Flora e fauna di stagione

Marcandalli Mauro Angelo 6.000.000 Visite
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Flora e fauna di stagione

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Taken on: October 26, 2022
Groups appears in:   Photography    Macro    more » Macro Studies    Color and Colors - No computer-generated posts.    Macro Madness    Flickr Nature - NO B/W, People, Structures etc    B E A U T I F U L [photos with a 'beautiful' comment]    Bergamo's Alps - Alpi Orobie    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    Macros & Macros    Macro nature    Macro Experiments    MACRO Photo Creations    > MACRO ~ MAKRO < - opted out / no 30/60 group limit    Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S VR Zoom    Macro! Macro!! Macro!!!    SJohnson's Fauna PLEASE READ: surgery complete doing well    'Views: 5000 - 7500    "FRIENDS" P1/A2    winkleriani    macro whores    Super Macro's! Comment on as many as you like !    ..:: I LOVE DARK PHOTOS ::..    Mondo Macro - Post 1 Comment 2    macro bokeh    Beauty Unnoticed    " COLORS OF NATURE (no B&W!, no people, no manmade things)    macro photographers    FIORI(TUTTI I TIPI)(1 post-1 com-1 inv)-"24° GARA"- CHIUSA -    "Los mejores momentos de tu día"    Makrofotografie - Die Community für Makrofotografen    Super Photos (Post 1; Award 2)    CONCORDIANS    " ALL ANIMALS ( no people, no b&w, read group rules please)    ONLY ANIMALS (POST1,COMMENT1)    WHITE in/on/between WHITE (no black & white)    GR8 - Photos    !WORLD OF ANIMALS! (Post 1 and Comment 1 or more)    Macro & Close Up .. / NO Flowers or Insects /    I Miei Fiori Preferiti    PLANET EARTH OUR HOME    Una Esfera Suspendida en el Espacio llamado Tierra. Sub.1 Com.2    Macro Amateur    Nicely Composed    Baú Group Images    Galeria de Imagens Post 3 - Coment 3    .macro.    Fav dispenser - Beautiful for us!    MAGIC TOUCH (P1 / A1)    " Your BEST of Today " - Through MY Eyes    Saariy's Quality Pictures.Comment&Fave Lover's Favorites    Stunning Photos 2 (Post 1, Comment 1 and Invite 1)    Animali D'italia    ! LO MEJOR DE MI... ARTE Y CREACIÓN ARTÍSTICA !.    Wow!! (Post 1- Award 1)    FOTOEMOZIONI    Tree and Flower Mania    Red Matrix Masterpiece (Admin Invite)    all things bugs (post 1 ~ award 2)    Fiori*    as beautiful as you want    Macros con Estilo / Macros with Style    Making "FRIENDS" from around the World - NO PEOPLE - P1/C1    Primavera, Verano, Otoño e Invierno P1-C3    Select Few (post 1 ~ comment 1)    It's (still) not about you!    ***ButterGarden*** Your BEST flower+ photos.    True Color ░ ░ NO portraits ░ NO black & white!    ***All beautiful shots and many more.    Up Close, But Not Quite    ***Flickr Global    Colour of macros    Abecedario de fotografìas: Un silencio interior    Black in the Back    Lenguaje de las flores✿ONLY FLOWERS P1-C3;-))    NATURE'S PRIME (P1/A4)    Macro photos from Hungary/ Makró képek Magyarországról!    :) Recoilx 2.    FREEDOM❥自由❥свобода❥자유❥LIBERTAS❥حرية    Macro Magic (No limits)    Flowers and/or Bugs only ❤❤❤ My Best Macro    *Macro*    CLICK!! ♥ Post 1 / Comment 2    Beauty of nature - post one, comment on two    Las 4 estaciones&The 4 seasons. Vivaldi (P 1/C 2)    !* Extraordinary Nature * post 1 cmt 2 (only nature!)    Grupo Flickr contra el cáncer. NO GROUP LIMIT    Serbian OPEN PHOTO Community [Post 1 - Award 3] NO SNAPSHOT!!!    Flores,flower ,fleir, fiores ...    # # # EXOTIC IMAGE (ADM. INVITE) post 1, comment 1.    No rules only photos    FLICKERIANS    flickr 2010 P1/C2    Bianco & Nero - Black & White    *****THE BEAUTIFULIST! ♥ [selection][bellissima] ♥ GROUP    MALVIVIENDO    Have a Nice Day!!!    Green is Green, who don't like Green?    ! *No hay camino para la paz, la paz es el camino!    Suspiros!!    NATURE'S WORLD CREATIONS - NATURE ONLY    sapphire/saphir (poste 1 ~ comme 2 ~ invitez 1)    !* Les pieds sur terre! Pés no chão-pensamento nas estrelas!    *♥*UggBoy's BEAUTIFUL FAVORITES!*♥*    Earth creates - We are the users ♣ P1/A2    *MM - Artistic Photos*    "My colorful flowers" ✿    La belle et la bête (Macro France)    COLORS IN YOUR EYES*** Post 1/ Award 1    Chrysolite (poste 1 ~ comme 1)    NATURAL BEAUTY P1 C1    BOKEH PAINTING    [][][]The scent of photography[][][]    WORLD Photography (Post 1 / Award 1)    Love for Life --- Amor pela vida! Post 1 comment 1    Bite Me!    NATURE (Post 1 / Award 4)    6-Gli insetti preferiscono le ortiche - Free images    The planet earth asks for help! - O planeta terra pede ajuda!    * VARICOLORED (Post 1 ~ Award 1)    WE and OUR Friends [C1-P2]    TRES CHIC    Nature's Power . Play Fair ! Comment Please ;)    Union of Free Photographers    YourSELF - Through Picture [Post 1 - Award 3]    Library 50,000 views or 100 favs (30/60 free )    !* Friends are the glasses of the ♥soul - RULES CHANGED!    ☼ extraordinaire BRONZE (P1/A4)    Flickr OBSESSION'    Il nuovo manifesto della fotografia artistica    Flickr Macro Team    Flower Flower Flower    Abraços da Formiguinha Atomica LU    The art of sowing stars / A arte de semear estrelas    Citron verd    Bastano due parole ( Post 1 - Comm. 3 ) No nude    My favorite works of my Flickr friends    Nikon Photographs    Macro Group 'Little Landscapes' hosted by Phatic Photography    Your view through the camera lens    !* Painting with Mother Nature * Pure Nature! P1/C2    Memories are photographs that records the heart    TARJETA VISA ORO PARA TU FOTOGRAFÍA    Libro de Fotos / Photo Book    F.O.O.F. (by invitation) P1/A2    ***FLORA *FAUNA *from around the world***    Beautiful Flowers Photographs.    Solo Belle Foto! Just Beautiful Photos!    Macro Worlds.    Christabelle's Flowers Group    Nikon D7100 / D7200/ D7500 CLUB    brilliant flickr    Our best collection    COLL. par Impatience_1 * La FAUNE * Adm.Inv.    Ho l'hobby della foto    Viola's and Anto's Friends Gallery    Contemplación * Contemplation *    Evocando El Pasado * Evoking the Past *    *Mágico Mundo Natural * Magical Natural World *    COLL. par Impatience_1 *FLEURS*VERDURE*ARBRES*Adm.inv.    Macro in nature    ***GOD's BEAUTY is SIMPLY AMAZING.*** (Post 1 ~ Award 1)    * Ojos, Miradas y Sonrisas * Eyes, Looks and Smiles *    "Beautiful Seasons" (p2~ a2) [theme: Seasonal Photos]    Photo's passion of the world    Grauzone    ♣My Hat's Off to You!!    Macro's and close-ups    A FEAST FOR MY EYES (Public Group)    "A FEAST for the EYES INTERNATIONAL" (post 1 ~ comment 1)    "Love Makes the World Go Round" (POST 1~AWARD 1)    + Only Two, Deux, * (Post 1~Award 1)    A PAZ invadiu meu coração2* PEACE in our hearts! NO transports    Shorts wide    O que faz você feliz? What makes you happy?    " I am a Child of GOD " (post 1 ~ comment 1)    The World According to...    Insects, Spiders, Frogs, Snails and Slugs    America do Sul.    The Art of Happiness    iPhone 6 Plus Photography    Micro Visions Admin invite only!    Jede Jahreszeit hat ihren Reiz.... Each season has its charm    + Topcat and Friends.(post 1~Award 1)    The best work of the photographer's passion    Masterpieces at Second Sight (add one, comment two)    ShotCam (No SL & AI)    My Favourite photo - la mia foto preferita    Bird,s-Vögel    One eye sees the other feels ツ re-founded group!    THE IMAGINATIVE CAMERA    ≼◈≽Le nostre FOTO≼◈≽    " Macro Water Droplets International " (post 1 ~ award 1)    Flickr Photos good enough to print    Landscape, Nature and Wildlife Nirvana    Gardens, Flowers and Parks Nirvana - No 30/60 Limit    My Flowers - Mis Flores    Group for all users of FLICKR - No 30/60 Groups Limit    Coleoptera -Beetles    * just photos * no rules please use comment code appreciated    In Beautiful Light    Fée NATURE    Compelling Images    ~With Acumen    Visual Delights    FAVORITES CLUB - no 30/60 - no SL    Best Photo of the Day! - No AI Images    NO Post Produzione    Oasi WWF le Foppe di Trezzo sull'Adda    foto naturalistiche della Brianza    fiori rosa e lilla    " Festival of Light International " (new public group)    quello che più ci piace    Quella carezza della sera    Cose belle dal Mondo    Cose belle d'Italia    The essence of beauty    The best picture of the world    fiori bianchi    naturalando    la massima espressione    Papaveri e papere (poppies and ducks)    fiori gialli    fiori rossi    * THE ENVY OF FLOWER PHOTOGRAPHY (theme: flowers)    All boats - Alle Boote - Tous les bateaux.    regali della storia    Juste du talent    Reportage di viaggio    club degli over 300    Il nostro amico Martin    Andando per monti    Fotografando l'Italia    Porfolio Nature    Flors amb nom    !*Natures Beauty*!    L'obiettivo , occhio dell'anima    See things in different angle    Uccelli di lombardia    Life Through A Hole    ! Fotografiando con Elena y Ricardo.    LOOK ! *** the Home of great Photos (no 30/60 Limit) no limits    MacroInsects    Il libro delle stagioni [solo foto di natura/ pic of nature only    MagicoFiore    Nikon con sigma 105 2.8 ex macro    Sigma 105 mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro    over 400 likes    Beautiful to Your Eyes    FLICKR INTERNATIONAL - No 30/60 Groups Limit    il lato bello del mondo    My favourite Photographers    Photo Artistry    100+ FAVES ONLY - SAFE, MODERATE, RESTRICTED !    Flowers with visitors! - POST 1 . AWARD 2    Shadows and Moods    quello che piace a me    ~Attention Worthy - No 30/60 Limit    **Water´s drops    gesehen bemerkt festgehalten    Ranga Hasi    Little Macro world    Everything Nature ꕥ NO People! ꕥ Post 1 ꕥ Award 4    Sunday Lights - Only your best !    Be Natural In Nature (No 30 / 60 rule)    "Le club des adeptes des bisous et de l´humour"    No 30/60 Flickr - no SL    FREE AS A BIRD (BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY)    Foto Meraviglia    Nature Traditions    Photo-Phactory    BEAUTY PHOTOS AROUND THE WORLD    THE MAIN ARCHIVE.    Visual Artistry    MixArtMix    Colorful!    100V & 20F    Show your EXIF    Ron Scubadiver's Fine Photography    IMP - Italians MacroPhotographers    Anyone Can Share Picture Group    gesehen gezeigt geteilt Nikon    Ma che meraviglia!    Fans of Flickr    « less
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