photos Loisirs* Level 2    *Photos Loisirs* Level 3    Uncomplicated and Uncluttered    Groupe Charlie 05    Groupe Charlie 01    Groupe Charlie 04    *Photos Loisirs* Level 4    Groupe Charlie 10    - Lise´s Friends - L5    - Lise´s Friends - L1    - Lise´s Friends - L3    - Lise´s Friends - L6    Groupe Charlie 07    Groupe Charlie 09    Groupe Charlie 11    - Lise´s Friends - L2    - Lise´s Friends - L4    COMMENT ON MY PHOTOGRAPHS    What do you want to set-was möchtest du einstellen?no Cars no T    Der Kohlen Pott in Farbe    **L1**TREASURES of OUR PLANET    Groupe Charlie 02    Groupe Charlie 03    Groupe Charlie 06    Groupe Charlie 08    **L3**TREASURES of OUR PLANET    DSLR Autofocus Level 4    Groupe Charlie 12    DSLR Autofocus Level 2    DSLR Autofocus Level 3    DSLR Autofocus Level 5    DSLR Autofocus Level 6    DSLR Autofocus Level 7    **Lise´s Masterpieces Gallery*    - Lise´s Friends- HALL OF FAME    DSLR Autofocus Hall of Fame    **L2**TREASURES of OUR PLANET    **TREASURES of OUR PLANET - HALL OF FAME (No Group Limit)    DSLR Autofocus Top Awarders CLOSED    DSLR Autofocus Level 1    DSLR Autofocus Ultimate CLOSED    Say Hello to My Little Camera    A.VENTANA A LAS FOTOS NIVEL 2 WINDOW TO THE PHOTOS LEVE 2; P-1 C    A.F.P L11 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L7 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L8 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L10 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L1 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L3 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L5 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L6 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L14 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L15 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L9 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L13 NO PEOPLE.    Groupe Charlie 13 - Hall Of Fame    A.F.P L2 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L4 NO PEOPLE.    A.F.P L12 NO PEOPLE.    The Group; Our Beautiful Nature ( Post 1 \ Award 2 ).    peace took over my heart ( Post 1 / Award 2 )    DSLR Autofocus Master of Photography    !* Nature's Great & Pure Highlights Level 1 ☘50+ faves P1/A3    !* Nature's Great & Pure Highlights Level 2 ☘100+ faves P1/A3    !* Nature's Great & Pure Highlights Level 3 ☘150+ faves P1/A3    !* Nature's Great & Pure Highlights Level 4 ☘200+ faves P1/A3    *♪♪ Imagine ♪♪ NO WAR ☮️    Follow me my friends (public)    *The Week , La Semaine L6 - Saturday-Samedi    *The Week , La Semaine L1 - Monday - Lundi    *The Week , La Semaine L3 - Wednesday-Mercredi    *The Week , La Semaine L4 - Thursday-Jeudi    *The Week , La Semaine L5 - Friday -Vendredi    *The Week , La Semaine L7 - Sunday-Dimanche    *The Week , La Semaine L2 - Tuesday - Mardi    *The Year , L´Année - L1 - January-Janvier    *The Year , L´Année - L2 - February-Février    *The Year , L´Année - L8 - August-Août    *The Year , L´Année - L9 - September-Septembre    *The Year , L´Année - L12 - December-Décembre    *The Year , L´Année - L3 - March - Mars    *The Year , L´Année - L6 - June-Juin    *The Year , L´Année - L11 - November-Novembre    *The Year , L´Année - L4 - April-Avril    *The Year , L´Année - L5 - May-Mai    *The Year , L´Année - L7 - July-Juillet    *The Year , L´Année - L10 - October-Octobre    *****Zodiac Signs L6 , Virgo, la Vierge    *****Zodiac Signs L2 , Taurus, le Taureau    *****Zodiac Signs L7 , Libra, la Balance    *****Zodiac Signs L9 , Sagittarius, le Sagittaire    *****Zodiac Signs L3 , Gemini , les Gémeaux    *****Zodiac Signs L8 , Scorpio, le Scorpion    *****Zodiac Signs L12 , Pisces, les Poissons    *****Zodiac Signs L4 , Cancer, le Cancer    *****Zodiac Signs L10 , Capricorn, le Capricorne    *****Zodiac Signs L1 , Aries, le Bélier    *****Zodiac Signs L11 , Aquarius, le Verseau    *****Zodiac Signs L5 , Leo, le Lion    *-* L2*-*Blanche-Neige et les 7 Nains - Timide    *-* L1*-*Blanche-Neige et les 7 Nains - Simplet    *-* L3*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains - Atchoum    *-* L4*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains - Dormeur    *-* L5*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains - Joyeux    *-* L6*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains - Grincheux    *-* L7*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains - Le Prof    *-* L8*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains - Blanche-Neige    *-* L9*-* Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains Hall of Fame    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L3    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L5    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L10    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L12    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L14    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L18 - Hall of Fame    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L2    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L4    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L11    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L1    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L9    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L15    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L6    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L8    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L16    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L17    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L7    **--**Les Schtroumpfs - L13    « less
Camera: Canon PowerShot A590 IS, f/4.0, 1/250 sec, 12.7mm, ISO 80 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A590 IS
Aperture: f/4.0
Exposure Time: 0.004 sec (1/250)
Focal Length: 12.7mm
ISO: 80
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Landscape
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Windows
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Stats: 33,416 views / 3,487 comments