Architecture and landscape-1a

Poli Maurizio
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Architecture and landscape-1a

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Taken on: May 1, 2015
Tags: Everybody's photos tagged with Sony Sony Everybody's photos tagged with Sony DSC H200 Sony DSC H200 Everybody's photos tagged with disegno disegno more » Everybody's photos tagged with art art Everybody's photos tagged with abstract abstract Everybody's photos tagged with painting painting Everybody's photos tagged with sculpture sculpture Everybody's photos tagged with museum museum Everybody's photos tagged with gallery gallery Everybody's photos tagged with virtual virtual Everybody's photos tagged with artist artist Everybody's photos tagged with master master Everybody's photos tagged with famous famous Everybody's photos tagged with canvas canvas Everybody's photos tagged with painter painter Everybody's photos tagged with collection collection Everybody's photos tagged with drawing drawing Everybody's photos tagged with impressionism impressionism Everybody's photos tagged with naturalism naturalism Everybody's photos tagged with renaissance renaissance Everybody's photos tagged with expressionism expressionism Everybody's photos tagged with realism realism Everybody's photos tagged with baroque baroque Everybody's photos tagged with sketch sketch Everybody's photos tagged with garden garden Everybody's photos tagged with portrait portrait Everybody's photos tagged with autumn autumn Everybody's photos tagged with flower flower Everybody's photos tagged with light light Everybody's photos tagged with nature nature Everybody's photos tagged with sky sky Everybody's photos tagged with spring spring Everybody's photos tagged with summer summer Everybody's photos tagged with indoor indoor Everybody's photos tagged with travel travel Everybody's photos tagged with water water Everybody's photos tagged with woman woman Everybody's photos tagged with yellow yellow Everybody's photos tagged with blue blue Everybody's photos tagged with black black Everybody's photos tagged with white white Everybody's photos tagged with color color Everybody's photos tagged with movement movement Everybody's photos tagged with figure figure Everybody's photos tagged with macro macro Everybody's photos tagged with photo photo Everybody's photos tagged with object object Everybody's photos tagged with fine fine Everybody's photos tagged with unlimited unlimited Everybody's photos tagged with still still Everybody's photos tagged with life life Everybody's photos tagged with matte painting matte painting Everybody's photos tagged with fantasy fantasy Everybody's photos tagged with fantastic fantastic Everybody's photos tagged with Facebook Facebook Everybody's photos tagged with Twitter Twitter Everybody's photos tagged with LinkedIn LinkedIn Everybody's photos tagged with Pinterest Pinterest Everybody's photos tagged with Instagram Instagram Everybody's photos tagged with Tumblr Tumblr Everybody's photos tagged with outdoor outdoor Everybody's photos tagged with atmosferic atmosferic Everybody's photos tagged with Watercolor Watercolor Everybody's photos tagged with technique technique Everybody's photos tagged with Surrealism Surrealism Everybody's photos tagged with Digital Art Digital Art Everybody's photos tagged with 3d wedding party family travel friends japan vacation london beach california birthday trip nyc summer nature italy france me paris art flowers sanfrancisco europe china flower newyork water people music cameraphone 3d wedding party family travel friends japan vacation london beach california birthday trip nyc summer nature italy france me paris art flowers sanfrancisco europe china flower newyork water people music cameraphone Everybody's photos tagged with 3d australia christmas usa sky germany new canada night cat holiday park bw dog food snow baby sunset city chicago spain taiwan july blue tokyo england mexico winter portrait green red 3d australia christmas usa sky germany new canada night cat holiday park bw dog food snow baby sunset city chicago spain taiwan july blue tokyo england mexico winter portrait green red Everybody's photos tagged with 3d poli maurizio artwork red fun india architecture garden macro spring thailand uk seattle festival concert canon house berlin hawaii street lake zoo florida june may white vancouver kids tree clouds toronto barcelona geotagged home 3d poli maurizio artwork red fun india architecture garden macro spring thailand uk seattle festival concert canon house berlin hawaii street lake zoo florida june may white vancouver kids tree clouds toronto barcelona geotagged home Everybody's photos tagged with 3d b&W bw digital sea day texas scotland car light halloween camping church animals trees washington river nikon april boston girl ireland graffiti amsterdam rock landscape blackandwhite cats newyorkcity san rome roadtrip urban honeymoon ocean 3d b&W bw digital sea day texas scotland car light halloween camping church animals trees washington river nikon april boston girl ireland graffiti amsterdam rock landscape blackandwhite cats newyorkcity san rome roadtrip urban honeymoon ocean Everybody's photos tagged with 3d watercolors newzealand march black museum york hiking island mountains yellow sydney sun hongkong show graduation color film mountain animal losangeles school moblog photo dogs 3d watercolors newzealand march black museum york hiking island mountains yellow sydney sun hongkong show graduation color film mountain animal losangeles school moblog photo dogs Everybody's photos tagged with 3d art design disegno sicilia calabria basilicata campania marche abruzzo molise lazio toscana emilia romagna lombardia veneto friuli venezia giulia piemonte valle d'aosta liguria trentino alto adige puglia 3d art design disegno sicilia calabria basilicata campania marche abruzzo molise lazio toscana emilia romagna lombardia veneto friuli venezia giulia piemonte valle d'aosta liguria trentino alto adige puglia Everybody's photos tagged with 3d landscape paesaggio luna sole mare nuvole città tramonto alba montagne colline nebbia luce automobile arredamento interni esterni natura morta cielo ragazza donna uomo bambino frutta barca 3d landscape paesaggio luna sole mare nuvole città tramonto alba montagne colline nebbia luce automobile arredamento interni esterni natura morta cielo ragazza donna uomo bambino frutta barca Everybody's photos tagged with 3d cani gatti rinascimento model barocco naturalismo matte painting futurismo astrattismo cubismo surrealismo realismo iperealismo classicismo rococo manierismo romanticismo impressionismo gioco virtuale pesce fish light night day eyes lips legs key bridg 3d cani gatti rinascimento model barocco naturalismo matte painting futurismo astrattismo cubismo surrealismo realismo iperealismo classicismo rococo manierismo romanticismo impressionismo gioco virtuale pesce fish light night day eyes lips legs key bridg Everybody's photos tagged with 3d concept art virtual environment design disegno concettuale schizzo caratteristico character idolo paesaggio landscape actor actress game screen film sfondo architettura chiesa grotta cyan cloud 3d concept art virtual environment design disegno concettuale schizzo caratteristico character idolo paesaggio landscape actor actress game screen film sfondo architettura chiesa grotta cyan cloud « less
Sets appears in:   Architecture and digital art    All drawing and graphic    more » Digital art    « less
Groups appears in:   Adobe PhotoShop Creations    Italy    more » internet artists gallery    Artistic Photography    Your Art - Not Photography (No SL images}    Creative Photography    Digital Art    Graphic Designers Moonlighting as Photographers    ART / REAL    Drawing - Painting - Digital Art    Artists of flickr!    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    Artists And Their Art    Matte Painting    Flickr Italia    Digital Art and Mixed Media    DIGITAL ART - design, graphic, caricatures, illustrations and ma    Creative Art Photography    VISUAL ARTS!!    (Digital) Paint Creations    Exquisite LIGHTSCAPES (Invite other if you like)    Art and Inspiration - Manipulated Images    Digital Art - Taiwan 台北數位攝影藝術    artland    All That's Beautiful Post 1 & Award 2 . . . Please    Tree-mendous Tuesday    ~ LES AMATEURS D´ART ~ ....P1 / A2    !* DIGITAL & HYPERREALISM PAINTINGS ✍ NO 2end Life!✍    Kreative People: Manipulated Photo Art- (Please read rules)    Photo Paintings-Outdoor Scenes    Art Without End ... [P1/C3]    Universal Art    Christabelle's Art Group    Image Gallery Art Group !!!    Galería Siabala    Minds Creative Eye    FOTO-GRAFICA-MENTE    Art Museion    FORMER ART - No Second Life Images    Worlds Of Thrylium - NO SECOND LIFE    Art Dreamed ¤ No Second Life Images    The Incredible Outdoors    "A Fine Romance Group    GLOW !!    ! !Photographers Truly Wild! (L1) (P1: FAV/AW3)    Image Creative and Research (No 60/30 limits)    Creative Digital Art Community - Flickr    Django's Master Class Photo Group    ₪ ARCHITECTUR•ℰxᴛᴇʀɪᴏʀ┼ɪɴsɪƊƐ•SIGN ₪    h y p n o s i s w a v e    !* Virtual and Real Art, your fantasy *! CLOSED, we need rest.    World of Artistic and Photography Artists - (Admin Invited Only)    « less
Camera: Sony DSC-H200, f/3.1, 1/800 sec, 4mm, ISO 80 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Sony DSC-H200
Aperture: f/3.1
Exposure Time: 0.001 sec (1/800)
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 80
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No Flash
Exposure Program: Program AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-spot
White Balance: Auto
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
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