BoXxpress X4 E - 608

Nelso M. Silva
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BoXxpress X4 E - 608

Taken on: April 12, 2022
Sets appears in:   Germany    Siemens Vectron Locomotives   
Groups appears in:   Rail    trains    more » Trains and railways    Railway    Trainspotting    Railscape    train railroad    I Love Trains    Güterzüge / Freight trains / Cargo trains    MOVING trains --READ THE RULES    trains in action    Train Photography    Trains and Trams - Railway Lovers    Your Very Best Railroad Photos    Railway Photographers    Anything trains    The Railway Age    World Trains    Trenes y locomotoras. Trains and Locomotives. Züge und Lokomo    LIFE ON THE RAILWAYS    1,000,000 TRAINS    RAILWAY PHOTOS    Ride The Rails    Trains, Hoboes, and More Trains! And More Hoboes...    Runs On Rails    Treni, Ferrovie, Stazioni e Dintorni    Terminal Intermodal    Portugal Ferroviário    Nikon on rails    Trainspotter    Trains, Rails and Railroad Equipment    Trains-new and old-past and present    Trains and tracks    Locomotive Photo Group    XMPR? No grazie!    TRAINS AND TRACKS    The Machines.. (Post 1 - Award 2)    Locomotive    Freight trains    Your Best Railroad Photos    Siemens Locomotives    I've been railroaded!    Railway Gallery    Treni Cargo / Cargo Trains    Amantes de los Trenes    Trains Deluxe    Electric Train the World    All Locomotives, Trains and Trams    todo trenes    Tutti i treni del Mondo / All Trains in the World    Privaattreinen-Privatetrains in Europa    Vagones de mercancias/freight car    Train.    Worldwide Trains    Rail Creative Commons    1.000.000 Trains in Europe    TRAINS & LOCOMOTIVES    Electric Locomotives    Railways & Locomotives    JUST TRAINS-no 30/60 limit    High Quality Train Pictures    Trains in the world    Rail Pictures Worldwide Net    All european trains - Eisenbahnen in Europa    EuropeanRailways    InfoTransportes    European Railways - Freight in Action    Comboios da Europa    Vectron/Smartron - Siemens locomotive    Alle goederentreinen in Europa / All Freight trains in Europe    Rail Enthusiasts Worldwide Opted out 30/60    Die Eisenbahnfotografen    Bahnfotografie - Railphotography    Trains, Subways and Stations    Ferronikonistas    Monstruos sobre raíles/Monsters on rails    Estaciones, trenes y tranvías de Europa    Train 4 ever    Treinenkoerier    TrainLogistic    Vectron rules!    **Only Trains _ No 30 / 60 Group restriction !    Ferrocarriles Españoles    All Free Pictures (Creative Commons and Public Domain)    V E C T R O N    Trenes eléctricos    -- Trains only! --    Die schönsten Züge in D, A, CH (Deutschland, Österreich, Schw    Locomotives, DMU's and EMU's built in German Railway Companies    High Quality Railway Photography    « less
Camera: Nikon D7100, f/7.1, 1/500 sec, 40mm (=60mm), ISO 500 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Nikon D7100
Lens: 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8
Aperture: f/7.1
Exposure Time: 0.002 sec (1/500)
Focal Length: 40mm (35mm equivalent: 60mm)
ISO: 500
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
Metering Mode: Center-weighted average
White Balance: Manual
Gain Control: Low gain up
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows)
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