polaroid020, Egypt revival, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011.

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polaroid020, Egypt revival, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011.

Taken on: January 24, 2011
Groups appears in:   Toy Cameras    Buenos Aires    more » Polaroid    Holgaroid    Lo-Fi Lovelies    Diana Photography    拍立得 Polaroid 寶麗萊    Analog Photography    POLAROID EDGE    e-Lomography    HOLGA&LOMO    That Plastic Divine    Lomo Junkies    Polaroid Abuse    polaroid photograph    Don't forget to take the lens cap off - A group for Holga users    ~WORLD TOY CAMERA DAY~    Buenos Aires City    Gran Buenos Aires (GBA)    Film is not Dead!!    polaroid love *    squarefrography (holga only)    holga e basta    PLASTIC FANTASTIC - the plastic lens film group    Lomographic Society International    Sólo Venezolanos    Polaroid -COLOR- (Instant Peel Apart film only)    Lomography for non-snobs    LOMOADICTOS!    lomografía    Flickeros Guaros    Fotógrafos venezolanos en el mundo    Just LOMO    LOMO WORLD    35mm Toy Cameras    Vintage Analogue    alternative cameras (cult, lo-fi + toy cameras)    Pan - Pola    THE IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT    LoMo queso, por favor!    Noi lo facciamo AnaLogico    Lomobook    Diana+ MINI    LOMO~BAIRES    Grupo Porteña.    LOMO~LATINOAMERICA    Toytography    Diana Mini Photography!    La foto imperfecta    4 the "LOVE" of LOMO    LOMO TRAVELLERS    lomografiar    Diana Mini Love    ! A.F. with LOMO,POLAROID & INSTAX    LomoFlo    lomographic generation    lo-fi film highs! █████    Lomography!!!    Sphinx around the world    « less
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