Aspettando il miele

Marcandalli Mauro Angelo 6.000.000 Visite
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Aspettando il  miele

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Taken on: May 27, 2017
Groups appears in:   Macro    Macro Studies    more » Flickr Addicts    Macro Madness    Flickr Nature - NO B/W, People, Structures etc    Bees, bees, bees!    Bergamo's Alps - Alpi Orobie    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    Macros & Macros    Macro Bugs    Macro nature    Macro Experiments    MACRO Photo Creations    > MACRO ~ MAKRO < - opted out / no 30/60 group limit    Macro! Macro!! Macro!!!    "FRIENDS" P1/A2    macro whores    Super Macro's! Comment on as many as you like !    macro bokeh    FOR THE LOVE OF MACRO    " COLORS OF NATURE (no B&W!, no people, no manmade things)    macro photographers    FIORI(TUTTI I TIPI)(1 post-1 com-1 inv)-"24° GARA"- CHIUSA -    Makrofotografie - Die Community für Makrofotografen    " ALL ANIMALS ( no people, no b&w, read group rules please)    ONLY ANIMALS (POST1,COMMENT1)    ☼pink | purple | green☼    !WORLD OF ANIMALS! (Post 1 and Comment 1 or more)    Macro & Close Up .. / NO Flowers or Insects /    I Miei Fiori Preferiti    PLANET EARTH OUR HOME    Una Esfera Suspendida en el Espacio llamado Tierra. Sub.1 Com.2    Macro Amateur    Nicely Composed    "THE WORLD IN FLICKR" (NEW RULES)    Natur / Makro    .macro.    Fav dispenser - Beautiful for us!    * THE 3 B's ~ BEES, BUTTERFLIES, & BUGS (post 1 ~ award 1)    " Your BEST of Today " - Through MY Eyes    Real & Colorful BOKEH!    Stunning Photos 2 (Post 1, Comment 1 and Invite 1)    Animali D'italia    Natura per tutti    ! LO MEJOR DE MI... ARTE Y CREACIÓN ARTÍSTICA !.    14 Karat Gold: Closed    Wow!! (Post 1- Award 1)    FOTOEMOZIONI    Tree and Flower Mania    all things bugs (post 1 ~ award 2)    Fiori*    as beautiful as you want    Macros con Estilo / Macros with Style    Primavera, Verano, Otoño e Invierno P1-C3    Select Few (post 1 ~ comment 1)    Up Close, But Not Quite    ***Flickr Global    Abecedario de fotografìas: Un silencio interior    NATURE'S PRIME (P1/A4)    Macro photos from Hungary/ Makró képek Magyarországról!    :) Recoilx 2.    "AWESOME MACRO" - Only the best! (1/day)    Macro Magic (No limits)    Flowers and/or Bugs only ❤❤❤ My Best Macro    *Macro*    Experimental-ART    !* Gold Sealings ♠ ONLY Memories ♠ NO FLOWERS! P1/A2 ♠    !* FLOWERS & VISITORS >living things< NO SINGLE FLOWERS! A2    Macro floreali    Grupo Flickr contra el cáncer. NO GROUP LIMIT    Excellent Shots Group - P1 & A3    Flores,flower ,fleir, fiores ...    # # # EXOTIC IMAGE (ADM. INVITE) post 1, comment 1.    flickr 2010 P1/C2    !* Sweet Freedom for *Fauna*Wildlife*birds*insects* P1/A2    ! *No hay camino para la paz, la paz es el camino!    Suspiros!!    sapphire/saphir (poste 1 ~ comme 2 ~ invitez 1)    !* Dagmar's ✤ Exclusive Flower Paradise ✿ONLY FLOWERS!    !* Dagmar's Fauna Farm ϡ NO insects please!    !* Les pieds sur terre! Pés no chão-pensamento nas estrelas!    La belle et la bête (Macro France)    !!!* FLORA AND FAUNA ONLY *P1/C1* (NO PEOPLE)    PLANET EARTH MACRO WORLD    !* R.S.V.P. ♥ Something from the heart ♥ P1/C2    BOKEH PAINTING    NATURE (Post 1 / Award 4)    * VARICOLORED (Post 1 ~ Award 1)    YourSELF - Through Picture [Post 1 - Award 3]    * Very amazing photos of nature * (P1/A4)    Flickr Macro Team    PLANET EARTH WILDLIFE AND NATURE    Flower Flower Flower    !* Sighs of the Heart ♥ Sospiri del Cuore ♥    -- AMORE PER LA NATURA - P1/C2    *FIORI E NUVOLE*    Bastano due parole ( Post 1 - Comm. 3 ) No nude    My favorite works of my Flickr friends    Nikon Photographs    F.O.O.F. (by invitation) P1/A2    ***FLORA *FAUNA *from around the world***    NUESTRAS FOTOGRAFÍAS.    !* Live-Laugh-Love "Say it with Flowers" ONLY FLOWERS* P1-A2    !* The Kings & Queens of Composition - NO 2nd Life - P1-A2    !* Magical Moments2 ♮ P1-A2 NO 2nd Life! NO Transports!    Solo Belle Foto! Just Beautiful Photos!    macromaniaci    Macro Worlds.    Nikon D7100 / D7200/ D7500 CLUB    !* THE BAND OF 5 & the Wonderful World of Animals P1/A3    Our best collection    Galerie FURORE !    COLL. par Impatience_1 * La FAUNE * Adm.Inv.    *Mágico Mundo Natural * Magical Natural World *    COLL. par Impatience_1 *FLEURS*VERDURE*ARBRES*Adm.inv.    Macro in nature    ***GOD's BEAUTY is SIMPLY AMAZING.*** (Post 1 ~ Award 1)    "Beautiful Seasons" (p2~ a2) [theme: Seasonal Photos]    Grauzone    ♣My Hat's Off to You!!    Magic of Photography    Macro's and close-ups    A FEAST FOR MY EYES (Public Group)    "A FEAST for the EYES INTERNATIONAL" (post 1 ~ comment 1)    "Love Makes the World Go Round" (POST 1~AWARD 1)    + Only Two, Deux, * (Post 1~Award 1)    " I am a Child of GOD " (post 1 ~ comment 1)    Nikon Club Italia    Planet of Flowers - Planeta das Flores    The World According to...    Insects, Spiders, Frogs, Snails and Slugs    The Art of Happiness    MACRO PHOTOGRAPHIE Post 1 Award 2    Vita es Splendor and friends    Jede Jahreszeit hat ihren Reiz.... Each season has its charm    Masterpieces at Second Sight (add one, comment two)    ShotCam (No SL & AI)    * Impressed by your Beauty! ~ refounded ~ (p1~a1) [3/day]    Makro / macro    !* Le Cose Che Restano ♣NO FLOWERS!! ♣ P1/A3    THE IMAGINATIVE CAMERA    Gardens, Flowers and Parks Nirvana - No 30/60 Limit    My Flowers - Mis Flores    Group for all users of FLICKR - No 30/60 Groups Limit    Coleoptera -Beetles    * just photos * no rules please use comment code appreciated    In Beautiful Light    Fée NATURE    Compelling Images    ~With Acumen    FAVORITES CLUB - no 30/60 - no SL    Best Photo of the Day! - No AI Images    NO Post Produzione    High Class Photography (No AI)    BOKEH NATURE (No B&W)    Oasi WWF le Foppe di Trezzo sull'Adda    Makro (Libellen)    foto naturalistiche della Brianza    fiori rosa e lilla    " Festival of Light International " (new public group)    quello che più ci piace    - world's pieces -    Quella carezza della sera    The essence of beauty    fiori bianchi    naturalando    la massima espressione    fiori gialli    fiori rossi    * THE ENVY OF FLOWER PHOTOGRAPHY (theme: flowers)    GALERIE best of the best ★✩★✩★    !*Natures Beauty*!    L'obiettivo , occhio dell'anima    See things in different angle    Pink Page - no 30/60 - no SL    Uccelli di lombardia    Life Through A Hole    !* Lovely Mother Earth Ⅱ -Ⓕriends Ⓕine Ⓐrt✾ re-founded    MacroInsects    MagicoFiore    Nikon con sigma 105 2.8 ex macro    Sigma 105 mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro    Beautiful to Your Eyes    FLICKR INTERNATIONAL - No 30/60 Groups Limit    Tiergesichter / Animal Faces    quello che piace a me    ~Attention Worthy - No 30/60 Limit    Sunday Lights - Only your best !    "Le club des adeptes des bisous et de l´humour"    The best photographs from around the world.    Foto Meraviglia    « less
Camera: Nikon D7200, f/8.0, 1/1600 sec, 105mm (=210mm), ISO 640 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Nikon D7200
Aperture: f/8.0
Exposure Time: 0.001 sec (1/1600)
Focal Length: 105mm (35mm equivalent: 210mm)
ISO: 640
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Auto, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Not Defined
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Gain Control: Low gain up
Color Space: Uncalibrated
Software: PaintShop Pro 20,00
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