Ouro Preto - Minas Gerais

Michel Adamo
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Ouro Preto - Minas Gerais

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Taken on: February 7, 2023
Groups appears in:   Brasil/Brazil    Fotógrafos Brasileiros / Brazilian Photographers    more » Flickr Latinoamerica    Sunlight / Luz do sol    Not a day without my camera (Award 1)    Huawei Photography    As Cores do Brasil / The Colors of Brazil / Colores del Brazil    Places in Brazil    Passeios Fotográficos - Campo Grande/MS    Enfoque América, Flickr    Latinoamérica, paisajes, gente, culturas. Por la Patria Grande    !!Perfect Composition!!    TH!NK    PHOTOGRAPHY PLANET Award 1 when posting    LA CIUDAD DE LA FURIA    Lovely villages, fields, meadows, swamps & countryside    InTeNSidAD    As Cores da America do Sul / Los colores de América del Sur    Earth: Anything & Everything    KeVoLuTIoN 750    philosophy in colors    Pelo Brasil    Mi cámara y yo - My Camera and Me (P-1 A-3) SWEEPER - ON    Group Free    Sunlight / Sunshine    !*ALL ARE WELCOME*!    Huawei Camera Phones    Huawei addicts    Huawei Photos Gallery.    Huawei with Leica lenses    Huawei P30 Pro User    Huawei P30    Huawei P30 Series    Huawei P30 Photo    Huawei P30 Pro Image    Huawei P30 Pro Photo    The best photographs from around the world.    Huawei P30 Wallpapers    P30 Pro    Huawei P30 Image    Huawei P30 Pro    HUAWEI P30 PRO and P40 PRO P70 pro ULTRA    Huawei_P30    Huawei 30 pro    Huawei P30 Pro * SHOWCASE *    « less
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