MyTubeNYC ( ' bomber '- illegal graffiti artist )

MyTubeNYC ( Gediminas Jankevicius )
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MyTubeNYC ( ' bomber '- illegal graffiti artist )

© All Rights Reserved
Taken on: January 4, 2016
Groups appears in:   Emotions    Black and White    more » Experimental Dream    FlickrCentral    Mac Addicts    flickr Japan    StreetPhoto    日本語flick'r    B&W    Abandoned    Street Documentary: Story, Life, Human Connection    Wooster Collective    Faux Vintage    白黒写真    Lucid & Mysterious    People of the World (no AI !)    Young Photographers    █████ ☁ Flickr Anti-Social ☁ █████    Grain is Good    Amateurs    POP ART    People in Black & White    Streetshots (people in the street)    Conceptual photography    Monochromatic world    Cinematic Moments.    Photographic Art    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    Gothamist    B&W DREAMS    The Street Photography Community    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    Life in Black & White    STREET STORIES    White and Black Photography    BEST in B&W photography    ! * Urban LIFE in Metropolis ////    xpro cross processing    The Cinematographer    FOTOGRAFÍA, aprendamos juntos    Beginners, hoping for Feedback    CLICK the CAMERA    The World Through My Eyes ...    B&WPIX (1/day)    * Flickr en Español    * B&N en Español    Avant-Garde Photography    Black and White Maniacs (Please Comment on the Previous TWO)    Beginner's Digital Photography    Analogue of Weirdology    Psychoanalyze This    Amanti del Bianco e Nero/ Lovers of Black and White photography    Favorite Street Pictures    Self Taught Photographers - LOOK AT DISCUSSIONS FIRST!    Adorn Magazine    Psychotronic Cult Trash    Street Composition (Fine Art Street Photography)    I Love Black and White!    FELT LIFE    You Think this is Art    Street photography, hardcore    B/W Senza tempo - Timeless    Hardcore A-Z Street Photography    A Better B&W Group    RAW Street Photography    NYC Street Photography    カメラ日和    "Exemplary Shots - Flickr's BEST! (Post 1 Award 3)"    *SHINING★STAR - Post 1- Give 5 Stars    *Clair-Obscur / Darkness-Light*    * Retratos BIENVENIDO 2o19 - Hora de ponernos al día    BW's & Monochromes    *Best of Flickr* (Comment 1 / invite 2) PHOTOS ONLY    Lomographic Society International    i-D Magazine    World of B&W + Sepia & other monochrome    *Black and White Gallery*    Zupi Magazine    Creative Photo Group_ BASIC (P1-C3)    ..:: I LOVE DARK PHOTOS ::..    Black & White Art Awards (Post 1 - Award 3)    Xataka Foto    White/Black    kwerfeldein: die flickr gruppe    Je suis venu(e) vous dire /I came and tell you    Stranger Photos    World Photography - Public Photos - Traveling - Life    Miradas en Blanco y Negro    攝影人碼頭 [ Photographer's Wharf ](post 1,award 2)    ALL Welcome - I am sick of 'rules and regulations - New Contest    Black and White Photography (POST 1, COMMENT 3)    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    +LIFE IN MONO +    WLTF mag    Inspiration, Art, Poetry & Freedom of Expression    A través de tu mirada (Post 1, comment 2)    world in B&W    Positive Magazine    ***PhotoGraphia*** OPEN NOW    Street & Reportage    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    Photography Magazine, I Heart    N.E.E.T. Magazine    pure street    ffffound!    PROVOKE    Man Ray,Fotografía Experimental (Post 3 Award 5)    Official National Geographic Group    Urban Alt    ***SCREAM OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER***    FRAAI magazine - send us your creativity    Abduzeedos    being is bewildering    Hamburger Eyes    BLACK+WHITE=[AWARD]-post1 award3 before u-JOIN CONTEST!!    BLACK & WHITE - P1&A2 (NO SEPIA)    "Double Dragon Awards" Post 1 Comment 3 SWEEPER!!    URBANISM magazine    Nuevos Fotografos    *****Street Photography*****    Callejeando, foto urbana    Still Images: The Art Of Photography    B&W - The Art of Photography    :: FOTOGRAFÍA HUMANA :: (human photos)    Quality Black & White Images    B&W Feelings [Post 1, Award 3]    ! The BEST of Black & White Photography (NO SEPIA)    Black & White Passion (P1/A3)    Compétence Photo • Le Révélateur    ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆    !*Flickr Award Group*! (GIVE 5 AWARDS)    Uncanny Village    Amsterdam Blog Associates - Urban Creatives    ASTUIMAGEN    Paradise by the photographers light [No AI or SL]    Shadow of a Doubt    The Urban Jungles    *lost in translation*    Visual concept ( Post 1 MUST comment 2)    PLATEFORM magazine    FECAL FACE DOT COM    ***MONO**SEPIA**Active sweeper**    VIZIOMAG art magazine    Blood of the Young Zine    different visions    Hardcore Street Photography en Français (HCSP-Fr)    PHOTOICON MAGAZINE    Black and White "SuperstarS" Post 1, Comment or Award 2.    NO color    Only Black & White    POTPOURRI MAGAZINE    MOST EXCELLENT    INK MAGAZINE    Photos Without A Rabbit    Fascination and love of life    Carpaccio Magazine    MONOCHROME AWARD - Admin invite - Post 1 and award 2 ,)Winner Un    YEAH Magazine Contributor Search    prawda    All Street Photography    FILE - Photography and Graphic Design search.    Fotografi Street Italiani (Solo con soggetti "vivi", grazie)    Black & white - Poetic streetshots    ***Flickr Global    Photos * Images [No AI or SL]    The Light Painters Society    *ANGEL AWARDS, POST 1 / GIVE 5 ANGELS , SWEEPER ACTIVE Photography Magazine    ★★★Shutter Bug - Tips & Tricks★★★    RazorMonkey Magazine    BORED? zine    Street B&W shots    HUH. Submissions    B&W FLICKR - P&B FLICKR    No Culture Icons    Flickr & Friends    Black&White♥Lovers(Post2-Comment5)*SWEEPER ACTIVE*    New York City Street Photography    Bloodwars Magazine    blowupnewyork    PHOTOCLASSIC    FAQMAGAZINE SUBMISSIONS    Flickr Community (INVITE ALL CONTACTS)    Svärta (    Flickr Social Club    Other Photo gallery    Document / Report    Holy Ghost Zine    Tus fotos, Your pictures, Le tue foto, Tes photos,정의사진    Shoot the Street    Black and White Photography Art    *World of Disturbia*    Mordus de photos Monochrome    Soulful Black & White    ibeer art gallery,taiwan    "POEMA IN BIANCO E NERO" ♡ (Only Black and White) ♡    RIOT MASS - TURBATOR    unusual young submissions    hyper chaotic aureole    EL Bombo Atomico    No rules only photos    Social Documentary Photographers Group.    STREET PASSION (post 1 - award 2)    MAZIPOS -- fanzines and itinerant exhibitions    Portrait World (人像世界)    BLACK WHITE PASSION (post 1 - award 2)    We Are Rebels    Manfrotto Official    The Vacant Fever Collective    Ilovefake Magazine    Image Gallery / B&W !!!    Barry Magazine Submissions    ~ Noir Cafe ~    Vermeer Pearls.. (P1/A2)    Street Photography International - The SPI    ►DRAMA*- High Contrast Group (P1-A2)    Parts of Black and Light    Dizajnersi [P1 / A2]    A Photos **( POST 1 AWARD 5 )**    SPARKAZINE    Being There    The D-Photo    Traum Noir    PHotoExpresión Black&White (Creative Art Work)    Télégramme Magazine    some things are better than others!!!    FINE Magazine - Photographer Search    cBW = [BLACK&WHITE] + Selective Color (P1/C2)    Fine Wall Art Murals    Portraits and Faces    Oh Comely Magazine Submissions    [][][]100%PERFECT[][][]    ! * EN BLANCO Y NEGRO-BLACK AND WHITE !! P1 / AWARD 5 !!    Image Portrait Gallery !!! - B&W or Color !!!    Life in the Street Photography    Aspiring Street Photographers    A New Art & Photo Gallery - Post 1/Award 1    The Best of Black & White ☯    SIMPLY YOUR BEST PHOTO Black & White (Post 1/Award 3)    photoinphoto    Self Publish, Be Happy    NO THOUGHTS ZINE    The Street Photograph (Black and White Street Photography)    Street Photography - Image of People.    blackandwhite - the ESSENCE : (VOTING open!)    Enquire Mag    ◆◆◆ WORLD WITHOUT COLOURS ◆◆◆ POST1- CMT2    Fluster Magazine -    Le COOL    NASTY MAGAZINE | the charme of the mess    HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY -Opening new site and first official issue    Grainy Pleasures    a dirty job - magazine    Still**Life - Street Photography    Tra un Manifesto e Lo Specchio - High quality images    AT YOUR BEST IN BW (EACH PHOTO NEEDS AN ADMIN. INVITATION)    deviatemagazine    The Human Element    Art at a Glance    Black&White Photo Group    Kissing Eyes Magazine    Street Photography Worldwide    Art Without End ... [P1/C3]    *    Organiconcrete    PLYM Magazine    Black & White Horizon    !Art Book (18+)    Temporary Youth Zine    B&W Viva la Vida! (P1-A5)    flickr (unofficial)    Mollusk Magazine    Film Explosion    digital is the devil    A/H Submissions    Black & White Mysteries    TANGRAM MAGAZIN    The Inspired Eye    Street Photography — UK    URBAN ARTE (P1 - A1)    A Love Token Press    A journey in black and white    CryptoSocio    The Rave- Post 1 Award 3 (NO 30/60 limit )    Passion B.&.W.    Street Photography Magazine    World Photographers' Photos WPP    UNSUSPECTING PROTAGONISTS    Black and White People Street Artistic!    Mars Weekly's Flickr Click    Eclectica unbound.    STREETFASHION MAGAZINE    tamer animals    The Dark Side Of The Light - No Second Life    Frayed Magazine Photographer Search    Art Museion    Urban Art & People    Photography art for everyone    Monochrome Photos Look Best    World Street Photography! Full Color and Monochrome.    MOFO Images -B&W- (More Of Flickr Originals)    « less
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