Bewildered by choices.

Neil. Moralee
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Bewildered by choices.

Taken on: November 11, 2013
Sets appears in:   Spaniards    Faces    more » Black & White    « less
Groups appears in:   BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO HEAVEN!    StreetPhoto    more » B&W    People of the World (no AI !)    People Watching    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    High ISO shots    Life in Black & White    White and Black Photography    Nikon DSLR Users    The World Through My Eyes ...    B&W High ISO    B+W    I SHOOT PEOPLE    Monochrome Madness    Self Taught Photographers - LOOK AT DISCUSSIONS FIRST!    Faces and faces - H.I.G.H.Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y.    Black & White Digital    People pictures    A Better B&W Group    RAW Street Photography    World of B&W + Sepia & other monochrome    Nikon Digital Learning Center    ..:: I LOVE DARK PHOTOS ::..    Hip Shooters Anonymous    Blanco y Negro - Black and White    DIGIFOTO Pro    National Geographic Faces of the World    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    worldwide street photography    BLACK & WHITE PHOTOS (P1/A2)    *****Street Photography*****    LIGHTROOM ∞    ! The BEST of Black & White Photography (NO SEPIA)    black, white, and gray photography    All Street Photography    FACE ON flickr (men & women)    In travel with my Nikon    *That's MY Photo ! *    Image Gallery... B&W and Colour !!! [No AI or SL]    Street Shooter    In The Streets    Face Studies Of The World    School of Digital Photography    Lightroom 3 and above: Flickr Publish Service    Aspiring Street Photographers    The Street Photograph (Black and White Street Photography)    Street Photography - Image of People.    The Monochrome Mind    Portraits from the Street    People Portraits World    Masters of Black and White Photography. - International Collective of Emerging Photographers    The Nikon D7100 Group    Street Photography Magazine    Nikon D7100 DSLR    Nikon D7100 / D7200/ D7500 CLUB    NIKON D7100 photography    Black and White People Street Artistic!    Images About Almost Anything    Magic of Photography    the expressions of black and white    Flickr Social    !*Flickr All Stars*!    Monochrome Photos Look Best    FREE THE PHOTOS FROM COLOURS(Black and White Photos ONLY)    * just photos * no rules please use comment code appreciated    iClick!    All Free Pictures (Creative Commons and Public Domain)    flick®    BLACK/ WHITE PICS    An Unlimited Black & White Photography Group    Life as we know it - HQ Candid Street Photography (No 30/60 limi    * no limits, just quality photography!    Street People in Black & White    people renmen hito    One-mono-a-day    « less
Camera: Nikon D7100, f/5.6, 1/250 sec, 18mm (=27mm), ISO 2000 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Nikon D7100
Lens: 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6
Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 0.004 sec (1/250)
Focal Length: 18mm (35mm equivalent: 27mm)
ISO: 2000
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Shutter speed priority AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Spot
White Balance: Auto
Gain Control: High gain up
Color Space: Uncalibrated
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.6 (Windows)
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