Small Ring of History

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Small Ring of History

© All Rights Reserved
Taken on: November 9, 2015
Sets appears in:   composites   
Groups appears in:   Colors of the World    Adobe PhotoShop Creations    more » Humor    timothy leary / transhumanism    Surreal/Random Photoshop Crap    ART DISTRICT    Deviant Artists    Art Now    Group of the easily amused...    Inside Out Expressions    Photomontage    Art of Photography - The Eye of the Beholder!    Composites    Outsider Art    PhotoShop    Creative types    Artistic Photography    All Collages    Photoshop with an attitude    Your Art - Not Photography (No SL images}    Lucid & Mysterious    !FlickrSoup for Soul    fantasy    Weird But Wonderful    ART OUT LOUD    Surrealism    Your Favorite Photos - Unlimited!    Unusual    Surrealist pictures    Conceptual photography    dream or reality?    Art parody    Imagination    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    Weird    A different point of view!    Weird Photography    Art For Artists sake    Spiritual Visions    surrealime in photography    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    Art makes you happy!    Photoshop Graphic Montages    Nice pictures    *Interesting Portraits    Spoofs & Parodies    PHILOSOPHY /// PHOTOphilosophy ™    Amazing Photo Creations (Multiple photos combined)    ART / REAL    Photoshop Support Group Creative Pic Pool!    Your Movie Poster    Surrealist    H P P D    Fun With Photo Editing - Digitally Enhanced Creations Showcase    Odd and Abstract    The World Through My Eyes ...    CREATIVE MINDS    Adobe Photoshop Elements (PSE)    COLLAGEconcept    Eerie...    The surreal life    MAX Magazine    ART mixed-media    Photoshop Madness    Surreal Images    Your mind, your photos    * Flickr en Español    Image 4    Photomanipulation    Strange Worlds    ANYTHING & EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC / NO SL/AI    Surreal Places    Humor jokes, funny.    Photoshop Junkees    Twisted Flickr    Artists Without Borders    Photoshop Professionals    Pop Surrealism    ALTERED UNIVERSE    Weird Shit    New Directions    Bizarre Illustrations & Drawings & Arts    Magazine Art    U_MAG    Sides of You    Photoshop,art    **Beautiful Concepts**    canceld    Artists of flickr!    :: Just Art- "Be Creativ" ::    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    creative collage and art decoupage    Faces and faces - H.I.G.H.Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y.    surreal photo group    Raw Art Visionary    Extreme Photo Manipulation    illustration & collages    Humor between men and women :)    Surreal Dimension    Digital Photography Manipulation    You Think this is Art    STRANGE !!    "Fun Pics"    Collaborative Art and Photography    . : * altered.imagery * : .    PHOTOSHOP is not a DIRTY WORD (Post 1 - comment 1)    >Postmodern Photography    Get noticed    ****Photoshop Craze****    Photo Composites    Flickr Elite Group    Artists And Their Art    Mystique    Retouch Magic - Photo Manipulation and Retouching    >>>OBVIOUS PHOTOSHOP<<<    Manipulative    SURREALITY    Innovative collage    Collage+    Faces!    Fantasy Worlds    i-D Magazine    Psychedelic High Priestess of LOVE    Surrealismo    SoLO FoTO :-) DIveRTeNTi - AmUSinG PhOtOS oNLy    Editing Only    PhotoPlus Magazine    FLICKR FRINGE    Completely Colorful Collage    Dada and Anarchy    " Damn Cool Photographers in the WORLD " .♥.♥.♥    WOOF!MAGAZINE    Art Evokes Emotion    Art Bandits(art not photography)    digital_art_wow_photoshop    Stranger Photos    Blended Exposures    Strange and Unusual Photos    Conceptual / Thought Provoking Artists    Creative & Superb photos    Dream a Little Dream    Начини за виждане (Ways of Seeing)    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    Digital Art and Mixed Media    Photos Photoshopped    Popular Photography Magazine    Kalamazoo Artist    Positive Magazine    The Best Picture Gallery!    Total Photoshop    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    YOUR ORIGINAL CREATION    Creative Art Photography    Photography Magazine, I Heart    galleria d'arte    Outsider Artists    the essential is invisible    Photographers of West Michigan    Manipulations    Art Meets Photography    Fine Art Photography™    ***SCREAM OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER***    EXTREMEST PHOTOSHOP    Wow! : )    CreativePortraiture    COLLAGE INTERNATIONAL COLLECTION    Club de amigos del Photoshop    Art from All Artists    New Renaissance - NO Sweeper    Borderline Creative Movement    Keeping It Surreal    Digital Illustrations by Artists    hUMOR , hUMOR ; hUMOR ; )    Your altered images    Locuras Fotograficas    Creepy, Unusual, Eerie and Strange Things    Instant Classics ॐ    I ANNOY YOU . be (JE VOUS    *****Conceptual Photography*****    Ethereal World    Michigan Photo Club    arty old fARTS    VISUAL ARTS!!    Photo Manipulation Business    Digital Collages    Artistic Treasure Chest (Read the rules)    Notpaper (a group about collage)    PHOTOSHOP hobby    PLATEFORM magazine    Eccentric Central    Composites / Compilations    Make Something Cool Every Day    Friends of Roberts    Cafe Elite    Cool photoshop stuff!    VIZIOMAG art magazine    Post Processing Addicts    different visions    Surreal Creations    Loving All Things Photography    PHOTOICON MAGAZINE    Somewhat Strange...    Surreal Shots    ***Digital Manipulation***    POTPOURRI MAGAZINE    Artistic Manipulation Group (Post 1/Award 1)    MOST EXCELLENT    Surreal McCoy    Carpaccio Magazine    Surrealism Art    what's on your mind?    YEAH Magazine Contributor Search    molokoplus    Photoshop Manipulations    ...-Wink's Place-...    held captive by the imagination    Conceptual Cinematic *Pics with stories*    *poetry of images    Do What You Do    Photomanipulators    Advanced Creation    ModErN SurREaLiSTs    .. Meaningful Photography    RazorMonkey Magazine    ▲ cult    STRONGBOX Magazine    HUH. Submissions    Flickrs Best Photos    The Candid Frame    The Flickr Underground    ++ ENERGIA POSITIVA ++ (CLOSED)    DIY eclect(r)icArt / shots    FAQMAGAZINE SUBMISSIONS    ~ X-Treme Photo Experiments ~    RAW Magazine Group    KoKollage    Digital Talent    Surreal and Contemporary art lovers <3    abstract/surreal/strange795    Photoshop creatures    digital collage art    *World of Disturbia*    artland    Photoshop vandalized photos    Open Lab Magazine    EL Bombo Atomico    Photoshop Central    No rules only photos    Smile You're Not Dead Zine    FLICKERIANS    MAZIPOS -- fanzines and itinerant exhibitions    Dreams, visions and nightmares    MALVIVIENDO    Manipulation Photography    ART BY FOTO    Your Very Best    Mint Magazine    Ilovefake Magazine    Art, and Soul 4 U    PhotoshopJunkies    Trend Art    1000 Collages    Michigan Digital Art    art for non-snobs    Gate to Paradise, Free Group for Free Artists, It's your group    * illustrators and Dreamers * - Images of Art    show me the art    Pure Imagination    Digital Masterpiece    Télégramme Magazine    some things are better than others!!!    FINE Magazine - Photographer Search    Exister c'est vivre    Digital SLR Photography Magazine    Oh Comely Magazine Submissions    BRAVO 55555 [P1-C2]    MUSEUM QUALITY Only | P1-P2 | Invite Only    Spontaneous Art (Post 1 / Comm if you feel like - sweeper off)    [][][] Photos of the other world [][][]    Photoshop manipulation group    FUN...OR ELSE    digital illustration    Trans-Eguzkilore.    Photoshopaholics    LORD BYRON - MAD, BAD and DANGEROUS TO KNOW    BE FREE Photographer's Network    JUDOJUDO E LA FOTOGRAFIA    The smirk magazine subscriptions    Unnoticed Work Made Noticed    Art Experiment    Enquire Mag    Fluster Magazine -    NASTY MAGAZINE | the charme of the mess    Flickr OBSESSION'    PHLEARN    what you see when your eyes are closed    Manipulações    Emotional Monotone: Michigan in Black and White    Digital Dark Arts (DDA)    ` FLICKR ´    WOLF MAGAZINE    JPeople Magazine    Digital Artworks of People    nibble art    VIENNESE COFFEE HOUSE ☕ Where You Meet Your Friends | P1-C1    .Get Inspired! Magazine    Yabba dabba doo!    The Dark Side of Mind    Universal Art    flickr (unofficial)    CrëÅTïvë ÅnÐ mØØÐ phØTØgrÅphŸ ÅrT    THE STICKY BEAK AWARDS    What You See Isn't Always What You Get    lys foto magazine    digital is the devil    The Fantasy Cycle    Creative art and photos, illustrations    Symbolism.    All LuWi fpr public (you may join freely)    When Isn't A Photo A Photo Anymore???    Sarmad Magazine    Trashed - Collage Magazine    The different kind of Art - International Collective of Emerging Photographers    ShowCase Images    Surrealism Inspired/Portraits    The Rave- Post 1 Award 3 (NO 30/60 limit )    The Totality of Reality ~*MANIPULATION GROUP* *Post 1, Award 1*~    Dreams Magazine    ★Exotic touch    When art speaks to you...ovvero...Quando l'arte ti parla...    Inmense Magazine    unique people = unique minds    Disturbed Meaning    Whats your style?    What is your story?    Faces of the Surreal    Anything Outside Of Normal    Digital Photo Mag    Fantasy & Fairy Tale Photography    Fotografos Creativos / Creative photographers    The Blind Pig Speakeasy    Mars Weekly's Flickr Click    Art For Everyone    Minds Creative Eye    Solo Personas / Only People    NEM Submissions    Images About Almost Anything    Michigan photography    Flickr No1 Pics    Everything Creative    Surreal High Quality    Art Museion    The Best ...    Rewind Magazine    The Blue Moon Gallery-Opted Out    anything you wish...    FORMER ART - No Second Life Images    Amateur Photographer Magazine    A Funny Picture    Manipulation ,Composite & Fine Art    Photography And Manipulation    Strawberry Fields - Post 1 award 2 (NO 30/60 limit)    Flesh & Bone Magazine    Artist.Com    Your Best Images!    "Exploration of Surrealism,Nature,Abstract,What Comes In Mind"    Art Dreamed ¤ No Second Life Images    <>Manipulated Masterpieces<>    !*Flickr All Stars*!    The best work of the photographer's passion    Life Soaked    Computer Composite    Theatre de Absurd    Ghoya Arkhan - Surrealism Gothic And Futuristic Surrealism    The Toonager    Hobby, imaging, ideas, photo manipulation    flickr world wide    Emporium of Creative Wonders    Revolt Against Reality    Bizzaro World    VISUAL MAD PASTRY KITCHEN (opted out)    ~With Acumen    « less
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