Welcome to Albert Road - Southsea - Portsmouth - 2013

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Welcome to Albert Road - Southsea - Portsmouth - 2013

© All Rights Reserved
Taken on: June 13, 2013
Sets appears in:   Summer 35mm FILM 2013   
Groups appears in:   England    Nikon    more » Portraiture (of real people)    UK Flickr users    35mm *FILM* Photographers    35mm Photography    Color and Colors - No computer-generated posts.    Flickr Addicts    Candid Camera (person not posing)    expired film    All People    Brands, Marks & Logos    No Photoshop Here    Pro Corner: Semi-Pro and Professional Photography / Photographer    People Watching    50mm (The original 50mm group)    Conceptual photography    Urban Life    Creative Photography    The FLICKYS 2014 - (Coming Soon!)    Analog Photography    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    SLR-group [non-digital only | shot film?]    High Contrast and/or saturation    Indie Boys    NO FLASH!    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    :black:contrast:white:    My Everyday Life    Nikon FG    Analogue Photography    Canon, Nikon or Any Other Film Photography    youthculture    Indie Kids    The Film Group    *Why So Serious....    County of Hampshire    Man in The White Suit - Film Photos, UK!    Kodak Fans    Nikon 50mm    Film Portraits    NIKON PROFESSIONAL    I Shoot Kodak Film    not the wheels and wax shit..skateboarding is dead!    Self Taught Photographers - LOOK AT DISCUSSIONS FIRST!    Film-friendly folks.    Film is not Dead!!    Nylon Magazine    Enthusiastic Amateurs    Kodak SLR (film and digital)    SKATEBOARDING CULTURE & LIFESTYLE (read b4 posting)    C-41 and other Color Negative Films    Get noticed    Nikon FE    Unreal Portraits    So simple, so beautiful!    I collect light    i-D Magazine    Most Known, Unknown Skate Photography    **PORTSMOUTH Group UK**    Top Drawer Photography    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    Monster Children    Positive Magazine    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    Photography Magazine, I Heart    Vista Skateboard Art    ffffound!    ♥ I Love Portsmouth    Flickr Nerds    Manual Focus Lenses    CreativePortraiture    Apply Skateboarding    five good things    _The Best Of Nikon_    FlickrPortraits    Film Only    What's Your Story? - Sponsored by Kodak    Film is Awesome!    Skateboard Lifestyle    Pigeons & Peacocks    Shadow of a Doubt    FECAL FACE DOT COM    Wordplay magazine    West_End_Cameras    IMAG - Magazine of photography, image, graphic, art.    Flickr SkateBoard    FILM.    WE ARE LUCKY    Film camera - Passion of life    THE WORKSPACE    film's dead, but it just won't lie down    don't you fucking complain about gravity    film film film    Film Lovers' Cafe    Film Bangas    BORED? zine    Fashion Photography UK    HUH. Submissions    The 35mm Group    ! * Flickr Hive Mind Group / Administration    35mm color film    Kodak Expired Film    SKATEBOARDING LIFE    film.forever.    film will never die    My Best Shots!    FILM IS SEXY!!    Tumblr photographers    Mint Magazine    Skateboard Lovers    A Portrait Group    35mm skateboarding    B▲D ASSEMBLY    film means something to us    UK Film Club    NO THOUGHTS ZINE    Publickr Flickr    Photolove Magazine    my big works    Fluster Magazine - www.flustermagazine.com    the world i see    Nikon Film Photography    Still**Life - Street Photography    Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G AF-S    Click After Click    35 mm photos    10 Million MORE Photos    eltoron.com    BUY FILM NOT MEGAPIXELS    Seasons on me    The Flickr Exchange    PLYM Magazine    flickr (unofficial)    digital is the devil    Film Addicts    We Love Photos.    Lomo/analog experiences    Aspiring Stock Photographers    « less
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