Il mio fiume preferito; L'Adda

Marcandalli Mauro Angelo 6.000.000 Visite
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Il mio fiume preferito; L'Adda

© All Rights Reserved
Taken on: January 16, 2022
Groups appears in:   Photography    Flickr Nature - NO B/W, People, Structures etc    more » Bergamo's Alps - Alpi Orobie    Faded Wilted Withered (flowers, leaves and plants)    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    Fiumi Italiani - Italian Rivers    'Views: 4000 - 5000    'Views: 5000 - 7500    Your best / most seen photos on Flickr    Paisagens - Landscapes - Paesaggi - Paysages - Landschaften    Beauty Unnoticed    " COLORS OF NATURE (no B&W!, no people, no manmade things)    365 Days Project    WONDERFUL WORLD OF MACRO (P1 / A2)    "Los mejores momentos de tu día"    Super Photos (Post 1; Award 2)    CONCORDIANS    Photography Idol >>> Comment 1, Invite the best Artists you know    GR8 - Photos    ☼pink | purple | green☼    ! 90+ Faves (P1,A+F3)    100+ COMMENT GROUP **(P1/A2)    Una Esfera Suspendida en el Espacio llamado Tierra. Sub.1 Com.2    Nicely Composed    Baú Group Images    Galeria de Imagens Post 3 - Coment 3    Dismissing Explore-50+favs images with no explore only!!!!!    Dismissing Explore-25+favs images with no explore(post 1 award1)    MAGIC TOUCH (P1 / A1)    " Your BEST of Today " - Through MY Eyes    Brianza    Saariy's Quality Pictures.Comment&Fave Lover's Favorites    Stunning Photos 2 (Post 1, Comment 1 and Invite 1)    *The Master Photographer* Post 1 Comment on 3 SWEEPER NOW ACTIVE    ! LO MEJOR DE MI... ARTE Y CREACIÓN ARTÍSTICA !.    ! * In my eyes(Post 1,Award&Fav 3,Please)    Fabulous Foliage --- No Flower(s) as Main Story    FOTOEMOZIONI    Les Merveilles des Antilles    as beautiful as you want    Making "FRIENDS" from around the World - NO PEOPLE - P1/C1    Primavera, Verano, Otoño e Invierno P1-C3    It's (still) not about you!    ***All beautiful shots and many more.    ***Flickr Global    Abecedario de fotografìas: Un silencio interior    !* THE BEAUTY OF ☙THE NATURE❧ *Post 1 Award & Fave 3 please    NATURE'S PRIME (P1/A4)    :) Recoilx 2.    FREEDOM❥自由❥свобода❥자유❥LIBERTAS❥حرية    Experimental-ART    EVERYTHING SCENERY!    Beauty of nature - post one, comment on two    Fotografi Naturalisti Italiani    !* Extraordinary Nature * post 1 cmt 2 (only nature!)    Grupo Flickr contra el cáncer. NO GROUP LIMIT    # # # EXOTIC IMAGE (ADM. INVITE) post 1, comment 1.    No rules only photos    !* Side by Side Society 彡 Friends to Friends 彡 Invite Only    FLICKERIANS    *****THE BEAUTIFULIST! ♥ [selection][bellissima] ♥ GROUP    MALVIVIENDO    Have a Nice Day!!!    ! *No hay camino para la paz, la paz es el camino!    Photography And Dreams (P2/C2)    Suspiros!!    !* The Beauty of Nature/ NO people! NO single buildings! P1/C2    !* Nature as Painting Inspiration • Admin Moderated • P1-A2    NATURE'S WORLD CREATIONS - NATURE ONLY    ♥ PLANET FLICKR! ♥ WHERE WE LIVE! ♥ POST EVERYDAY ♥    dreams I'll dream.. by invitation ~ P1/C3    *♥*UggBoy's BEAUTIFUL FAVORITES!*♥*    To be born Happy ☺ Pro dia nascer Feliz    !* NATURE (moderated group) P1-A2 [No tourist photos]    Earth creates - We are the users ♣ P1/A2    *MM - Artistic Photos*    Mother Earth, Father Sky (No People, No Man-made)    COLORS IN YOUR EYES*** Post 1/ Award 1    "Il sole,lo porti tu"    !* R.S.V.P. ♥ Something from the heart ♥ P1/C2    NATURAL BEAUTY P1 C1    La mia natura    [][][]The scent of photography[][][]    !* World Wide Nature * ! P1-A2 *NO buildings or people!*    NATURE (Post 1 / Award 4)    FIVE STARS ★★★★★ [P1-C2] Invite Only    GOOD - BETTER - BEST [P1/C2]    GROUP CLOSED? TROLL ALERT!!    The planet earth asks for help! - O planeta terra pede ajuda!    Almost All *Quase Tudo* post 1 cmt 2    * VARICOLORED (Post 1 ~ Award 1)    Club of Friendship! Clube da Amizade! P1/ A1    WE and OUR Friends [C1-P2]    TRES CHIC    ~Adorable Shot~    THANK YOU FRIEND    !* JOY TO THE WORLD-HOW I CAN MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE    Fugitive Moment *´¨* Post 1 Award 1    ! BrING oNLy tHe B E S T!    Planet Earth Landscapes    Preferences and Personal Choices (P1 / C1)    Arte in Italia e nel mondo - Art in Italy & in world - P1/ C1    ☼ extraordinaire BRONZE (P1/A4)    Impressive Landscapes    ! * Flavors of Life! • Sabores da Vida!    Flickr OBSESSION'    Il nuovo manifesto della fotografia artistica    !* FIELDS OF LOVE ♥ Nature ♥ NO people & NO 2nd Life!    Top-Pics only    PLANET EARTH WILDLIFE AND NATURE    !* Sighs of the Heart ♥ Sospiri del Cuore ♥    !* Ogham poem *Li sula = Delight of eye* P1 = Cmt2    !* The beautiful mornings / As belas manhãs    The art of sowing stars / A arte de semear estrelas    come lo vediamo .. post 1 - award 3    Bastano due parole ( Post 1 - Comm. 3 ) No nude    My favorite works of my Flickr friends    Your view through the camera lens    Memories are photographs that records the heart    TARJETA VISA ORO PARA TU FOTOGRAFÍA    Libro de Fotos / Photo Book    ***Your best Photos on Flickr P 1-A 2 invite only / no Foto mode    !* The Kings & Queens of Composition - NO 2nd Life - P1-A2    !* Magical Moments2 ♮ P1-A2 NO 2nd Life! NO Transports!    dream    Solo Belle Foto! Just Beautiful Photos!    brilliant flickr    Our best collection    COLL. par Impatience_1 * CIEL * PAYSAGE * Adm. Inv.    Ho l'hobby della foto    *Mágico Mundo Natural * Magical Natural World *    Art Of Clouds    ***GOD's BEAUTY is SIMPLY AMAZING.*** (Post 1 ~ Award 1)    "Beautiful Seasons" (p2~ a2) [theme: Seasonal Photos]    ♣My Hat's Off to You!!    L'eau - Water    Magic of Photography    A FEAST FOR MY EYES (Public Group)    "A FEAST for the EYES INTERNATIONAL" (post 1 ~ comment 1)    "Love Makes the World Go Round" (POST 1~AWARD 1)    Analog- Your shot is your soul.    A PAZ invadiu meu coração2* PEACE in our hearts! NO transports    Shorts wide    *Wonderful Water & Landscapes*    Photo Adda    OnePlus Photographs    The Art of Happiness    Jede Jahreszeit hat ihren Reiz.... Each season has its charm    !* What makes you happy? O que faz você feliz?    The best work of the photographer's passion    Meeresbewohner    My Favourite photo - la mia foto preferita    Great Images Academy    * Impressed by your Beauty! ~ refounded ~ (p1~a1) [3/day]    J'ai Deux Amours.... ❤ re-founded & moderated /P1/C2    One eye sees the other feels ツ re-founded group!    THE IMAGINATIVE CAMERA    ≼◈≽Le nostre FOTO≼◈≽    antartam    Flickr Photos good enough to print    Landscape, Nature and Wildlife Nirvana    ~~~ Artistic Photography ~~~    Group for all users of FLICKR - No 30/60 Groups Limit    * just photos * no rules please use comment code appreciated    Fée NATURE    Compelling Images    PLANET EARTH IN BOKEH AND DOF    ~With Acumen    Visual Delights    Best Photo of the Day! - No AI Images    foto naturalistiche della Brianza    " Festival of Light International " (new public group)    quello che più ci piace    - world's pieces -    Cose belle dal Mondo    Cose belle d'Italia    The essence of beauty    The best picture of the world    naturalando    the things you see    la massima espressione    * THE ENVY OF FLOWER PHOTOGRAPHY (theme: flowers)    Light_Dark_Black    club degli over 300    YOUR FLAGSHIP PICTURE OF THE DAY    Fotografando l'Italia    Porfolio Nature    !*Natures Beauty*!    White Winter Wonders    L'obiettivo , occhio dell'anima    Life Through A Hole    ! Fotografiando con Elena y Ricardo.    DISMISSING EXPLORE - 99+ FAVS with no Explore    LOOK ! *** the Home of great Photos (no 30/60 Limit) no limits    Earnings Stock Photos,    !* EARTH NATURE & LOVE Ⅱ • ⓇⒺ-ⒻⓄⓊⓃⒹⒺⒹ A2    Beautiful to Your Eyes    FLICKR INTERNATIONAL - No 30/60 Groups Limit    My favourite Photographers    Photo Artistry    100+ FAVES ONLY - SAFE, MODERATE, RESTRICTED !    All good photos.    quello che piace a me    Puertas al infinito    Ranga Hasi    Os pequenos acontecimentos diários que tornam a vida espetacula    Beautiful and nice.    Everything Nature ꕥ NO People! ꕥ Post 1 ꕥ Award 4    Be Natural In Nature (No 30 / 60 rule)    "Le club des adeptes des bisous et de l´humour"    CSSS: Earth - Ambient Light Through the Trees    The best photographs from around the world.    Foto Meraviglia    Nature Traditions    BEAUTY PHOTOS AROUND THE WORLD    Visual Artistry    World of Red & Yellow    MixArtMix    Colorful!    Italian Landscape Photographers    Truly Beautiful    Show your EXIF    --> Studio F    gesehen gezeigt geteilt Nikon    Amateur mobile photography    Ma che meraviglia!    « less
Camera: OnePlus A6003, f/1.7, 1/310 sec, 4.2mm, ISO 100 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: OnePlus A6003
Aperture: f/1.7
Exposure Time: 0.003 sec (1/310)
Focal Length: 4.2mm
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Auto, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Program AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.0 (Windows)
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