What you see here; are 3 law enforcement officers, walking up to my front door. The guy with the cowboy hat; loudly knocks on the door. The one far to his right; is turning on or adjusting his body camera. There is another one between them; to the far rear.
What they are here for; is an incident that happened the evening before, on 1-5-25. I was making dinner that night and didn’t check my phone notifications, until much later that night. I received several security notifications, from multiple security cameras, outside of my house. I reviewed them; and saw two people walking through my front yard, with a flashlight. Entering from the far north of my truck and other drive; pictured center left of the image. They walked through the length of my front yard and to the south, side of my house. Swinging, a lit flashlight, instead of shining it at any spicific location. They, then left my yard the same way. A minute later; a Sheriff’s SUV, pulled into my yard, at the same location. A Deputy stepped out of the vehicle. He walked in the same direction, first shinning his flashlight, towards my front door. My porch and garage lights, were both on at the time. He walked to the sme area the others did. He then turns around, goes running back to his vehicle. By then, the two that were in my yard; came walking back from the road, to the back, then passenger side of the vehicle. They seemed to talk for a minute. The Deputy got back in the vehicle, pulled further into my yard, not my drive, then backed up and left. The two in my yard, were standing in my neighbors drive. They also had a kid with them. They looked familiar, and I’m pretty sure who they are. No one, stopped at my door, to let me know what was going on.
It was late when I viewed this, so I thought, I’d call the Sheriff’s department the next day. I called at 1:08 pm, on Sunday. I spoke with the dispatcher, told her what I saw, and asked if someone could tell me what happened, on my property. After a short hold; she said, the Sheriff was requested by the City for assistance. She said I would have to call the City Police and ask them. I told her, very tactfully; I don’t trust anything from the City Police. Not to offend you, but the Sheriff’s vehicle was the one in my yard, and a Deputy walking through my yard. Could I speak to someone with the Sheriff’s department, to let me know what was going on, on my property? She said, she would have someone call me back. I waited about 3 ½ hours, then called them back. The same dispatcher said; I’ll refer you to the phone number, for the City Officer on duty. I knew exactly who was on duty, the guy in the image, walking to my front door, with the Cowboy hat. He’s the guy I mentioned in a previous post. A City Police Officer, that abuses his authority, tries to intimidate, by making threats, yelling and making false statements. That incident was previously captured on my doorbell camera. I asked again, to speak with with a Deputy.
After another hold, I spoke with, what I thaught was a Deputy. I told him, I’m not trying to offend anyone, please don’t take this personal. I don’t want to speak with the City Police, I’ve had problems with them. It wasn’t City police in my yard, it was a Sheriff Deputy. I’ve had trouble with my neighbors, I’d just like to know what happened in my yard. I have very hateful neighbors, that use their kids, grand kids, great-grand kids; to harass me and my service dog. He was respectful, said he would haves someone call me shortly.
Well, 2 hours later, as I was making dinner again; these 3 officers show up at my front door. The officer I told the dispatcher twice, the Deputy, I didn’t want to talk to, is knocking on my front door. There was no reason why they should be there. They could have settled this with a simple phone call. THIS WAS AN ATTEMPTED ACT OF INTIMIDATION. I say “ATTEMPTED”, because I wasn’t intimidated. What I was, was appalled. These 3 officers could be out making a positive impact on their community, but here they are. Wasting time and resources (3 officers, 2 vehicles). Putting a dark shadow and probably, increased risk; to the good officers, serving their communities. All this, to try and intimidate little-o-me. Some officers, and I say some, are offended; when someone stands up for their rights, someone dare speak the truth. Even, in a tactful manner.
These guys were expecting me to open the door. I spoke through the doorbell speaker. Cowboy Bob, steps away from the door after knocking. The Deputy, fidgeting with his body camera steps to the door.Yes, it’s a magical doorbell camera, with audio. It actually shows and tells the truth. I asked; what can I do for you? He said we are here to let you know what was going on last night. Or, something in that order. He told me that 2 caretakers, had a 14 yo, girl, takeoff and was hiding in the woods. The City requested assistance, and they were looking for her. I s aid “if someone would have told me, I would have helped them”. I was really thinking; if the 2 caretakers are the 2, I’m thinking of, I don’t blame the girl for running off. I know it sounds cruel, but I have some extremely vile, hateful neighbors. I said I wish someone would have told me. Walking around on my property, without permission, is trespassing. I said thank you and they left.
The actions of these three, have a direct impact on the morale, of the good men and women serving in Law Enforcement.
Seriously, this could have been done with a simple phone call.
I’m not against Law Enforcement. I am against Corrupt Law Enforcement. Law Enforcement; that uses acts like this, to intimidate and harass someone. To validate the actions of Neighborhood and Community Hate Committees. Law Enforcement that abuse their authority. I’ve had people trowing trash in my yard. Tampering with my vehicles and property, entering my home and garage. They dismiss all this, or make excusses.
Note: The house in the far background, with the garage door open; is a Perp thing. I bought my house in January, moved in, then the garage door stayed open 2/7. It’s called baiting.
Gangstalking is real. You know; the ones that can’t think for themselves. The ones with no fulfillment in their lives, full of hate. Those that will use their own children, grand and great grandchildren, pets; to harass a total stranger and their family. The guys with the big loud trucks and little brains. The Post Office workers, that deliver your mail after the holidays, your birthday, or not at all. The ones so insecure, they’ll take acceptance from anyone, anygroup. These are some of the Malevolent Characteristics of a Gangstalker.
Many will try to keep these truths, from the public. The good news is; their propaganda machines are starting to be exposed. Our corrupt government agencies, bias national media and corporations are being exposed by ligament podcast and professionals in many fields. In time, many more Americans, will wake up and realize they have been lied to for decades, even centuries.
If you are a Targeted Individual, violence is not the answer. Harm to yourself, or others will only feed into their false narratives. I know it’s hard, but believe in yourself. Document everything, every day. Expose them if you can. Try and find humor in their idiotic behavior. Stay away from the Rabbit Holes online, that claim to help TIs. They are full of false operators, trying to discredit everything about you. Whether you stand up to a school board, an employer, a government agency. You know who you are, don’t let anyone take that from you.
I am not anti-government. I am, anti-corruption. The only threat I possess; is exposing the corruption, that prevents us from being a Nation, all are proud to live in. Thanks for visiting my photostream. If feel my photostream may help someone, that feels they are alone in this, Please share a link. All photos, content are free to copy, download and share. Please keep my Logos, on all photos.